Catching Serenity (32 page)

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Authors: JoAnn Durgin

BOOK: Catching Serenity
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Kelsie hunched forward in her eagerness to see as Serenity lifted the lid of the plain white box. No store name was emblazoned on the top which made it all the more curious. Digging through mounds of white tissue paper, Serenity
’s breath hitched and she cried out with delighted surprise when she glimpsed something hot pink and plastic. With something attached to the side.

As Serenity pulled the sand pail from its nest, Kelsie
’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Why would someone give you a present wrapped like it’s for a queen and then put
in it?” She stopped after Serenity shot her a look. “Okay, I get it. For reasons I’ll never understand, this so-called gift really means something to you.”

Believe it or not, Kelsie, this is one of the most precious gifts I’ve ever received. Thanks for bringing it to me.” Serenity couldn’t stop smiling.

Please tell me it came from Jackson. That man’s your prince, I hope you know.”

Momentarily unable to speak, Serenity nodded.
Oh, yes, she knew. With a dramatic sigh, Kelsie departed the office, shaking her head. Waiting until she was out of the room, Serenity pulled out the envelope embossed with the initials JDR tucked inside the sand pail. Returning to her chair, she read the card several times. And then again. Moving her hand over her heart, she breathed a sigh borne of...what, exactly? Hope for the future perhaps and the idea that she might one day regain that elusive peace in her life. Nothing could replace the pain of the past, but Jackson’s spontaneity and enthusiasm for life was having a profound effect on her. Every gesture, everything he did, showed a caring and sensitivity beyond anything she’d ever known in another man. Not just for her, either, but for everyone. Well, perhaps a
more for her than others.

Lord, you knew I needed someone like Jackson Ross in my life, didn’t You?” Feeling silly, she smiled. Of course, He did. That’s what sovereignty was all about. The Lord could see the ugly parts inside her as well as the not-so-ugly parts. Although that used to make her worry, now it gave her an incredible comfort to think He could take her insecurities and help her face those fears to make her stronger. As far as Jackson, she didn’t simply need someone
Jackson in her life. She needed

gaze fell on the card once more:


Princess Serenity,

Meet me at the beach tomorrow morning.

Eleven a.m. Bring yourself and the

sand pail. I
’ll bring the rest.

Your Humble Servant,



Sitting on the beach on Friday morning, Jackson
’s pulse was erratic and he was antsier than ever before in his life. More nervous than he’d been before taking his board certification exams. More nervous than when he’d asked Laura to marry him. Thankful the first worked out, grateful the second didn’t, Jackson jumped to his feet and paced the beach, darting glances at his watch every other minute. At ten minutes after eleven, he figured Serenity would have called if she couldn’t make it. The woman prided herself on punctuality.

Stopping, he moved his hands to his hips. Neither were
Violet Johnson and Justin anywhere in sight on this stretch of beach. Jackson assumed they might come here since Serenity said it’s where her parents always used to bring her, but they could have gone to another beach. If any of the information she’d given him on the new patient forms was true—something he was beginning to question—they were staying at an address the next town over to the east.

Another twenty
minutes later, Jackson could stand it no longer. After dialing her number, he sat back and waited, listening as it rang a few times before he heard her voice asking him to leave a message.

Serenity, it’s Jackson,” he said, trying to maintain calm in spite of his increasing concern. “I’m checking in since I’d hoped to meet you at the beach this morning.” Was it possible the gift hadn’t been delivered yesterday? Surely Audra would have told him if there’d been a problem. No, come to think of it, Audra left him a message telling him it was delivered to Kelsie at Serenity’s office and she’d said she’d give it to her right away. And she also mentioned how beautiful the package looked.

Signing off after asking her to call him, he pondered his options. He could call Clinton, Charlie or Kelsie. He opted for the latter, hoping she
’d be in the office on a Friday morning.

Inner Serenity. This is Kelsie.”

Hey, Kels. It’s me, Doc Jack. How are you?”

Great, Doc! Hope you’re out squiring my boss somewhere on this lovely summer morning.”

He chuckled in spite of his apprehension. Kelsie could always make him smile.
“Matter of fact, that’s why I’m calling. I sent her something yesterday with a note in it, asking her to meet me this morning at eleven, but she hasn’t come yet. I thought she was delayed at the office or something.”

Well, your gift came and Serenity loved it. You should have seen the smile on her face.”

Glad to hear she liked it.”

Oh, that was
she opened the box. After she opened it, I could tell she was touched. Whatever that little plastic sand bucket represents to her, you nailed it. You know what I mean.”

I do. Thanks, Kelsie. If you see her, would you please have her call me?”

Sure thing, Doc.”

Jackson pulled his sunglasses from the glove compartment and positioned them.
On the short drive to Serenity’s house, he coached himself. Surely Serenity was fine. She could have overslept or gotten involved with something and lost track of the time. The fact she hadn’t been to her office or even called Kelsie seemed odd and out of character. This whole business about possibly being followed lingered in the back of his mind and he couldn’t shake it.

Lord, let Serenity be okay.

Less than three minutes later, he pulled up in front of Serenity’s small house, feeling ridiculous for not walking. Hauling out of the car, he spied Mrs. Marciano working in her yard. She turned and waved. “Howdy, Doc!”

Jackson nodded and smiled.
“How are you, Mrs. Marciano? And Mr. Darcy?” he said when he spied the cat sitting on the lawn with a sleepy-eyed stare trained on him.

We’re doing fine. Enjoying this beautiful morning before it gets too hot.” She gave him a saucy smile. “I take it you’ve come to see my pretty young neighbor?” Her gaze slid to the Aston Martin. “Nice wheels, by the way. I knew right away how much you liked Miss Serenity seeing as how you gave her the keys to drive me home from the church picnic. Don’t know many men who’d give up the rights to their car, especially one that’s worth a pretty penny. Isn’t this one of those James Bond cars or something?”

He grinned straight through his nerves.
“Mr. Bond squired around in an Aston Martin in a few of his movies. It’s a lot of fun and my one concession to excess.” He chuckled. “Make that extreme excess.”

Mrs. Marciano laughed.
“Everyone’s entitled. Question is, did you get it as a personal reward or to impress someone?”

Smart woman.
“Would you believe both?”

She hitched her chin and met his gaze, brushing short strands of gray hair away from a thin face lined with wisdom.
“The reward?”

For getting my doctorate. Believe it or not, I wasn’t trying to impress a woman.”

Then it’s more you had something to prove to yourself or someone else. Am I right?”

You’re too wise for me,” Jackson said, his smile resurfacing. “I think I’m the one talking to the psychologist.”

Wanna talk about it, Doc?” She slid one hand to her hip.

Sure. Hop in the ejector seat right here and I’ll tell you all about it.”

The older woman laughed so loud Serenity probably heard
her from inside the house. Darting a glance at the front door, he wondered if she might appear.

I’ll see you again soon, I hope, Mrs. Marciano.”

Hope so, too, Doc.”

He started up the front walkway beneath the shade of
the lovely, large tree with reddish-colored flowers. Inhaling a quick breath, his smile sobered. Standing outside the door, he paused with his fist poised, ready to knock. For whatever reason, he was relieved to see Mrs. Marciano go inside her house with Mr. Darcy. In case he needed to break down Serenity’s door, he didn’t particularly want an audience.



Go away!” The pounding on the door matched the relentless pounding in her head.

I’m not going anywhere until you come to the door and I can see you for myself!”

A loud groan escaped as Serenity rolled over in the bed
. Why couldn’t Jackson let her wallow in her misery for once? Wasn’t a person allowed down time every now and then? Sometimes she wished she could be a little girl again. Grab her blankie or her teddy bear and crawl into her bed, curl into a ball, stick her thumb in her mouth and go to sleep without a care in the world.

Serenity McClaren, I’m ready to break this door down, and I don’t think you want that!” The pounding continued, and she cringed. Was that a cracking sound? Would the man really

Okay, okay. Hang on.” Dragging herself from the bed and hurrying down the hallway, she crossed the living room as the pounding continued. “I’m coming!” she called, throwing open the door before he had the chance to totally obliterate it.

About time.” Jackson swooped through the doorway and she was in his embrace before she had time to think, time to breathe.

Nice to see you, too,” she mumbled against his chest, feeling like an idiot by burying her face in his black T-shirt. It smelled like Jackson mixed with laundry detergent, and the combination was better than nice.

You didn’t show up at the beach this morning, you didn’t answer your phone, and Kelsie didn’t know where you were.” He crushed her against his hard chest.

Jackson,” she sputtered, gasping, “you’re going to suffocate me.” The man didn’t know his own strength.

Sorry,” he said, releasing her. Pulling back, he held onto her arms, gentle but firm, his eyes searching her face. “Tell me what’s going on.” Bless his heart, he really
worried about her, and guilt pinched her insides. “Has something happened?” The corners of his mouth tugged down. “No offense, but you look pretty ragged.”

Well, thanks for that, Doc.” The moment of closeness broken, she turned away from him, crossing her arms over her chest.

Tell me what’s going on, Serenity. No evasions. Be straight with me.”

She frowned.
“In spite of your noble efforts, this isn’t a case where you can break down my door, swoop in here, play the hero and make everything all better.” Serenity headed to the sofa, dropping onto it, staring absently at the floral pattern. “You shouldn’t have come. I’m not decent company today.” Curling into the sofa, Serenity leaned her head back and draped her forearm over her face, as if that could somehow make her disappear into the cushions.

Jackson blew out a sigh laced with exasperation.
“I should call you Scarlett O’Hara with your theatrics. Do you have the vapors or whatever they’re called?” He crossed his arms. “Time to stop acting like you’re ten. I see it enough with my patients and I’ve never known you to wallow in self-pity.”

She opened her eyes to find him staring down at her from a foot away. Stepping closer, he
moved his hands to his hips. She couldn’t look away if she tried, not sure if he was more angry or annoyed by her evasiveness. Serenity’s mouth went dry, and she swallowed, afraid she’d cough.

I’m not going anywhere, so start talking.”

You’re pretty bossy sometimes, you know that?” At the moment, it was one of his most aggravating habits as well as his most endearing. Warmth invaded her cheeks. “Not to mention your infuriating ability to be right most of the time.” Even after licking her lips, they were dry again seconds later. Serenity hung her head, gathering her thoughts, willing herself not to cry.

The sofa cushions dipped as
Jackson settled beside her. His nearness surrounded her like a blanket on a cold morning, bringing to mind the way her mother would wrap her in a warm towel after her bath when she was a little girl. But she wasn’t a little girl anymore, and Jackson certainly wasn’t her mother. Awareness of him washed over her like the waves at high tide, crashing into her subconscious. Without touching her, Jackson awakened feelings she’d thought were long dead. What a lonely, needy mess she was.

Squeezing her eyes tight for a moment, she felt the prompt to tell this man. She
’d shared everything else about her life, and he was here and cared about her. Jackson sat quietly with his hands clasped together on his lap, waiting for her to speak.

It’s my anniversary.”

Stealing a peek,
Serenity noticed the lines circling his eyes, the tautness around his mouth.

finally spoke. “If you want to talk about Danny, I’m here. Whatever you need.”

She couldn
’t meet his eyes. “No, not

Well, then what...” Jackson’s voice faded and the muscles in his jaws tightened.

I found my heart five years ago today, Jackson, and then lost it the next day.” The tears started, and she didn’t bother to stop them. Neither did she protest when he gathered her into his chest, brushing loose strands of her hair away from her face with his gentle fingers and then leaned his head against hers. He absorbed her shaking shoulders and her trembling body. She didn’t know what he said, but his presence gave her comfort. But it was so much more than that.

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