Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Cattleman Wins a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Cattleman Wins a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Wives for the Western Billionaires 4

The Billionaire Cattleman Wins a Wife

Lily Yannell is staying temporarily at the Terrell ranch. While there, her heart and body's sensuous response to Ty increases. Ty Terrell doesn't appear to reciprocate the feelings. He still grieves the loss of his wife and unborn son during childbirth, and rejects the emotions Lily stirs in him.


When Ty's parents go south for the winter, Ty feels responsible for Lily. He doesn't understand how she manages to frustrate and confuse him. His hair-trigger temper keeps distance between them.


Lily believes Ty doesn't like her. When she receives an anonymous phone call, she says it was probably a reporter seeking her whereabouts. She doesn't admit the gruff voice sent chills down her spine.


When Lily disappears, Ty is shocked by his true feelings. He calls everyone to search for her. But once they have her back, he plans to send her away. His fear of love and loss are intertwined.


Contemporary, Western/Cowboys
43,351 words


Wives for the Western Billionaires 4

Paige Cameron


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic


Copyright © 2012 by Paige Cameron

E-book ISBN: 1-61926-328-9

First E-book Publication: January 2012

Cover design by Les Byerley

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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The Billionaire Cattleman Wins a Wife
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher


To all my friends and family who believed in my dream of being a writer even before it became a reality and who encouraged me all along the way. Thank you.


Wives for the Western Billionaires 4


Copyright © 2012


Ty Terrell watched the plane carrying his brother, Brent, and his new bride, Angie, until it took off and was a speck in the distance. He wanted to turn the rental car in and fly back to
right now, alone. But his parents were at the Dedricks’ home, where Brent and Angie were just married. Lily Yannell, Angie’s sister, was also there. They all planned to travel back to
with him.

He took long strides toward the car. Usually, in a few months, his parents would be headed for
. His mother’s concern regarding Lily, whose father had just recently been arrested, had made her decide to hold off on going to their winter retreat until much later. His dad didn’t mind. Joseph Terrell loved
in all its seasons, but the cold weather was harder on him and Mom than it used to be.

Lily would be staying in the ranch house. She stirred him up, and he didn’t like it. How the hell was he going to manage with her just yards away from his cabin? He’d have to watch out for her when the winter hit hard.
winters could be dangerous to novices.

Frustration, irritability, and something else he refused to recognize swirled around inside him. He shouldn’t have to babysit a woman he didn’t even know and preferred not to.

He intended to stay far away from the ranch house, as much as his mother would allow. Once his dad and mom left for
, it would be soon enough to worry about having to deal directly with Lily. Just thinking about her name brought the vision of her into his mind. Her creamy skin, golden hair, and lilac scent had haunted him from their first meeting.

Ty didn’t need or want a woman in his life. Candice had been his first love. He’d lost her and their unborn child. He promised himself he’d never let love in his heart again. He’d never risk the pain he had endured these past lonely years.

Chapter One

Six Months Later

Lily Yannell stood at Ty’s side and watched his parents’ jet take off. The sky was clear and blue. It was one of the few days the weather had permitted them to leave. She knew they’d stayed for the holidays to keep her company and keep her spirits up. But when the worst of the cold hit, they decided to head south. She’d grown very fond of Mr. and Mrs. Terrell. Without them, she was scared and vulnerable.

Ty had been polite but distant since she’d moved to the ranch. Today was no different. Whereas every time they met, her body got hot and flustered, he was cool and withdrawn. No approach she’d tried had made even a small dent in the wall he’d built solidly around him.

“It’s cold out here. I’ll take you back to the ranch house. I’ve got work to do.”

She followed his brisk steps to the car. Being only five foot four inches to his six foot two, she had difficulty keeping up with him. He opened the truck door for her, an impatient look on his handsome face.

The truck’s heater felt good. She put her gloved hands up to the vent.

“You need warmer gloves,” Ty said.

“Your mom and dad said the same. I haven’t been anywhere to buy new ones. Your mom told me to use hers, but I might damage them.”

“Nonsense. Most of her gloves are worn anyway. Don’t be silly. Wear them from now on.”

Lily glanced across at him. He’d pulled off his hat and his light brown hair was mussed. She was tempted to reach across and smooth the silky strands into place. As usual his jaw was clenched and his lips held tight.

“Why don’t you like me?”

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Cattleman Wins a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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