Black Butterfly (7 page)

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Authors: Nika Michelle

BOOK: Black Butterfly
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“What do you feel like doing?” She asked. “I’m starving and I need a fly ass outfit for tonight. How about we spend our daddies’ money after we get some grub?”

“Sounds like a plan to me. Ambrosia’s been out of the country for the past two weeks, so I’ve been shopping for myself. Where’re we going tonight? You found any new hotspots we haven’t hit up yet?” I asked slipping my feet into some Christian Dior sandals.

“My sister was talking about this new spot on the strip. It’s baller city girl. She said it be mad dudes posted with hot cars and money they don’t mind spending. Shit, she said they be letting the dollars flow like water. I know money don’t impress you, but your girl needs a man who can afford the finer things in life. I’m a caviar bitch. I don’t like potted meat,” Reba laughed.

Not knowing what potted meat was didn’t stop me from laughing with her. We decided to meet at Jerry’s Famous Deli in Miami Beach. I loved their sandwiches. It was barely after two and neither of us wanted anything heavy to eat. Taking my over sized shades off I looked around the restaurant for my bestie. I spotted her sipping on a Moet Mimosa. When I sat down she didn’t stop sipping.

“Well, hello to you too,” I said with an attitude.

“Oh shit.” She waved me off. “I was enjoying my drink. Sorry I didn’t just stop what I was doing to kiss your ass Seantay Beauvois.”

I rolled my eyes at her. “Whatever. You order yet?”
              “No. I was waiting for your late ass.”             

“Don’t get fucked up bitch,” I laughed looking at the menu. Our server came over and took our orders. We talked as we waited. I was glad Reba had decided to get a table outside because it was such a beautiful day. The white sand, palm trees and turquoise water looked very inviting.

Reba’s statement showed me that she was not on the same page that I was. “Girl, I need a change of scenery,” she said sighing heavily.

“Why?” I asked. “It’s so beautiful here.”

Shrugging her shoulders she said, “I don’t know. Just want something different I guess.”

“I feel you though. I was thinking about going to fashion school in New York. I want to try out some northern men.” I sipped on some Evian with a splash of lime. It was too early for me to be sipping. Obviously Reba didn’t care. We were never carded although neither of us was twenty one yet. Money talked in MIA anyway.

“Please honey. All men are the same, no matter where you go. Believe me.” Reba rolled her eyes.

The sound of my cell phone vibrating inside of my purse jolted my attention. I fished around in my bag before the caller could hang up.

“Hello, I answered hurriedly without even looking at the caller ID.

“Seantay, I hadn’t heard from you. What’s up?” A deep voice asked.

“Who’s this?” I asked annoyed.

“This is Antwone. You ditched me the other night and I hadn’t heard from you. I decided to just go ahead and try my luck, so I called.”

He was about to regret his decision. I looked at Reba and rolled my eyes. Why didn’t men just get it? I ditched his ass for a reason. Why must I have to get down and dirty about it?

“Look Antwone, this is what’s going on. I’m going to keep it one hundred with you.” I winked at Reba. “I have a man and he’s very jealous. Oh shit, he’s coming. I have to go. I’d hate for him to do something crazy to you. He just broke this dude’s nose for looking at me yesterday. So don’t call me back.” It took everything in me not to burst out laughing.  I hung up and Reba stared blankly at me.

“What was that all about player?” She asked. The blank look was replaced by an amused one.

“Some lame ass stripper I met. Oh yeah. Remember that night we went to that strip club? Remember Antwone?  He was the one who kept gyrating in my face. He’s too damn pretty for me.” I shook my head and frowned. “Very questionable.”

“I love me some pretty boys honey. Good, there’s the food.” Reba smiled as the waiter approached our table.

“Honey roasted turkey on rye, with Grey Poupon and extra pickles,” he said before placing the plate in front of me.

Reba had ordered a grilled chicken caesar salad. Once we’d finished our late lunch we tried to decide which mall to hit up first. We both agreed on Bal Harbor Shops because they had all of the highend designers we both had a fetish for. I decided to make a very necessary call.

“Hello. May I speak to Stewart please?”

“Please hold,” his personal assistant said.

“Stewart? That can’t be one of your men. Not with a name like that,” Reba whispered.

We giggled in unison.


“Stewart. How are you?”

“I’m great. May I ask who I am speaking with?”

“Of course. This is Seantay Beauvois.”

“Oh yes. Sean’s babygirl.”

I could hear the smile in his voice.


“How’re your parents?”

“Mother and father are fine. I wanted to bring a friend of mine to Bal Harbor to do some very extensive shopping. I hate shopping in a crowded mall. Is there any chance that you could clear it out for me for a couple hours? We will be spending a lot of money, so it will really be worth your while.”

“Anything for my old college pal,” he agreed without hesitation.

A satisfied smile spread across my lips as I ended the call.

              “C’mon girl. The mall is all ours. I have daddy’s Black Card, so you can hold on to Mr. Martin’s cash. This spree is on me.”

Reba looked at me in amazement. “You never cease to amaze me girl.” She shook her head.

          *         *     



I was finally at home under the covers in my comfy bed, but sleep still wouldn’t come. I just stared at the ceiling fan as it spun around and thought of Nathan. I’d left him after taking all that I could. He’d hit me for the first and last time.

It was a Saturday night and I was getting dressed to get a few drinks with my only close friend Juanita. Unfortunately, I’d lost touch with her over the years. Nathan walked into my bedroom and watched me as I got dressed. For the first time in two years I was defying him by breaking one of his “rules”. I wasn’t supposed to go out unless he was with me. I’d had enough. Nathan was much older than me and had his chance at life’s experiences.  I was only twenty one. I wanted to enjoy my life, not be cooped up in the house all of the time.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked giving me that intimidating look he liked to flash my way.

I couldn’t back down. “I don’t think I am going anywhere. I
going somewhere.”

“Were you going to ask me?”

“No. I am tired of your rules Nathan. You don’t own me and I refuse to let you keep treating me like I’m your property. You can’t keep controlling me. I have my own mind. I can manage my own life. I love you, but I do not need you.” Before I could blink I felt a crushing blow to my face. At first I was stunned, but I quickly recovered.

“This relationship is over! Get out!” I yelled angrily, holding my bruising cheek. I was angry as hell and hitting me was the last straw. He tried to apologize, but I was not trying to hear it.

“Baby, oh my God, I am sorry. I’m stressed out okay. You’re supporting us and I feel like less than a man,” he pleaded with tears in his eyes.

“You are Nathan. After all of the stuff I take, you hit me? You can get your things later. Right now I just want you to get out,” I said calmly.

Nathan nodded and left without saying another word. A week later all of his belongings were out of my apartment. I was relieved, but hurt at the same time. I dated a couple times, but no one significant. A couple years later I would meet the one man who changed my world and not in a good way. He had me open and turned inside out. He was everything that I’d ever wanted in a man, or so I’d thought. Because of him my heart had turned into stone. I couldn’t and never would give my heart to another man. I’d fallen in love with two men and so far that had been enough. Work had become the only life I had. Controlling that aspect of my life was the adhesive that held me together.

I was restless, so I got out of the bed and wandered out onto the balcony. The view of the city was beautiful. I lived so close to the ocean that I could feel the mist on my skin. The sound of the phone ringing jerked me out of my reverie.  I ran back inside to answer it. A male voice greeted me cheerfully.

“Renell?” He asked.

“Yes. Who is this?”

“This is Ricky. Ricky Cory. Uh, I was calling…because…because,” he stammered.

I could not believe he’d called me sounding like a shy schoolboy. I couldn’t help but be amused.  “How are you Ricky?”

“I’m fine and you?”

“I’m a little tired, but other than that I’m okay. To what do I owe this call?” Ricky was a fine, successful man who was known for getting what he wanted and splitting. I would not fall victim to that again. There was no way. It just so happened that he was one of my clients and our relationship was strictly business. I would make sure it stayed that way.

“I have a very important function to attend next Saturday and I need someone beautiful and intelligent to accompany me. I was calling because when I thought of those two attributes you came to mind. I would love for you to go with me Renell.” The shy schoolboy persona had vanished.

I hadn’t dated in years. I couldn’t chance it, although it was just one measly date with a handsome, rich, available man. However, if I were ever alone with his fine, blackness I would be in the same predicament as before. I couldn’t do it.

“Ricky, I am sorry, but I will be busy next Saturday. I have plans with my family.  I do apologize. I’m sure you will have no problem at all finding some other beautiful, intelligent woman to accompany you,” I said sarcastically.

Before he could throw in a rebuttal I hung in. I did not need a man to complete me. I was perfectly fine alone. I was content that way. I turned the ringer off and climbed back into my empty bed. I hoped for sleep, but only had thoughts swimming around in my head. I was trying to escape from it, but the past always came back to the surface. One particular man from my past was the only man other than Nathan who had made me put all other things aside. I loved him just as much as I hated him. Damn, I couldn’t stop loving him as much as I wanted to. It was driving me insane.

I had to forget about him. He was no longer a part of my life. He’d moved on and made it clear that he didn’t feel the same way I felt about me. Closing my eyes I said a silent prayer, but all I saw was his face. I fell into a restless sleep filled with dreams about him.


*         *            *




              Maurice called me when his plane landed. “Baby, are you okay?” He asked sounding all concerned.

Sighing heavily, I lied. “Yes Maurice. I’m fine.” The truth was I wasn’t okay. He had so much damn baggage, but I loved him anyway. He was once a sweet, affectionate man. He’d changed though and not for the best. Through it all my love for him had remained the same. I took the cheating, gambling, and drug habit because I felt that with my love and support the old Maurice would resurface.

“Well, you sound better. Forget those pictures baby. That’s nothing. I love you Seandra and no one else. That’s my honest word. I tell you what. I’m coming to you right after all of my meetings are over. Okay?”

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