Catching Serenity (35 page)

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Authors: JoAnn Durgin

BOOK: Catching Serenity
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It was definitely worth every penny to see the look on Isabella’s face. Even more so what you said to her about belonging in God’s kingdom.”

Serenity frowned even as she heard the admiration in Jackson
’s tone. “I don’t usually say things like that and it was the first time. Not sure why I did.”

You’re thinking more about the things of God’s kingdom these days. I can tell.”

She raised a brow.
“Really? I’ve been making a conscious effort to do what Pastor Tom suggested about showing people God’s love, even without words. This is the first time I’ve actually verbalized my faith.” Her eyes met his.

How’d it feel?”

Her grin escaped.

He stepped closer.
“In case I haven’t told you yet today, you’re a beautiful woman, Serenity McClaren. And you’re in no way, shape or form among the
common folk
. You’re actually quite

She couldn
’t hide her smile. “And in case I haven’t told
today, you’re...” She paused for dramatic effect.

I’m...what? Don’t you dare leave me hanging. You might as well learn now that open-ended statements drive me absolutely crazy. Bonkers.”

renity touched his cheek with a gentle hand. Leaning into it, Jackson watched her, his expression curious, but full of optimism. “I think you’re quite possibly the most wonderful, honorable man I’ve ever been privileged to know.”

I don’t know about that,” he said. Glimpsing the flicker of emotion in Jackson’s eyes, Serenity could see how deeply her words affected him. “Thank you for letting me in, Serenity.”



After a romantic carriage ride
around Faire Kingdom, they poked in another one of the shops, trying on goofy hats and acting silly. Leaving the amusement park, they stopped at a nearby diner. As they shared a burger and fries, they discussed the preliminary plans for the gala fundraiser for the playground. The thirty-minute drive back to Croisette Shores was quiet and Jackson kept his hand over hers most of the way. Yawning, Serenity fought the overwhelming urge to sleep.

Wake up, Princess Serenity.” Her eyes fluttered open to find Jackson’s handsome face next to hers.

What a wonderful way to wake up.” She struggled to sit up and ignored his light chuckle. “You know what I mean,” she said as he helped her out of the car.

I do, but it sure sounded great.” Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he walked beside her as she dug her house key from her pocket.

Thanks for turning what could have been a horrible day into one of the best of my life, Jackson.” Although she wanted to invite him inside, it was best they say good night now. If he came inside, the temptation would be too strong for him not to leave until morning.

I know my limitations, and it’s best if I don’t come in, Serenity.”

She lowered her gaze. The man
’s ability to read her mind was uncanny, but she was thankful he understood his limits and was such a man of honor. “I’m sorry about earlier today,” she whispered, meeting his eyes again.

I’m not.” Scratching the beginnings of a beard, his grin was wry. “You tempt me without even trying, fair maiden.”

The way Jackson
looked at her set her heart afire although it was tinged with something she couldn’t define. Not a sadness, exactly, but like he had words on the tip of his tongue he wanted to say but felt he couldn’t. What, she couldn’t imagine. Even with all the teasing and laughing during the day, she’d noticed that same look in his eyes several times. Whenever she tried to broach the subject, he’d turn the conversation around or ask her a question. Deflecting attention away from himself might be part of his training as a psychologist, but in any case, the man was very adept at it.

Want to come to dinner tomorrow night at my house?”

Are you sure...”

I promise to be at my most chivalrous. Good fun and hopefully a halfway decent meal. I can pick you up around six, if that works.”

Her heart raced.
“Sounds great, but I can drive myself. What shall I bring?”

He kissed her forehead.
“All I need is you.”

Crawling into bed a short time later, Serenity felt more at peace th
an she had in a very long time. It’s true what she’d told Jackson. What started out as one of the worst days since coming back to Croisette Shores had become one of the best ever. All because of Jackson.

I have You to thank, Lord,” she said into the darkness of her bedroom. “Thank You for bringing Jackson into my life.” She’d been reading her Bible, trying to get in a few chapters each night.

’d been surprised by how much of her life compared to the characters and their stories in the Bible—some sad, some unbelievably hard, some hopeful and others tragic. As Jackson had promised, the verses she read made her think and evaluate her own life. No matter what happened in the past, it wasn’t because of anything she’d done. She hadn’t caused Danny’s murder. That was a random act of violence. Liam didn’t die because of anything she’d done wrong. As always, though, it was her mother’s disappearance that continued to befuddle and confuse her the most. For that, she had no answers and wondered if she ever would. She’d continue to pray for her the same as she’d continue to pray for her father.
Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding has no limit.

Reading her Bible gave her comfort, but a different kin
d of comfort from being held in Jackson’s arms. No longer was she alone in the world. She had the greatest ally of all beside her to help fight her battles. The Lord wrapped her in the warm blanket of His love, the kind of soul-soothing, soul-satisfying love no earthly man could give her. Not even Jackson, as important as he’d become to her.
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Through faith, she
’d been able to share about God’s love with Isabella at Faire Kingdom. She wouldn’t have been able to do that a month ago, even a couple of weeks ago. The light in the little girl’s eyes gave her hope what she said might plant a seed of truth in her young mind. Most likely, she’d never see Isabella again, but she could pray for her.
The Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love.

Lord, help her know she’s a princess in Your eyes,” Serenity murmured as she turned over in the bed, pulling the lightweight blanket over her and closing her eyes.


Serenity awoke to pounding on her front door less than an hour later. Struggling to sit up, she pushed her hair out of her eyes and glanced at her clock on the nightstand. Almost
twelve-thirty. What was happening? Her heart raced and she put a hand on her chest. Closing her eyes, she said a quick prayer, willing the person assaulting her door at this unearthly hour to leave. She held her breath when the pounding stopped, but then it started again a few seconds later with even more force.

Miss Serenity! Miss Serenity!”

Mrs. Marciano.
She breathed a sigh of relief. Tossing the sheet aside, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and reached for her robe. Pulling it around her shoulders, she lifted her hair out of the way and tied the robe in a haphazard fashion at her waist. “I’m coming, Mrs. Marciano!” She had to holler twice before the pounding finally stopped. Surely she wasn’t using the skillet. If she did, the front door would be dented.

Out of habit,
Serenity peered through the peephole before flinging the door wide and stepping aside. “What’s wrong, Mrs. Marciano? Has something happened?” She stifled a yawn and ushered the elderly woman inside, closing the door behind her.

You have a Sneaking Thomas.” In her lightweight housecoat, fuzzy slippers and her salt-and-pepper hair half falling out of pink sponge rollers, her neighbor made quite a sight. Sure enough, she held the cast iron weapon at her side.

Swallowing the impulse to giggle, Serenity sucked in her cheeks and listened as she went on for at least three minutes.
“I’m telling you,” Mrs. Marciano said, gesturing wildly with her hands, “he’s lurking around here somewhere, and you need to call the police.”

Slow down a minute.” Serenity held up one hand. How could the woman talk so fast? “Why don’t you come sit on the sofa and I’ll fix you a cup of that soothing orange tea you like?”

An exasperated sigh escaped.
“You’re a sweet girl, Miss Serenity, but honey, you gotta wake up and smell the roses!” She didn’t make a move toward the sofa and stood with one hand on her hip, one foot engaged in a constant up-and-down thumping. “You tell me, what kind of pervert sneaks around a woman’s home at this hour of the morning?”

It’s not that late for some people, but I know you usually go to bed earlier. Why are you up, anyway?”

Couldn’t sleep since my arthritis is acting up again. I was watching an old rerun of
Who’s the Boss

Serenity stifled her yawn and smiled.
“That’s your favorite show, isn’t it?”

Sure is.” At least it made her neighbor smile, relaxing her features. “I like that Italian, Tony what’s-his-name. I think he used to drive a taxi in New York. He and that hoity-toity blonde boss lady are funny.” She waved her hand in the air. “Always knew those two would end up together.”

On the show, of course,” Serenity said.

Well, yes. On the show.” Mrs. Marciano arched a brow. “If you’re
practical, you should be more worried about the man lurking outside.”

Where is he?” When Serenity turned back toward the front door, the older woman reached out to stop her.

Are you crazy? Don’t go out there now. You’d be opening up your life to a whole boatload of trouble.”

I really don’t think you have to worry. I’m sure it’s Mr. Herndon’s cat or a dog chasing a rabbit into the bushes or something. This is a very safe, quiet neighborhood.”

Well,” she huffed, “if you call tall and dark with lots of muscles safe, well, okay then.”

’s brows rose.
Tall, dark and handsome?

That’s what I said. It’s dark, you know?”

What’s dark? The night or the man?” Serenity shook her head at this inane conversation.

His hair.” Mrs. Marciano pointed to her head and rolled her eyes. “Dark. Wavy, I think.”

What was he wearing?” Okay, that sounded a little strange. Mrs. Marciano might think she was as much a pervert as the man outside. If that’s what it—

snorted. “Why does
matter? Can’t really tell you except I think it might have been black on top and jeans.” The crinkles in the corners of her neighbor’s eyes deepened. “Do you know this pervert?”

I think I just might. What did the…what exactly did he do?” She almost slipped and called him a pervert. Serenity hid her grin.

He kept walking up and down the sidewalk out front. Then he’d stop and stare at your house. I’m not afraid of some Sneaking Thomas, and thought if I came over and made a racket, he might leave. You think we should call the sheriff?”

No, I don’t think that’s necessary.” Stalking to the front door, Serenity flung it wide and stomped outside on the front walkway in her bare feet. “Jackson!” she hissed. Something stirred in the bushes to the right of the front door and she jumped.

Moving behind her in the doorway, Mrs. Marciano put a hand on her arm.
“You okay?” They both startled as another neighbor’s cat scampered out from beneath the bushes and across the sidewalk.

Well, at least it’s not black,” the older woman said under her breath.

Serenity looked up to see Jackson walking toward her with a sheepish expression, as well
he should, at this ridiculous hour. Crossing her arms, she eyed him with a sleepy smirk.

I forgot to give you something earlier tonight.” Jackson nodded to Mrs. Marciano with a grin. “Evening, Mrs. Marciano.”

Young man, doctor or not, fancy car or not, unless you just got off a plane from somewhere, it’s going on one o’clock in the morning. What kind of fool are you to be hanging around a single lady’s house at this hour?” She planted both feet apart, fingers gripping the skillet with both hands like a baseball bat at-the-ready, a menacing expression creasing her face.

’s mouth twisted with his effort not to grin. He held up both hands in surrender. “I assure you, I come in peace and mean you ladies no harm. Serenity, why don’t you tell this lovely woman where we went earlier today.”

Delighted.” Serenity graced Mrs. Marciano with her sweetest smile. “Dr. Ross escorted me to Faire Kingdom today.”

Did he now?” The skillet lowered and she stared at Jackson. “Son, that place is for kids.” She eyed him up and down. “You ain’t been a kid for a while now.”

Serenity bit her lip
not to laugh and darted a quick glance at Jackson. “My dad used to take me there. I haven’t been in years and Jackson thought it would be fun. It was.” She gave him a wink, and it was worth it for the smile that lit his face. Tiny shivers ran through her.

Only the best for Princess Serenity.”

Mrs. Marciano snorted again.
“Princess Serenity,” she harrumphed. “Sounds like a fancy cat name to me.” She waved her hand. “You kids today are silly. Next thing I know you’ll be telling me you wore a crown or something crazy. Serenity, you want me to stay with you tonight?” She tossed a chastising glance at Jackson. “You never know what kind of pervert might be lurking around.”

I think I’ll be safe enough, but I sincerely appreciate your concern for me.” She gave her neighbor a warm hug. “You’re a dear to come over here and check on me, especially at this time of the morning. Jackson’s a good friend and will protect me if there’s any real danger.”

Mrs. Marciano swatted Jackson
’s arm as she moved past him, her expression a combination of wariness and bemused curiosity. “I know what goes on with you young people nowadays,” she said, wagging a finger in Jackson’s face. “Miss Serenity’s a good girl, Doc. You treat her right or you’ll be seeing the bigger end of this skillet up close and personal. And that’s no idle threat.” She held up the skillet for emphasis.

I’m a man of honor, and I’ll be good. Promise.” Jackson’s warm smile and the sincerity of his words appeared to thaw Mrs. Marciano. “Let me walk you back home.”

Mrs. Marciano paused on the grass and inclined her head.
“Okay, then. Get a move on. Don’t dawdle. And they say
people are slow.” She crooked her elbow, waiting. Serenity smiled as Jackson took her arm and they headed across the lawn.

Closing her front door,
she wasn’t sure what to do. She suspected Jackson would return. But, he hadn’t wanted to come inside earlier in the evening, when it was still a respectable hour. Darting into her bedroom, she pulled on her shorts and her favorite pink tee. After running a brush through her hair, she returned to the living room.

Hesitating for a few seconds, she opened the door and stepped outside.
She’d sit on the top step and wait for her prince to return.

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