Bound to You, a Paranormal Romance (Book 3 of the Spellbound Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Bound to You, a Paranormal Romance (Book 3 of the Spellbound Series)
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“Her father came to my temple while I was tending to business in the underworld and took her away. He changed her appearance and erased any memory of me over the centuries,” I concluded.

“But how did he change her appearance, is he into sorcery?” Artemis questioned. She sat next to her twin Apollo and admiring the notes, he played.

“No, he wasn’t. He and a sorceress had her spellbound to protect her, or so they thought. Her memory was wiped every few years and she would start her life anew, with a different look every time. That was until the vampire came along. His compulsion cracked the spell.” I seethed at the thought of him, Benjamin.

“I hope that you can be with her,” Aphrodite added sincerely. The thought crossed my mind that Aphrodite could sway Antonia’s thoughts to desire only me, but that wouldn’t be right. I want her to want me.

I was hopeful that Zeus would return with favorable news, although I wasn't too concerned. I would find a way to be with my love, Antonia, even if he didn’t.

“This is taking too long,” Hermes whined. Mumbling about the wait broke out among the gods and goddesses.

“Go, and I will summon you all once Zeus returns.” Before Hera could say anything else, half the gods disappeared. All of the gods were impatient and waiting bored them, even if it was for Zeus.

I stood up as Aphrodite made her way over to me with her husband, Hephaestus, on her heels. They stopped an arm’s length away from me and joined hands.

“Go to her and tell her how you feel. Love conquers all, dear one,” she said quietly, before they disappeared. She was right. I must go to Antonia and declare my love to her. She must know that she is the only one who owns my soul. I placed my hand to my chest and closed my eyes as her beautiful face came to my mind. A tickle touched my lips as thoughts of the love we made came back to me. I will give her whatever she wants and her heart desires, then she will know that I want her happiness more than my own.

I stood still and silent for a moment as a key formed in my hand.
This was her desire, a key?
I stared at the bronze key wondering what it would unlock.

I pressed it to my lips. My love will win. I don’t need to worry about the Council of gods, my meddling evil wife, or a competing vampire. Plain and simple love would win.

I had loved her all this time and waited for her to make her way back to me. The bonds of love would last until the end of time and even past then. She owned me in every way and there was no reason that I shouldn’t let my love do the fighting for me. I wouldn’t pressure her. I’ve waited, and I can continue to wait until she is ready.





I dropped the carafe back in the sink and was in his arms in a flash.

“Ben, I didn’t think you’d be here.” I inhaled him as his hands wrapped around me.

“I want to be wherever you are,” he breathed into my hair. As thirsty as I was, I still wanted him. The lines between eating and sex became blurred, because both were lusty.

“Ben, I— I need—”

“Blood, I know, Antonia.” He cupped the side of my face. God I loved the way he said my name.

I was going to say him, but blood would probably be better at the moment.

“Wait here, I have some in my garage.” He vanished and quickly returned with medical bags, from the hospital where we worked, full of blood.

I stood still and silent as he fetched two mugs from the cabinet and poured the blood in the first cup.

Greedily I grabbed the mug and gulped down the blood, extinguishing the fire that had consumed my throat.

“Better?” He asked as he refilled my cup.

“Much.” I added before taking the second cup a little slower.

He threw the empty bag into the trash and smiled as he picked up his cup.

I peered at his bemused smile over my cup.

“Why are you smiling?” I searched his eyes, but came up empty. It’s hard to read a person, err vampire with dark, ok black, eyes.

“I can’t smile at you?” He sipped from his cup and I set my half full cup down on the stainless steel counter top.

“You can.” I shrugged and watched him. “How did you get here so fast? I mean I think it was fast. Who am I kidding? I don’t even know what day it is.”

He chuckled and put his cup down next time mine before taking my hand. He walked me over to island and pulled the stool out before motioned for me to sit.

“Dawn’s mother, Circe, sent me back here. It was quite fast; but hey, that’s magic and I do believe it’s Thursday.” His eyes never left me and I watched his lips with every word. Being a vampire was a strange thing. When I craved blood, I wanted sex and when I am satisfied by blood, I still want sex—even more than before.
I hope it’s not always like this.

“Well, I hope no one was expecting me at the hospital.” I sighed in relief to know the day but I was amazed that so many days had slipped past me.

“I am expecting you.” He muffled so low that a human couldn’t hear him.

I gazed over at him with a baffled look on my face. “What do you mean?”

“The choice.” His simple words were not what I wanted to hear, let alone think about.

I stepped down and off the stool. “Ben, I left Greece because I wasn’t ready to make that decision. The only reason that I’m here is I needed blood.” I picked up the mug and gulped down the contents. “I think it will be best if I left.” I quickly put my cup in the sink and made a mad dash for the front door, but somehow he beat me to it.

“Antonia, don’t feel like you need to leave. All of your things are here, remember?” Ben’s words reminded me that I had moved in with him when I thought I was in danger.

I stood there contemplating my options and what my next move would be, without having to make that dreadful decision.

Ben leaned close to me, putting his mouth on my earlobe.

“Stay, you know you want to.” His cool breath on my ear sent a familiar chill down my spine. I licked my lips and I felt the blood I had just taken in begin to boil inside me.

Ben set me up. He knew my bloodlust would take over and I would want to rip his clothes off.

“Come on with me upstairs. We can get you out of these clothes and into some of your own.” The hushed tone and raspiness in his voice was turning me on and I didn’t know what to think, do, or feel. I nodded, unable to fight the feeling between my legs.

He scooped me up in his arms and was upstairs in a flash. We ended up in the master bathroom. If I wasn’t a vampire, I might have missed Ben’s quick action of turning on the shower. He slowed down his motion to a stop in front of me.

Our eyes never left one another as he slid my shirt up and over my head. His fingers trailed my body as he pulled it off of me.

His touch felt amazing and it made me want him more. His lips hovered over mine, but he didn’t touch my mouth to his; instead, he kissed my neck, softly. I closed my eyes, anticipating a bite, but soft kisses were planted from my neck to my collarbone.

He softly touched my exposed breast. His kisses never stopped but found their way to the top of my breast before he took my left nipple between his lips and rolled his tongue over it.

The steam from the shower filled the room and I let out a moan.

I wanted him to bite me so bad, but he didn’t; instead, he moved on to my right breast, continuing his slow seduction.

My jeans rested on my hips, along with his hand. He dropped to his knees as his tongue traced a path down to my belly button and he unbuttoned my jeans and kissed me there. One quick tug and my jeans fell around my ankles. I stepped out of them and kicked them away with my foot.

In her haste, Dawn forgot to create underwear; so I was completely naked as he touched my body in the steamy bathroom.

His hands cupped my behind as he kissed my thighs. I ran my fingers over his scalp and grabbed a hand full of hair. I let my head fall back in pleasure, and then I felt it.

The pinch of his fangs entered my thigh. I wanted to dance with excitement. The feeling made me descend into a dreamlike state. It was surreal. His lips wrapped around as he began to suck.

I wanted him. And more importantly, I wanted his blood. I tugged at the collar of his shirt forcing him to break his bite. When he did, I pulled the shirt over his head and dropped down to get his pants off. He stepped out them and I pushed him into the shower. With his back against the slippery shower wall, I elongated my fangs into his chest right above where his heart should be.

A growl in his throat rumbled in his chest and I moaned taking in the delicious blood. The hot water streamed down my back and I felt my hair sopping up it up. He grabbed me by my waist and lifted me up.

“No, no, no,” I said breaking from the bite. I felt the blood running down my chin.

He turned me around to where my back was now against the shower wall.

“Yes,” He said and with a thrust, he entered me, filling me. He gasped as he did and I just closed my eyes as he moved his hips, pushing himself deeper and deeper inside of me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and my shaky legs around his body as he pushed more thrust himself into me. My nails bit into his back, where the water cascaded down his spine as jolts of pleasure took over.

“Do you like the taste of my blood?” He kissed the corner of my mouth as I was biting my lip. He licked the blood that was still dripping from my mouth. He rolled his hips sending involuntary spasms up my body.

“Yes.” I was breathless but nodded to ensure he understood. This was so hot. I had imagined this so many times and now it was finally happening.

He buried his face into my neck, biting me, and I took the opportunity to sink my fangs into the part of his neck that was exposed.

My body reacted to the pleasure of the biting and tempo he kept.

With one final push, I exploded. He moved his head around to face me as my mouth widened with an inaudible scream. His mouth met mine and this mix of our blood with the dance of our tongues sent him over the edge. A deep moan escaped him as his body came to a stop.

His arms wrapped tightly around me, pulling my chest to chest with him. I couldn’t move. Hell, my legs felt like jelly.

“You can bite me for an eternity,” He muttered into my ear and it all came crashing back to me. This was just about him showing me why I needed to choose him. I was disgusted with myself for failing to see that he was this calculating. I thought the desire for me was there, but I was wrong.

I wiggled down and pulled away from him. I felt dirty and taken advantage of. Ben was using sex as a weapon. I turned to face the hot water as it poured down on me. A swirl of pink water flowed down the drain, a mix of our blood and water.

I grabbed my shower gel and began to lather the soap on my body.

“Let me help you,” Ben said, clueless to that fact I had just figured him out.

“I’m almost done,” I replied shortly, looking at him over my shoulder. I already had the bubbly soap everywhere.

“That was amazing,” He said with a sheepish smile across his face. “And the good thing is that we can do it again and again.” He dipped his head down kissing the space between my neck and shoulder. A tingle went down my back and my mind drifted back to him between my legs but I shook my head to clear the thoughts.

“I am actually tired.” He wasn’t about to have any more of me. I wanted space to make this decision and I couldn’t do that if we were having sex every five minutes, even if it was good.

“The last few days have been something. Old lovers coming out of the woodwork, murderous Greek gods, and all I ever really wanted was to take you away from this crazy world.”

I turned so I was facing him. That was the most sincere thing I had heard him say since he showed up in his kitchen. He was trying to draw me and staring into his beautiful black eyes wasn’t helping. His wet hand cupped my face and the softness of his touch reminded me why I loved him. He was genuine, protective and he loved me ultimately. Water dripped off his nose as he dipped down for a kiss. I pulled back. He was making this harder for me than it needed to be.

I stepped out of the shower and grabbed one of the white plush towels that hung next to the shower. I patted myself down before disappearing into the closet.

I heard the water stop and a wet naked Ben appear at the mouth of the closet. I was on the other side of the room-size walk-in closet slipping on some sweats and a t-shirt.

“Are you ok, Antonia?” He asked as he made his way over to me. I moved away before he was able to touch me.

I nodded my head and shrugged a little. I wanted to scream “NO” as loud as I could. I had a stupid choice to make between two men that I loved and I had just had some incredibly hot sex with one of them. No Ben, nothing is wrong. I narrowed my eyes at him, willing him to know that I realized that the sex was his way of influencing my decision in his direction. Anger rolled through my body and I bit my tongue to prevent a wrath of words from coming out. Thank goodness, Hades wasn’t here. I don’t know what would’ve happened if he’d shown up here with me and Ben in the shower, sexing.

“Yes, I am just tired and I need to think. I am going to sleep in the white room tonight.” I lied as I walked passed him and out of the closet.

“I understand.” Ben was right behind me. There’s no escaping a vampire with the same speed. “But I am here to talk or listen.”

“I know, Ben.” I turned to face him, poking my lips to kiss him, as his lips met mine. The kiss was a quick one and I really just wanted to rest, think, and be alone. It’s not Ben’s fault that I have to choose between him and Hades. I know the bloodlust thing would be a problem. I needed to learn some self-control. Ben’s blank stare followed me as I started down the hallway walking backwards towards the white room. He didn’t say a word and I appreciated that. I needed to be one with my thoughts, even though they might drive me mad.

I walked into the room that seemed perfect and pure, unlike me. I was now a harlot who was sleeping with a married god and a vampire, simultaneously, and I didn’t like that. I vowed that
I wasn’t sleeping with either of them until my decision was made.

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