Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7) (38 page)

BOOK: Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7)
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Aaron laughed loudly and the waiters stopped what they were doing at the table and glanced over at them. “Oh, is that so?” Aaron teased.

“What’d you say?” Lincoln pushed. “Do we have a deal?”

? That isn’t a very romantic way to woo me back into bed,” Aaron mock scolded.

“You want wooing? Fine. I can give you that,” Lincoln said. He dropped down on one knee and grabbed on to Aaron’s hand. “Aaron, would you do me the honor of allowing me to haul your sexy ass back to bed after brunch and let me make love to you?”

“Jesus, you’re one crazy bastard,” Aaron said. A loud knock at the door to the suite stopped Aaron from saying more. A moment later, Alex and his entire group with their significant others all strolled into the suite. “Looks like it’s game time,” Aaron commented and helped Lincoln up off his knee to stand.

“To be continued, Mr. Hot Ass,” Lincoln said beside the shell of Aaron’s ear. Lincoln tugged Aaron with him to the small foyer of the suite and greeted all the guys from Ivory Tower.

“I smell coffee,” Cooper commented and started to head toward the dining room, but Lincoln stopped him.

“Please, if everyone could just give me five minutes before you all line up at the food trough, I’d appreciate it,” Lincoln said.

“Sounds serious,” Alex said to Lincoln.

“Do you know what’s going on?” Wheland asked Cooper.

They guys continued to mutter under their breath until they settled on the couch and chairs in the living room. Lincoln hollered to Dagger and the others and soon the small space was filled to the brim with his band brothers. Lincoln’s eyes scanned the gathered group. He thought the world of each and every one of them. They’d been through so much together and now was one more hurdle for them to overcome—or at least this was for him.

“What’s going on?” Alex finally asked. “Does this have something to do with you falling on stage at the last show?”

“I need coffee,” Cooper mumbled again and Jayson elbowed him in the ribs. “Ouch! Are you gonna tell me you don’t want coffee right now?”

“That is beside the point,” Jayson admonished.

“Okay, listen. Please,” Lincoln said to get everyone’s attention. “Let me say what I need to say and then you can all go eat and get your coffee.” Lincoln watched the two waiters leave the suite and waited to hear the click as the door shut before he started to speak again. He paced by the windows until Aaron stood up beside him, not near enough to touch him, but close enough for Lincoln to feel his warmth and support. Lincoln pushed the hair off his face and his fingers brushed over the bandage covering his stitches, bringing his focus back to what was truly going on.

“Yeah, I fell last night on stage and ended up with a bunch of stitches in my head,” Lincoln said. “The reason I fell was because I had a seizure. The light show blinded me and I don’t remember much after that. But I didn’t plan the press conference today to talk about me falling or to explain to them that I wasn’t drunk or high when I fell. I asked the media to come so I could tell them about a health issue I’m dealing with—an issue I’ve
dealing with now for close to two years. Out of respect for you all, I wanted you to hear this news from me before the general public.”

Lincoln paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. His mouth was dry and he felt nauseous, but the sooner he said his piece, the quicker he could move on. “I was diagnosed about a month ago with multiple sclerosis,” Lincoln blurted on a rush of air. “I’m not sure if any of you are familiar with the disease, but it’s fucked me up in more than one way. I’m on drugs now and Aaron is helping me to get stronger so I can manage this disease better, but it is still something I’ll be dealing with for the rest of my life. I’m hoping if I’m careful I won’t have any more permanent damage, but I already have a partial vision loss in my left eye that is very likely permanent.”

Lincoln glanced around the room and saw the stunned look on their faces. It killed him to see their anguished expressions, but it also made him feel good to see how much they cared. “I can live with this disease. I just need to learn new ways to modify my life to keep the disease stable, and Aaron is doing an amazing job of helping me with that.”

“Jesus, Lincoln,” Alex said on a sigh. “I had no idea you were dealing with this.”

“Can you still keep working?” Wheland asked Lincoln.

Lincoln swallowed hard and nodded. “I’m hoping to, but we’ll have to see how well I deal with the physical demands that are involved.”

“For now, we’re going to initiate a few changes to make it easier for Lincoln to work with us,” Dagger added.

“Dagger . . .” Lincoln warned.

“Fine, we’ll talk about it later,” Dagger relented.

“So, I’m going to keep the press conference brief,” Lincoln stated. “I’ll go on record and tell them what’s going on with me, possibly answer a few questions, and then I’m done. Anything else they print that isn’t factual is on them.”

“Anything we can do to help, you let us know,” Cooper said, then stood up to offer Lincoln a hug.

One by one, all the guys offered Lincoln their strength. It was a little overwhelming for Lincoln to feel this much love and support from these men. He was still wrapped in a tight embrace with Wheland when Lincoln overhead Alex talking with Aaron.

“So, that’s why you’re with Lincoln, to take care of him?” Alex asked Aaron.

“I’m in love with him,” Aaron answered. “It doesn’t matter all that much to me how we met, just that we did and I’ve never been happier.”

“You look good,” Alex commented to Aaron. “And so does he.”

Lincoln stood at Aaron’s side then and draped a possessive arm around Aaron’s shoulders before he pressed a kiss to his temple. “Thanks for being here,” Lincoln said to Alex.

“We’re family, Linc,” Alex explained. “If you need anything at all, you know we’ll take care of it.” Loud moaning filtered out to them. They turned to look toward the dining room and realized it was Cooper making the appreciative sounds over the food piled on his plate.

“I better go eat something before Cooper takes care of everything on that table,” Alex commented. “For a little guy he can sure pack away the food.”

Alex walked off and left Aaron standing with Lincoln. They watched the others in the dining room for a few moments and listened to their laughter and gentle ribbing of each other. It really was a family and that filled Lincoln’s heart. The man standing beside him made everything complete.

“I heard what you said to Alex.” Lincoln grinned.


“You’re right,” Lincoln said. “It doesn’t matter how me met, just that we did, and I’m so fucking happy with you.”

Aaron wrapped his arms fully around Lincoln and swayed with him pressed to his chest. “Me, too, so fucking happy.”

“Speaking of fucking . . .” Lincoln smiled.

Aaron tipped his head back and laughed. “You don’t want to eat first?”

“Oh, I definitely plan on eating something,” Lincoln said. “But it isn’t on that table.” Lincoln’s hand slid between them and cupped Aaron’s groin in his palm. “It’s right here inside your tight pants and it’s all mine.”

Aaron took Lincoln’s mouth in a hard kiss. When their tongues slid together, they both groaned. “Let’s go back to bed, porn star.”

Lincoln locked the bedroom door behind them and turned around to face Aaron. “Get undressed,” Lincoln directed. He kept his voice low, but he clearly got his point across that this time he was going to top. He started to pull off his shirt faster than he thought possible without shredding it to pieces and popping buttons. He kicked off his boots next and pushed his jeans to the floor, then kicked the entire pile off to the side.

When his head lifted again, Aaron was already naked and stood a few feet from the bed. Lincoln’s eyes drank in the long, lean length of Aaron, just enough toned muscle in all the right places, skin lightly tanned from the sun, and a soft dusting of chest hair that drew the eye down over his firm stomach and to the thick cock standing upright from Aaron’s groin.

Lincoln sighed at the sight of him. “You make me breathless,” Lincoln exhaled in a rush. Aaron smiled at Lincoln’s comment; his eyes already heavy with lust. Lincoln stepped closer. “I want you so bad,” Lincoln said when he reached Aaron.

Aaron’s hand cupped the whiskered side of Lincoln’s face and his thumb skimmed over Lincoln’s lips. “Then, take me.”

Lincoln made a growling sound and leaned forward to kiss Aaron. His tongue slipped inside Aaron’s wet mouth and swirled over Aaron’s tongue. Lincoln pulled Aaron close to his body and Aaron sucked Lincoln’s tongue in deeper while they walked the last couple of feet to the bed. When Aaron’s legs were up against the side of the mattress, Lincoln gave him a gentle shove and watched him tumble onto his back. Lincoln climbed up over Aaron and settled his weight down on top of him. Aaron’s breath hitched when their cocks rubbed together.

“I’m going to make you feel so good,” Lincoln whispered. “You are going to lose your fucking mind in my arms while I love you.” Lincoln slowly rocked his hips. “And I’m not going to hurry. I’m going to take my time and edge you, over and over, until you beg me for release.”

“Jesus,” Aaron hissed. “I’m ready to beg now.”

“No begging . . . yet,” Lincoln chuckled. “You’ve got a good hour of pleasure ahead of you before I let you come, so buckle up and enjoy the ride.” Lincoln stole another kiss before his mouth began to inch down the length of Aaron’s body, licking and kissing every new inch he reached. He spread Aaron’s legs open when he reached his groin. Lincoln ignored the leaking cock that pulsed against Aaron’s stomach. Instead, Lincoln licked away from the shaft and laved the inside of Aaron’s thighs, then dragged his tongue over his tight sac.

“Oh, my god!” Aaron ranted.

“Do you like it so far?” Lincoln grinned as he pulled his tongue up the thick shaft of Aaron’s cock.

Aaron slapped his forehead and groaned. “Suck me, please.”

“Ohhhh, I’m not going there, yet, babe,” Lincoln said. “I’ve got other plans for my tongue that I think you’re gonna love just as much.”

“Jesusssssss,” Aaron said in a breathy voice.

“I know, right?”

Lincoln was having way too much fun teasing Aaron, but he knew the happy ending they’d both get from this torture would be worth it. He pressed on the backs of Aaron’s knees and rolled him a bit backward to lift his hips off the mattress then shoved his mouth between Aaron’s exposed cheeks. His tongue licked at the indent, lapped at it until Aaron cried out. Then he wet his thumbs and eased the tips inside Aaron as his tongue continued to tease. Lincoln could feel Aaron relaxing and opening for him. The idea he’d soon be inside him had Lincoln in a state of arousal so intense, just rubbing his cock against anything right now would be enough to make him come. Lincoln’s thumbs inched deeper inside Aaron and past the tight outer ring of muscle. He spread Aaron open and used his tongue to fuck Aaron’s hole.

“Condom. Please, Lincoln,” Aaron pleaded. “I need you. Inside.”

Lincoln wasn’t ready to end the foreplay just yet and move on to the main course. His eyes lifted to Aaron’s flushed face. Sweat was beginning to pop out all over Aaron’s body and his fists clutched at the bedsheets. It was obvious Aaron couldn’t take much more and Lincoln really didn’t want Aaron to come before he got inside of him.

Lincoln lowered Aaron flat on his back again and reached for the supplies on the table beside the bed. He quickly rolled a condom onto his shaft and slicked it with the lube, then coated his fingers and smeared it over Aaron’s hole and dipped inside to coat the walls of his channel.

“Ready for me?” Lincoln asked. Truth was Lincoln wasn’t completely sure he was ready himself. What if he lost his erection halfway through or couldn’t get him or Aaron off? Then what? How disappointed would Aaron be if he couldn’t perform?

He must have hesitated too long because Aaron sat up and wrapped a hand around the back of Lincoln’s neck. “Hey, you okay?” Aaron asked him.

Lincoln lifted his eyes to meet Aaron’s. “Yeah, I’m good,” he answered. “I just was . . . thinking.”

“Well, don’t.” Aaron grinned and started to lay back while tugging Lincoln with him. “I want to feel you inside me.” Aaron settled onto his back again and spread his legs open for Lincoln. “Please. I really need to come.”

Lincoln added more lube to his condom covered shaft and leaned over Aaron. He tipped his hips and dragged the tip of his cock through Aaron’s crack until the tip pressed to Aaron’s entrance. Lincoln was at the gate of Aaron’s slice of heaven and his cock was harder than he could remember being in a very long time. The pause was brief and then Lincoln started to push inside. Searing heat surrounded him and sucked him deeper, until he finally bottomed out. Lincoln stopped his movement and let Aaron adjust. The tight warmth that held him in place was euphoric. After Lincoln saw Aaron nod his approval, he leaned forward for a kiss.

“Love you,” Lincoln whispered as his face hovered just above Aaron’s.

“Me too, babe,” Aaron hissed. “Go ahead and move. Show me how much you love me.”

Lincoln held Aaron’s steady gaze as he lifted Aaron’s legs and draped each of them over his shoulders. Then he held on to Aaron’s thighs and thrust forward. Aaron’s breath caught in his throat and he made a moaning sound. To see Aaron’s facial expression changing before Lincoln’s eyes as he slipped deeper and deeper into the throes of arousal and to hear the erotic sounds coming from him, it was performance art to Lincoln. The most beautiful work of art Lincoln had ever seen.

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