Bed of Roses (10 page)

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Authors: Harley McRide

BOOK: Bed of Roses
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Rose jerked her head up surprised. “Sandman has a favorite flower?”

The girls laughed. “Yeah. We don’t know why, but most of us suspect it was his mother’s favorite or something. It holds some sort of significance to him. So…we keep them in stock. He comes in once a week and gets six dozen at a time to take to his mother’s grave,” Chevy volunteered.

Rose didn’t know what to say. Just another fact the big bad biker had a heart after all…no matter what others saw. “Who would have thought the beast had a heart.”

“Hold up there, Bella, women have came and went, all with the same unrealistic notions of turning the monster into their very own prince and left carrying a paper bag of what crumbs were left of their heart. He is a lost cause, girl. Tonto on the other hand…that one has hope. So, I hope that after your one visit to a club ‘get together',” Chevy made air quotations with her fingers, “you aren’t scared off…” She was fishing. Rose couldn’t help but giggle at her unsubtle attempt at subtlety.

“It was a shock, I won’t lie. But no,
didn’t scare me.” She didn’t want to admit that what scared the shit out of her were the feelings she felt for the notorious badass and the Prez of a rough biker gang—both in which would never return her feelings.

“Then if anyone is strong enough to tame those two, it’s you. I remember the first time I received the less than formal invite. Fresh out of high school…due to report to college in the fall…then bam! This walking panty dropper rode up on a motorcycle and stole my heart. For damn near six months, he broke my heart. The asshole waited until I had my car packed and was pulling out of the driveway to finally confess his feelings and beg me to stay.” Raven’s eyes drifted off into the distance, lost in the past.

“So what did you do?” Rose said hopeful.

“I didn’t do anything. He on the other hand called in reinforcements when I refused to go with him and hauled my car, and my belongings, to the clubhouse. After I refusing to go willingly, he shoved me on the back of his bike and told me to hold on or fall off. I’ve been with him every since.” She grinned, flashing the enormous rock that sat like a mountain atop her finger. “Four kids and thirteen years later, we are still going strong.”

“Damn that’s a big boulder.” Rose held her hand up to examine it.

“He got this for me on our sixth anniversary. We were married with dime store gold bands. He still wears his. I have mine put up after I wore the band so thin I was afraid it would break.”

“That’s so sweet.” Rose longed to have the relationship Raven and Chief had. It was unrealistic, but she couldn’t fight human nature.

“Enough of that gushy shit,” Chevy joked. “So, what about you, Rose? Are you considering becoming one of the bitches? You’ll never find a more tight knit family than the Savages. Once you are in, they will look out for you until you die.”

“I don’t know.” She looked down. The idea of hanging on to something she wouldn’t ever reach was disconcerting. Unlike her mother, she wasn’t going to sleep her way around in hopes someone would take her in as an ol’ lady. Being a bitch meant fucking…a lot. She didn’t want that. Some women had the open sexuality and drive and used it as an outlet, no strings attached. She wasn’t one of those.

“I get the feeling you aren’t here for the parties, are you?” Chevy pushed farther.

“I’m here for the work.” She smiled, closing off the topic politely.

“Well, can’t argue with that. Come on, we’ve definitely got enough of that around.” Raven turned and walked toward the back, and Rose and the others followed.


Tonto waited for Raven to report on Rose. For the first time, he found himself hoping she checked out instead of the opposite. The little waitress had been on his mind since the first day she had started at the diner. After he had her checked out and knew her background, he wanted her more. He never imagined someone so innocent appearing to be so open to his lifestyle, and to being shared with his best friend, Sandman. Sure, other girls had been and begged to fuck them both, but none were ol’ lady material. Rose was.

Raven called late into the evening, announcing they were taking Rose out for a girls' night and promised a full update the next morning. He didn’t want to agree to it, but Raven wasn’t a broad to argue. Of all the females in the club, she ruled the hens' nest, even over the other ol’ ladies. She had the most seniority, and when push came to shove didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger if a rat got out of line. He might not deny her a night out, but he would be amongst the security detail attached to them. Seeing her with the others would be a huge help in deciding her fate. He wanted to put her working at the Pit, but inside jobs like that were only permitted to members. Rose wasn’t, and she probably wouldn't ever be a bitch. That didn’t bother him as much as it should…but the latter. Strangely enough, the idea of her fucking anyone else pissed him off. He lied to himself and thought it was because she wasn’t like the bitches or whores, but it had nothing to do with her tight cunt and more to do with her.

Sandman walked in just as he was headed out. “Hey, where you off to in such a hurry?”

“Girls' night out.”

Sandman arched a brow. “Wear the red dress. It suits your skin tone better.”

“Fuck you. I guess that means you don’t want to tag along and help me spy on a certain flower we picked last night then.” He turned and walked out the door, counting silently to three before he grinned, turning to glance back at Sandman right behind him. “That’s what I thought. Wear the pink one. It matches your pussy.”

Sandman grumbled something under his breath but kept it to himself. The two were loaded in his truck and en route to the bar on the outskirts of town with a new mission…Rose.


Chapter Seven

Rose had enjoyed working at the flower shop, and even more hanging out with the girls. For tough ass biker bitches, they were funny and sweet, welcoming her with open arms and not claws like the rats had her first night at the fights. They were easy to be around. She didn’t have to keep her guard up and worry about getting a knife in the back every time she turned around.

“Hey, Mic! We need a bottle of Jack and shot glasses over here!” Raven yelled. Mic, as she had called him, was a stocky man well into his fifties with tats that covered every visible inch including his bald head. Their bodyguards stood close by, watching anyone who got within a three-foot radius. Being protected by two leather-clad Prospects that could use half the men in the bar as toothpicks was something she wasn’t used to. She had always had to look out for herself. Being able to relax and just have a good time without worrying about some perv dropping mickeys in her drink or manhandling her was refreshing…and something she could get used to.

“Coming up.” He reached under the counter and pulled out the glasses and bottle of whisky, lining them up on the bar. Raven handed Rose one and took one for herself, holding it up in the air.

“To Rose—a new friend and sister. May she kick ass, and tame the two assholes who own her heart.” Rose stopped and looked around, hoping no one heard the overly informative toast and sighed in relief. The music pumped so loud and everyone was busy doing their own thing to care. So, she did like any rational person would do—slammed the shot and set it back on the bar for a refill.

“Wooo! And she can drink too!” Chevy reached over and hugged her, holding one arm up in the air. The bartender refilled each shot glass and they all emptied them once more.

“Now, we need to get you official so we can give you the rundown. I know you don’t want to be like some of the other girls…and I get that. But being a bitch doesn’t mean you have to spread your legs for everyone. You choose who and what you do, not them.” Raven took the chance to prod her a little farther, getting a feel on where she stood and her intentions. It was natural for them to be guarded, and until she proved herself and that she wasn’t a threat, it was her job as head ol’ lady to find out. The club came first and foremost.

“I thought that was the whole purpose of becoming a bitch…no offense, Heaven.” Heaven smiled.

“None taken. I like to fuck. I’m not gonna apologize for that…and I mean, come on. Look around. There isn’t a guy here who stands up to our boys.” She let her eyes gaze around the bar, almost falling off her bar stool the moment Tonto and Sandman came strolling in, towering above most of the crowd. “Except maybe them…” The other girls followed her line of sight.

“Well, well. It looks like the big bad Prez has come to check you out for himself. I say we have a little fun with them, don’t you?” Raven glanced back at them with a wicked grin.

Rose watched them, not sure what to think. Of course they were checking up on her. It was to be expected, but it still irked her, considering they didn’t do it before they slept with her. She was touched the girls had taken to her and wanted her to hook up with the dangerous leaders, instead of shoving her away in jealousy. They were friendlier than most the people she had been friends with all her life. “Oh yeah. What exactly do you have in mind?”

Sandman sat with his back against the wall in the farthest dark corner of the room he could get. Mandy, their usual waitress, brought over their normal order and served it up with a grin. Normally on the nights they visited the bar, he visited her bed before heading home. Tonight he didn’t give her a second glance. “Anything else I can get you boys?” she said seductively, leaning down against the table far enough the top of her blouse gaped open and gave them a clear shot of her bare tits.

“No, just keep ‘em comin’,” he barked. She stood and scowled, nodding curtly before disappearing into the sea of bodies.

“What, no candy from Mandy tonight?” Tonto teased.

“Not in the mood. She’s too needy. I need a warm body and wet hole tonight without all the fuckin’ playing.” He took a pull off his beer and kept his eyes locked on the group of women at the bar. Tonto didn’t need to ask what was up with him. He knew, because he had the same damn problem. They didn’t need to voice what was on their mind, the two had been close for so long that words weren’t necessary.

Rose seemed to be getting along good with the girls, which was a shock. Raven was known for the hard bitch she was, and the woman didn’t take to anyone. Hell, it had taken Chelsea three years for her to walk into a room without flying at her both fists blazing, and another two after that for her to speak to her. Now the two were best friends but back then, you wouldn’t have ever guessed it. Rose was still dressed in her uniform from the diner, and yet she was the sexiest girl in the whole damn place. Her long hair had been freed from its tight bun, framing her face. She looked younger than her age and hotter than hell.

Half an hour later, the girls made a bathroom trip. Both of his Prospects were on their toes, following behind at a safe distance but still close enough should anyone decide to sign their death warrant. When they came back out, a guy approached. He was ready to bolt, but gave the two Prospects a chance to do their job. Prospect Joe and Prospect Nic both moved in, addressing the guy. Rose stepped to the front of the group and said something that had his two men backing away.

“What the fuck?” Sandman growled, already in motion to go address the situation.

Tonto held out his hand. “Wait.” They watched as the fucker led her onto the dance floor.

“Wait for what? Those two fuckers are going to turn in their cut and get the fuck out of here. They’re out,” he growled.

“For what? She obviously wanted to dance. They are still keeping an eye on her, and on the girls. Rose isn’t one of ours, bro.”

He thought about it and hated he was right. She wasn’t an ol’ lady…hell she wasn’t even a rat. She had no affiliation with the club other than being an employee at their businesses.

“So? Fuck that. I don’t like it.”

Tonto let out a deep breath. “Neither do I. So…what do you purpose? We still don’t know much about her.”

“Then we find out. Get her in the Pits.” Sandman wasn’t big on expressing shit. Hell, he wasn’t big on emotions period. Even when he was interrogating rival gangs or ‘cleaning house’, which meant killing and disposing of the bodies, he remained calm. He didn’t get mad. He got even. It almost was as if he had some sort of switch he flipped off the night when his parents were slaughtered, leaving him all alone.

“Call Rumble. It has to go to vote.” He slumped back in his chair, emptying his fourth glass of scotch.

Sandman didn’t waste time. He flipped out his phone, punched a few buttons, and shoved it back in his pocket. “Done. Tomorrow at noon.”

Tonto nodded, still not peeling his eyes off the pussy fuck who kept easing his hands lower and lower toward Rose’s ass. When they finally landed on their target, he got up and stormed in their direction.

Rose knew the guy she was dancing with was more than a little drunk, but his hands wouldn’t stay put. She fought her temper, hoping to raise some kind of reaction out of Tonto and Sandman. Justin, as he had repeatedly introduced himself and spoke in the third person enough she wanted to stab her eardrums out, yanked her closer against him and went in full force for a kiss. She tried to wiggle out of his grip but the more she fought, the more he seemed encouraged and got handsy. He tugged at her shirt with one hand, reached down with the other, and grabbed her crotch all while shoving his mouth sloppily against hers. Finally she had enough and brought one knee up between his legs with all her force. She braced herself and readied with her fist cocked back, but he flew away from her and landed a few feet away. Rose was stunned, not sure how she had managed to do such damage without ever punching him when two huge arms came around her waist and lifted her off the ground. She jerked, that instant panic one gets when threatened and fought to get free. “Rose, stop!” Tonto roared in her ear. She turned her head around enough to confirm it was him and settled in relief. He set her down and turned her to face him. “You okay?” he asked, still holding on to her.

Despite the fact she was still shaking, she nodded, feeling the full effects of the adrenaline rush. She turned, expecting the douchefuck to come back but saw Sandman ‘escorting’ Justin out the back door. “Thanks,” she answered, her face heating with embarrassment. The whole purpose of her dancing with the prick was to get a rise out of them… but now she felt like she had cheated on them.
God I’m stupid. Neither of them are my boyfriend. Hell, if it weren’t for the ol’ ladies being here, they probably wouldn’t have cared.
She ducked her head and moved to walk away when he caught her by the shoulder and pulled her back, landing his lips against hers in a brutal claiming. If she didn’t know better, she’d have sworn he was erasing Justin off her and claiming his territory. He kissed her into submission, clouding her thoughts until she forgot everything: Justin, the fact she was mad at them, and where she was. Both hands wound around his neck, relishing in the tenderness he gave for the first time. He wasn’t kissing her just to get in her panties this time. It was so much more. When he finally pulled away, he wrapped his arms around her and leaned his forehead to hers.

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