pretations of the meeting in Vienna. Of course, we cannot take all of these sources seriously." Zhou Enlai didn't express other opinions concerning that question.
During our further discussion, I said to Zhou Enlai that I was going to Moscow in the beginning of July and would like to discuss some questions, if he had time. Zhou Enlai gladly agreed with this.
I said I had got a good impression of the big work on fulfillment of the decisions of the Nineteenth CC CCP [Central Committee Chinese Communist Party] Plenum, which was being done in provinces and in the local units. I asked him to tell me, if possible, what large-scale measures were planned for the nearest future, in particular in connection with the perspectives of the discussion on the national economy planning for the coming years, and also about the assessment of the fulfillment of the decisions of the Nineteenth CC CCP Plenum concerning internal questions. I asked whether any other steps in the direction of putting in order the People's Communes were considered, except for those that had already been taken.
Zhou Enlai said that the CC CCP had recently conducted a "working meeting" (apparently, an enlarged session of the Politbureau with participation of the CC CCP members and province leaders), which considered internal questions.
After three years of the Great Leap and two years of natural calamities we are thinking to conduct a certain regulation of the overall national economic plan, sticking to the course of "regulation, consolidation, increase, and replenishment." The aim of this course is "to liquidate certain disproportions which came into existence as a result of the Great Leap." This means bringing a proper correlation between agriculture, heavy and light industries, and removing disproportions which have been created. The question is about regulating the interrelations between town and country.
Zhou Enlai said that the reasons for the emergence of the disproportions had to be stated. Natural calamities have to be pointed out among the objective reasons. Because of them a drop in production of agricultural products and industrial crops happened. This adversely affected providing the industry with raw materials and the urban population with objects of consumption. On the other hand, subjective reasons have to be noted. The three red banners the basic line, the Great Leap, and People's Communes are new phenomena, which were born on Chinese soil and are based on Chinese practice. These new phenomena helped to achieve new success but also created a new situation. Zhou Enlai continued that they hadn't had enough experience and had been culpable of a certain roughness, of shortcomings, and errors in the work.
Zhou Enlai mentioned that such things (shortcomings, errors, etc.) took place not only in the countries where the dictatorship of the proletariat had won, but were also typical of bourgeois and feudal societies. He said further: "We in China use the experience of the Soviet Union and other sister nations, but we also have a zigzag development, because everything new that appears on the Chinese soil inevitably gives rise to roughness, errors. That is why this regulation is necessary. Things that we do differ, of course, rad-