Black Butterfly (17 page)

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Authors: Nika Michelle

BOOK: Black Butterfly
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onto the bed beside Ricky, I sighed staring into his beautiful eyes. “You’re so fine.” I smiled and cuddled closer to him.

“Mmm, and you’re gorgeous
,” he said burying his face in my hair. He loved the smell of the Aveda shampoo my stylist used.

I was glad that he’d convinced me to come to New Orleans with him. I knew
that I’d made the right choice because the city was so full of life with all of the good food and music it offered. We’d both been nominated for awards at the YBE Awards Ceremony and were excited.

“So, what’s on the agenda?” I asked.

“You,” he whispered planting soft kisses on my neck.

“Me?” I giggled.

He looked up at me. “Uh huh. This is all about you.” He kissed the tip of my nose.

“What are you up to?” I asked seeing a sly twinkle in his eyes.

“Nothing. Just wondering what our children will look like. If our daughter would have your eyes and smile.”

I blushed visibly feeling the burning sensation in my cheeks. “Aww, Ricky.” I kissed his soft lips and caught a whiff of his
Higher by Christian Dio
cologne. He smelled so delicious.

“First thing first though baby. Your man needs a nap
.  Are you lying down with me?”

“Yes, but I am going to jump in the shower first,” I said fishing through my suitcase for my necessities.

              He yawned. “Okay, but I apologize if I fall asleep before you get out.”

“It’s okay baby. You’re tired. I’ll just snuggle up with you when I’m finished,” I said kissing his cheek. His eyes were closed and I could hear the sound of him snoring lightly as I made my way to the bathroom. Before I could open the door I heard him faintly call my name.

“Yes baby?”
              “Did I tell you that I love you today?” He asked.

I smiled. “Yes baby and I love you too.” My guard was down and sharing those words with him had become my weakness. I went into the bathroom and turned on the water. The double showerhead spewed out an inviting stream. As I undressed I thought about the man who was waiting for me to climb in bed beside him. I was blessed to have found him, or maybe he’d found me. Wondering how I’d gotten back to a place I’d promised myself I would never be again, I stepped into the inviting shower. No matter what, there was no turning back now. As hard as I’d tried to fight it I knew that I was in love and it felt right this time.

   *                 *


              Dean took me out for dinner and cocktails at A Fish Called Avalon Seafood Grille in Miami Beach. The sautéed Key West Yellowtail Snapper with grilled asparagus and tropical fruit salsa was to die for. I literally savored each bite and had no room left for desert. After dinner we jumped in Dean’s black Ferrari 458 Spider with suicide doors and headed to SoBe Live Night Club. SoBe was one of the hottest hip-hop spots in Miami Beach. The line was long of course, but we passed by the line as paparazzi cameras flashed. I was proud to be on Dean’s arm and I was sure he was just as proud to be flaunting me. I pushed Raheem out of my mind as we made our way to the VIP entrance. I couldn’t be seen with men like him and Reco. I had to get that thug love bullshit out of my system.

Besides, Dean was rugged and rich. I could have the best of both worlds with him. He wasn’t stuffy like the guys I grew up with, but he had just as much money. His drive and ambition were sexy as hell too. He was just swaged out to the max and I loved it.

“Damn baby. I know I have told you how good you look a million times tonight, but I have to tell you again just how scrumptious you look in that dress,” he whispered in my ear.

I just smiled and enjoyed the way his soft lips brushed against my ear. Dean was turning me on by doing the slightest of things. “Thank you,” I mouthed not trying to yell over the loud music.

We had a seat on one of the plush sofas in the luxurious VIP section of the club. Dean had already gotten a bottle of Nuvo and Moet from the bar. He mixed the two at my request and gave me a glass. “Cheers to you sexy,” he said raising his glass for a toast.

“You’re so damn cute,” I said touching his glass with mine.

“Thanks, but monkeys and puppies are cute,” he said taking a sip of his drink.

I laughed almost spitting my drink out. “Wow,” I said getting my composure. “I am not trying to put you in the same category as monkeys and puppies. Sorry. I meant to say you’re so damn sexy.”

“That’s more like it,” he said pretending to be relieved. “I was kind of worried there. Cute means I will get stuck in friend mode.”

“Well, who knows what could happen in the future,” I said before taking another sip of the intoxicating concoction.

“I think I am starting to feel the effects of the oysters I ate,” Dean said gazing lustfully into my eyes.

“I heard that they are an aphrodisiac. How are you feeling right now?” I asked curiously as I sat my glass down on the miniature table.

“You do not want to know.” His eyes traveled over my body and back again. I knew that he was undressing me in his mind. “And what I am thinking is even worse.”

“Let’s dance,” I suggested and grabbed his hand.

“Good. I will have an excuse to put my hands on you. That’s something I’ve been fighting the urge to do all night.” He agreed.

“You’re a mess,” I giggled pulling him toward the dance floor.

Dean grabbed me and pulled me close to him. Suddenly the deejay had decided to slow it down. He’d taken it way back and played “Let’s Stay Together” by Al Green. I could feel his warm br
eath brushing against my ear as he sang the words. His voice wasn’t bad at all. When I felt his lips and tongue on my neck I almost lost control. I had to keep telling myself, ‘Don’t lose control girl’. I planned to take my time with Dean. I wouldn’t rush to give him the goods. Maybe that had been my mistake in the past. Yeah, Dean was different, and I was going to take a different approach with him.







Chapter 12


Damnit, there Renell and Ricky were looking all happy go lucky and shit. She even had the audacity to wave at Maurice and I with a huge smile on her face. Beaming and shit like that Negro pissed out golden streams. I was tapping my feet and biting my nails because I was fuming.  Don’t smile and wave at me like we weren’t just down each other’s throats. That bitch was flaunting her man in my face, like I didn’t have my own man.  In my eyes she was just trying to prove me wrong about her being a lesbian. Her new love was probably just a convenient cover up.

It was exactly 8:55 and the awards ceremony was scheduled to start promptly at nine. There would be an extravagant celebration dinner afterward. I had to give it to Renell. She did look incredible. The lavender Vera Wang gown was long and had a thigh high split that revealed a shapely leg. I hated to admit that I actually envied her. She had the perfect man and she seemed so genuinely happy. Ricky was looking fine in a tan Armani suit. His dark chocolate features and broad, muscular build were even sexier than I last remembered. Damn, why was I admiring my sister’s man? I knew why. He’d probably never used a drug, or hardly even drank. I bet he was even faithful to Renell, and didn’t have a limp dick one second and a deadly weapon the next.

“What’s the matter with you?” Maurice asked with an attitude.

I rolled my eyes at him. He’d been working my nerves ever since we’d left Miami. I was getting so sick of hearing him talk. He glanced over my shoulder.

“I thought
wasn’t coming,” I said under my breath.

“Don’t let her bother you. The ceremony’s about to start and I don’t want you to be distracted when they call your man’s name,” he said just knowing that he was going to win every award he’d been nominated for.

I was still upset and it didn’t help when he squeezed my thigh affectionately. “Relax baby. You keep tapping your feet like you’re a nervous wreck.” He suddenly stood up.

“Where’re you going?” I asked.

“To the restroom. I know black people are never on time, so I am going to relieve myself before the festivities begin.”

I nodded as he proceeded to the restroom. Looking back I noticed hat Ricky was gone also. Renell looked straight ahead like she was avoiding making eye contact with me. Suddenly she looked nervous. Not making much of it I turned and faced the elaborate stage as the lights dimmed.

*              *            *


‘Why the hell was she looking back at me every damn second’, I thought to myself. Getting up, I scurried to the restroom. The lights had just dimmed, but I figured I’d go to the restroom before everything was under way. On my way there I heard two men talking. Their voices sounded like Ricky and Maurice. I stayed where I was so they couldn’t see me as I listened.

“Oh yeah. Now I remember you. Morehouse 1996. You crossed over as Kappa and I was one of the big brothers over that line.” Ricky laughed. “I was a senior in ’96.”

“Ok man. So, you’re dating Renell seriously now huh? Seandra and I thought you two were just…you know…business associates.” Maurice chuckled.

“Yes, we’re pretty serious. She’s a very intelligent, sexy woman. I love a strong, ambitious woman who isn’t afraid to go after what she wants. She’s very special. You understand I’m sure. You’re engaged to Seandra, so I’m sure you feel the same for her.”

“Yeah, sure man. Let me get into the restroom before I go on myself,” Maurice stated impatiently.

“Oh yeah. Sorry man. I caught you on your way in. I will talk to you later Maurice ”

“Alright Ricky,” he said and walked into the restroom.

I walked around the corner like I hadn’t been eavesdropping. “Sweety, I had to go. I will meet you at our table.” I winked at him and walked by.

“Okay baby,” he nodded.” He turned the corner and made his way back to his seat.

As I walked by the men’s restroom Maurice suddenly stepped out. “Nell,” he said grabbing my arm.

“What Maurice?” I asked pulling my arm away in annoyance.

“I thought I heard your voice.”

“I didn’t think you remembered my voice,” I said sarcastically.

“So you’re with Ricky for real?” He asked.

“Look, the ceremony is about to start. Excuse me.”

“I didn’t think you would ever move on,” he said reeking of hard liquor.

I rolled my eyes at him. “I hate you.”

“You haven’t always hated me Renell,” he grinned slyly.

I pushed him aside and made my way into the restroom in haste. Suddenly I felt light headed so I splashed cold water on my face. It was a long time ago. Way before Seandra even knew Maurice. I’d met him first about four years ago. I was networking and trying to get my business started.  One of my fellow graduate students told me all about the YBE. You didn’t have to have an established business to join. All you needed was a graduate degree in Business and at least a 3.0 GPA. That year the YBE held a huge meeting in Atlanta and it was the perfect opportunity to fish for potential clients.

Later on that night at a party I met Maurice.  I hadn’t been in any kind of relationship since Nathan and Maurice was like a breath of fresh air. To make a long story short Maurice swept me off my feet like one of those Harlequin romances. I thought our relationship was serious and against my better judgment had fallen in love. He’d told me that he was in love with me as well and I believed him. I needed to believe him. He was a good man, or so he seemed to be.

He’d managed to keep his drug use under control when we were together. I actually didn’t know he used drugs until a short time before our relationship ended. For almost a year he wined, dined and romanced me from the island of Costa Rica to Paris. I never introduced him to my family because I didn’t want to make the same mistake twice. After I found his coke stash everything unraveled. The women started calling all times of night and in less than a year Seandra showed up with her new man. I was shocked as hell to see my sister standing there holding hands with Maurice. It had only been a month since the last time we’d had sex and they were claiming to have been dating for three months.

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