Catching Serenity (38 page)

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Authors: JoAnn Durgin

BOOK: Catching Serenity
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’d figure out something. For Serenity.



Heading out of McHenry
’s, Jackson spied Carmen on the sidewalk the next block over, talking to a man. A man in a suit. Not many wore suits in Croisette Shores, especially on Saturday. Putting two and two together, this must be the same guy who’d come into Serenity’s office and looked at the photo of Elise on the wall. Now he was speaking with Carmen.

After o
pening the trunk of his car, Jackson lowered the bags of groceries inside. They might spoil, but he needed to follow these two and see where they went next.

Carmen said something to the man and took off as Jackson
closed the trunk and walked across the street. The man might have been alerted to his presence by Carmen, and he was smooth. Shoving his hands in his slacks, he strode down the street in the direction of the hardware store, whistling a jazzy tune.

the man pushed open the door of Harry Maine’s Hardware, Jackson followed a few feet behind. Blast that bell on the front door that jingled when he stepped inside, announcing his arrival. Why did shop owners insist on those? His footsteps sounded equally loud on the old wooden floor. A few other customers shopped in the store. Seeing one of the deacons from the church, Jackson skirted around another aisle, hoping to avoid him. Normally, he’d be glad to stop and chat—he’d be the one to initiate the conversation—but not today.

Glancing around the store, he spotted the man
in the fishing aisle. Headed that way, Jackson feigned interest in a rack of tackle and assorted supplies, attuned to Mr. Suit’s every movement. Darting a glance Jackson’s way, the other man moved his arms across his broad chest, feet planted slightly apart, but he didn’t budge otherwise.

Feeling bold, Jackson sauntered—the only word for it—and positioned himself next to him.
“So, which one do you recommend?”

Depends on what you’re looking to catch.” The words were tinged with a touch of humor. That was unexpected but a weird relief at the same time.

I’m, uh, new at fishing, but I’m hoping to hook a pretty big one.”

The man chuckled under his breath.
“Yeah? How many pounds?”

A hundred and ten, give or take. Any suggestions?”

That’s too big a challenge for a beginner without the proper equipment. I’d suggest you start out with something a little less...complicated.” When Mr. Suit’s gaze fell on him, Jackson held his brown-eyed stare steady. “Something less dangerous. After all, you don’t want to get pulled into the water, in over your head, now do you?”

I’ll take my chances. I’ve known how to swim since I was a baby.” Jackson didn’t bat a lash although his palms grew moist and his jaws flinched.

Good. Watch out for shark-infested waters, and you should be okay.”

Interesting exchange. It didn
’t sound like a threat so much as sound, practical advice.
What’s going on here?
Jackson committed it to memory, something to puzzle over later. The man shoved his hands in his pockets and walked away, whistling again. It wasn’t like he could follow and badger the man with questions. Or could he? His groceries were already wilting in the trunk of the car, necessitating a return trip to McHenry’s, so why not?

Starting back toward
the front of the store, Jackson pretended he didn’t hear his name called. No time. After exiting the store, he rounded the corner, but Mr. Suit was nowhere in sight.

Stay out of it, buddy.” The man’s low growl reverberated in his ear as he strong-armed and half-hauled him away from the sidewalk, toward the bushes lining the nearby park.

Wrestling his arm free, Jackson pulled back
, prepared to strike. The man caught his forearm mid-air. “I wouldn’t advise it. You’d only be hurting yourself.” His grip was like a steel trap. Where’d this guy train? He must spend most of his waking hours in the gym.

Fine,” Jackson managed between clenched teeth. “Tell me who you are and what you’re doing in Croisette Shores.”

It might help you to know it’s about protection, pure and simple. You can trust me that I’m not going to hurt anyone, you included, if you calm down and don’t make a scene.”

For some reason, Jackson believed him. This guy could have knocked him out cold, sprawled him flat on the sidewalk. Or worse.
Tomorrow he’d feel muscles he didn’t know he had since his stint in the Army.

I’m going to release my hold now, and you’re going to behave. We’ll have ourselves a nice, calm conversation,” the man said. “Got it?”

Got it.” At least Mr. Suit seemed willing to talk. When he released his arm, Jackson rubbed the sore spot where the man’s nails dug into his flesh. “So, talk already.”

Relax, buddy. Your girlfriend’s involved, but she doesn’t know it.”

What’s that mean? Speak English,
. Is she in danger? Tell me that much.”

The man
shook his head. “From what I can tell, no. For her sake, I hope not.”

Jackson crossed his arms
and stared him down. “And that’s supposed to make me feel better? You must suspect she might be in some kind of danger or else you wouldn’t be hanging around town, going into her office and staring at a photo on the wall. What does this have to do with Elise McClaren?”

The man narrowed his brown eyes,
and the creases surrounding his eyes deepened. “You’ve used up your quota of questions. Look, I’m not a threat, but a word of advice?” His voice lowered. “Keep her close.”

Until when?”

You’ll know.”

watched Mr. Suit walk away and tried to shake the pervading sense of foreboding. Suddenly, he felt very, very cold.


After pulling his car in the driveway at the McClaren home, Jackson cut the engine and bowed his head.
Lord, help me in what I’m about to do. You know my motives are pure and I’m only trying to help the woman I love. If Serenity’s in danger, I need to know so I can help her. Use me as Your servant. Let her look to You, too, and draw her close

It’s confrontation time,” Jackson muttered, climbing out of the car and clicking the key fob to lock the doors.

Clinton answered his knock a minute later. Swinging the door wide, he smiled.
“Hey, Doc. Always nice to see you. Come on in.” The older man’s smile faded as Jackson pushed past him into the house.

This isn’t a social call, Clinton.” Jackson’s gaze fell on a book on the sofa. A thriller. Stalking toward it, he grabbed it and held it up. “Are you reading this book?”

The older man
’s face paled. “What’s going on? Has something happened? Is Serenity okay?”

Jackson dropped the book on the sofa.
“Why do I find that question ironic? Tell me what’s happening. The truth.”

About what, exactly?” Clinton licked his lips and avoided his gaze.

Stepping closer, Jackson waited until he had his eye contact.
“Start with admitting your wife’s alive and right here in Croisette Shores. With a boy who might possibly be Serenity’s son. He’s the age Liam would be now, and the kicker? Justin’s the spitting image of Daniel Kincaid right down to the hair, the eyes and the dimples.” Lowering his head, Jackson fought for control. Part of him wanted to tackle Clinton and wrestle him to the floor and demand answers. Considering the man had a recent medical procedure, acting on his impetuous instincts wouldn’t be advisable.

You’d better come into the family room so we can sit and talk about it.”

No, I’m fine right here,” Jackson said. “Go ahead and sit down if you need to. Do you need some water or something?”

Clinton shook his head and dropped down on the sofa.
“In answer to your first question, I’m not reading this book.”

Is Elise here in the house now?”

Yes. She is.”

Jackson snapped up his gaze to where Elise stood in the doorway. When she lifted her head, her eyes softened as they met his. Serenity
’s beautiful blue eyes were the mirror image of her mother’s. Intense and intelligent.
. He might have guessed her secret long before if he’d been permitted a glimpse of those eyes. Now he understood why she always wore sunglasses in their sessions.

Does Serenity know?” Elise walked further into the living room. She appeared fragile and brittle as though she’d snap if he touched her arm. Her voice was every bit as thin.

Jackson shook his head.
“Not yet, no. She’s aware she’s being watched, although she can’t imagine why. Or by whom.” Jackson swallowed and his throat tightened. “Justin is Serenity’s son? Liam?”

Tears welled in her eyes.

This was one of the few moments in his life when he didn
’t know how to react, how to feel. While ecstatic, he was full of questions. “Where’s Justin now?”

With a friend,” she said, seating herself beside Clinton and taking his hand.

Let me guess. Carmen?”

Elise nodded.
“All I ask is that you allow me to tell Serenity in my own way and in my own time.” She darted a quick glance at Clinton. “My husband knows I’ve been to see you, so you’re not breaching any professional ethics by admitting I’ve come to you with my grandson in a professional capacity, Dr. Ross.”

considered his options. “I can’t agree to wait much longer,” he said, his glance encompassing them both. “You know I can’t tell Serenity because of professional ethics, but if you don’t tell her, I’ll come up with something. Mark my words.”

Now, just wait a doggone minute,” Clinton said. “You’re not threatening us are you, son?”

Jackson heaved a sigh.
“No, of course not. I’m just...frustrated.” He met Elise’s gaze and held it. “As you know, I have a vested interest.”

Because you love her.”

She’s my friend, and yes, I love her. Very much.” It was the first time he’d admitted it out loud. But this was Serenity’s mother and father. In spite of history, in spite of what Elise might or might not have done, she’d returned to Croisette Shores, and brought Serenity the best gift she’d ever receive.
gifts, really.

Better start at the beginning, Elise,” Clinton said.

Elise inhaled a deep breath. Jackson watched as she scooted closer and Clinton moved his arm around her.

“Danny was a good boy, but he wasn’t particularly bright,” Elise said. “With a baby on the way, he wanted to give Serenity and his child more stability. He worked at a convenience store in town that’s since closed down. I don’t know how, but he got himself involved with some guys that were no good and started running drugs. Started out small and, when he proved himself trustworthy, he got more involved in an operation that ran up and down the east coast.”

Finally dropping into an armchair across from the sofa, Jackson rubbed his hand over his chin. Serenity suspected her husband
’s death had been anything but random, and her instincts had proven correct. “Why doesn’t Serenity know this?”

Elise glanced at Clinton as though for reassurance.
“Because she was pregnant and distraught enough over Danny’s murder. I—we—were concerned for her health, and for the baby, and wanted to protect her. To this day, no one in town knows what really happened.”

Jackson shook his head.
“I mean, how did she not know her husband was traveling? Wasn’t he gone overnight?”

Only a couple of times that we know of,” Clinton said. “Danny told her he’d gone fishing with some of his buddies. He mainly drove from Croisette Shores to locations nearby and met up with others.”

Serenity said his murder was unsolved, a random act of violence,” Jackson said. “She also said she’d always thought there was more to it.”

Danny got into the big leagues with an organized crime family. When he got greedy and made some stupid demands and double-crossed them, they killed him with one shot to the head at pointblank range. The poor boy didn’t even have a chance.” A tear slipped down Elise’s face and she swiped it away.

’s heart raced with such an unexpected and shocking revelation. The newspaper reports hadn’t mentioned Danny was murdered execution-style. Of course, there could be any number of reasons for that—not wanting to alarm the townspeople, incomplete evidence or else someone managed to pay the newspaper handsomely to leave it out. Leaning forward, hands on his thighs, Jackson stared at Elise, his mind swirling with questions. “How do you know all this?”

A deep frown creased Elise
’s brow. “The night of Liam’s birth, I’d been on duty at the hospital and had just changed into my street clothes. Clinton was meeting me there and hadn’t arrived yet. The service elevator wasn’t working. I used the main elevators, something I rarely did even when I was off-duty. Two men—dressed in suits and out-of-place with their New York accents—were in that elevator. I overheard one of them say Danny’s name and mumble something derogatory and then laugh. Since Danny was already dead, I wondered what they were talking about. Maybe I’ve seen too many crime dramas, but they looked, acted and sounded suspicious, so I followed them into the cafeteria. They talked about tying up loose ends and making the ‘hit’ like it was nothing.” Another tear escaped, and this time Clinton wiped it away for her.

Nerves clenched Jackson
’s stomach but he had to hear it all. As unbelievable as it seemed, he knew Elise told the truth.

Apparently, they thought Danny told Serenity everything and couldn’t take a chance she’d go to the authorities, but they wanted to wait until the baby was born so they could make it complete and eliminate Danny’s immediate family.”

What happened?” Hardly breathing, Jackson sat up straighter, waiting.

Elise heaved a huge sigh.
“I got in the cafeteria line behind them. One of the men said something about the ‘old man’ having emphysema and how his private duty nurse was gone.” Her eyes met Jackson’s. “I don’t even want to think about what
meant. Then they made some disgusting joke about grabbing one of the nurses in the hospital and taking her back to Long Island with them. They probably
have kidnapped one of them. I didn’t have to think about what I did next. I sat down at a nearby table, pulled out my cell phone and engaged in a fake telephone conversation, making sure I spoke loud enough for them to hear. I played my part well with a sob story about not getting the job at the hospital and how I needed something soon or I wouldn’t be able to pay my mortgage.”

Thinking they’d take you since they knew you were a nurse, at least from your conversation, I’m assuming?” When she nodded, Jackson frowned. “Wouldn’t they check you out, know your relationship to Serenity?”

Elise lowered her head before raising it again.
“Long story short, they didn’t come after Serenity because I made a deal. Not quite like selling my soul to the devil, but not far from it. In exchange for paying off Danny’s debt, and in exchange for keeping my family safe, I offered my nursing expertise for the family patriarch.”

So,” Jackson said slowly, “you worked for the crime boss? What about Liam? How’d you convince—” His heart pounded in his chest.

’s eyes sparked and her jaw tensed. “I lied out of both sides of my mouth and betrayed everyone I knew and loved most. I risked everything and told them I’d go back to New York with them and take care of the old man. They could have still killed me, Clinton, Serenity and Liam without blinking an eye, but I had to try. I was desperate. I’d have done anything. For whatever reason, they bought my story and agreed to it. I planned an elaborate scheme and told the hospital staff that my grandson died shortly after birth, but I waited long enough so Serenity could hold him and nurse him.”

She lowered her head.
“I’m not sure that was the wisest decision, but I wanted her to bond with him, even if only for a few moments. I’d worked at the hospital a long time and got away with my plan because they trusted me. I also played the grieving part well and told them I needed to take care of the arrangements for Liam myself. All the lies and knowing I was taking her son away from Serenity broke my heart all over again.”

Running a hand over her head, Elise appeared distraught.
“I convinced them Serenity was mentally unstable and no threat. Honestly? I’m not sure Serenity
have been in any condition to properly care for Liam.”

Slumping back against the chair, Jackson stared at her.
“Go on. Please.”

Elise raised her chin and squared her shoulders in the same way he
’d seen Serenity do many times, making his pulse race faster. “For whatever reason, Mr. Gam—” she stopped—“my patient believed me and seemed to appreciate my honesty, ironic as that sounds considering his position. Faced with the same situation, I’d do it all over again. God can condemn me for it, but I did what I had to do to keep my family safe.”

You lived in Long Island with the old man? In his home?” Jackson could feel his anger slowly ebbing. Elise was right. He’d never heard a story like this outside of some fictional drama. In another way, he could understand it happening in spite of the sadness and tragedy. Carmen was right, too. Now that he’d heard the reasoning behind Elise’s actions, he could forgive her for what she’d done. Her motives were pure in order to protect her loved ones.

The corners of Elise
’s mouth tugged downward in tandem with her slender, almost bony shoulders. “This all sounds crazy, I know. I’m not fabricating some wild story in order to cover my actions, Dr. Ross. It’s real because I breathed it, agonized over it, ate it, slept it,
it for nearly five years. Why else would I kidnap my own grandchild and put him at risk? Why would I torture my already grieving daughter?”

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