Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7) (26 page)

BOOK: Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7)
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Aaron took another nip at Lincoln’s bottom lip. “Do you trust me?” Aaron asked.

“Completely. Why?”

“I want to try something with you,” Aaron said and inched closer to Lincoln.

“Like what?”

“Do you enjoy anal play?” Aaron asked.

“Do you mean, like, taking it in the ass?” Lincoln replied.

Aaron chuckled at the words Lincoln used to ask his question. “No, I’m talking about rimming or having your prostate rubbed.”

Lincoln shook his head. “No one has ever done that to me,” he said hesitantly.

Aaron’s grin was wide. “Ohhhh, then you are really going to remember this day,” he answered. “Do you have some lube handy?”

“In the table beside the bed,” Lincoln replied.

Aaron turned to get the tube and rolled back to face Lincoln. Lincoln heard the click of the tube and closed his eyes. He wasn’t sure what to expect, but he knew Aaron wouldn’t hurt him. A moment later he felt Aaron’s fingers skim over his flaccid cock and down behind his balls to rub a circle around Lincoln’s hole.

When Lincoln flinched, Aaron pulled him closer. “Kiss me,” Aaron breathed against his lips.

While they explored each other’s mouths, Aaron continued to massage the opening of Lincoln’s ass with the pads of two fingers. Lincoln opened his legs a bit and Aaron began to apply more pressure. Aaron’s index finger eased passed Lincoln’s tight rim and their kiss deepened. Hungry bites of teeth and thrusts of tongue into each other’s mouth combined with the finger in his ass and Lincoln could feel his cock slowly thickening.

Lincoln spread himself wider for Aaron and gave into the sensations that rippled through him. And then the tip of Aaron’s finger grazed against something inside his ass. “What the fuck was that?” Lincoln huffed.

“Your prostate.” Aaron smiled. “Does it feel good when I massage it?”

“I, ah . . . don’t know,” Lincoln replied. “Do it again.”

Aaron seemed to angle his finger differently and perfectly hit the spot again. He gently stroked Lincoln’s gland with a back and forth pattern that turned into circles.

“Oh, Jesus,” Lincoln panted. “That feels incredible.” Aaron added a second finger and applied a little more pressure to Lincoln’s prostate. He used very subtle taps of his fingers along with faster strokes and suddenly Lincoln saw stars. “Jesus, fuck yes!” Lincoln cried out.

“Go with it,” Aaron prompted. “Shoot for me.”

“Ah, ah, ahhhh.” Lincoln’s voice roared in the room. He tossed his head back and let go of what felt like an endless stream of come. His chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath and Aaron eased his fingers out of Lincoln. A few seconds ticked by before Lincoln finally lifted his head on the pillow. His gaze hit Aaron’s and both of them grinned.

“I have never come that hard,” Lincoln said.

They both looked between them for the evidence of Lincoln’s release. There were more smears on Aaron this time than the last time, but still not all that much even though Lincoln would have sworn there was a gallon of spunk there.

“I don’t know how that happened,” Lincoln said. “I wasn’t even fully hard.”

“You don’t have to have a steel pipe to get off,” Aaron replied.


“Not to come that way,” Aaron added.

“That felt so fucking good,” Lincoln said and wrapped his arm around Aaron’s waist.

“Hmmm, I know,” Aaron replied. “Just imagine how good it’s going to feel when my dick thrusts against your prostate.”

“Excuse me?” Lincoln lifted one brow. “Are you trying to turn me into a bottom?” Aaron laughed at that and Lincoln playfully grabbed him by the throat. “As soon as my dick is able to cooperate, I am going to fuck you so hard, you’ll be walking funny for days.”

“I’m counting on it,” Aaron said and kissed Lincoln again.

Lincoln pushed the hair off his forehead and said, “Does it always feel like that when you bottom?”

“If your partner knows what the hell he’s doing, then that’s usually the case,” Aaron replied.

“I’m guessing you’re one of those partners that knows what he’s doing?”

“For you, I would go above and beyond to ensure your head blows off when you fall apart in my arms,” Aaron said with pride.

“Hmmm, I’m intrigued.” Lincoln grinned.

“We’re not doing that now, porn star,” Aaron answered. “But soon. I promise.”

Lincoln turned onto his back and put his arms over his head. “You know I’ve been with a lot of people,” Lincoln said. “Most were women because for as long as I can remember, groupies have always been part of the deal being in music. I’ve had a few men, but it was mostly blowjob kind of stuff or a quick fuck in the back of the tour bus. But not once with any of them, did it feel like it does when I do so much as kiss you. It’s the craziest fucking thing and I don’t understand it, but I am seriously loving it.”

“Me, too, Linc,” Aaron said as he molded himself to Lincoln’s side. As soon as he was against Lincoln, his strong arm settled around Aaron’s shoulder. He set his head in the bend of Lincoln’s neck and kissed his collarbone.

Lincoln pulled Aaron tighter and nuzzled his face into the hair on top of his head. “Thank you for introducing me to my prostate,” he said. “I’ll probably want you to play with that some more, if that’s okay with you.”

Aaron laughed against Lincoln’s warm chest. “I’m fine with that,” Aaron answered. “Maybe next time I’ll show you how good getting rimmed feels.”

“Sweet Jesusssss.”


Chapter Twenty

A persistent knock at Lincoln’s front door pulled Lincoln from slumber. He stirred in bed to get his bearings. The dim light of day streamed into the wide glass panels in his bedroom and he could hear the shower running in his bathroom. A smile spread across Lincoln’s face at the memory of what he and Aaron had been doing in this bed only a few hours ago.

The ring of the doorbell repeated a few times and then Lincoln heard the slam of his front door. Lincoln grunted when Spumoni’s distinctive rumble of a voice echoed inside his cavernous living room on the first floor and rubbed at his face. The fucking guy never had a problem letting himself into Lincoln’s home and Lincoln was seriously beginning to wish he hadn’t given Spumoni the codes to do so. But, he’d given Spumoni that information during a time when Lincoln was actually worried he might need help if he were to fall inside his house and having Spumoni know what was going on with him was far better than if Dagger knew. Now Lincoln had Aaron helping him and he no longer feared he’d fall and be stuck on the floor for days before someone found his sorry ass.

Lincoln heard Spumoni yell out his name again. He was getting closer to his bedroom and Lincoln knew what came next. He rolled onto his side to put his backside to the doorway and covered his head with a pillow, as if that might somehow keep him concealed from Spumoni’s eyes.

“Dude!” Spumoni called out to him from the doorway of Lincoln’s bedroom. “I brought you another bag of weed.”

“Go away,” Lincoln grumbled. “I’m busy.”

“It’s four o’clock in the fucking afternoon,” Spumoni stated. “What the fuck are you doing in bed? Are you sick?”

“Not sick,” Lincoln answered and tossed the pillow at Spumoni and managed to hit him in the head. “What part of busy don’t you understand?”

“Where’s Aaron?” Spumoni asked. “You didn’t throw him out of the house again, did you?”

“Nope, Aaron is still living here.” Lincoln eased himself into a sitting position in bed and the sheets pooled around his lap. “He’s the one keeping me busy.” Lincoln knew the smirk on his face would lead to more questions from Spumoni, and a part of him actually wanted to hear them. Aaron chose that moment to walk back into the bedroom with nothing more than a towel wrapped around his ridiculously trim waist and water droplets still clinging to his skin. Lincoln had to bite his tongue to resist the urge to groan his appreciation for Aaron’s physique.

“Busy, you say?” Spumoni laughed and shook his head at the sight of a half-dressed Aaron. “I see Aaron’s infamous bedside manner is still alive and doing well.”

“Hmmm, well, there is that,” Lincoln commented.

“How’re you doing, Spumoni,” Aaron greeted him as he used his fingers to comb through his wet hair.

“I’d ask how you’re doing, but why ask a question that I already know the answer to,” Spumoni replied.

“I’m doing well,” Aaron replied. “Thank you for asking.”

“I didn’t ask,” Spumoni countered. He pulled a plastic baggie from the inside pocket of his jacket. “I’ll leave this here on your dresser and let you get back to being . . .

“I don’t need the dope,” Lincoln said with a shrug.

“What’d you mean?” Spumoni asked from the doorway.

“I haven’t smoked much since Aaron got here,” Lincoln explained. “I told you that before. The last bag you left is basically full.”


“Aaron has me eating a better diet and doing an exercise program,” Lincoln explained.

“Diet, dick, and exercise?” Spumoni joked.

“Speaking of exercise, we need to work-out in the gym today,” Aaron said on his way out of the bedroom.

“Slave driver,” Lincoln called after him.

“Lazy brat,” Aaron yelled back over his shoulder.

“Ouch! That one hurt.” Lincoln chuckled and then his eyes bounced back to Spumoni.

“Jesus, I think I need a shot of insulin before I slip into a diabetic coma,” Spumoni remarked.

“Do whatever you need to do,” Lincoln grinned.

It took a moment, but Spumoni’s face softened. “So, this is good?” he asked Lincoln.


Spumoni nodded. “Then, I’m happy for you.”

“You should be,” Lincoln replied. “I guess I should thank you for introducing us.”

“Well, I didn’t bring him here with the intention of getting you laid,” Spumoni said. “I thought Aaron might be the right guy to get you healthy again.”

“Regardless,” Lincoln answered. “I feel better than I have in years.”

Spumoni shifted in place. “I hear Black Ice and Ivory Tower are cramming rehearsals in before the tour launches.”

Lincoln rubbed at his forehead. “Yeah, that’s true,” Lincoln said. “First time in my career I’m nervous about performing.”

“You’ll be fine,” Spumoni encouraged. “Aaron will make sure of it.” Spumoni inched toward the door to leave then stopped. “Me and the road crew are flying out in two days to meet up with the equipment in London. By the time you guys get there, we’ll have everything sorted and ready to be plugged in.”

“Do you ever get nervous about the start of a new tour?” Lincoln asked.

“No way,” Spumoni answered. “I live for this. What I do get anxious about is sitting around LA for months on end waiting for another tour to start. Too many idle hours for me to get myself into trouble.”

“That’s because you have no restraint on yourself,” Lincoln offered.

“Oh, and I suppose you think you do?” Spumoni teased.

Lincoln laughed at Spumoni’s comment and scratched at the whiskers on his chin. “I wish we weren’t starting this tour at Wembley Stadium,” Lincoln complained.

“Why the fuck not? Most musicians would give a kidney to sell-out Wembley and you guys managed to do that two nights in a row,” Spumoni reasoned. “You should be thankful people still want to come see you play.”

“Since we’re double billing again with Ivory Tower, I know this tour is going to kick ass,” Lincoln commented. “If nothing else, this tour will be fun.”

“You’re right. So think about it like that and you’ll be fine.” Spumoni flashed a smile at Lincoln.

“Hey, I wanted to apologize for how I acted the last time you were here,” Lincoln said.

“No need, man,” Spumoni replied. “I understood where you were coming from and I know you didn’t mean what you said.”

“I didn’t,” Lincoln added. “I’m not mad at you or anyone else. I’m pissed off at my own circumstances and taking it out on people that don’t deserve it.”

“It’s okay, Linc.”

“So we’re cool?” Lincoln asked.

“Absolutely.” Spumoni grinned and a moment later he disappeared into the hallway to leave.

Lincoln listened to the clomp of Spumoni’s footfalls down the stairs and waited until he heard the front door shut before he got out of bed. After pulling on a pair of boxer briefs, Lincoln went in search of Aaron. He found him getting dressed in the guest room. He sat on Aaron’s bed and silently watched Aaron pull on a t-shirt and running pants. His mind raced with all kinds of crazy thoughts he wasn’t sure he was ready to share with Aaron, but maybe it was time to throw it all out on the table and be done with it.

“You okay?” Aaron asked.

Lincoln stood up and walked to the doublewide windows that overlooked the pool. “Spumoni mentioned your infamous bedside manner,” he said. “I hate myself for asking this again, but I need to make sure nothing happened between you and Alex Metcalf.”

Aaron stopped brushing his hair and walked to Lincoln across the room. He touched Lincoln’s bicep and curled his fingers around the solid muscle. “I already told you I didn’t,” Aaron said. “I wouldn’t lie about that.”

Lincoln looked at the sincerity in Aaron’s glistening eyes and nodded. “Thank you for being honest,” he said. “But there’s something else I need to know.”

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