Bound to You, a Paranormal Romance (Book 3 of the Spellbound Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Bound to You, a Paranormal Romance (Book 3 of the Spellbound Series)
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As I watched the yellow paper cyclone go down the drain, I took a deep breath, holding back tears. My body was weak and my heart hurt. I backed out the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bed. Life is not fair. Most people go their whole life looking for love in the wrong places, and here I have two men who love me. I don’t deserve it, but it’s safe to say that the man I chose has adoration for me beyond my dreams. You may have an idea in your head of how love should be, but your heart knows the truth.

A knock sounded on my door and broke my thought.
It’s time.

The sun was still up; so that could’ve been anyone; but I had a sneaking suspicion that it was Ben.

I made my way to the door and looked out of the peephole. It’s not that I was scared of anyone anymore... well maybe Persephone, but I didn’t want any more surprises.

I found a dapper Ben dressed casually at the door holding flowers in his hand with something under his arm. I swung the door open and smiled at the gorgeous vampire who stood in front of me. His black eyes glistened as he gave me a loving once over.

“Antonia, you look—” He stopped as though he was at a loss for words. “Amazing.” He finished his sentence with a sigh, like he had been holding it in the whole time.

“You look pretty handsome, yourself.” He looked more than handsome, more like delectable.

“I bought these for you.” He handed me a bundle of soft, pink Peonies. His thoughtfulness touched me and I couldn’t help the smile that spread on my face or the slight blush in my cheeks.

“And, I have this for you, too.” He handed me a small cosmetic bag that I looked at with wonder. As I unzipped it, I noticed the blood bags inside. He knew I would be struggling with this thirst. I had been a vampire all of four days and I still craved blood all times of the day and night. I wonder would that would ever go away. I just didn’t like the sexual feelings that came with the bloodlust.

“Thank you. Come in, please.” I moved out of the way for him to come in and he walked past me, smelling better than he looked. I wanted to sink my teeth into him and drink from him, but I washed those thoughts out of my head.

I diverted my eyes back to the blood bags situated in the cosmetic purse. My mouth began to salivate while looking at them.

“Where did you get the furniture?” Ben looked around the apartment puzzled. The sound of his voice broke the concentration on my hunger.

I shrugged, “It was like this when I came. I was just happy I didn’t have to sleep on the floor.” I walked over to the refrigerator to put one of the bags inside for later. I quickly moved to the cabinet that housed my alumni mug. I ripped open the bag and carefully poured out the contents. As the last drop fell into the cup, I gulped it down.

“That Hades is something. He was so afraid of you staying with me that he got your place back for you.” He made his way around my tiny apartment.

“I guess, or he knew, that I would never be able to make a decision with you around.” I put the empty mug in the sink, satisfied with what little I had.

“On the contrary, I would never attempt to sway your decision.” Ben moved in front of me, so close our lips almost touched.

“So this date isn’t an attempt to make me see why I should choose you?” I stepped back as he stepped forward. I knew where this could lead. I just drank blood, Ben smelled delicious and he was in my face. I turned to go across the room, but he grabbed my hand before I could get away.

“No, I know that you will choose me; because we were meant to be.” His confident words shook me. His coolness was refreshing and tickled my heart. I made the decision, but I doubted myself the entire time. “We should go before it gets dark.” He motioned his head towards the door.

I nodded, grabbing the diary to bring with me. I read more last night and I had questions for him. I stuffed it in my bag and picked up my purse from the dresser, before making my way to the door.

I locked the door and we were in the elevator. We stood on opposite sides. I pulled the strap of my purse over my head letting it rest across my body.

“That blue really brings out your eyes.” I couldn’t help but smile. Ben always had a way of making me feel gorgeous.

I moved forward and closer to him.

“Thank you, Ben.” I felt myself losing control. The bloodlust was taking over.

He grabbed my hand as the elevator dinged on the first floor.

We walked off, hand and hand. He was the perfect gentleman, opening the door and helping me in.

“Where are we going?” I asked, getting control of the lust.

“Somewhere you’ll love” was all he said as we began to drive down my street. I didn’t say much during the car ride. I was too busy trying to keep my yearning under control. But when we entered the Grand View Park, I knew exactly where he was taking me.

I looked down at my feet and the flats that Dawn put me in were not the shoes for hiking. “I hate to break it to you, Ben, but I can’t hike in these.” I twirled my feet around and he just chuckled and shook his head.

We drove to the furthest part that we could get to by car. I had never driven this route on my bike. There were too many rocks and pebbles.

He stopped the truck and winked at me before hopping out of the car. He was at my door in an instant. “Do you trust me?” He asked and I side eyed him as he held out a blindfold. I nodded, not knowing what to think. He had brought me to my favorite place to relax, but he wanted to blindfold me. He helped me out of the truck and closed the door.

He leaned forward, putting the blindfold over my head covering my eyes.

I felt him scoop me up and into his arms. I felt the heavy bag dangling at my side when we began moving. I could only feel a breeze and I wasn’t sure if that was from our movement or the sea breeze.

We stopped and he put me down. He stood behind me and kissed my neck before he took the blindfold off.

The majestic colors of orange and pink lit up the light blue sky. The sun had begun descending into the water and the mirrored image reflected its brilliance.

It was perfect. I never thought a simple sunset would make me feel so much better. The heat from the sun beat down on my skin. My heart was heavy and I wanted to blurt out my decision, but I knew that we should talk and build up to it.

I felt Ben’s left arm cross my body as his right hand presented my camera. My old, 35mm Lomo camera was sitting in front of me with the perfect sunset to capture. I grabbed the camera and turned to look back at Ben.

“How did you know?” I asked searching his face for an answer. He smiled and nodded his head forward.

“You should get that shot,” He said. It was obvious he wasn’t giving me his source, but I knew that Dawn had something to do with it.

I turned and moved my body forward. I held the camera to my eye and focused through the viewfinder. I stood in awe before my finger began to snap the perfect shot. I turned the camera in various directions capturing the water swallowing the sun.

I spun around. “Why did you bring me here?” Ben tried his best to not make eye contact with me. I racked my brain trying to figure out if I had ever mentioned coming here, but I was pretty sure that I hadn’t.

“To get that shot,” He answered as I turned the camera on him. He was smiling, showing off his dimples and his messy black hair. He looked perfect. I cranked the camera and snapped pictures of him before he could object.

As perfect as this moment was, my mind was clouded with Hades and his thoughts on the letter I had sent. Ben removed the camera from my eye and tilted my head back, softly kissing my lips.

I closed my eyes and Hades face came into perfect view. My lids opened quickly and I pushed back from Ben.

“What’s wrong?” He asked with wide eyes. I had no words to explain that our kiss just reminded me of my other lover. I stood, speechless, and then saw a movement out of the corner of my eye. Someone walked up. I leaned to the side and looked past Ben to see who was walking up to us.

“Kevin,” I said as Ben’s mouth dropped open.

Ben swiftly turned around. I looked Kevin up and down, he seemed like he had been working out, wearing his tracksuit pants and a T-shirt.

Sweat beads streamed down the side of his face. The erratic beat of his heart was what had me. He had either been working out or on the run of his life. The perfect beat lured me in and I moved closer to him.

“What are you doing here?” He asked as if he hadn’t just shown up on my date. But he was a momentary distraction, which was working to my bloodlust advantage.

“On a date.” Ben’s voice was a little more edgy than it needed to be.

“We were taking pictures of the sunset. “I tried to explain it without bringing up my decision. I’d already broken Kevin’s heart, once. No need to do it again.

“Nice, bring your new boyfriend to our first date spot in San Francisco.” Kevin’s jaws tightened and his fist flinched. “And with the camera that I bought you, nonetheless.”

“She had no idea we were coming here.” Ben walked up behind me wrapping his arm around my waist. It was hard to pay attention to everything with the thumping in my ears.

“Well, I call it convenient.” Kevin’s smugness was the same as the day he met Ben. The pissing match between them was getting old.

“Well, continue your workout or whatever it is that you are doing here. We have a sunset to watch.” Ben was firm with his words.

Kevin smirked and said, “I am not leaving, yet. I came here for a purpose.”

I looked over my shoulder and up at Ben.

“Very well, I guess you can also watch the sunset.” Ben shrugged and took my hand pulling me away from where I stood. Kevin grabbed my free hand.

“You see, that’s where you are wrong, vampire.” His words stopped Ben in his tracks.

I looked over at Kevin, whose green eyes looked on fire. Suddenly, the piercing green and orange smoldered to where it hurt to look at him. “I’ve come to do what should have been done before.” Kevin moved so close I could feel the heat of his breath on me.

I closed my eyes as flashes of my life with Kevin came back to me. Happy childhood memories of us hiding where no one could find us, talking about our future lives—although I didn’t know that he wanted his future with me. Another flash of our lifetime of marriages and our travels across the world, while I had no memory of who I really was. I grabbed my dress at my chest as my body crumpled over onto him. My heart was breaking for him in that moment. Those thoughts played rapidly through his mind and holding his hand transferred them to me.

I opened my eyes to find a grimace on Kevin’s face.

“Just know that I love you and I’d rather not see you with either of them.” His face softened as he pulled the stake out of his pocket drawing it back.

It felt like everything was moving in slow motion. Kevin had the stake in his hands with tight lips pressed together in a slight grimace. I should have used my vampire speed to get out of the way but I couldn’t. I was frozen in time and space. My body wouldn’t move, like it had succumbed to dying. Maybe this is what was needed—for me to die. Hades could live without me, Ben would go on and find another love, and Kevin… there had to be someone in this world or the next that would love him more than he ever loved me. I closed my eyes and a tear rolled down the side of my face.

Everything sounded warped. Ben called my name as I fell to the ground. My eyes met Ben’s.

“I love you, always” were his last words before he exploded into dust.

The wind swept some of the dust, but most fell to the ground.

I shook my head, realizing what had just happened. The dust had begun to settle as a high-pitched sound came from my voice and tears streamed down my face. Ben had sacrificed his life for mine. I sprung to my feet and kicked off my shoes. My focus was on Kevin. I didn’t know if I should kill or torture him.

“You killed Ben.” My fangs elongated. I didn’t know exactly how I was going to do this but it was about to happen. I let my natural vampire instinct take over. My strength returned and any pity I had felt for Kevin dissipated.

“You foolish mortal. You killed the wrong vampire.” Her voice was distinct and one I would have known, anywhere. It belonged to Persephone. The malicious look and frown, coupled with her folded arms and pointed look, showed her anger toward Kevin.

I glanced between the two of them. One was the puppet and the other the puppeteer. My stomach wrenched and I clutched it on reflex. Bile formed in my throat at the thought of them working together to kill me.

“Why?” was all that my shaky voice would say in a hushed tone.

“You,” Persephone said, turning to face me. “I want you dead and I can’t harm you; but your friend here, he can.” She cackled and I directed my eyes to Kevin’s. I dropped my hands to my side and balled them into fists. I was torn between the breaking of my heart for Ben and the loathe I had for both Kevin and Persephone. I moved forward so quickly that Kevin could not react. I grabbed him by his neck. His face turned many shades of red as I cut off his circulation.

“This is for Ben.” I tore into the side of his neck, puncturing his jugular. Blood ran down his neck and I gulped it, extinguishing my thirst as his pulse stopped with the beating of his heart.

I threw his limp body to the ground. I wiped the blood that dripped from my mouth with the back of my hand.

In a blink, I was in front of Persephone. Her smile disappeared and was replaced with a scowl. As I grabbed her wrists, her eyes widened.

“I will find a way to kill you.” My voice was even and low. I had a desire for vengeance. “My words will haunt you until you go mad and that’s the day you will die.” I didn’t know how I was going to do it, but I was.

Her eyes narrowed and her perfect brows rose. I could tell my words shook her. The confidence she came with diluted to nothing.

“We’ll see about that.” Her telltale gray smoke sucked her in and she vanished before my eyes.

I dropped to my knees, ignoring Kevin’s body and crawling over to the pile of ash. My body fell forward and collapsed as I cried.

I mentally began playing the past few moments in my head. Ben saying that he loved me and pushing me out of the way to die in my place, so foolishly romantic.

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