Black Butterfly (6 page)

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Authors: Nika Michelle

BOOK: Black Butterfly
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I called my cooch “Black Magic” because I put a spell on men. Once they sampled some they couldn’t get enough. My ex boyfriend Shamar told me that I didn’t have the pussy for one night stands. He said it was no way a man could fuck me just one time. It was too bad I had to dump him because of his lack of funds. Honestly, I never stayed in a relationship too long. Seantay called me a serial dater.

“That’s okay Tay. I’ll have to pass. Guess who asked about you,” I said changing the subject.

“Who girl?”
              “Raheem’s fine ass. I saw him when I went to see my folks the other day.”

“Oh, hell yeah. Please tell me you got his number,” she said anxiously.

Raheem was the first boy outside of the circle of rich boys that Seantay had dealt with. In other words he was her first thug. I knew once she met him that he would make her forget about all of those boys she went to school with. She’d always told me how the boys at her school were so boring and lacked spontaneity. Raheem had a thorough reputation and was known for slanging drugs, among other things. He was rumored to be packing and Seantay had confirmed that for me. She said not only was it big, but he’d put it down. Okay, maybe she didn’t have many sexual experiences to compare it to, but she was hooked ever since. Eventually they’d lost touch and that was that.

“Sorry, I was in a hurry. I was late for my Anatomy class. I will get it when I see him again. His mom lives a few houses down from my parents. I’ll see him.” I tried to reassure her.

The sound of Seantay sucking her teeth told of her irritation with me. “Why in the hell did you tell me if you didn’t get his number? Now I’m going to be up all night thinking about that good ass dick.”

I laughed. “I will call you after I get out of the tub. Maybe we can grab something to eat.”

“Kay. Sounds good.”

We disconnected the call and I hurried into the bathroom. I slowly lowered my body into the water. The temperature was perfect. My thoughts dissolved into the soft, fragrant bubbles that surrounded me























Chapter 6


Although I’d enjoyed my time in LA with Maurice, I was glad to be home. Maurice had spent our first night back with me and left at about noon to head back to Atlanta. He had to attend a business meeting and his flight to Tokyo left later that night.

I was in the bedroom hanging up all the new clothes that Maurice had bought for me on Rodeo Drive. I loved to stop in Cali. They had the hottest fashions on the west coast. I still hadn’t called my parents to inform them of my engagement. I would call them later.

One of Maurice’s bags was sitting right there on my walk in closet floor. I fought the urge to open it. He must’ve forgotten it. Oh, what the hell. Obviously if he’d left it behind it was nothing to hide in it. I opened the bag. There were boxers and t-shirts that were folded neatly. Something told me to keep looking. What I found made my stomach turn. Tears stung my eyes as I found picture after picture of a naked white woman. She had blonde hair and resembled Anna Nicole Smith. She had no ass what so ever and I thought he loved ass so much.

I decided at that point to give the whole bedroom an inspection. When he wasn’t in Atlanta he was in Miami with me. Maybe he’d left some more clues around the apartment. I knew that looking for signs of cheating would only make me hurt worst, but I was curious. After twenty minutes of searching I found over ten porn magazines and more naked pictures of various women. I didn’t know if he’d been with any of the women in the pictures. I had to know, so I picked up the phone and dialed Maurice’s cell phone number.

He answered on the first ring. “Damn, baby. I just left. You’re missing me already?’

“You know you left your bag here right?” I asked in a sweet, calm voice.

“Uh, it’s just some boxers and shit in there. It’s no point in opening it. I’ll get it later in the week.”

“Mmm hmm. So what kind of convention are you going to again?” I didn’t trust him. I had a feeling he was up to no good.

“Oh, it’s just some music execs getting together. It’s all just part of the job baby. I’ll be back on Monday morning.” He didn’t sound too convincing.

“Maurice, I already looked in the damn bag. Please explain to me why you have pictures of three different women who are naked. Are you fucking them?” I was so angry with him.

“They are just pictures Seandra and you didn’t have any business going through my shit. You’re always looking for shit and when you find it you’re down my fucking throat about it. Baby, you know that I do my thing on the side. I thought it was okay with you,” he said pleading his case quite pitifully.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I blinked. “Fuck you! Things were different then. You asked me to marry you Maurice. You can’t be out there fucking every bitch that moves and expect for me to marry you. It has to stop now, or it’s going to be over between us and there will be no wedding!”

“Baby, will you just calm down. You’re overreacting. I don’t care about them. They were just some groupies who gave me some pictures. I didn’t fuck any of them,” he explained.

“Why would you keep the pictures? If you didn’t fucking care why did you take them with you on a vacation with me? That was so fucking inconsiderate of you! Are you fucking white women now Maurice? Because I am not having that shit!” I was sobbing out of control.

“Seandra, baby, stop crying. You’re going to make yourself sick. You have to stop okay. Don’t be so paranoid. I am not cheating on you. I promise. If it makes you feel any better just destroy the damn pictures. I love you and I will be damned if I let some sluts in some pictures come between us. We are getting married, so call your parents and tell them. Get dressed in one of your little pretty new outfits and go out with some of you friends. Don’t be worrying about what I am doing. I will see you Monday. Okay baby.”

I was satisfied when we hung up and finally decided to announce my engagement to my parents. Seantay answered the phone.

“Hello,” she said.

“Hi Seantay. How’s my little sister?” I asked.

“I’m fine. Mommy and daddy got you some things on their trip to Dubai. You’re coming over soon right?” She asked.

“Sure. I will see you before the weekend’s out. Are mom and dad around?”
              “Yeah. They’re here, but I wish they’d leave again.”

I was hardly surprised that she’d said that. Seantay was young and rebellious. I remember when I was like that. She wanted to be a regular person. That’s where our similarities ended. I loved being part of the elite class. Not that my little sister was not classy. She just loved regular people. Her best friend Reba wasn’t rich. I liked her and understood why Seantay liked her too. She was nice and seemed genuine. Most females felt that Seantay was a threat to them. Reba was different.

“Well put mother on the phone.”

“Seandra? How’s my baby?” She always told me how much I was like her. I couldn’t help but agree. We were very similar as far as our looks and personality. I wasn’t afraid or ashamed to admit that I could be a bitchy snob just like my mother.

“I’m doing just fine mother. I have some good news for you,” I said with fake enthusiasm.

“Okay. What is it sweetheart? Don’t keep me waiting,” mother said excitedly.

“Maurice proposed and I said yes!”

“That’s wonderful sweetheart! I have to tell your father. Where’s Maurice? I would love to speak to him. I can’t wait to help you plan the wedding.”

“He’s actually on his way back to Atlanta. He has to go to Tokyo on business. Well, mother I just wanted to let you and father know the good news. I have to go now. Au Revoir!” I said and hung up the phone gingerly. I usually hurried off the phone at the mention of Maurice’s name to avoid questions. Sure he wasn’t perfect, but he was all the man I needed.

         *        *


“Engaged?  Oh my goodness,” I said once I’d heard the news. Seandra could be so stupid sometimes. I couldn’t believe that someone so beautiful would settle for the first piece of good dick with a black card. There were just too many fish in the sea. They did have a high profile relationship though. Maybe it was all for show.

Whatever it was I could not imagine it being worth all the drama. Maurice had so many bad habits that I couldn’t see anything good coming out of the relationship. I couldn’t help but shake my head. My sisters were both very strange.

I called Renell to participate in some sisterly gossip.

“Hello,” she answered sounding tired.

“Bad day?” I asked.

“Yeah, but I’m leaving work early so I can get some rest,” she said not sounding at all pleased to hear from me.

“Did you know that Seandra and Maurice are engaged?”
              “Yeah, she told me before she told mother and father. We kind of had a few words last night.”
              “Really? Why?” I asked. I wasn’t really shocked since Seandra and Renell were always down one another’s throats.

“You know how Seandra is. I asked her if Maurice was still using drugs and she got all defensive and starting asking me if I was into women.”

I stifled a laugh. I’d often wondered the same thing. “I bet you were very upset by that. I know I would be.”

“Well, I hung up on her evil ass. I couldn’t sleep and stayed up until the sun came up. Now I’m tired as hell and I’m headed out the door.”

“You need to stop working so much.
Damn Nell, you do own the company. You should take some time off and lay you fine ass in the sun on some island somewhere. Mother and father just bought a new vacation home in Fiji. That would be perfect. Maybe you’ll meet a fine man and get your back banged out. I bet that would be just what you need.”  Maybe my sister
a lesbian.

“I’m not into women Tay and I don’t need a damn vacation. Having fun in the sun does not answer all of life’s problems, but real life is something you would know nothing about. All you do is look pretty and get everything that you want. It’s not that way for all of us,” she ranted sounding all angry and bitter.

“Damn Nell. I was just making a suggestion. You come from the same family as me. You have the same perks that I do. You just don’t use them. Don’t blame me because you run yourself ragged trying to impress daddy. I’m enjoying my life and daddy is just fine with it. You should try enjoying yours too.”

The ammunition I used caused a lot of tension. I could feel it. Renell was always trying to please our father. She was always competing for his attention. He loved all of us, but I was his baby girl. Yes, he spoiled me more, but that was to be expected since I was the youngest. Although he showed us all affection Renell had a jealous streak from hell. She tried so hard to be independent that it was sickening.

“Seantay, it’s obvious that you are oblivious to what I’ve been through. Sure, I shut myself off, but it gives you two no reason to insult me. I will talk to you later. Right now all I want to do is go home and crawl into my bed that I’m glad is empty. I can live with that. You other Beauvois women can’t seem to. Tell the parents I said hello.”

The dial tone pulsed in my ear as I realized that Renell had hung up on me. I hung up and shook my head. She was tripping. A few hours later Reba called.

“I talked to my boy Kelvin and he gave me Raheem’s cell number.” She recited it to me and I wrote it down so that I could program it in my phone later.

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