Bed of Roses (20 page)

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Authors: Harley McRide

BOOK: Bed of Roses
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“You gonna stop her?” Sandman asked, unsure whether to let her continue beating the shit out of Red. He didn’t know what the hell had Rose so pissed off, but there was no doubt her temper was lethal.

“In a minute. It just got good. Red deserves it. Rose is just saving me work.” Raven was impressed. Rose didn’t let up when she saw blood or was hit hard enough most women would have backed off. Instead, it fueled her on. When Rose knocked the redheaded bitch the fuck out, Raven pulled her away. Rose stood, still stunned and in a rage. Her chest rose and fell, fighting for oxygen. Raven carefully led her away but Rose didn’t take her eyes off Tonto and Sandman. If looks could kill, they’d be dead muther fuckers. “I’m impressed. Feel better?”

“Fuck no, that bitch is still alive,” Rose growled.

Raven laughed. “Yeah, but something tells me she wouldn’t have been if I wouldn’t have pulled you off.” She pulled her into the kitchen, thrusting a bottle of Tequila in her hand. “Drink.” She lifted the bottom of the bottle, making Rose take a good chug before she let her pull it from her lips.


“Yep. Drink more,” Raven encouraged, hoping to simmer the little firecracker.

“No. I’m going home. Now.” She headed for the door before Raven could stop her. As she passed Tonto and Sandman who just stood staring like two cavemen frozen in time, she raised her arm over her head and flipped them off, not even taking the effort to look in their direction. She had gotten in her car and peeled out of the parking place before the girls had a chance to catch up and stop her.

“What the
about?” Sandman exclaimed.

“I don’t know. Whatever crawled in her ass must have tore that shit up. Didn’t know she had it in her. Fuck, did you see how bad she pulverized Red?”

“Yeah, man. That was worse than Raven’s psycho ass I think. Do you think she thought we were…but shit even if she did so what? She was over there with that son-of-a-bitch. What’s the difference?”

“The difference is, she didn’t have his hand on her crotch, dipshit. You two fucked up big time, then this. You two should have been groveling at her feet the moment you saw her. I swear you don’t have a lick of sense between you. She came to see you two assholes,” Raven said behind them.

“What the hell?” Sandman didn’t understand women, thus being the reason he had never tried. The idea of losing Rose forever wasn’t exactly settling either. “What do we do?”

“Talk to her, you idiot! Apologize for assuming she was working against you without taking the time to find out what the hell had happened. Then, you both sent her packing without a second thought. Do you know what that feels like? Having those nasty cuntbags rubbing all over you only added icing to the shit cake you two baked. God. Figure it out, but I suggest you hurry. She made quite an impression tonight. If one of the other brothers don't snatch her up, the competition could get real interesting if one of the Warriors stakes a claim.” Raven spun around and left, not caring to hear any lame ass bullshit from either of them.

Rose sped past the speed limit, her anger still coursing through her veins like a rabid dog. She didn’t care if she got pulled over. She didn’t care about anything right now but getting away from them as fast as she could. When she skidded to a stop in front of her house, her mother opened the door. “What’s going on?” Rose didn’t answer, walking past her. Terry grabbed her hand and held it up into the dim porch light. “You’re bleeding! Rose! What the hell happened?” Rose jerked out of her grip and stormed into the house, straight to her room. When her mother tried to follow, she slammed the door in her face and fell on her bed.

“Damn it, Rose, what the fuck is going on? You come in, covered in blood. Now talk!” Terry sat on the side of the bed beside her.

“God, Terry, what the fuck do you care? Please lose the fucking act and leave me alone,” Rose lashed out.

“Whether you like it or not, I’m your fucking mother. Now tell me what the hell is going on!” Terry held her ground. She hadn’t ever seen her daughter so pissed, and was concerned for her.

“I beat the fuck out of a little tramp who was rubbing up on the two men who were supposed to be mine. I’m done. I tried when I shouldn’t have. I’m just fucking stupid like you.” Rose threw a pillow at the wall.

Terry’s eyes filled with tears. Rose felt remorse, realizing how wrong her verbal assault on her mother had been. For the first time, her mom was trying to be there for her. “Mom… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it…”

“I know, baby. And you are nothing like me. You’re smart, and a strong woman where I’m weak.” She pulled her in her arms and held her, letting her cry out the emotions that welled up in her. Tears of anger. Tears of pain. Tears of regret. The rest of the night, they stayed up and talked. When Rose fell asleep, she quietly stepped out. It was time she stood up and did something for her daughter. With her mind made up, she grabbed her keys and drove out to the clubhouse.


Rose woke to the sound of voices. She squinted her eyes, trying to focus on the bedside clock. Eleven thirteen.
She got up and changed out of the clothes she had worn last night and fell asleep in. She replaced them with her normal sweats and t-shirt and stepped out into the front room. It took a moment for it to dawn on her that Tonto and Sandman sat on her couch like it was an every day event. She blinked and shook her head, hoping it was a bad nightmare. “Rose.” Tonto stared at her. The room went quiet, waiting for her to say something.

“What are you guys doing here?”

“Tony and Blake dropped in to see you. Wasn’t that nice?” Terry patted the seat next to her. “Come sit with us.” Rose looked at her in disbelief, her temper waking her up faster than a pot of coffee injected intravenously.

“I can’t deal with this right now.” Rose spun and went back to her room, locking the door behind her. Instead of them taking the hint and leaving like normal people would do, they stayed for another hour. When it was obvious she wasn’t coming out they finally said goodbye and Rose let out a sigh of relief.

With it now after noon, she went in search of caffeine before her day was totally tossed to hell. Her mom sat waiting.
. “Honey, sit down.” Rose didn’t have the energy to argue, and plopped down on the couch, falling onto her back.

“Mom. Don’t.”

“Listen. I went and talked to them last night. They were here to apologize, baby, and you didn’t even give them a chance.”

“You what! How could you?” Rose sat up.

“I went to give them a piece of my mind and we started talking. They are both great men deep down, Rose. You need to give them another chance. Hell, I tried all my life to find
man even half as good as them and you have two. Look at all they’ve done for us, Rose. They brought by more groceries this morning even. We need this, and hell, face it, kid, you need your jobs back.”

Rose flew off the couch. “Do you hear yourself right now? So glad the old mom came back to visit, and so soon! Fuck you.” She grabbed her keys and stormed off. Where she was going, she didn’t know. She drove. And drove. Finally, she pulled up at Heaven’s, but she wasn’t there. So, she went to Raven’s. Raven answered the door and invited her in. The two talked for most of the afternoon until Chief came home.

“We’re in here, baby,” Raven hollered. He came in to the den with Tonto and Sandman right behind him. Rose’s heart stopped. She jumped up to leave, but didn’t get a chance. In three long strides, Sandman was standing right in front of her. Without saying a word, he reached in, grabbed her behind the neck, and kissed her. Rose tried to pull away, even stomping on his toe at one point but her old tennis shoes were no match for the hard leather riding boots he wore. Then Tonto was behind her, holding her arms on the small of her back and she was trapped. Sandman kissed her relentlessly, not backing off. His tongue pried her lips open and she went to scream at him but he swallowed them all, kissing the fight out of her. When he pulled back, he hoisted her over his shoulder with her feet kicking and her ass in the air, walking straight out the door.

“Let me down you over grown asshole!” She bounced her fists off his back, but he didn’t seem to care. Tonto laughed behind them, reaching over to swat her across the ass when she thrashed around violently. “Ouch! Damn it, I don’t know who the hell you two think you are—”

“We are your ol’ men, baby. Now, get your ass on the back of the bike or I’ll be forced to duct tape you to it.” Sandman sat her on her feet, shoved a helmet at her, sat her on the seat, and climbed on in front of her. He pulled away from the curb before she got a chance to try to run. Her arm jerked around his waist so she didn’t fall off, the helmet still in her other hand. She clumsily maneuvered it on her head, leaving the strap undone and held on. He sped down the road, weaving in and out of traffic effortlessly. Tonto was right behind them, keeping up like a champ. When they hit the county road that led to the clubhouse, they opened up the throttle.

Rose clung on tighter, her hands wrapped around Sandman like a vise. Finally she gave up and just rode, allowing herself to enjoy the warm air blowing through her hair. When they pulled up to the clubhouse parking lot, she was once again hoisted up, onto Tonto’s shoulder this time, and was hauled through the main living area up the stairs. No one said a word as she bounced like a sack of potatoes, but the second they ascended, the room broke out in cheers.
How embarrassing
. Her body fell limp in defeat.

Tonto sat her on the bed as Sandman shut and locked the door. They both blocked her path to the door, not like running was an option. “What do you want, Sandman,” her voice was tired. Once again, she had been emotionally drained and didn’t have the energy to bother arguing with them.

“My name is Blake,” he growled.

Rose’s eyebrow lifted. “Okay,
What. Do. You. Want.”

“Nothing. I have everything I want sitting in front of me.” He reached down and withdrew his blade, carefully running it up the length of her worn out t-shirt. The material fell to the sides, exposing her bra. He didn’t stop there. With precision, he used the tip to slice the cotton between her breasts allowing them to fall free.

“No. Why are you doing this? Just stop.” She lowered her head in defeat. Tonto moved beside him and tilted her chin.

“No. We know we hurt you and showed no trust but, baby, it's hard for us to give that. It took us awhile to realize in our heads what our hearts were already telling us. You have been ours since the first day you waited on us in the diner. I can't promise we won't make you mad to the point you will want to scalp us in our sleep, but I can promise you, there are not two men anywhere that will love and cherish you more than we do. We love you, Rose, and it’s time we show you.” His lips crashed down on hers, and she fell.

How could she not. She knew they would have their ups and down but her life had always been that way, it was time to take a chance for just her, no one else. And these two men who were as rough and hard as they came, in her eyes were worth the effort, the pain, and the hurt she had gone through because what they were offering was something some never found—a lifetime of love. The last bit of sense she had left flew out the window at his tenderness, along with her pants and underwear that were cut off her. Sandman’s hands roamed her body in perfect contrast to Tonto’s kiss. Together, they worked her into a sloppy hot mess and pulled away.

“What—” She didn’t get a chance to finish before Tonto grabbed her and hoisted her up into his arms. He carefully settled her in the middle while they undressed, taking her left side while Sandman took her right. Instead of the rough sex she had experienced with them before, they were gentle. One would kiss her while the other licked and sucked all over her flesh. Her hands sought out their cocks, stroking up and down their length simultaneously. Tonto took over her mouth, while Sandman licked her pussy. Over and over they took turns, working her higher and higher. When they finally entered her body, the world changed. They sandwiched her between them, holding her close as they see-sawed in and out of her body, twirling her into a sea of orgasms. One after another hit, rocking her body, mind, and her heart. When they pumped their seed into her, everything became more clear than it ever had. “I love you both,” she whispered, lost in them.

“And we love you, baby. You are as delicate as the Moonlight Rose, with a fire and fight that will always keep us on our toes. We’ve waited a lifetime for you.” Tonto kissed her cheek.

“Raine. That’s perfect. We can tell everyone you made blood rain down or something to make it sound less mushy than it is, but now you are officially a Savage. Our Savage.” Sandman winked. Rose thought about it, loving that Tonto had given her something that was so dear to him. She loved her new road name more than she could express.

“I love it.” Emotion clenched her throat.

Once they had cleaned her up, they talked. For hours, the two macho, egotistical assholes revealed parts of themselves Rose was sure no one had heard before. She laughed. She cried. She got angry at the shit they had been put through. And although they had a lot more nights of talking to do, she wanted nothing more than to love
men—her two infuriating, confusing, asshole, loving, caring, passionate men.


When Rose woke the next afternoon, sore in all the right places that made her aches and pains from that night a distant memory, dozens of pale pink delicate roses surrounded her. Tears formed in her blurry eyes. She carefully sat up and looked around. Instead of a note like she had gotten before, Tonto and Sandman stood propped in the doorway holding a tray of breakfast. She had to press her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle. Seeing the two of them do something so romantic was too much.

“What? I knew we should have went with my idea,” Sandman grumbled.

“No. You will never catch me in a damn apron, man. Sorry, Rose.” Tonto laughed.

“But if nothing were under it… Rose, would you think it sexier if we were wearing nothing but an apron? Hot right?” Sandman pled his case. Rose lost it. She giggled at the mental image.

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