Bed of Roses (19 page)

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Authors: Harley McRide

BOOK: Bed of Roses
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“What?” Raven scanned her menu, not looking up.

“Him. Them. They follow you everywhere. Hell, I didn’t know he was there until we checked out.”

Raven laughed. “Nah. I’ve had them save my ass more than once when some asshole got out of line or a fight broke out with a rival tribe's ol’ ladies. Plus, they are useful.” She laughed.

Rose giggled. “It was nice having someone take everything home and not having to unload it all, not that I ever buy that much at one time.”

“Well, get used to it. You’re a Savage, always and forever whether Tonto and Sandman pull their heads out of their ass or not.” Rose stared at her in shock. “What? You think you are only in the family if you are with those two? That’s not how we work.”

Rose couldn’t help but feel a ton of bricks lift off her chest. Raven wasn’t here to buy her affection back for Tonto and Sandman. In a way, it saddened her they hadn’t sent Raven, but the rest of her felt happy that she wasn’t losing her friends. She ordered lunch, no longer feeling guilty for accepting Raven’s hospitality. They chatted like two friends do, the past buried in the past where it belonged and no other mention of it.

“So…are you okay? You went through some shit, girl. I gotta say, you are a hell of a lot stronger than even I thought you were. Deep throating a gun isn’t something most could handle and still be sane afterwards.” Raven propped her chin in one hand, waiting for Rose to gather herself.

“Honestly? That hasn’t been what haunts me. Yeah, it sucked don’t get me wrong. As fucked up as it is, the way those two just assumed everything bad, sent me packing without even asking or trying to see truth… It tore something, Raven.”

“I bet. Well…you have us. And dammit if my non-crafty ass has to sew you back together, but I will.” Raven smiled.


That night when her mother came home, she met her with a smile. “I’m glad you’re back, and hope you stay.” Her mother hugged her, the tears welling in her eyes.

“I’m sorry I’m so fucked up, baby. There aren’t words to make up for it, but I’ll show you. Things really will be different now.” They sat and had a real conversation for the first time in…ever? Rose couldn’t remember a single time where they connected and bonded. Not like this. Her mother took over the role of being a mother, tending to the kids with her whole heart in it and taking care of the house and meals. Rose knew it wouldn’t last, but made an effort to enjoy it while it did.

As the kids were put down to bed, Terry carefully prodded her to explain what had happened. She was careful to just listen, giving her full attention until Rose was done. She thought hard, choosing her words carefully. “Rose, men are all stupid. They make a lot of mistakes, and eventually learn from them even if it requires a box of crayons and lined paper for them to sort it out. I’m not suggesting you forgive them like nothing happened, but I do think you need to give them another chance if they come around.”

“Mom, no.” Rose expected her mother to think that way. Hell, the woman had been chasing men her entire life, trying to get one to care about her, but that wasn’t Rose.

“Just listen, baby. My life is a train wreck. I know my mistakes, and I will pay for them the rest of the time I’m on this earth. But you…your life has just begun. Don’t miss out because you are so blinded by not wanting to be me.” She patted her leg and stood, flipping off the television. “Just think about it, okay? I’m going to bed. I have an early morning tomorrow. Oh, and the twins are grounded. No television, no friends, nothing but homework and chores. I’ll be home about the same time tomorrow. Please tell your friends thank you…for everything they have done for us.” She turned, not wanting Rose to see the shame she felt. Over the past year, any drug or bottle couldn’t numb her shame and regret, no matter how much she tried to drown in it. Finally, something clicked. She knew her life needed to change and whether her kids believed in her or not, she wanted to prove herself to them. Most of all, she wanted to be a mother to her kids before it was too late.

Rose sat in the silence, absorbing the day before finally heading to bed. Maybe her mother was right.


Chapter Thirteen


A week had passed with her days similar. The girls would drop in and visit, sometimes taking her out to shop or lunch and would stay until they were needed home to feed their own families. Each day, there was no speak of Tonto and Sandman. She desperately wanted to ask, but fought the urge. Come Friday, Heaven and Bree suggested she come to the clubhouse. The annual summer barbeque was a well-known event and even the rats would be on their best behavior. “Plus, you can show those two assholes what they are missing.” Bree grinned. She had a point. Sometimes the best revenge for a woman was to flaunt what they couldn’t have. There would be plenty of willing participants for her to flirt with, and a night out with the girls sounded fun. Not that she wanted anything to do with any other man but hers, and would be lying to herself if she thought for a minute she wasn’t going just to see them.

“I guess it would be fun,” she agreed, accepting their offer of clothing. She didn’t know what to wear, and the girls had picked out a special outfit for her, something that would knock the guys on their asses when they saw her.

“Oh, honey, you are going to break some hearts tonight.” Heaven giggled.

Rose smiled. “Good. That’s exactly what I’m hoping.”

“Mmm, watch out everyone, Rose has got her bitch back!” Bree held up her palms laughing.

“Yeah. I think I do.” Rose felt alive again. Tonight, she’d make them both beg.


Rose stepped out of Raven’s bathroom, holding on to the wall to keep her balance. All eyes fell on her. Bree, Heaven, Chevy, and Raven all let out a round of whoops, whistling as she walked to the middle of the room to give them a full three-sixty view. Their whistles encouraged her on, so with each turn she swayed her hips seductively and bent at the waist, puckering her lips. She joined their laughter, plunking down on the footstool that rested at the foot of Raven’s bed. “Hot damn, girl! You are freakin’ hot! Hell, if I weren’t married, you might even change me!” Chevy joked.

“Yeah, I think I need to go freshen up the down under after that little show. Whew, girl, we’re gonna need to have a Prospect on you at all times to keep the guys off!” Raven laughed, fake fanning herself.

“So, you think I’ll get a reaction from…them?” She didn’t want to say their names. Her heart still twisted into her stomach at the mention of them. It was more than what went down. It was the rejection, and instantaneous way they shoved her away, without a second thought. It was easy for them. No second thoughts, no talking. For something as big as what she thought her ‘position’ was, they had turned their backs on her in a blink of an eye. What would stop them from doing the same again? If she were smart, she’d stay away from them and not give them a chance in hell ever again—but she wasn’t. The heart is a funny thing. Even when wrong stares you straight in the eye, if you are in love, it doesn’t matter.

“Oh yeah,” Bree said in a few octaves below her normal voice overly exaggeratingly, still laughing. “And it’ll be in their pants, baby!” She grabbed her crotch, mocking the macho man that all the bikers were. Even Chief and Roads still tried to play the ‘me man you woman’ shit, but the girls would yank their man card without blinking an eye.

“Well, the party’s done started. What do you say we go make our entrance, girls? It’s time the little rats and the rest of the bitches know who runs this shit, and time for the men to see that you fuck with one of us, you fuck with us all. Give ‘em hell, girls. It’s time Tonto and Sandman learned a lesson,” Chevy announced, rising to head out to the vehicles.

“Fly your bitch flags tonight, girls. They deserve every minute of it.” Raven followed, ignoring the Prospect that more than likely heard as they exited the house. He didn’t say a word and minded his own business, helping them all into their cars and followed the convoy closely until they reached the clubhouse.

Music echoed around her the moment she stepped out of the car. The field in front of the massive building was packed with bikes and vehicles but a small section right up front had been reserved for them. Rose got out and couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Next to the signs that read Raven and Chevy was one with her name on it.

Raven walked up and threw her arm around Rose’s shoulders. “You like?”

Rose laughed, shaking her head. “Yes. I love. I’ve never had a designated parking space before. That’s pretty badass.”

“Yeah, well it will be once we replace that piece of shit you are driving and have something worthy of such a position.” She nudged her, teasing. Rose just shook her head, knowing it would be a long damn time before she could afford a new car, much less one like Raven or Chevy drove. “Come on.” She led her to the door with the girls close behind. Rose felt like she had her own posse walking into the place, and it gave her confidence to have her friends’ support. As they entered, all eyes turned to them. She smiled, loving the reaction the rats all had as she strutted across the room to the bar. Even the guys that were getting head or had a skank rubbing up on them turned, watching her every move. Rose looked down, smiling at the ridiculously tight leather pants that had cutouts and lacing all the way up on each leg and the red corset top that matched. The black stilettos made her feel invincible, and knowing that her hair had been curled and her makeup done by Raven, complete with red lips, made her feel like she owned the world. She grabbed a shot, raising it in the air. All of the other girls did the same, and she toasted.

“To kickin’ ass and takin’ names.” They slammed them, clinking the small glasses back on the counter and grabbed a beer. Rose looked around, surprised at how many people had come. There were faces she didn’t recognize, and when one man made an excuse to lean in beside her overly close to grab a beer, she saw a patch that wasn’t the Devils.

Once he had looked her up and down and left, she leaned over to Raven. “Who’s that?”

“The Ops Warriors. They are a club that normally doesn’t associate with us and the greetings are far from polite if you get my drift.”

“They are a rival club?”

“Not exactly. See, the VP of the Ops is Tonto’s brother…or half brother I should say. Same mother, different dad shit. There was bad blood in the family I guess, I don’t know much about it. But, the Diablos have been fuckin’ with them too. So, tonight is a peace offering of sorts. They need to work together to take these fuckers down.” Raven had filled her in on most of what went down that night and had been going on with the Diablos over the past few days, but hadn’t mentioned the Ops. Rose thought about it and sighed.

“Wow. That’s… God, no wonder he is all fucked in the head.” Rose’s eyes went wide when her thoughts fell from her mouth. “Sorry.”

“No, don’t be. It’s true. His issues come from his childhood mostly. That’s why he is such a ruthless bastard. But then again, we all are when it comes down to it. Come on. Let’s mingle.” Raven winked, an ornery look flashing in her eyes. Rose pushed off the bar, following. The girls all scattered, letting themselves be known and made sure that all of the females present knew they ran shit here. Raven and Rose chatted, stopping to introduce themselves to the new faces and do the social host part all the while scanning the place for the two men who she wanted to see her. An hour went by and she still hadn’t seen them. Disappointment began to settle in her.


Tonto had felt a wave of relief after speaking to his brother. Fork was the VP of the Ops Warriors, and if they had any chance at winning the war against the Diablos, they both needed to get over their differences and mommy/daddy issues. It had been too damn many years of unnecessary hate. There was still a lot of tension between the two, but the meeting had been more than friendly and more relaxed than he had anticipated. He strolled inside, surprised at the crowd that had accumulated and went for a drink. Sandman walked in behind him, perching on a stool. “So?”

“It went well. We’re on the same page. The Warriors are going to work with us to take down these muther fuckers.”

“Good. What about the other problem?” Sandman said, looking around the room.

“Shit. I had hoped she’d show tonight. If she doesn’t show, we’ll send someone to go get her tomorrow.” Tonto looked around, spotting the hottest piece of ass he had ever seen. She was lean with just the right amount of curves, her height he noticed came from the heels she wore, she had dark hair falling in curls down her back. When she turned, his dick twitched. All the way up the outside of her leather pants was open, showing her skin from her ankle to her waist. It was laced together, matching the damn corset she had on, which had her tits spilling over the top. Tonto couldn’t speak. He elbowed Sandman and pointed.

“Son-of-a-bitch. Damn that’s hot. Lucky fucking bastard.” The two stared as one of the Warriors flirted shamelessly, her expression not impressed. She batted her eyes from time to time; giving just enough encouragement the man didn’t blow her off, working him good. The guy leaned in and brushed her hair aside, dropping his hand down her neck and onto her tit. She turned, showing her face.
“Muther fucker. That’s Rose!”

Tonto’s eyes bugged out of his head at the revelation. “Damn.” They watched, both stunned at how fucking sexy she was. They hadn’t even turned when Red and Sheena came rubbing up on them, licking and sucking on any flesh they could get to. Tonto looked down, grabbing Red’s hand when it went for his jeans button. “Don’t.”

Rose turned and saw Tonto and Sandman leaning on the bar, obviously too occupied by the two skanks who grinded against them.
Fucking Red! That bitch!
Rose saw
She turned, stomping over to the two with blood on her mind. Without a word, she grabbed Red by the hair and ripped her away, shoving her fist into her mouth as hard as she could. The girl tripped, falling to the floor with Rose on top. Over and over Rose punched her, cracking her nose into a bloody mess and wasn’t letting up. Red fought back, screaming cunt slurs, but it was no use. Rose was beyond pissed. When Sheena jumped on her back, she threw her off so hard the little blonde smacked her head on the wood stool with a bang. Instead of keeping her nose out of it, she flew back, fists flying. Sheena managed to land a few good uppercuts before Raven yanked her off. “No you don’t, rat. Get the fuck out of here.” She shoved her, kicking her in the ass to the ground. Raven stood with her arms crossed against her chest and grinned. “So, I see you two fucked up…again.”

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