Bed of Roses (14 page)

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Authors: Harley McRide

BOOK: Bed of Roses
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“Quit worrying. I know what’s running through your head and it’s unnecessary. I’ll take care of the boys. You just focus on getting in the mindset for tonight. There will be a lot of shit going down, and let's just say it's not the up and up kind. The Pit is an underground fight club that has no rules. Everything goes, and it gets gory. Prostitution, drugs, alcohol—you name it. If you see anything but weed being dealt or used, don’t say a word, just quietly and discretely tell one of us. The Diablos are running that shit in our territory and we are close to taking them down. The problem is, the greasy little fuckers won’t talk as to who runs their operation or where it is coming from.”

“Damn. Yeah, there have been drugs in the school the girls go to. Kids keep dropping like flies. I’m scared to death the rebellious twins are going to be next. Got it. Is there anything else I should know? Like…how to help bury bodies?”

Raven turned and looked at her, laughing at the seriousness in her voice. “Hopefully not, but good to know you are willing if need be. You know how to shoot?”

“Yep,” Rose answered without hesitation.

“Good. I’ll see about getting you a piece soon. In the meantime, the boys are going to be thick. One good scream, and we will all be there if you get caught in a bind. I doubt it will ever get that far though. There will be enough eyes on you that no one will get close enough to start shit. Think you can handle it?” She glanced out of the corner of her eye, expecting to see uncertainty from Rose.

“I know I can. Hell the Pit sounds more tame than a night at our house.” She chuckled. The rest of the drive, the girls fell into conversation as Raven gave her the gossip rundown on the ins and outs of Savage life. It was like a normal family. When they finally stopped, they were in front of a clothing store. Rose’s throat tightened at the idea of having to purchase clothing. She was negative in the bank, and had nothing but a few loose pennies in the bottom of her purse. “Hey, I’m sure if you give me an idea of what I need to wear I can come up with something…”

Raven unbuckled and grabbed her purse. “Oh, honey, you don’t worry about it. You aren’t paying, I am. Well, technically the Savages are.” She winked and hopped out, walking toward the door. Rose let out a deep breath and followed reluctantly. She hated accepting things from people, she believed if she couldn’t afford it, she didn’t need it. When she caught up with Raven, she tried to make her reconsider.

“Raven, you have done so much and I just don’t go around leaching off people.”

“Rose, stop. I know that, now start looking. You are getting a new wardrobe whether you pick it out or I do. If you are gonna be a Savage, you need to dress like one.” She glanced down at Rose, quirking an eyebrow at her modest jeans and shirt outfit. Rose twisted her lips into a sarcastic pucker and crossed her eyes, laughing when Raven playfully swatted her on the arm. “Come on. It’s time you dressed your age and lose the mom jeans.” Rose’s face heated, knowing what she said was true. The jeans she wore were from Goodwill and had the high waste that made your ass look ginormous from the popular 90s trend set. She glanced around, feeling relief when she spotted the sales rack and headed straight for it. Raven stopped her before she got three feet away. “Oh my God, Rose, no. We want you to look sexy, not cheap. Here. We can start with this.” Raven shoved a short studded leather skirt in her arms and literally dove in the racks. Rose didn’t get much of a chance to look, only picking up one item while four more were tossed toward her. When her arms threatened muscle failure she made a run for the dressing room.

As she tried one outfit on, Raven was handing her another, making it impossible to get through the mound of apparel piled on the bench. Raven examined each piece, quickly replacing items that didn’t fit well or flatter her figure perfectly until they had a wardrobe bigger than most movie stars had. From dresses to jeans and leather, shoes, Savages tank tops, and tight fitting low cut fitted t-shirts; she had enough clothes to last months without ever wearing the same item twice. As she lugged the stack to the register, Raven somehow piled her arms full of shoes and lingerie and stockings to complete the sale. Four thousand dollars later, they walked out and filled the trunk and backseat of Raven’s little sports car. The entire way to her house, Rose thanked Raven repeatedly. When she went to unload the car, Raven dug through and gave her one outfit and pair of shoes. “The rest goes to the clubhouse. You’ll be moving in, and it’s less to pack later.”

Rose didn’t know what to say. Moving? “But the kids…”

“It’s being handled. Just trust me, kay?” Raven hadn’t given her any reason to do anything but trust her, so she nodded.


“Now, go get the girls situated. I’ll be back to pick you up around eleven. The more makeup you wear, the more tips. Just a little secret I learned back in the day. These men want trashy tramp, but the tips alone are enough to retire on.” She hugged her and turned to leave.

“Raven, thank you. For everything.” She had never had a friend like her before. It was overwhelming, in a good way. She reached up and buttoned her top to hide the fresh tattoo before going inside. Given what the girls had seen with their mother, she didn’t want them to think she was headed down the same road to hell.

Rose went in, glad to see that Matty and Bella had been dropped off with the girls and began preparing a quick dinner. As always, her mother was nowhere to be found. “Has mom been home?”

“Yeah, she came home for about twenty minutes. Grabbed some clothes and left with some loser. You know, the usual,” Ariel said in disgust. If any of them were going to make something of themselves and get the hell out of this hick town, it would be her. She despised their mother, and was the only one of them who appreciated the sacrifices Rose made despite the ones she herself did to tend to her younger siblings. At sixteen, she still had yet to go out on a real date, and rarely hung out with her friends. Only a few were allowed at the house and sworn to secrecy at how their life was. She was embarrassed of their poverty, the rundown house they lived in, and most of all, their mother.

“Lacey and Alice are here, but you know how that goes. I have to work tonight. Hopefully tonight will be a turning point for us and we can afford more than macaroni and cheese and hot dogs for dinner. Don’t let the terrible twins leave. If they do, call me.”

“I know the drill. Go shake your money maker or whatever our mother has pushed you into doing to put food on the table for
kids.” Ariel joked sarcastically.

“I’m not that desperate yet, but I’m sure there is still a seat in hell reserved for me. Thanks, kiddo. I promise that someday you will get to do normal teenager stuff. If I get enough in tips tonight, we’ll go find you a few new clothes. I know you’ve outgrown a lot, and the hand me downs from the twins have seen better days.” She kissed the top of her head and finished making the little ones' plates.

Once Matty was secured in his high chair and Bella propped at the table, she hurried to tend to the domestic duties that Ariel hadn’t done yet. There wasn’t a chance Lacey or Alice would think to wash the clothes or scrub the bathrooms, and it wasn’t fair that most of it fell on Ariel when she didn’t get a chance to do it. Their house wasn’t ever spotless with so many people living in the tiny three bedroom house, but from the time Rose was able, she had tended to the house refusing to live in filth just because her mother was too doped out or busy warming the sheets with yet another asshole to worry about it.

By the time she got the littles to bed it was after ten and she rushed to get a quick shower. Once she had toweled off, she opened the bag of clothing Raven had given her and gasped. Instead of pairing one of the leather vests with pants or adding a shirt to go under, she had given her the black leather studded mini skirt, fish nets, and knee high boots with no bra and what looked like a ribbon for panties. “God, don’t let Ariel see. She really will think I’m stripping.” With a sigh, she got dressed and began applying her makeup, remembering Raven’s words of 'more is better'. It was hard for her to cake it on, but the final result was well worth the effort. She brushed out her hair, allowing it to naturally dry and fall around her shoulders. When she did a onceover in the mirror, she hardly recognized herself. Her eyes were painted dark with enough mascara her eyelashes appeared a foot long, batting with each blink. The glossy pink lip stain gave an innocent touch to her seductive look. The tiny tight leather vest clung to her like a glove, pushing her breasts up and out the top so far she was afraid she’d spill out if she took a deep breath. The skirt and tights lengthened her legs, adding inches to her frame. What stuck out the most was the fresh tattoo that was perfectly displayed, giving her all black outfit the pop of color it needed. She brushed a finger over it, saying a silent prayer Sandman and Tonto would love it as much as she did.

She heard the beep of a horn outside and grabbed her purse, peeking just her head into Ariel’s room to tell her she was leaving, carefully hiding her outfit, and tattoo, behind the door out of view. Like the good girl she was, Ariel sat cross-legged on her bed with a math book and paper in front of her, working on homework. “I’ll see you tomorrow, sis. Lock the door behind me, and call if you need anything. Love you!” She turned and left, smiling at the ‘love you’ Ariel shouted after her. Of all the kids, Ariel and she were the closest and the most like sisters. She was too busy being a mother to the twins and the babies for her to form a sisterly bond with them.

Raven met her with a smile, letting out a loud whistle when she opened the door. “Hot damn, girl! You are fuckin’ gorgeous! Do a spin for me sugar!” She catcalled, sending them both into giggles.

“I look like a stripper.” She got in and shut the door, unsure how to keep the ridiculously short skirt from hiking up to show her lady bits.

“Yeah, but a damn hot one…not one of those trashy sluts.” Raven winked, laughing. “Just think of the tips you’ll get. Hell, the Pit hasn’t seen a chick as hot as you walk through the doors ever.”

“I hope so. God knows I need it. Ariel was wearing a pair of jeans two sizes too small with the knees worn out, and not in the stylish way. If it isn’t one kid in need, it's all five of them. Thank God Matty is almost potty trained, thanks to Ariel. Diapers alone eat up half of my income. I hate she had to grow up so damn fast.” Rose mentally slapped herself at her unnecessary volunteering of her home life. No one wanted to hear their pathetic life shit.

Raven knew they had it hard, and suspected it was worse than the little bits of information Rose leaked accidently from time to time. She had already spoken to the other ol’ ladies and they had begun to gather household items as well as new clothing for the kids, but were waiting on Rose’s initiation to be official. Raven had secretly decided that whether Rose decided on becoming a Savage or not, the girl was going to get help. She busted her ass, and didn’t ask for handouts like most did, which said a lot about her character. Hell, the girl barely accepted gifts.

She couldn’t wait to see Tonto and Sandman’s reaction to the new Rose. Her appearance matched the fiery little hellcat inside. Once they caught sight of the tattoo, their reaction would be something definitely YouTube worthy.


Chapter Ten


Tonto kept scanning as the herds of people waded in, watching for Rose. They had the place on total lockdown, checking everyone that came in or left carefully with all exits in the building covered for added safety. He couldn’t help but feel anticipation. Had she backed out? Sandman had explained his little run-in with Digs and Sledge and despite the fact he knew his reaction would have been identical, he couldn’t help but laugh at how much Sandman was pussy whipped. Unlike himself, Sandman hadn’t ever had a serious relationship for as long as he had known him, preferring new pussy every night with no emotional attachment. To see this new side of him was entertaining to say the least.

He had turned to go check on Chevy and the other girls who had arrived to serve when he saw Raven enter with a sexy little brunette wearing less leather than his riding gloves. He stared, watching as they drew closer and noticed the tiny smirk that toyed at the corners of Raven’s lips. When they were but ten feet away or less, his eyes bugged out of his head. The hot little tail that she escorted was Rose!

“Pick up your jaw, Prez. People might start to think you’ve gone soft,” she poked, loving the shock she had a part in creating.

“Fuck.” He couldn’t hide his shock. “Rose.” The single word dripped with lust, leading Rose’s eyes to fall lower for confirmation. The bulge in his jeans gave her a little jolt in her confidence, so she stepped closer.

“Tony. You like Raven’s work?” She did a slow spin, giving him an eye full. He took her all in, from the sexy ass high heeled boots to her long legs and short skirt, up the form fitting vest and stopped on her tits. He grinned at the sight of her tattoo. It made him feel like he’d never felt before as he unconsciously rubbed a hand over his heart. This sexy little she-devil had become
devil. He stepped closer to get a better look at the artwork.

Rose squared her shoulders, thrusting her breasts out ever so slightly where he could get a clear view and held her breath. She watched as his eyes narrowed, and his finger reached out to trace the initials that rested in the swirls. He stared in silence, only to make her knees grow weak and threaten to shake. The confidence she had just felt began to slip, and panic took its place. When he finally took a step back, she released the breath she had been holding and felt dizzy. The expression on his face made her want to run and hide under the biggest rock she could find. His eyes were drawn together, his mouth pressed firmly shut, and that little tick in his jaw began to flex. He was pissed. No, it was more than that. Emotions flashed across his features, changing like the seasons making it impossible to read his thoughts. Rose instinctively stepped backwards, only to run into a brick wall.

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