Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7) (22 page)

BOOK: Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7)
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Chapter Seventeen

Lincoln followed Aaron all the way up to his bedroom. The damp towels still secured around their waists. Silently he watched Aaron go to work using a washcloth to make sure all the come was cleaned off Lincoln’s chest and stomach. After that, he helped Lincoln get dressed again. All this was done before Aaron gave a second thought to himself.

“Aren’t you going to get cleaned-up?” Lincoln asked as he looked at Aaron’s bare torso with the drying come smears still visible beneath the swirls of light brown chest hair.

“I’ll do it in a minute,” Aaron answered. “I wanted to take care of you first.” Aaron walked Lincoln over to his bed. “Do you want to rest for a while?”

“Depends. Will you be joining me?” Lincoln asked.

Aaron smirked. “Easy does it, stud.”

Lincoln’s hands latched onto Aaron’s waist. It took a little effort, but Lincoln managed to pull Aaron off balance and flip him onto his back on Lincoln’s bed. He kept Aaron pressed down and climbed up over him. The moment started out playful but the mood quickly turned serious as fuck. Lincoln’s fingers skimmed over Aaron’s forehead, across each eyebrow, and down over his cheeks before he ran his index finger over Aaron’s lips. The moment was so powerful Lincoln heard himself make a soft humming sound.

Aaron’s arms wrapped around Lincoln’s back and his tongue flicked out of his mouth and licked at the tip of Lincoln’s finger.

“Aaron, I . . . I don’t know what to say.”

“I know,” Aaron replied. “It’s crazy how good this feels. Just don’t over think it and we’ll be fine.”

Lincoln knew Aaron was trying to lighten the sudden seriousness hanging between them by casting a veil of humor over the situation, but they both knew what was happening. Lincoln didn’t quite understand how it had happened so quickly, and with a man that Lincoln didn’t even like all that much when they first met. Now the rooms in his home felt empty and cold without Aaron’s enormous presence warming the space.

Lincoln had never been in love, but he certainly had plenty of people around him that had fallen hard for a lover in recent years. He imagined the way he was looking at Aaron right now would mimic the sappy expressions all his band mates got whenever they glanced at their partners. This was fucked-up shit and so incredibly perfect, all at the same time. It left him breathless and his chest ached at the possibility he was falling hard for Aaron. That certainly wasn’t the plan when Aaron moved into his home to play nurse, but now there was all this personal stuff developing and Lincoln was at a loss as to how to handle everything. He couldn’t even come up with the proper words that would articulate exactly what he was feeling, but the emotion was sure as hell there . . . simmering, just below the surface.

Where the fuck do I go with this?

Lincoln hadn’t a clue where they were going, but maybe Aaron was right when he said not to give this much thought. Maybe it was better to let the emotion guide them to the path they needed to be on, and if that meant they traveled in opposite directions from one another, then that’s what was for the best and he’d have to accept that.

Lincoln didn’t like the possibility of Aaron leaving at all, but it was also very stupid of him to fall for a man destined to be nothing more than someone passing through his life. The probability Aaron could turn out to be more than that was nearly impossible, and it was more than likely Lincoln was attaching himself to Aaron because of the help he was giving to him at the worst time in his life.

“You’re getting hard again,” Lincoln teased with a roll of his hips.

“That’s what happens when you grind against me,” Aaron explained.

“I wasn’t grinding.”

“Okay, then we’ll call it dry humping,” Aaron said with a grin. “Either way, your cock was making contact with mine. That will make me hard every time.”

“Good to know.”

Aaron’s fingers stretched around Lincoln’s throat and fanned over his warm skin. “Feel like taking a ride?”

“On your cock?”

Aaron burst out laughing. “Jesus, one orgasm and you think you’re a porn star.”

“More importantly, that one orgasm made me
like a porn star,” Lincoln proclaimed.

The expression on Aaron’s face softened. “I’m really happy you were able to make that happen.”

“Hey, you played an important role in that, you know.” Lincoln grinned. “And now that I’ve gotten off once, I plan to have many repeat performances.”

“Is that so?” Aaron rolled his eyes. “My professional opinion is suggesting you take it slow. Give your body and the nerves a chance to adjust.”

“Fuck that!” Lincoln teased. “I’m going to jerk-off once an hour until there’s no skin left on my dick.”

“Then, what will be left for me to play with?” Aaron asked.

“Oh, good point,” Lincoln said.

Aaron slapped Lincoln on the ass. “Come on, Mr. Porn Star. Let me up,” Aaron requested. “I’ll go get dressed and I’ll take you for a ride . . . in my car, not on my dick.”

“You’re such a buzz kill,” Lincoln grumbled.

“I’m saving you from yourself,” Aaron explained.

“Where’re we going?” Lincoln asked as he watched Aaron stand-up from his bed.

“I’m going to take you to a place I go to a lot on Tuesdays,” Aaron explained. “And maybe after that we can stop and get something to eat.”

“Today’s Tuesday?”

“Yes, for several more hours, now let me go get dressed,” Aaron said.

Lincoln grabbed onto the towel Aaron had secured around his waist and managed to pull it off as Aaron attempted to step away. “Mmmmm, I think I like the suit you’re already wearing,” Lincoln joked as his eyes skirted the length of Aaron’s gorgeously naked form. It didn’t matter if Aaron was displaying his bare front or his backside; he was deliciously arranged and definitely all fucking man.

“Birthday suits don’t count, porn star,” Aaron said and reached to yank his towel out of Lincoln’s hold.

“So, is that my nickname now?” Lincoln tipped his head and watched Aaron wrapping the towel around his waist again. Damn, he hated to see Aaron covering up such pretty physical assets.

“Sure, why not?” Aaron asked with a grin. “I can call you PS if that makes you feel better.”

Lincoln pushed himself up off from the bed and stepped closer to Aaron. “I’m okay with porn star,” he answered with a shrug. “It’s a good fit.”

“Is that so?” Aaron chuckled and started walking toward the hallway to the guest room with Lincoln right beside him. “Was porn your first career before you fell into the music business?”

Lincoln grabbed onto Aaron and shoved him up against the hallway wall with his body holding Aaron firmly in place. “I’m really starting to like that smart mouth of yours,” Lincoln said then his tongue took a quick swipe at Aaron’s bottom lip.

Aaron relaxed in Lincoln’s hold and separated his legs a bit for Lincoln to fit between them better. “I already know I love your mouth from the sweet torture you were giving me earlier.”

Lincoln bit at Aaron’s lips. “That was nothing,” he remarked. “Remember? You asked me to stop before I even got to the good stuff.”

Aaron finished getting dressed in a nice pair of black jeans and a button down shirt. Lincoln suddenly felt under-dressed when he saw Aaron and went back to his bedroom to slip into something else. When Lincoln finally made it downstairs, he had put on a pair of dark blue jeans and a red Henley shirt that fit tight across his chest. The double-take Aaron gave to him when he appeared in the kitchen made Lincoln feel really good.

“Better?” Lincoln asked. He held his arms out and spun around to give Aaron the full view of his attire.

“Much.” Aaron grinned and his eyes barely lifted higher than Lincoln’s waist.

“Your horny gaze is burning my ass,” Lincoln teased. “You keep that shit up and I might be forced to file a sexual harassment lawsuit against you.”

Aaron’s expression crashed. His lips drew into a tight, thin line and his body went ramrod straight. Lincoln saw the change immediately and stepped closer. When Aaron wouldn’t look at him, Lincoln gripped his chin and forced Aaron to make eye contact with him.

“I’m sorry,” Lincoln apologized in a soft voice. “I didn’t mean anything by that comment. You know me well enough to know I’d never say anything”

Aaron stepped away and leaned against the edge of the kitchen counter. His hands rubbed at his face. “Don’t joke about that, Linc. I already feel bad enough about this situation.”

Lincoln blinked several times quickly. Aaron’s words felt like a slap to his face. “What the hell do you mean by that?” he blurted. “Are you regretting the fact we fucked around? Because if that’s the case, then I’m fine going back to a business only relationship.” Lincoln’s voice was edged with anger and it seemed to startle Aaron. Lincoln watched him carefully. Aaron took a deep breath and exhaled as if trying to calm himself.

It took a moment but Aaron finally looked Lincoln in the eye. “I have absolutely no regrets, Lincoln,” Aaron said with conviction. “But, what I did was reckless.”


“Because . . . there’s a part of me that feels like I’m taking advantage when you’re vulnerable,” Aaron explained. “Not cool in my book. I’m supposed to be helping you, not helping myself into your pants.”

Lincoln scowled at Aaron; his annoyance had drifted into being pissed off. “I don’t want to be your pity fuck, Aaron, or your science experiment to see if you can get off the guy with dick issues.” Lincoln ran his fingers through his hair and pulled on the ends. “Jesus, I know this is a
for you, but this is my fucking life. And, if I am correctly understanding the purpose of you being here, it’s to help me relearn how to live with this fucking disease long after you’re gone. Am I right? So, do your fucking job and we’ll be done with this.”

After you’re gone.
Those three words weighed heavily on Lincoln’s shoulders like he was carrying the weight of Aaron around on him. Lincoln’s gaze hit Aaron’s and he saw him visibly grimace from what Lincoln had said; his body almost recoiling from Lincoln.

“You know damn well this is much more than a job for me,” Aaron seethed. “That’s not news because I already told you that. What you don’t know is that every day I spend with you I’m becoming more and more . . .
, and that’s where this gets complicated for me. I’m not supposed to feel that way for my clients. It’s reckless, stupid, and irrespons—”

Lincoln cut off Aaron’s last word when his mouth covered Aaron’s. His tongue briefly teased the seam of Aaron’s lips and as soon as Aaron relaxed, Lincoln pushed his tongue into the wet heaven inside. Lincoln moaned loudly when their tongues tangled. He could so easily get lost in this man. Every part of Aaron excited him; even the soothing sound of his voice stirred things in Lincoln. It was like finally being able to scratch an itch that he’d never quite been able to reach. Aaron was giving him that and so much more it made Lincoln’s heart race and ache all at the same time.

“Attached?” Lincoln whispered against Aaron’s wet lips. “Really?” Aaron could only nod in answer because Lincoln was kissing him again. When Lincoln finally eased out of the kiss, he held Aaron’s face in his hands. “Then it looks like we’re both on the same page.”

The next kiss was all Aaron. He took Lincoln’s mouth slow at first and then their kiss became as hard and desperate as the cocks straining between them. Lincoln started chuckling and that had Aaron pulling out of the kiss.

“Something funny?” Aaron asked.

“A week ago I couldn’t get a boner to save my life.” Lincoln grinned. “Now I’m popping wood just from the sight of you, and when we kiss . . . Jesus, I think you can feel what that does to me.” Aaron’s hand slipped between their bodies and palmed Lincoln’s erection. “Let’s go back upstairs,” Lincoln breathed against Aaron’s mouth.

“We just got dressed.” Aaron smiled. “How about we go for that ride I mentioned, and then when we get back we’ll see if you can get some more wood.”

Lincoln rocked his hips into Aaron. “Maybe this will be the only hard-on I’ll have today and we should take advantage of it while it lasts?”

That comment had Aaron full-out laughing. “Come on, porn star. Let’s get going before you do change my mind.” Aaron collected the keys to his jeep from the kitchen counter top and started walking toward the front door.

Just before Lincoln stepped outside his house, he grabbed a baseball cap and a pair of dark Ray-Ban sunglasses that were sitting on a small narrow table beside the front door. “Do I need to call for a security detail before we leave?” Lincoln asked Aaron as he carefully hiked himself up into the passenger seat of Aaron’s jeep.

Aaron pointed to the dark sedan parked across the street from the electronic gate at the end of Lincoln’s driveway. “I think Dagger already took care of that for you,” Aaron answered.

Sure enough, Lincoln saw the car pull out behind Aaron’s jeep as they left Lincoln’s estate. Lincoln removed his cell phone from his back pocket and typed out a quick text message to Dagger. It didn’t hurt to be safe, right?

“Did you hire security to follow me?”
Lincoln typed to Dagger. A few moments later came the reply.

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