Boxed Set: Traitorous Heart Volumes 1-6 (The Traitorous Heart Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Boxed Set: Traitorous Heart Volumes 1-6 (The Traitorous Heart Series)
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He didn’t hug back right away. He kept clearing his throat.

“Hug the girl. You deserve it and she needs it,” Birdy said. “I’m going to make some coffee.”









Birdy, Bria
, and I sat around the breakfast bar drinking coffee and discussing my ex fiancé. I really wanted to talk to Birdy about what Reid said. I knew Birdy and Reid had known each other before he and I started dating. They partied in the same social circles, which was how he and I met. I’d never thought to discuss how far back she and Reid went. Birdy didn’t like Reid and I hadn’t wanted to discuss why. Maybe if I would have I wouldn’t be in the situation I was now. 

“You doing okay?” Birdy caressed my back.

“I’m pissed. I’m in shock.” I caught her gaze and held it. “I can’t believe I didn’t know this side of him existed. We’ve been together two years.” I watched her eyes, waiting for some indication that she knew the kind of guy I’d attached myself too.

She sighed heavily, like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. “I’m just glad you’ve seen him for who he truly is.”

Brian looked uncomfortable. He acted like he wanted to say something, but before he could his phone rang. He pulled it from his pocket. “Hey Griff.”

At the name, I blanched. My heart sped up and my knees got weak.

“Nah, just hanging with Birdy and Katie.”

There was a pause. Brian held up his finger and walked toward the living room. He lowered his voice. Birdy and I exchanged a look.

“What do you think they’re talking about?” I asked. I brought the mug of coffee to my mouth, but couldn’t drink. My stomach turned.

“Probably you,” Birdy said. She winked. I hadn’t had the chance to tell her where I’d been last night, but somehow she knew.

“What do you mean?” I decided to try playing dumb.

“I know you were with him. It’s all over your face.” She brushed some hair out of my eyes. “You’ve got that I’ve-been-thoroughly-fucked look.”

I looked away, trying not to blush. “Birdy, he… is…” I met her eyes. They were twinkling with happiness. “Amazing.” The word didn’t do Griffin and what had occurred between us justice. I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to explain it.

“I’m glad,” she said, sipping from her mug.

My phone rang. I answered. “Hello?”

“Is this Dandelion Katelyn Jayne?”

The voice on the other end sounded professional. “It is.”

“This is Bob Jeffries. I represent the Geller family.”

I covered my mouth.

“You there, Ms. Jayne?”

“I am.”

“It’s been brought to my attention that you assaulted Mr. Geller last night. He’s at the hospital getting stitches.”

“What? No I didn’t.”

Birdy gave me a strange look. She mouthed the word, “What?”

I shook my head.

“Are you denying that you threw a five carat diamond ring at Reid, which then struck his face, producing a serious cut?”

Fuck no. “I’m not saying a damn word. You want to take this further, you’d better contact my lawyer.” I quickly hung up the phone.

“What the hell was that all about?” Brian walked back in the kitchen.

“Reid told his family lawyer I assaulted him. He’s at the hospital right now getting stitches.” I walked over to the sink and dumped my remaining coffee. “The mother fucker is messing with the wrong girl.”

Birdy looked nervous. “He doesn’t care if the charges stick. He’s just trying to fuck up your life even more.” She slammed her hand on the counter. “That asshole!”

I sat on the stool and put my head in my hands. “I won’t let him get away with it.”

Birdy gave me a sad smile. “Remember earlier when we were talking about how it’s who you know more than what you know?”

“Yeah?” I didn’t look up. I couldn’t. Fear coursed through my veins.

“The Geller family can make trouble, big enough trouble that even my dad might not be able to get you a job.” She grabbed my hand, forcing me to look at her. “He’s managing partner, but there are those he has to answer to. In the end it comes down to politics.” She gave me a pointed look.

I understood all too well what she was saying. “I’m fucked, aren’t I?” I looked away, focusing on Brian. He was texting someone. I absently wondered who it could be.

“Maybe not.” She didn’t sound convinced.

I let my head fall to the white quartz countertop. “Fuck.” All my plans, all my goals, everything I’d ever wanted would be gone before I had the chance to get it, all because of Reid. I couldn’t let him win. But what could I do?

A light bulb flickered and clicked on. I’d taken an elective on a part of the law I thought was interesting. Private investigation. A lot of lawyers used investigators to get information for clients. It was considered a somewhat shady resource, but I’d found the idea interesting. It’d been one of my favorite classes.

For our final the professor let us “stalk” a person of interest. I’d chosen her and found out all sorts of interesting things I didn’t want to reveal in my paper or to the class. I’d given her the envelope full of information. She’d had me sign a nondisclosure and given me an A in the class. I hadn’t thought any more of it. There’d been too much else to deal with.

But now…

I’d put my desire to become a lawyer on hold a little while and try my hand at private investigation, and I’d dig up all the dirt on Reid Geller I could find. Then I’d make him suffer. I didn’t know how yet, or even what I’d do, but if I was any good maybe I’d live the American dream and open my own business. I could already see the sign: Katie Jayne, P.I. It had a nice ring to it. “Tell me everything you know about Reid Geller.” A plan was forming. Obviously I’d known nothing about the man I was going to marry. I’d accepted him at face value. I’d believed him, trusted him. I’d allowed him to walk all over me. I was done with that shit.

It was time I pulled on my big-girl panties and fought for what I wanted. Fire with fire. No more Mr. Nice Guy. Or Miss. Nice Girl. Whatever. I wasn’t going to let that asshole motherfucker ruin my plans. My life.

“What are you going to do?” Birdy asked, a smile dancing on her face.

“I’m going to make Reid Geller wish he’d never been born.”





Volume 2









It’d bee
two weeks since my night with Griffin. I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t think about him. God, I thought about him: In the shower. At breakfast. In bed… Mmmmmm, especially in bed.

Images of his glorious body, the way he smelled, the sounds he made while we fucked, his voice, the way he moved, and the way he could sing…

He was a rock star hottie god, magnificent and stunning, not a man at all. And lately he was the star of my dreams. When I wasn’t thinking about him during the day, my subconscious dreamt about him.

Why didn’t I want him in my life? Not that he would reciprocate. He was busy and apparently a gazillionaire. I probably wasn’t his type.


From the information I’d gathered on Reid I knew sure as shit he wasn’t my type. It was surreal and sickening to realize I hadn’t really known the man I’d agreed to marry.

I pushed back from the small two-seater table that sat next to a window and took a sip of wine.

“Would you like a refill?” The handsome waiter at Dorvey’s picked up my glass in one hand and the open bottle of wine in the other. There was a slight smile lighting his face, making his lips appealing. They reminded me of Griffin’s.

I shook my head. No they didn’t. Nothing could compare to Griffin’s lips, not even those of my ex fiancé, Reid.

I’d been sitting at the table for almost an hour. In that time I’d proceeded to drink most of the bottle of wine myself. I’d also ordered a chicken salad. It sat uneaten in front of me.

“Please.” I motioned toward the glass and he poured. When the glass reached half full, he stopped.

I shook my head. “Keep going.”

He winked. “Rough day?”

I made a chk-chk sound with my mouth and mimicked shooting him with my first finger and thumb. “How’d you guess?”

He emptied the bottle and placed the glass in front of me. “I’m a master mind reader.” He laughed. “Also, the empty bottle of wine gave me a clue.” He shook it slightly.

I nodded. “Excellent deduction.” I picked up my full glass and took a large drink.

The waiter watched and I wondered if he expected more.

I placed the glass on the table. “That’ll be all.”

He smiled, but I noticed disappointment in his eyes. Oh well. If he expected anything more than a tip, he was sadly mistaken.

Dorvey’s was a quaint little restaurant with low lighting and pictures of landscapes adorning the walls. Kind of like a bistro meets the Old World. I’d picked the place because it was across the street from Reid’s gym. My ex usually worked out from six to seven during the week. If he were following his schedule he should be inside.

The table I sat at made it easy to see who entered and exited the building. And since I was stalking Reid to find out everything there was to know about him, it was a logical spot. The information I’d already gathered gave me plenty of insight into the ass Reid was, but I wanted to know it all. What he did every night, with whom, and how often.

More than once I’d been so glad we’d never slept together.

“Do you want me to take your plate?” The waiter indicated my salad. “Or are you still working on it?”

I tilted my head and gave him a look that said “Get the fuck away from me.” The evening had been a total waste of time. And I was halfway to drunk. Either Reid had decided against working out or he was spending an extra long time at his gym today. My stalker tendencies were filled for the day. I wasn’t going to sit there a moment longer. “Just the check, please.”

He sighed with relief. “Right away.”

I grabbed my wallet from my purse and waited. And waited. And waited. What the hell? I thought the waiter was anxious to get rid of me. I turned to try and find him without success. When I turned back I glanced out the window—and there was Reid in his six hundred dollar tan pants, four hundred dollar white button down shirt, and eight hundred dollar shoes. He was good looking. I’d always thought so. On his arm was a young blond with a low cut pink top emphasizing her tanned breasts and a short black skirt, the hem emphasizing its lack of length.

“Here’s your check,” the waiter said. “I’ll be your cashier when you’re ready.”

Keeping my eyes on Reid, I pulled a credit card from my wallet and stuck it inside the tan faux leather folder. “Now’s good.” I watched my ex get into a cab and head east, probably heading to his place. My eyes burned. I wasn’t sure if the stinging tears were sadness or anger, but I decided to go with anger.

He smiled. “Be right back.”

I stared out the window for several long moments after Reid’s cab pulled away. I don’t know what I was looking for, if I was hoping to wake up and realize this was all a terrible dream or that unicorns and dragons were real and I could magic away the sickness that had taken root in my stomach.

Finally I tore my eyes away, pulled some lip-gloss from my purse and applied it.

“You’re not leaving, are you?”

I froze, the lip-gloss wand mid swipe and turned. 









“Uh. Um
I—Griffin.” My cheeks flamed hot. I felt certain that if someone had cracked an egg, it’d fry up nicely on my face. 

Griffin slid into the seat next to mine.

I put away my gloss and zipped my purse. My throat was suddenly parched and my heart raced like I’d just walked up ten flights of stairs. Tonight he looked less rock god and more billionaire playboy. He had on a navy suit, a crisp baby blue shirt, and a deep red tie. His hair had been combed back and he was cleanly shaved.

My thighs started to quake, remembering his lips on mine… and elsewhere. Shit!

I mentally took stock of what I was wearing. Old jeans and a ratty red sweater. I’d pulled my hair into a messy bun. I hadn’t put in my contacts, opting instead for my thick black-framed glasses. I’d remembered mascara, but basically I was sure I looked hideous.

“Hi.” I was torn between the desire to run at being caught off guard looking like a bag lady and the overwhelming need to climb into his arms and kiss his neck.

“How have you been, Katie Jayne?” His eyes twinkled with warm mischief. If he was grossed out by my appearance he was too much of a gentleman to show it.

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