Bed of Roses (7 page)

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Authors: Harley McRide

BOOK: Bed of Roses
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Thankfully the Monte Carlo gods were shining down upon her and it cranked right over. The biker got on his bike and motioned for her to follow as he pulled away from the curb. She fell behind him, glancing at her low gas tank and hoped it wasn’t far. It was still three days until payday, and unless she grabbed another shift at the fight club soon, walking to work was in her near future. All the money she had earned during the two nights she worked there had went to back bills and they still weren't caught up.

Her car was running on fumes alone when they pulled up to the remote building out in the middle of the desert.
Maybe the desert fear isn’t too far off…
She parked and stepped out, surprised at the impressive line of parked bikes spread out in front. It didn’t take a genius to see that everyone on the guest list was on two wheels, except the handful of vehicles that more than likely belonged to the rats or the bitches. The biker came up beside her and took his helmet off, revealing the same jet-black long hair and tawny skin most of the others had. His eyes were two of the lightest crystal blue as they sparkled back at her. He was young, probably not old enough to buy beer and yet here he was, proving himself worthy of being in the roughest gang around.

“I’m Brent.” He reached his hand out. She took it, surprised at how different he was from the others.

“Rose. Thank you for escorting me, Brent.” She smiled and followed as he led her inside. He remained right beside her as she got a glimpse of MC life for the first time. Right beside the door was an extra tough looking man wearing the signature leather cut without anything under it. Between is legs was a woman, bobbing up and down on his crotch. “Is she?” she asked Brent in shock. He grinned and nodded, obviously hoping to gain that specific ‘perk’ soon. The room was full of people, alcohol, and the thick fog of smoke…from the smell it was cigarettes and weed both. It took all her concentration to prevent choking. Her attention was soon stolen by what she saw through the haze next. Against the other wall sat a huge sectional couch, and smack dab between people was two guys fucking one chick. She was on her knees sucking the guy who sat, while the other took her from behind. The people around them either watched enthusiastically or totally ignored it. It was like an everyday occurrence to them. Rose couldn’t help but spaz. She had tried mentally to prepare herself for whatever might or might not be at this party, but nothing could have readied her for this.

Tonto spotted Rose as she had walked in and stood at a distance to see her reaction. Either the girl would run screaming, or she would stand dumbfounded but curious. He was right. Her eyes were literally bulging out of her head and her jaw was on the floor. Before she could turn around and bolt, he walked toward her. He was nearly standing right in front of her before she noticed him and had already taken steps backwards toward the door when she had spotted a few of the patches taking turns with one of the club rats. Jody, one of the rats, was taking as much meat as they could stuff in her. It was disturbing for him to watch. That bitch made his stomach churn, but the guys didn’t seem to mind given she was always game for whatever kink they were looking to dish out. What the hell did he care as long as they were happy.

“Glad you made it,” his low voice made her jump, snapping her attention to him and away from the live feed porno taking place on the couch.

“Um, yeah…thank you…for inviting me…” Her indecision was practically screaming with every word. He stifled a laugh, finding her innocence cute. It made him cringe inside thinking at how she would act if he and Sandman went through with fucking her tonight, and given the state his balls had been in and the fact that even the experienced Red couldn’t relieve it, he was going to try his damnedest. Normally, he didn’t work for pussy. Pussy was everywhere, waiting and willing. Anytime of day or night, one of the bitches or rats would be more than willing to milk his cock. Since he had gotten a taste of Rose’s sweet lips, nothing sated him. He had tried getting Breeze, one of the bitches who was known to swing either way, and Red both together at the same time but even their make out session didn’t get him hard. Red had seemed to enjoy having Breeze between her thighs, her face full of pussy, and even when she returned the favor, Tonto couldn’t keep his dick hard enough to fuck either of them. Thankfully, they didn’t seem to mind finishing each other off. The other guys jumped on the chance to volunteer their cocks after, giving the girls an eventful night to say the least. The only thing he thought of was Rose. She was a forbidden fruit, and whether or not she was a virgin, her cunt was going to be a prize. Without thinking, he reached down and took her hand, motioning for the Prospect to disappear.

“Come on.” He pulled her behind him, giving her no room to argue. When they reached a sitting area in the back, positioned in the corner, he sat her down and hollered for one of the rats. “Chelsea! We need beers over here.” A short little brunette with short spiky hair clad in a tight leather mini and tube top jumped up and ran to the kitchen, returning quickly with an armload of beer bottles. She set them all on the table in front of them in a line, taking the time to pop the cap on each one before she waited for further instruction.

“Thank you. I’m Rose.” Rose stuck her hand out, getting the oddest look in return. The woman smiled finally and shook it.

“I’m Chelsea. And you must be new. If you need anything just let me know. This…” she waved her hand around, “can be a lot to digest your first time. It’s a great place just to let loose without having to worry about safety. Whatever happens here stays here, doll.” Tonto gave her a warning look that had her stiffening. The rats didn’t know anything about club business, but it was evident that Tonto didn’t want her to know what ‘all this’ contained just yet. Chelsea took the hint and scurried away, giving her a weak smile first.

For her environment, Rose was surprised at how nice the woman had been. “She was nice.”

“She’s a rat, Rose. She better be nice or it’s her ass. All of the girls are pretty easy to get along with. If you decide to…hang around…more often, Heaven can show you the ropes. She has taken a liking to you.” Tonto’s words were almost—dare she say—sweet? Whatever ‘hanging around more often’ entitled, she wasn’t sure she would want to after tonight. And, more importantly, if they would want her to after tonight. Given her lack of experience in most areas, sexual and being exposed to this stuff, there was a good possibility they would send her packing while they laughed at her. Even now, she couldn’t help but stare at everyone. Two girls danced together topless, grinding and kissing as if it was no big deal. Just seeing their bare chests exposed in a room full of strangers made her embarrassed for them. Another chick sat on one dude’s lap with her legs across another, both of them touching and fondling her.
At least she still has her clothes on,
Rose snorted.

Sandman walked up and sat beside her, snatching a beer off the table and propping his feet where it had set. “Hey, Rose.”

“He speaks!” she said overdramatically. Tonto couldn’t hold back the laugh that escaped. For someone so far out of her element, she sure did a good job holding herself together. She was anything but the weak female they had taken her for. The little bit of information they had gathered on her background had led them to believe her to be more emotional and fragile. From what they had seen, the girl held her own. It took a tough bitch to be in a crowd like this, and even though she was shocked, she still voiced her wittiness.

Sandman looked at her for a long time, still trying to see how deep her comfort level went before he broke her. When she didn’t turn away, he grinned. “Glad to see you made it. I gotta say, I didn’t think you would.”

“Why’s that?” she questioned without hesitation.

He leaned in, rolling to his side enough he was inches from her face. “Because I didn’t think you had what it takes to handle MC life.” He kept his eyes locked to hers, determined to push her to her limit.

“And now?” Rose quirked an eyebrow.

“Still don’t think you do.”

“I guess we’ll see, won’t we?”

Sandman narrowed his eyes and leaned forward, attacking her lips with his. He didn’t wait for her to comply, but instead shoved past her lips into her mouth with enough heat her body shook. She turned into him, latching one hand around his neck, and returning the same amount of enthusiasm as he gave. Rose was determined to erase their delicate image of her and show them she was serious. For the first time in her life, she did the un-responsible thing and loved it. The harder he pushed, the harder she retaliated until they were locked in a full fledged tongue fuck. Just as fast as it had begun, she ended it. Rose pulled away and stood, tossing a cocky smile over her shoulder. “Which way is the kitchen? I need another beer.” It took Sandman a minute to find his tongue, which was unheard of. No one threw him off guard, and yet this little vanilla female had him stunned at every corner.

“That way. Grab a bottle of Tequila and shot glasses while you’re up.” He pointed to the right, and she spotted the doorway behind two abnormally large men who were propped against it with their arms folded across their chests. She had half a notion to tell him to get it himself, but given she was technically a guest in their house or whatever this place was, seemed rude. So, she nodded and walked away, her head held high.

“I think you’ve met your match, bro.” Tonto laughed, enjoying Sandman’s look of shock. It took a lot to shake his friend, but the little brunette had managed to do it on more than one occasion.

He and Sandman had shared women regularly, both preferring it over flying solo, so Rose wasn’t an exception. “She amuses me. No one surprises me, ever…but that one shocks the shit out of me regularly. I can’t figure her out. Not that I need to. All I want is her pussy. After that, who gives a fuck. It’s all about the game…and I always win.” He took a long pull off his beer and belched. Usually he didn’t want to play chase and didn’t have to given all the tail that fell at his feet daily. It was fresh to mix it up a little. She had what the bitches and rats didn’t—dignity. Whether it was a good thing or bad, he hadn’t decided. He didn’t ever want an ol' lady, and she was probably hoping to become one if she were anything like her whore of a mother. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t take advantage of the situation and wear her in good before he set her aside. If her cunt was half as tight as he thought it was, she was worth a little effort. It would be nice to fuck a girl and actually feel the walls of her cunt squeezing around his dick instead of tossing a hot dog down a hallway. He was hung like a damn mule and half the girls he stuffed it in were so loose it took their ass being full of cock too to get any sensation out of it.

“Agreed. So, how long do you plan to toy with her before we can fuck her and get on with our night? I have a poker game planned. Ol’ Chief thinks he can win back what he lost last week. I guess his ol’ lady was pissed and demanded he get it back or she was gonna kick him to the couch for a month.”

“Not too long. My balls are barking. He fucked up if he pissed Raven off. That bitch scares me.”

“Me too. Her skills with a blade are what nightmares are made of. Remember the hang-around who tried to get forceful with her. The poor bastard has to sit to piss now.”

“Oooh shit, I forgot about that. Yeah, she is one hardcore bitch. I almost pity the old bastard.” Tonto spotted Rose walking back, balancing an arm full of beers, shot glasses, and a fifth of Tequila in her arms like a pro. The woman was one hell of a waitress. Before she got to the middle of the room, Jody spotted her and went in for the kill. Jody was as nasty as rats came. She had been Krista’s only friend, and he had been half tempted to kick her out on her ass when he had sent Krista packing. The only thing that had stopped him was she was a greedy whore and could take half his men if the night called for it. No one went to bed hard, ever. He might not ever fuck her, even with someone else's dick, but the guys appreciated her eagerness and talents.

If her posture was anything to go off, things might get entertaining and fast. Jody had one hand planted on her hip that she deliberately cocked outwards enough her pants rode even lower, allowing the crack of her ass to peek out the top. She had a finger shoved in Rose’s face with the other hand and her mouth was flapping a hundred miles a minute. Rose just stood there casually, her lack of amusement evident. When the rat stopped for air, she turned and walked off. Jody obviously didn’t agree to her being so easily dismissed and stepped back in front of her, fueled even more. This time Rose casually sat her armload down neatly on a nearby table and turned slowly, landing a left hook right in Jody’s mouth. Jody crumbled to the floor, bleeding and squealing like a stuck pig while Rose gathered the drinks and walked back over to where they sat.

“Here ya go. I grabbed the Patrón. A few of the hang-arounds had broken the seal but I figure the President should have the good shit and leave the cheap stuff for them.”

“How do you know they were hang-arounds, Rose?” Tonto immediately went on defense, wondering who had explained to her the rankings and why the hell she needed to know. All MCs were established on the same rank system, but most civilians didn’t know or need to know. In most cases, it was better that way if ever there was a fight or something happened and the cops got involved, the less who knew was higher on the totem pole the better.

She looked up with a puzzled look. “They didn’t have a cut on. This is a club party, so the chances of outsiders other than women being invited are slim, which could only mean they are hang-arounds.” Her eyes squinted together in a ‘duh’ expression. Whether Rose was playing them or not, she definitely understood some of the MC life. Tonto shot a glance at Sandman who dismissed it with a shrug. It took him a little while to agree with his reaction, but once he gave it some thought it did make sense. The girl had probably woken up to every biker on the west coast stumbling out of her mother’s bed. She had probably picked up on a lot of their ways over the years.

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