Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7) (27 page)

BOOK: Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7)
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Aaron leaned against the window frame and held Lincoln’s gaze. “You can ask me anything you want and I promise to be completely honest.”

“I was wondering if you and I were, you know . . . exclusive,” Lincoln almost choked on the last word. He’d never had a reason to ask that question of anyone because he hadn’t ever cared enough to want that kind of a relationship before now. Everything with Aaron was different and all Lincoln could think of was being Aaron’s one and only. “I mean, if that’s not what you want, then that’s cool,” Lincoln added. “I was just wondering where we stood.”

Aaron’s hand moved to the back of Lincoln’s neck. He tugged him closer and then wrapped his arms around Lincoln’s back. “I believe I told you a few days ago that I never did master the art of the random hook-up,” Aaron said, “and I’m too old now to start learning that lesson. So, yeah. I was hoping we could maybe not see anyone else while we’re . . . together.”

Lincoln covered Aaron’s mouth with his. The kiss was sudden and hot and Aaron stumbled back a few steps. Lincoln held him tighter to steady him and deepened their kiss until they were both in desperate need for air. “I’ve never asked anyone to be exclusive before,” Lincoln said and pressed his forehead to Aaron’s. “It’s just never been my thing. But with you, no way in hell am I sharing, nor do I want to be one of many that you’re with.”

Aaron’s chuckled. “I’ve never been one to share, so I’m happy you want the same thing.”

“Well, with me being on tour, I was nervous you might be out trolling for dick in LA,” Lincoln said. “Or maybe looking for a man that can actually perform.”

“Whoa.” Aaron gripped Lincoln by the shoulders. “You’re worried about me going with someone else? Are you joking right now? You’re the rock star, not me, so if anyone is worried about the other straying, it’s me.” Aaron’s hand slipped between their bodies and palmed Lincoln’s cock and balls. “As for your other comment about performance,” Aaron said and leaned closer to nip at Lincoln’s bottom lip and pulling it away from his face with his teeth. “From what I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing, you’ve been performing perfectly.”

“Perfectly?” Lincoln shook his head. “You don’t have very high standards, do you?”

“I have extremely high standards, which is why I don’t waste my time with random men,” Aaron said.

“One way we can ease both our minds is if you come with me on tour,” Lincoln said.

Aaron’s fingers curled over the waistband of Lincoln’s boxers and teased the skin. “I thought that was a foregone conclusion.”

“I wanted to be absolutely sure that’s what I wanted before I asked you for real,” Lincoln answered. “I’m asking for real now because I want you with me, Aaron. There’s no way I want to go on tour without you and I’m not asking for medical reasons.” Lincoln licked at Aaron’s lips. “I need you for personal reasons, too.”

“I’d like to go with you,” Aaron answered.

“Do you have a passport?” Lincoln asked.

“I do, but before you consider this a done deal, there is something else you need to think about before I pack my bags.”

“Shit. Here it comes,” Lincoln grumbled. “There’s always a ‘but,’ isn’t there?”

“Alex is going to recognize me,” Aaron said. “If you want to keep your health a secret, then we’ll have to come up with a story as to why I’m with you.”

“You’re sharing my bed,” Lincoln said. “Does there need to be an excuse to explain that?”

“You know what I mean,” Aaron said.

“Can’t we just say we met at a party and I dragged you home after?” Lincoln teased.

Aaron laughed. “I suppose that story would work.”

Aaron leaned in for another kiss and for a moment, Lincoln forgot the anxiety running through his veins about the tour. Over the next week, there would be a lot to do in order to get ready to leave not only his house, but also the country. Their equipment had already been shipped over and some of their management team had gone, too, for promotional purposes. Performing at these events was the easy part, as far as Lincoln was concerned. It was planning the logistics of the tours that seemed to be a tedious and endless source of work. No way Lincoln would ever want any part of that shit.

“You’re tense,” Aaron stated. “Let’s go work-out.”

“I’m fucking tense because I’m going on tour in a few days,” Lincoln replied.

“It’s more like eight or nine days before you leave and you’ll be fine,” Aaron eased. “I’ll be right beside you and I’ll do my best to keep you . . . loose.”

“Oh, Jesus, I love the way you keep me loose,” Lincoln said.

“There’s one other thing we need to accomplish before you leave on the tour,” Aaron’s fingers rubbed at the tight muscles in Lincoln’s back.

“What’s that?”

“We need to see your neurologist tomorrow and get you started on the medication,” Aaron said.

“I don’t want to be shooting up drugs while I’m in Europe,” Lincoln balked.

“The interferon drugs aren’t the kind you shoot-up,” Aaron said. “And waiting until you get home to start this medication is not an option,” Aaron said. “You’ve already waited too long, in my opinion, to get this into your system. It won’t be that bad,” Aaron soothed. “We’ll get the syringes prior to the trip and I’ll teach you how to self-inject, so at least you’ll know the process. While we’re away, I can give you the injections if you want, or you can do them yourself. Whatever you feel more comfortable doing, is fine with me.”

Lincoln dropped his head to Aaron’s shoulder. “I’ll be a fucking human pin cushion.”

“It’s a small, half-inch needle, Lincoln, and I sincerely doubt you’ll feel it,” Aaron explained. “The leg cramps you’ve been getting are probably ten times more painful than the tiny pinch that comes with these needles.”

“You make it sound so easy,” Lincoln said.

“I’m going to make it as easy as I can for you,” Aaron replied. “I promise.”

“Are you sure you can leave the country and be gone with me for months on end?” Lincoln asked. “Don’t you have an apartment, pets, or houseplants to take care of?”

Aaron chuckled low and dirty. “No pets, don’t care about my houseplants, and I have on-line banking to pay my bills,” Aaron explained. “I’m good to go. I’ll leave a key with one of my neighbors and have them check on my condo. I can handle the rest of it from the road.”

“What about Margaret?” Lincoln asked.

“I’ll see her before we leave,” Aaron answered. “She’s already told me she doesn’t want me to stop living because of her, or sit by her bedside waiting for her to draw her last breath. Those are her words, not mine.”

“Makes sense, I guess,” Lincoln added. “Do you have to give notice to your other clients?”

“I only have one client at a time, and right now you’re the one,” Aaron explained. “Although, if I were to be completely honest with you, you’re no longer a client. In fact, I should probably mention that haven’t deposited any of the checks your accountant has mailed to me.”

“Why the fuck not?” Lincoln asked.

Aaron shook his head. “It doesn’t feel right to be paid to care for someone I am involved in a personal relationship with. I can’t do it.”

“Then, how do you plan on paying your bills?” Lincoln questioned.

“I have some savings and I’ve been kicking around a few ideas for work when I get home,” Aaron’s voice was soft and thoughtful.

“Bullshit,” Lincoln blurted. “You’re not dipping into your savings for me, Aaron. Take the goddamned money and pay your bills with it.” Lincoln was quiet for a moment before he said, “I have a confession to make, too.”


“This is me being a selfish prick, but the thought of you working with any other guys doesn’t sit well with me,” Lincoln said. “I know it’s your job and you need to make money to survive, but when I think of you massaging other men, it makes me a little crazy even though I know you wouldn’t be touching them the way you touch me.”

“Well, then you’re really going to like my ideas for future work,” Aaron grinned.

“Why’s that?”

“I’ve been trying to come up with something I can do while on the road with you to make money,” Aaron said.

“You do realize I make a boatload of money that I could never spend in a hundred years,” Lincoln said. “I’m more than happy to share it with you.”

Aaron shook his head quickly. “No way. Although that is very generous of you to offer, I need to have my own thing, Linc. I can’t live off of you.”

Lincoln’s lips tipped up in a grin. “I knew you’d say that,” he chuckled. “So, share your idea with me.”

“I love helping people find their healthier selves through diet and exercise,” Aaron said. “It seriously gives me a rush seeing people recover and become stronger, like you did. But I’ll need to create a way to do this virtually so I don’t have to be with them in person. That led me to think I could do this with clients through face-time online. I could still do appointments with clients, coach them with their diet and exercise programs, and be a support system in every way except for the hands-on therapies.” Aaron shrugged.

“Sort of like a life coach?” Lincoln asked.

“Yeah, I guess you could call it that, but with more of a medical angle to it.”

“That sounds like a great idea,” Lincoln said.

“I’ve already got a couple of clients ready to work with me from a gym I belong to downtown,” Aaron smiled.

“That’s really good,” Lincoln countered. “And the selfish prick in me is happy because the only man you’ll be touching is me.”

“I think it’s a win-win for both of us,” Aaron teased.

Lincoln’s smile was enormous. “So, I guess you really can do this tour with me?”

“Absolutely,” Aaron replied.

Lincoln feathered kisses up the side of Aaron’s neck until he reached those gorgeously plump lips that made Lincoln’s knees weak. Lincoln brushed their mouths together before he slid his tongue inside Aaron’s. They took their time; leisurely exploring and tasting while their hands touched every square inch they could reach on the other.

“I’m falling hard for you,” Lincoln sighed into Aaron’s open mouth. “You are seriously rocking my world and I haven’t even fucked you . . . yet.”

Aaron held Lincoln with gentle care, like he was precious and rare like a gemstone. Lincoln loved the way Aaron’s eyes sparkled with emotion when he looked at him like this and his heart swelled to the point of aching. The moment felt heavy and raw, as Aaron’s fingers ran through Lincoln’s long hair and across his scalp. Lincoln shivered from the touch and he was about five seconds away from saying something stupidly sappy when Aaron broke the seriousness of the mood.

“Our first time will be all about me fucking you,” Aaron said.

“Is that so?” Lincoln laughed at Aaron’s words. “Two tops don’t equal a bottom, you know, and you seem hell bent on flipping me. Besides, you said you’ve bottomed before and you liked it. I’ve done it once and I didn’t. I win, so I get to top.”

“Sounds like we’ll have to have another sword fight to see who tops,” Aaron teased. All Lincoln could do was laugh and then Aaron’s expression turned serious and his eyes grew heavy with lust and the vibe between them turned intimate. “I’ll make you feel so good,” Aaron whispered. “My cock moving inside you, rubbing your gland, you’ll beg me to let you come.”

“I’ll beg?” Lincoln asked as he swayed against Aaron.
When had they started dancing?
Lincoln thought.
Lincoln moaned softly. His dick was slowly beginning to harden from Aaron’s easy grinding on him. Aaron was already so stiff Lincoln had to wonder how great the ache in his balls must be at this particular moment.

“You’ll be begging right before I push you into oblivion,” Aaron hissed. “Then, you’ll scream my name when you shoot all over yourself. It will be my cock buried inside your ass that will make you blow apart at the seams and I will ride you through that orgasm until you can’t take anymore.”

Lincoln’s breath hitched. He took another teasing bite of Aaron’s lips. “I fucking love your filthy mind.”

“Jesus, I got off about an hour ago and I’m seriously horny again,” Aaron admitted.

“Let me drop to my knees,” Lincoln suggested, “and, you can come down my throat.”

Aaron’s eyes rolled into the back of his head at the suggestion. “Oh, my god. You’re going to kill me.”

“Is that a yes?” Lincoln questioned. Aaron nodded in response and Lincoln loved the desperate expression on his face. “What do you want me to do?” Lincoln asked. Two could play at this “dirty talk” game and Aaron was about to find out that Lincoln was a master at it. “Tell me, Aaron. I want to hear you say the words.”

“I, ah . . . Jesus, Linc,” Aaron said, hardly able to coherently string four words together.

Lincoln licked a wet line along Aaron’s jawline and down to his Adam’s apple. “Say it. Tell me how much you want me to take your thick cock into my mouth so you can fuck my throat raw until you shoot your load all over my tongue. Is that what you want?”

“Hell, yessss.”

Lincoln slid a hand between their pressed bodies and latched on to Aaron’s cock. “Yes, what? You have to tell me or I can’t help you out.”

“Suck me.” Aaron’s voice was a raspy whisper.

“What was that?” Lincoln tipped his head in question. “I don’t think I heard you. Say it again. Louder this time.”

“Suck my cock,” Aaron said with more force. “Please. I’m so close. I need to come.”

“You want to come?” Lincoln asked. “In my mouth? Is that what you want?”

“Jesus, yes,” Aaron’s hand was beginning to apply a little pressure to Lincoln’s shoulder for him to get on the floor. “I want to fuck your throat.”

Lincoln held Aaron’s gaze as he slid down his body and dropped to his knees. He slowly pulled at the front Aaron’s running pants until his hard length sprang free. Lincoln’s eyes went to the leaking tip of Aaron’s dick and his mouth actually watered at the sight of the engorged flesh. He watched it pulse for a moment before one of his hands wrapped around Aaron’s shaft and the other palmed Aaron’s heavy balls. Lincoln’s lips circled Aaron’s cockhead and Aaron swore loudly. Lincoln bobbed a few times, drawing his mouth out to the broad head, before sinking to the root again and Aaron began to babble nonsense.

“Fuck my mouth,” Lincoln demanded. “Fill my mouth with your spunk. Do it!”

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