Caesar. Life of a Colossus (Adrian Goldsworthy) Yale University Press (108 page)

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Inde x

Santones tribe 212

in Cinna’s time 52

houses of 64

Saône, River 215, 216, 223

and Civil War 385, 395

lives 53

Saône Valley 200–201, 203, 214

in conflict with Marcus

Senones tribe 306, 307, 312,

Sardinia 10, 22, 261, 392, 397

Aemilius Lepidus 70

316, 322, 328

Sarsura 464

and Catiline’s conspiracy 133,

Sens 321

Saturninus, Lucius Appuleius

134, 136, 137

Sequani tribe 201, 203, 204,

13–14, 29, 33, 40–41, 44,

as creation of Sulla 91, 92

206, 207, 208, 211, 213, 224,

105, 122, 123, 137, 139, 157

debating in 134–135

225, 232, 237, 317, 335

followers 121–122, 512

decrees fifty days of

Sertorius, Quintus 91, 92, 149,

Saylor, Steven:
Roma sub rosa

thanksgiving 485

348, 512

(mystery novels) 519

dispute with equestrians 157

supporters of 96

Scaeva 416–417, 418

‘foreigners’ in 476

Servilia (Caesar’s mistress,

Scaevola, Quintus Mucius

free grain bill 257, 258

Brutus’ mother) 85–86, 87,

(cos. 95) 51–52, 55

‘good/best men’

89, 92, 118, 141, 147, 161,

Scaurus, Marcus Aemilius

) 255, 361,

174, 179, 454

(cos. 115) 18


daughters 156

Scheldt, River 310

and ‘Good Goddess’ festival

Servilia (sister of Servilia) 86

Metellus Pius Scipio


Sestius, Publius 259

Nasica, Quintus Caecilius

and the Gracchi 28

Seubi tribe 225–226, 232

Scipio Africanus, Publius

importance of 15–16

Severus, Quintus Varius 18

Cornelius (cos 205, 194) 516

and magistrates 15

sex lives of Roman aristocrats

Scipio Aemilianus Africanus,

meets on certain days 159

82–84, 86, 88

Publius Cornelius (cos. 147,

members 151

sexes, disparity between 31

134) 253

number of 476

Shakespeare, William 85, 338,

Scipio Nasica, Publius

and ‘new men’ in consulship

508, 509, 512, 515, 518

Cornelius (cos. 138) 26


Shaw, George Bernard:

Scipio Nasica, Quintus

senatus consultum

and Cleopatra

Caecilius Metellus Pius

against Saturninus

shields 195, 219

(cos. 52) 348–349, 362, 364,

122, 123–124

ships, Gallic 266

369, 375, 376, 385, 450

and rebel army under Manlius

ships, transport 285–286, 287,

and Macedonia 407, 418, 423,



424, 425

refuses to let Caius Marius

Sicily 10, 22, 56, 92, 112, 392,

in Africa 456, 459, 460, 461,

raise legions to take to

397, 406, 408, 454, 455, 456


Africa 28

governor of 72

kills himself 466, 469

send envoys to Transalpine

Sicoris (Segre), River 399,

Scipio Salvito (or Salutio) 460

Gaul 204, 207

401–402, 404

Scipiones, the 460

and the Social War 43

siege earthworks 337–338

Segre (Sicoris), River 399,

after Sulla takes Rome 56

siege machines 243

401–402, 404

tribuni aerarii

siege towers 251, 324, 325

Seleucid Empire 22, 75, 434

votes Caesar twenty days of

Silanus, Decimus Junius (cos.

Seleucids 44

thanksgiving 285

62) 86, 127, 135, 136–137,

Semiramis 181

votes Caesar forty days of

138, 139, 141, 142, 174

Sempronia (sister of the

thanksgiving 468

Silvia, Rhea 32

Gracchi) 34

votes Cicero public

Sisto, Jeremy 518

Sempronia (mother of Decimus

thanksgiving 393

Sittius, Publius 459, 461, 466

Brutus) 87–88, 192, 502

votes honours on Caesar


Senate 38
see also
Rome: Forum;


Slave War (73–71 BC) 79, 80,

Rostra; Senate House

senators 15–16, 87, 176, 253,

91–92, 107, 153, 267

addressed to in Greek for first


slavery 355

time 74

competition between 19, 22,

slaves 69–70

Caesar violates senatorial


German 227

ideal 487

court to try those accused of

Social War (91–88 BC) 42–43,

calls on Pompey to protect the

malpractice 27

45, 92, 119

State 346

and homosexuality 67

Soissons 242


Inde x

Sosigenes 479

and Caesar’s consulship 172

warns senators about Caesar

Spain 10, 22, 24, 110, 112, 153,

and Ptolemy XII 174


156, 158, 466, 467, 472

and death of Vettius 179

rents a flat 64

civil war in 91, 92, 93

and Caesar’s writings 189

defeats Mithridates 65

Spain, Further (Hispanis

and Caesar on men’s courage

pardons Caesar 70, 72

Ulterior) 98, 100, 397, 404,


establishes courts 70–71


and Caesar’s looting of sacred

casts long shadow over

Caesar governs 148–151

sites 252

Republic 91

Spanish campaign (46–45 BC)

and conference of Luca 261

employs Pompey’s services 92,


and Caesar in Britain 270


Spanish Peninsula 149, 217,

and Caesar breaking bad news

ban on public honouring of

391–392, 397

to army 304

Marius 99

Spanish provinces 286, 295, 348

and Caesar disguising himself

orders Marius’s trophies to be

Spanish War

as a Gaul 322

torn down 108

Spartacus 79, 80, 91, 92, 93–94,

and Caesar’s Forum extension

allows ‘loans’ from public

107, 210, 220, 227, 267, 295,

and gladiatorial games 345

funds 115

481, 512

and Caesar crossing the

proscription law 115, 116

Stour, River (Kent) 288

Rubicon 358, 378

establishes court to deal with

Sucro, Spain 18

and Caesar’s return 378

crime of

Suebi, the 270–271, 272–273,

and Civil War 405

proscriptions 136

277, 278, 309

and Caesar’s affair with

expels Mithridates from

Suessiones, the 239, 242, 243

Cleopatra 432

Greece 153


and Caesar in Egypt 443, 444

as dictator 449

biography of Caesar 30

and battle of Thapsus 461

and land for troops 473

Caesar’s oration at aunt’s

and Caesar’s first triumph

death 70

funeral 33

469, 471

Sulla, Publius Cornelius 109,

and Caesar’s early writings 39

and Spanish campaign 482

110, 416, 428

and Caesar’s possible

and Caesar not wishing to live

Sulmo 388

marriage to Cossutia 49

any longer 490

Sulpicius Rufus, Publius 44, 45,

and Caesar’s flight 59

and Caesar’s possible child

59, 105

description of Caesar 61–62


Sulpicius Rufus, Sergius (cos.

and Caesar’s country villa 64

and Caesar’s funeral 510

51) 478

and Caesar contemplating

biographies of rulers of Rome

Switzerland 204, 205

joining Lepidus’s rebels 70


swords (
) 196

and Marcus Licinius

Sugambri tribe 275, 277

Syria 295, 314, 348, 364, 371,

Lucullus’s activities 74

Sulla, Faustus 175, 294, 416,

385, 393, 407, 418, 434, 443,

and Caesar’s sex life 84–85


447, 491

and Caesar leaving Further

Sulla, Lucius Cornelius (cos. 88,

Spain 100

80) 43–44, 45, 240, 380,

Tacitus, Publius Cornelius

and alleged conspiracy to

454, 476, 493, 500

(historian) 36, 237, 238, 269

massacre opponents 111

and Caesar 30

Tarpeian Rock 45

and Caesar’s plan to govern

waiting for 52–57

Tarquinius 131

Egypt 114–115

appearance 53

Tarsus 447

and Caesar’s refusal to

successful life 53–55, 59–60

Taylor, Elizabeth 518

prosecute Cornelius

takes Rome (82 BC) 55, 56

Teanum 387

Phagites 116

named ‘dictator to make laws

Tencteri tribe 270–271, 272–275,

and Caesar’s prosecution

and reconstitute the state’

277, 278, 308, 355, 361

against Caius Rabirius 121



and Caesar’s election as

orders execution of one of his

) 65

Pontifex Maximus

senior officers 57

Tertulla (wife of Crassus) 85,

and Caesar’s consulship

orders divorces 57–58


campaign 159, 163

pursuit of Caesar 59

Teutones tribe 11, 13, 29, 150,

and Caesar’s bond with

remarries 60

200, 210, 217, 224, 227, 238,

Pompey and Crassus 164

retirement 60



Inde x

Thames, River 290

triumphal celebrations

at Gergovia 328–329, 330,

Thanet, Isle of (Kent) 280, 289

152–153, 154, 155, 159, 161,

331, 333, 334–335

Thapsus, battle of (46 BC)

468–470, 471

siege of Alesia 336–337, 339,


triumphs 160, 468

340, 341, 342, 350

Theophanes of Mytilene 186

triumvirates 165

Vergobret (Aedui magistrate)

Thermus, Marcus Minucius 65

First 164, 165–166, 168, 170,

198, 204, 216, 328, 330, 335

Thermus, Quintus Minucius

175, 176, 178, 180, 252, 254,

Vesontio (Besançon) 225–226,

143, 144, 388


233–234, 453, 461

Thessaly 414

Second 164–165, 511

Vespasian, Emperor 495

Thrace 22

Trojan exiles 32

Vestal Virgins 59, 113, 117,

Tiber, River 26, 40, 47, 470,

Troy 505

139, 146

474, 496

Tulingi, the 222

Vettius, Lucius 145, 179, 180

Tigranes, King of Armenia 104

Tullia (daughter of Cicero) 86,

Vetus, Antistius 100, 148

Tigurini tribe 214–215, 217,

294, 485

Via Domitia 199–200


Vienna (Vienne, Rhône Valley)

toga candidus

Ubii tribe 273, 277, 278, 309


toga praetexta
48, 144

Ulia 482–483

Vieux-Laon (Bibrax?) 240–242

toga virilis

Urso (Osuna) 483

Virgil 32

Tolosates tribe 212

Usipetes tribe 270–271,

Viromandui tribe 244, 248

Torquatus, Lucius Manlius

272–275, 277, 278, 308, 355,

(virtue), quality of 37

(cos. 65) 109, 110, 411


Voltaire 518

towns, fortified, of northern

Utica 467, 504

Volumnia (Cytheris) 84

Gaul 239, 242

Uxellodunum 353

Volusenus, Caius 280, 281

Transylvania 197

Uzitta 460, 462, 463

Treasury 23, 58, 106, 115, 157,

Walmer (Kent) 281

158, 167, 260, 396, 397

Valerius Maximus 366

Wantsum Channel (Kent) 280,

Trebatius Testa, Caius 297,

Varro, Marcus Terentius 40,

288, 289

302, 305

155, 166, 397, 404, 479

Waterloo, battle of (1815) 185

Trebonius, Caius (cos. 45)

Vatinius, Publius (cos. 47) 174,

wedding ceremony,

294–295, 298, 310, 338, 340,

176, 179, 191, 192, 413, 452

49, 51

351, 398, 406, 449, 475, 502,

Vellaunodunum 322

weddings 101–102

503, 508

Veneti tribe 265, 266–267, 268,

Wellington, Duke of (Arthur

Treveri tribe 225, 238, 286, 298,

269, 278, 291, 355, 399

Wellesley) 185, 315

303, 305, 306, 307, 308, 312

Venus (goddess) 32, 33, 54, 99,

wine, exports of 200, 203, 238

trials 71, 73

425, 428, 495

wives, aristocratic 87

Tribal Assemblies

Vercassivellaunus 339, 340

wives, duties of 88–89

Assembly of tribes

Vercingetorix 319, 320, 321,

tribunes 25, 28, 41, 79, 193, 226

322, 323–327, 351, 353, 362,

Zela, Battle of, 47 BC 446–448

Trinovantes tribe 290, 291

373, 468


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