Be Careful What You Wish For: A Cuckold's Story (18 page)

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, who had been watching the game, said, “What? Oh, yeah. I don’t need Darrell to help me find women.”
He smiled. “Although I do like your little slut’s
just fine. And I’m just about ready for round two.”

“Hold up, little brother, you’ll be taken care of.”

After dinner, they sat around and watched a movie while Rick
cleaned up the kitchen. He came out and was ordered on his knees in front of the couch. He still had on his frilly apron and pink panties
and white stockings

“Look, man, Liz is still pretty worn out from last night and
’s horny, so I’ll give you a choice,” Bull told him. “You can watch while
fucks her sore
and you can lick all his spunk out – or you can just give my brother a blow job and give your wife a rest.”

’s mouth dropped open. He looked from Liz to
and then to Bull. “I didn’t know your brother was gay.”

’s eyes darkened. “You think I’m gay, mother fucker?” He stood up and Bull put a hand out to stop him. He turned to Rick
and sighed. “You just don’t get it, do you? My brother isn’t gay. Neither are you. I just thought you’d rather give your wife a break, that’s all. Have it your way.” H
e reached over and yanked Liz into position
. She yelped with the suddenness of it.

smiled. “’Bout time!” He stepped toward her.

“No, wait!” Rick
said. “I’ll do it!”

Everyone stopped to stare at him. Bull finally said, “You sure? Maybe your wife wants to be fucked.” He raised an eyebrow at her.

Liz knew what she was supposed to say and what she wanted to say. She wanted to say, “Yes, I’d rather be fucked,” to save Rick
. She would prefer to be Bull’s private property. But she knew from their conversation what the right thing to say.

“No, I’m still kinda worn out, Rick
. I would prefer not to fuck him right now.” She paused and added, “but if you’d rather
let him do it and eat my out afterward, I guess that would be okay.”

“No,” he said at once. “You should rest.”

“Great! Get busy!”
barked. He sat back down.

crawled over and opened up
’s pants. His cock was hard already and he had trouble getting it free of his boxers. Liz was fascinated to watch the scene unfold. Here was her heterosexual husband about to go down on a man voluntarily. It made her so hot she suddenly wanted Bull to fuck her, right then and there.

took the tip into his mouth and tried to baby it, but
wanted nothing to do with that. “Come on, suck it! Otherwise, this long dong is going up your wife’s

The words galvanized Rick
into action.
Thankfully, Jamal’s cock was at least clean.
Within minutes, he was thrusting his face down onto the man’s cock while Bull and Liz watched.
grabbed Rick
’s head and began to force him down all the way, and Liz knew his cock would be deep into his throat. She could see him trying to breathe during the out stroke and hoped he wouldn’t pass out.

It didn’t take long.
must’ve been primed from going without
most of the day
. He suddenly bellowed and pulled Rick
’s head down on his cock and Liz could see his ballsack twitch. Rick
’s face turned red and he held on, his hands bracing against
’s thighs. The man let him go and he pulled back, coughing and sputtering. Great gobs of semen fi
lled his mouth but there was no
to spit it out, so he grimaced and swallowed it.

“All right! That’s my boy!”

Liz took pity on Rick
. “Okay, I’m taking my slave into the shower. His balls stink and I
think he needs to be reshaved

Bull shrugged. “Up to you. I think you’re going too easy on him.
Make sure he shaves you too – don’t want you gettin’ hairy down there

Rickie meekly stood.

Both bulls laughed. “We’ll be checking!” Bull said. He fished the key out of his pocket and handed it over.

Liz took him into the spare bathroom and knelt down and unlocked his cage.

“Aaaahhhh,” he breathed
, feeling his cock expand freely for the first time in
two weeks
. “That feels so good!”

She could tell he was itching to beat off, so she turned on the shower and said, “Hurry up, before I change my mind.” He got in and she followed him. They soaped up and she watched as he took special care
to shave
her. It made her hot and for a brief moment, she thought a
ut letting him have a quickie. His small cock was jutting out from his stomach in desperate need of relief. She decided she’d rather fuck Bull again and ignored it.

finished shaving her and turned to
She rinsed off while he shaved his groin bald again. He looked like a little boy.
When he was done, his eyes pleaded with her.

“Just look away for a minute, all right?”

Liz sighed. “I have to admit, you’ve been a pretty good boy lately. My pussy has been well satisfied by your tongue. Let’s see, how many orgasms have you given me in the last couple weeks?” She looked up and thought about it. “I’d say, probably ten or fifteen. Not very many, really.”

“I can do better! Please, Liz, jeez!”

She smiled. “Tell you what. I’ll let you beat off – in fact, I’ll stand here and let you squirt on me – if you promise not to whine and beg for release until I’ve had … let’s say, fifty orgasms on your tongue.”

’s jaw dropped, but he was in no condition to argue. “Deal!”

“Okay, then.” She stepped close, blocking the spray of the shower from him. “Go ahead.”

It didn’t take long. After being caged and unable to masturbate, Rick
was ready to spurt. He grabbed his small cock and began to rub, moving close – but not touching – his wife. Within a minute, he gasped and squirted his seed all over her stomach. She made a moue of distaste and turned around to wash it off.

Chapter Eleven




Rick watched as Liz knelt down and
carefully dried him off before caging
up his cock once again. The euphoria of the moment was already fading and he contemplated his deal. Fifty orgasms? If it had taken two weeks to give her ten or twelve, so … he did the math. That would be about eight weeks! How did that correspond with her promise to release him after a month?


“Please, call me
. I prefer Bull or Jamal to call me honey.”

Rick felt a
brief wave of loss. Something else that her bulls have taken from him. “Uh, how is our deal going to work with the other part?”

She looked up, satisfied now that he was caged again. She began to get dressed. “How do you mean?”

“Well, you’ve been keeping track of my time, you know. I’m supposed to get out by the end of November, right? I mean, unless you have to punish me. So how is our new deal going to work with that?”

“You’re right. It should be one or the other, right? So let’s do this.
I’ll let you out at the end of November to wash and shave. But no squirting! Meanwhile, y
ou give me fifty orgasms with your tongue. Then we’ll look and see how many weeks have been added to that in the meantime for punishments. How does that sound?”

Rick resisted a shudder. “It sounds, uh, fair.”

“Good. Now, let’s go back out and share with our guests.”

“Share? You mean, you’re going to tell them?”

“Of course, Rick
! I so delight in seeing your face when you get embarrassed. But that’s how it is now.” Liz went out, leaving the door open.

Rick hurried to his bedroom where Liz’s panties had been moved and picked out a nice yellow pair of low-cut briefs
. His stockings were a bit ragged so he found a pair of black ones in Liz’s drawer and rolled them on his legs
. He knew better than to put on anything else.

Everyone was waiting for him to come out
– apparently, Liz had already informed them of the new arrangement
. Bull and Jamal grinned at him and Liz said, “There he is, Mr. Pussy Licker.”

Rick felt the heat in his face.

“I think he should start now,” Bull said.

Liz stared at him. “You want him to do that in front of you?”

“Sure. I’d like to see how he does.”

She turned to Rick. “You heard him. This will be No. 1.”

Rick bit his lip. “Where do you want to do it?”

“In the easy chair, so my boys can watch.” She plopped down and spread her legs, causing her skirt to rise up, exposing her naked loins.

He knelt in front of her and began to tongue her. At least she was clean, he thought. He tried to ignore the hooting going on behind him. He concentrat
ed on her pussy, knowing all it
s folds and secrets by now. Within minutes, he had her gasping. When she crested into an orgasm,
she squirted on his face and he felt a sense of pride.

“Oh my! That was good! Must be because you guys were watching,” Liz said.

Rick pulled away and said nothing.

“So, that’s one, huh? You’d better keep track!” Bull hooted.

Liz got to her feet and found the calendar, the one that tracked his punishments. She put a small mark there. “Okay, it’s official. Only forty-nine left to go!”

Later, in bed, Rick listened over the baby monitor while Bull and Jamal had their way with Liz. Now that her period had ended, they couldn’t wait to fuck her again. It went on for a good
two hours
before he turned off the monitor and tried to sleep.

In the morning, he was called over to give Liz another orgasm, and he knew she’d be full of their seed. But he did it anyway and found he was growing used to the taste. He brought her off while her bulls lounged around, watching, and was sent out to make coffee and start breakfast afterward.

After a big breakfast – everyone was hungry except for Liz, who apparently had had enough sperm to fill her up – they left Rick to clean up while they went out to the living room to see if there was a NFL game on. Liz normally hated football, but she seemed to like sitting in between her bulls and being fondled.

Rick came out later, still
dressed in his lacy white apron,
and stockings
, and hovered around.

“God, what are you doing?” Bull asked. “Go away and find something to do.”

“Hey,” Jamal reminded him. “Maybe it’s time to talk about that thing.”

Rick’s ears perked up. What thing?

“Yeah.” Bull muted the TV. “Okay, here’s the deal. I spent about
hundred dollars on your toys. The chastity belt, the baby monitor and some other stuff. So, I was thinking…” He grinned wolfishly. “I’ve got some friends who would love to fuck this hot wife of yours…”

Rick felt that strange stir of emotions, fear and arousal.
Being made to pay for his own torture devices was brilliantly cruel. It reinforced his cuckold status.
He glanced over at Liz to see this was news to her too. He couldn’t tell if she was shocked or excited.

“So I figured I could charge them, say, one hundred bucks each. A real bargain, when you think of it. I get
to fuck her
and, bam, your toys are covered.”

“What does Liz think?”

Bull put his arm around her and pulled her close. “Oh, she does what I tell her to do. You know that.”

Rick still couldn’t read her expression. “What do you say, Liz?”

“If that’s what Bull wants…” she said, flashing a

“Or,” Bull continued. “You could just pay me the

Rick kept his gaze on Liz while he thought it over. She stared back, and he thought she was asking him with her eyes to just pay the damn money. He thought about how the power had shifted in the house. He was low man on the totem pole and now he was being given a chance to make a decision that would affect Liz.

“Would they wear condoms?”

Bull and Jamal hooted with laughter. Liz looked stricken.

“I dunno, whaddya think, Liz? You want your johns to wear rubbers?”

She held Rick’s gaze for a long moment before she said, “It’s up to you, Bull. If they’re clean, I’ll trust you. But if they give me something, you know I’ll just pass it on to you.”

“Got that right!” he said. “Okay, condoms it is.”

“Hot damn!” Jamal said. “I can’t wait. Maybe we should
call in a few more, you know, make some money!”

“Up to you, Bull,” Liz said quickly, “but if I get fucked too much, I’ll get a bladder infection and I’ll be hands off for a week, maybe more.”

That cooled their jets. They looked at each other. “Well, damn,” Bull said. “So we’ll just keep it to
, okay?”

stared at him
. “I hope I’ll be okay, after all the fucking I’ve done this weekend.”

Bull nodded. “I guess we’d better go, then.”

Rick’s antenna went up. “Go?” He was hoping Bull and Jamal would go and leave them alone, but he suspected otherwise.

“Yeah. We can’t very well ask our black brothers to come into this lily white neighborhood, can we? We’d cause a scandal!”

Yeah, Rick thought, like none of their neighbors had noticed two big black guys hanging around Liz all this time!

“No, we’ll take her to my place and earn that money.”

“You okay with this, Liz?”

She gave him a steady look. “You could always pay the damn money.”

“You could reduce my time in my cage,” he responded.

“Ohh! The wimp speaks! Looks like I misjudged you, cucky,” Bull said. To Liz, “Come on, let’s go.”

She got up and went to take a quick shower while the bulls watched the game for a while. She came out, dressed in a red skirt and white blouse, no underwear, and Rick could see her nipples clearly. She raised her skirt at Bull’s request to show her naked pussy.

“All right! Don’t wait up for us,
.” They gathered up their stuff and were soon gone, leaving Rick to pace and worry, his cock swelling in its cage. If he hadn’t been so stubborn, he would’ve just paid the money.
He secretly delighted in thinking about Liz taking on several new black cocks. He just wished he could’ve watched.

Liz returned about six, worn out and well fucked, as expected. Bull didn’t come in, he just dropped her off like so much baggage.
Rick was waiting, fully dressed, although he still had on his panties.

“How was it?”

“It was …
,” she said. “I’ve never been a prostitute before. It was somehow freeing.”

“How many did you fuck?”

She smiled. “
Just four

He wished he could’ve been there.
“So did Bull let you keep some of the money?”

She smiled. “Yes.” She showed him
a few twenties
she had tucked into her purse

“Did they all wear condoms?”

“All except for the last guy. He paid extra!” She headed down the hall to shower. Rick followed, hoping to see her well-stretched pussy.

She didn’t seem to mind having him in the bedroom as long as he didn’t try to touch her. He sat on the bed and watched her strip. His eyes went wide when he saw the tattoo.

“Hey! What’s that?”

She stopped and let him look. He moved closer and saw it was the Queen of Spades tattoo on her bare mound.
Her pussy was sticky with her juices and cum.

“Hey! We didn’t talk about that!”

“It’s not up to you.”

His mouth opened and closed for a moment and she laughed. “Relax, it’s a temporary tattoo. Bull wanted to see how it looked on me before he had a permanent one done.”

Rick’s moment of relief faded quickly. “You’re gonna let him mark you like that?”

“If he wants to, of course. It’s nice, being so completely owned by a big, powerful man. You wouldn’t understand.” She smiled. “Or maybe you would!”

Rick felt his cock surge in the cage and the spikes did their job. The thought of Liz running around with a black spade tattoo turned him on.

“So I’ve lost you, haven’t I?”

She came forward, naked, and cupped her hand along his jawline. “No, Rick, you haven’t lost me. I mean, you can divorce me, if you want. I wouldn’t blame you. You have a tough life ahead of you – watching me go out and knowing I’ll be fucking black men. Or staying home and watching them humiliate you before they take me into my bedroom to fuck me.”

Rick’s knees felt weak. His mouth watered at the thought of all those black cocks. Fuck, he thought, maybe I am a little gay. Liz saw his expression and she gave his face a gentle pat.

“If you really want to show me how much you love me, you’ll help me clean up.”

Rick cock threatened to burst from its cage, spikes or not. He groaned, low in his throat. His knees gave out and he found himself on the rug, her reddened and messy pussy in front of him.

“That’s a good boy,” she cooed and he leaned in to suck. “Ohh, this will be No.
, won’t it? Just think,” she continued, as he began to dig his tongue deeper into her, “only forty-
more to go before you can get off!”

* * *

The next two weeks were a blur to Liz.
She had never had more satisfying sex in her life. Thankfully, she was largely left alone during the week to recover from intense weekends with Bull and Jamal – and DeWayne, one of her “customers” that she had grown attached to. Maybe it was his nine-inch cock!
He was solidly built, just like Bull, with a shiny bald head that reminded her of the head of his dick.

Plus, she had lost more weight. She was down eleven pounds and attributed it to getting some good solid teeth-rattling fucking by her big black cocks. It was far better than going to the gym! Bull complimented her on her body all the time now.

She now had blonde hair, thanks to Bull’s most recent request. She had had it professionally done and it looked great. She felt ten years younger and even more slutty than she had before. Rickie had been shocked when he came home to see the change in her but he didn’t object. In fact, he told her it looked good on her.

! He doted on her,
her feet when she allowed it, cooking their meals and keeping the house clean and, as always, giving her oral sex at the drop of a hat. She kept meticulous track of her orgasms and
had made it
one-third of the way
to his goal by Thanksgiving. Being locked up solid for two weeks did wonders for his attitude. He no longer complained about
wearing her panties, being caged or sucking Jamal’s or Bull’s cocks. He had even begun
pleasuring DeWayne as well.

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