Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7) (37 page)

BOOK: Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7)
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“Dagger, there’s nothing you could have said back then that would have gotten Lincoln to talk,” Aaron said. “You know him better than anyone. He’s stubborn and very private and you pushing him to talk would have only alienated him more.”

“So, where do you figure into all of this, Aaron?” Dagger asked. “He didn’t meet you at a party, did he?”

Aaron shook his head. “No, we didn’t meet at a party,” Aaron explained. “I am an in-home nurse specializing in many different forms of treatment for rehabilitating patients. Spumoni knew of me because I helped . . . a friend of his rehab at home a year or so ago. Spumoni called me up and basically begged and pleaded for me to work with Lincoln to try and get him stronger so he could go out on this tour with you. Lincoln didn’t want to quit working, and he didn’t want to let you all down, but he’s no longer a hundred percent and it’s unlikely he ever will be again. That doesn’t mean he still can’t do his job or have a normal life. He just needs to find new ways for him to function while managing the disease and that’s where I come in to this. I was hired to show Lincoln new ways to live his life. I’ve been closely working with him at his home with a strict regimen of diet and exercise. He’s come a long way since I started working with him, but he has a very long way to go.”

“Jesusssss,” Ashton exhaled.

“But you’re sleeping with him,” Dante blurted. “How does that work if you’re technically the hired help?”

Aaron rolled his eyes. “I work for myself, so I’m not breaking any clinic or hospital rules,” Aaron explained. “Is it morally wrong?” Aaron paused and found a crack in the linoleum flooring to focus on. “Look, I didn’t expect to fall for Lincoln the way I did, and neither did he for me. It just sort of happened and I don’t regret it at all. If you want to report me to the state licensing board, then go ahead. I’m happy to give up my license, but I will not stop caring for Lincoln. And, for the record, I haven’t accepted payment from Lincoln since the week after we met. I’ve been doing this work strictly because I believe he can have a good life with this disease, and I am determined to prove that to him.”

“You’re in love with him,” Dante said.

“Yeah, I am,” Aaron answered with conviction.

“He loves you, too,” Dante said with a smile. “I saw the way he looked at you at dinner last night. He’s just as whacked as you are and I told him so.”

“I’m stunned by this,” Dagger said. “I feel like a horrible brother to miss how badly he needed us and we were clueless, all wrapped up in our own little worlds to notice.”

Aaron shrugged. “Don’t beat yourself up,” he said. “Lincoln became the master at hiding what was going on and unless you were a trained medical professional, it’s doubtful you would have seen this for what it is.”

Dagger sat back in his seat and rubbed his hands down his thighs. “There’s something else going on that you should know,” Dagger said. “The front of this hospital is swarming with fans doing anything they can to get inside to see Lincoln or us. Security is having a bitch of a time keeping them controlled out there. Plus, our manager informed me there is a media shit storm brewing over Lincoln falling on stage. Some reports have him heading into rehab for substance abuse, while others are questioning other possibilities. When Lincoln is well enough to be discharged from here, he’s going to have to face that one way or another.”

“Are you thinking he should have a press conference?” Aaron asked.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m talking about.” Dagger pointed out. “Lincoln needs to show his face and prove to everyone he’s okay and not abusing drugs. Whether or not he wants to announce to the world he has MS, he’ll have to decide that for himself, but I think he should be honest. Otherwise, he’s going to be forever hiding from the media over this and it won’t be easy.”

“Like he’s been doing with you guys all along,” Aaron added.

“Exactly,” Dagger said. “We can talk to him about it and then he can decide what he wants to do.”

“Can we see him?” Ashton asked.

“The doctor is stitching up his head and then they’re taking him for a CT scan,” Aaron said. “After that, I’m hoping we can take him back to the hotel to rest.”

“Let’s go see what’s going on,” Dante said and stood up to leave the room.

Their security team led them down the hall to the examination room to see Lincoln. A nurse and a hospital security guard were just bringing Lincoln back to the room from the CT scan when Dagger, Ryan, Dante, and Ashton arrived. Security hurried them inside the room then waited in the hall to guard the door.

Dagger was the first to offer Lincoln a hug after he was settled in the bed again. “You scared the fucking shit out of us,” Dagger said after the hug.

“I know and I’m sorry for that,” Lincoln mumbled. “But I wasn’t ready to talk about it yet.”

“Understandable, but you can tell us anything,” Dante said and lightly patted Lincoln on the shoulder. “We’re brothers. Remember that.”

“We would have done absolutely anything to help,” Ashton added.

“I did know that and it was part of the reason I didn’t want to tell you,” Lincoln replied.

“What do you mean?” Dagger asked and sat on the edge of Lincoln’s hospital bed.

“It means, you would have changed things with the band to help me and, in the process, it would have altered the dynamic of us playing together,” Lincoln explained. “It also would have made me feel too much like an invalid and I won’t work under those conditions.”

Dagger squeezed Lincoln’s leg. “We can talk about that later,” he said. “For now, let’s get you discharged and back to the hotel.”

Dr. McCloud entered the room and explained the CT scan was clean for evidence of a concussion, which meant Lincoln was free to be discharged to the care of Aaron. The doctor repeated his recommendation for Lincoln to take a few days off and signed the release papers.

“Your stitches will dissolve on their own, Lincoln, so you won’t need to see a doctor for that,” Dr. McCloud said. “Besides, with Aaron’s nursing skills, I am certain you’re in very capable hands.”

Lincoln thanked the doctor and had Aaron help him off the bed. Their security team had the van pulled around to the back exit of the hospital and pushed Lincoln down there in a wheelchair, very much against his wishes.

“You’re tired and injured,” Aaron said. “Sit back and enjoy the ride.”

It wasn’t until they got Lincoln into the suite at the hotel that Dagger told Lincoln about the media already running false reports of his accident on stage. Dagger explained the entire mess and offered all his options and Lincoln remained quiet.

“Say something,” Dagger said. “What are your thoughts on this? Whatever you want to do we’ll support your decision.”

Lincoln lifted his gaze to Dagger sitting across the room from him and nodded. “I’ll do a press conference before tomorrow night’s show, but I want to talk to the guys in Ivory Tower, first.”

“Yeah, about tomorrow’s show,” Dagger stated. “I think we should have Rex stand-in for you, just to give you some more rest.”

“No way,” Lincoln stated. “I have to do the show, Dagger. I need to prove to myself and everyone else I can still do this fucking job.”

“You don’t have to prove anything to anyone,” Aaron argued.

“The fuck I don’t,” Lincoln argued.

Dagger rubbed at his chin. “The only way I’ll agree to you performing tomorrow night is if we make some changes to the stage.”

“Here we go with the concessions,” Lincoln barked. He started to stand up from the couch and swayed on his feet. Aaron jumped to his side and steadied him until he got his balance.

“I think it’s time we said good night,” Aaron announced. “We can discuss the show again in the morning.”

Lincoln didn’t even bother to argue with Aaron. He simply allowed Aaron to lead him into their bedroom and sat on the bed while Aaron shut the door. “I feel like shit,” Lincoln said.

“I know you do,” Aaron agreed. “I’ll get you some aspirin. The doctor said you can take these to relieve the headaches you’ll probably have for a day or two.”

Once Lincoln had taken the pain reliever Aaron helped him undress and get into bed. “Are you hungry?” Aaron asked.

“No, not really,” Lincoln responded. “I really just want to lay here with you pressed against me. How about we take a nap and if we’re hungry when we wake up later, we can eat then?”

“That plan works.” Aaron grinned and undressed down to his boxer briefs and slid into bed beside Lincoln. “Come here, you.” He kissed the uninjured side of Lincoln’s forehead and exhaled loudly as he wrapped his arms around Lincoln. “You really scared me today. I wanted to beat everyone that touched you.”

“Thank you for taking care of me,” Lincoln said. “I don’t think I tell you that enough, but I certainly feel it every day and I appreciate it more than I could possibly explain.”

“I love taking care of you, Linc.”

Lincoln rolled his head into the bend of Aaron’s shoulder. “Do you think I should do the press conference?”


“Of course,” Lincoln answered.

“Then, yes, I do think you should tell your story to the media and go on record,” Aaron said. “Maybe if you do that they’ll stop making up shit that isn’t true.”

“I agree,” Lincoln said. “I’ve never done a solo interview before. Makes me want to throw up when I think about it.”

“I’m sure the other guys will sit with you as a show of support,” Aaron added.

“You’re probably right.” Lincoln’s speech was beginning to slur from exhaustion. “I’m so tired. Is it okay if I sleep now?”

“Yeah, babe, go ahead and get some rest,” Aaron said. “I’ll be right here when you wake up.”

Lincoln snuggled in tighter to Aaron and scissored their legs together. “Love you.”

“Love you, too.” Aaron pressed a kiss to Lincoln’s head and closed his eyes.


Chapter Twenty-Eight

The next morning, Lincoln called for a meeting with everyone in both bands. If he was going to “out” himself with this disease, he might as well let those that meant the most to him hear what he had to say first.

Lincoln arranged to have the pressroom at the stadium ready for a two o’clock press conference and Ivory Tower was scheduled to meet in the living room of their suite for brunch that morning. It turned out Aaron was right about his band brothers. They all insisted on being with him during his talk with Ivory Tower and also planned on sitting at the table with him during the media interview, too.

The carts carrying their food arrived with two waiters to transform the dining room of the suite into a lavish buffet. Lincoln nervously watched them arranging the food trays on the dining room table just off the living room. The aromatic scents of fresh coffee, danish, sliced baked ham, steaming trays of scrambled eggs and sausage all filled the room and Lincoln’s mouth began to water.

Dante and Ashton filled cups with coffee before the waiters had even finished arranging everything on the table. Lincoln stood there feeling out of sorts until Aaron came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist. In that instant, calm washed over Lincoln and he felt centered within himself. Lincoln squeezed Aaron’s forearms where they rested on his stomach and then turned around in the embrace.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t in bed when you woke up,” Lincoln whispered against Aaron’s lips.

“How long have you be up?” Aaron asked.

“A few hours,” Lincoln answered. “I couldn’t sleep.”

“How’s your head?” Aaron questioned.

Lincoln reached for the small bandage at the hairline of his forehead and lightly touched it. “It feels okay,” he said. “I have a dull headache, but it’s not bad.”

“Relax,” Aaron whispered against his lips. “Everyone coming here loves you, just like all the guys in this suite right now. Okay?”

Lincoln nodded and licked at his dry lips. “Yeah, I just want to get this over with, that’s all. Then, maybe afterward, you’ll let me drag you back to bed before we leave for the stadium.”

Aaron chuckled under his breath. “I seriously love that idea, but aren’t you . . . sore from the last time?”

Lincoln tipped his hips forward and pressed his growing erection to Aaron’s groin. “I am a little sore, but what I was thinking about doing doesn’t involve

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