Bound to You, a Paranormal Romance (Book 3 of the Spellbound Series)

BOOK: Bound to You, a Paranormal Romance (Book 3 of the Spellbound Series)
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Bound to You


Lola James


Bound to You, Book Three of the Spellbound Series

Copyright © 2013 by Lola James

Publisher: LJ Publishing, Inc.


ISBN: 978-0-9847849-6-7


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used factiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


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This book is dedicated to my Fans.

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Thank you!







This is unfuckingbelievable. That stupid girl didn’t die, but instead became a vampire?
I stomped on the hardened molten rock that hissed with each step as the black cloud of smoke dissipated from fissures in the molten rock. The underworld was my home, but I never felt comforted here. I made my way to room that housed my things. My anxiety was so bad that keeping still wasn’t an option right now. The drab, darkness of the underworld was enough to make me want to find something, anything, to throw.

I sat in my gold chair looking out into the haze of orange that filled the land. It’s just my luck to be trapped in this treacherous world forever with Hades. Hopefully that silly girl will drift away with that vampire and make my life somewhat more bearable. The truth is, I could care less about her; I just want Hades to suffer since I am stuck here.

I should have known that any plan with Eris would end like this. She is full of strife and discord that has rubbed off on me. I palmed my face in my hands. Most of the gods disliked me before; but now my plan with Eris has made them loathe me. My father, Zeus, is pissed at me; my mother, ugh, she is in denial that anything is wrong; and here I am, in the underworld, waiting for my insidious husband to return.

No one understands me. I just want power... lots and lots of power.

My mother always told me that I could have ANYTHING I wanted; I just happened to want everything.

I pushed up to my feet and began to pace the floor. I wondered if I killed that damn girl if it would help complete the curse? I needed help, but not from Eris, again.

Who hated her enough to want to help me?

The stupid witch died and everyone else seems so damn chummy with that tramp, Antonia, in the dungeon. Her life was too perfect.

I’ll need to watch this Antonia to see if I can find a weakness. It shouldn’t be hard, she’s almost mortal. Every mortal has a weakness and I will make hers be her demise. She’s my ticket back to Olympus, where I’d have more freedom. All those goody two-shoed gods need some spice in their lives; and I will gladly provide it.

I made my way over to the floor length mirror touching it with just a fingertip. Swirls of black and gray smoke spun in a counter clockwise circle as a picture came through. I saw her darkened eyes, once bright green but now darker since she was a vampire, even before the picture in the mirror came in clearly.

She was standing naked, between Hades and that male vampire—who was very well endowed—sitting naked, like a prop, on Hades desk.

Oh, this saga just keeps getting better and better. Maybe I don’t need to do anything at all. She could quite possibly self-destruct.
One could only hope.





Every muscle and nerve froze in place as I silently wished I could just curl up on the floor and die. I can’t believe that Hades just walked in on me and Ben after we had sex on his desk. I inched further away from them to escape the heat of passion and anger that boiled between the two men. I didn't want to be around either of them, right now. I looked down, not wanting to make eye contact with either of them, as a tingle swept up the back of my neck. I was embarrassed beyond words. Outside of my humiliation hung a choice that I didn’t want to make…
Who would I choose?
I held my chest, doubling over and inching away from them, slowly. I would have made a mad dash for it if the aching in my heart hadn’t taken my strength away.

I turned slightly to see both men staring at me from across the room.
How’d I do that?
Then it dawned on me, my vampire speed was much faster than human speed. I wish I could escape not only them, but my thoughts.

Ben was still stark naked and just looking at his muscle-defined chest sent a chill down my spine. A flash of him biting me came to my mind. A single bite was like every erotic pleasure. I worked to flush the thought from my mind, as I shook my head to help clear it away.

I was fully dressed in a purple gown that Hades created for me when he found us naked on the desk. But Ben, he was still basking in the glory of his success. My eyes descended from his chest to the source of my forbidden pleasure and I caught myself as Ben’s jet black eyes sought mine with a pleased smile. He mesmerized me and I wanted more.
He can still do that?

“Antonia,” Hades melodic baritone voice echoed off the walls and broke my hypnosis. Hearing him, just say my name was the same as him saying he loved me. The sincerity and love in just that one sound embraced me.

My eyes met his hazel ones and I melted. I should have been a puddle of Toni laying there in the middle of the floor. Instead, the warmth and love that came from his gaze burned through me and etched the word mine on my heart. I love that man… I mean god and he loved me.

Hades looked as gorgeous as ever, draped in all white with his perfectly coiffed hair and smile that could make any woman swoon. I couldn’t find a voice to respond, so I didn’t. I couldn’t even think as I found myself drifting toward him. The world around me disappeared and my mouth became moist with the thought of kissing his lips.

“Toni?” Dawn’s sweet southern voice was music to my ears. I snapped my head around looking behind me for her blonde locks. She was the only person in this world
or the next
who could and would help me. But where was she? I stuck my hand out and twirled around trying to feel for Dawn in the open space. I couldn’t see her and I began to worry that I had created her voice in my head.
Was this choice between Ben and Hades driving me literally crazy?

“Dawn,” I barely muffled out. I blinked and Dawn appeared, glowing like an angel in all white in front of me.

I ran into her open arms. We stood hugging, her body was warm against my cool vampire skin, and she smelled like a sunny day.

She released me and gawked at a naked Ben before nodding her head his way. A pair of blue jeans appeared, thankfully covering him.

“What the hell is going on here?” She finally asked, her face showing confusion and a little anger. I looked back at Ben just as a white t-shirt formed across his chest, hugging him. “I just want to go home.” I mouthed into her blonde hair and shoulder.

“But you are home, my sweet.” Hades closed the space between us. He placed his hand on my waist, gently pulling me away from Dawn and closer to him. I looked up into his pure, loving gaze. The brown flecks in his eyes were like a mink coat in the winter with comfort.

I almost relaxed and agreed with him before I shook my head. “No, I mean my tiny apartment in San Francisco.”

“But you don’t have it anymore,” Ben was now within arm’s reach and his smooth voice was so convincing. “We live in my—our place there.” Even though Ben was fully dressed, he was still just as sexy as he was naked on Hades’ desk. His black eyes burned into mine. The passion that smoldered made me feel vulnerable, but sexy.

“I—uh—well—” I was tripping over words and couldn’t get it together. On one hand, I had a god that loved me and whom I had loved for so long that I never even thought I could have a life without him. I had pictured myself with Hades for an eternity; but then Ben came into my life, making me question my love for Hades and adding a new element of desire and intrigue. This is just too complicated.

“She is coming home with me.” Dawn’s words were final. Even though she looked timid, she carried authority in her voice. At the hospital where we worked, back in San Francisco, all the interns feared her and even the Chief of Surgery respected Dawn.
I now wonder if it was because she’s a witch/demi-god.

“I am?” I questioned, looking into my best friends blue eyes screaming, “YES”. She pulled my arm, dragging me away from Hades.

“Dearest daughter of Circe.” Hades caught my hand. “Antonia was on the verge of a very serious decision between the vampire and me.” He narrowed his eyes at Dawn while keeping his voice and actions composed.

He was wrong. I was far from a decision. I was even more confused after my adventurous sex act with Ben. I shook my head. I did not intend to make any decisions tonight…
Or in the near future.

“Well, she can make that decision, later. For now, she is coming back home with me.” She forcefully snatched my hand from Hades.

“Dawn, I want to see my dad before we go.” I hated to stop her momentum, but my father had just come back into my life and I need to, at least, say goodbye.

She nodded and with a wave of her hand, Hades and Ben dissolved before my eyes.

I heard their voices echo my name in the far distance as we arrived at a medieval wooden door in the hallway.

“I’ll wait here,” Dawn said.

I nodded and turned the knob on the door and entered the dark bedroom. I saw my sleeping father in the bed. His breathing was even and his gentle heartbeat drummed in my ear. I moved closer to him and in a hushed voice I whispered, “Papa.” I did not want to startle him from his sleep.

He opened his eyes and leaned over to turn on a lamp in the darkness. Man, this vampire night vision stuff was kick ass. All the furniture had an ultraviolet glow and my father’s body gleamed red.

“Antonia, is everything alright?” His furrowed brows scrunched up and he sat up straighter. I moved closer and sat on the edge of his bed.

“I’m fine Papa, I just came to say goodbye.” I tried to sound calm, even though I wanted to cry at the thought of leaving my dad. We had hardly had time to catch up.

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