Be Careful What You Wish For: A Cuckold's Story (12 page)

BOOK: Be Careful What You Wish For: A Cuckold's Story
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“I’ll hold onto it,” Darrell said.

Rick knew he’d never get it away from him. “Why not give it to Liz, you know, in case of emergency.” Which he figured would happen as soon as Darrell left.

“Oh, no, I don’t want you to wheedle her. It’s so unmanly.” Darrell pulled Liz’s head down to his crotch and she instantly opened her mouth to take in his cock.

Rick felt stupid just standing there with his red panties and his cock trussed up while his wife fucked her boyfriend. “What am I supposed to do now?”

Pulling away from Darrell’s expanding cock, she said, “Go sweep and mop the kitchen floor. We’ll be out later.”

“Hey, that’s your job!”

“Not any more,” Darrell said. “Now git!”

Rick got.
He stood in the kitchen, hearing them making love and
wondered about the wisdom of getting involved with Darrell. What had he turned Rick into?
What had he turned Liz into? She had
content to make love only to
until he
pushed the issue.

Be careful what you wish for
, he thought.

He got the broom and swept up the dust and debris, his mind in turmoil. Liz was rising to her first orgasm and he knew it would be followed by several more. He found the bucket under the sink and filled it with warm water. Reading the instructions on the side of the cleaning solution, he poured in a capful and mixed it up. He put it on the floor and dipped the sponge mop into it and wrung it out.

Liz was on her second orgasm now. Rick began to mop.

By the time he was finished, Liz had gone quiet. But he had counted
orgasms, each one loud enough to cause his poor cock to strain against its cage.
When it did, the spikes would
dig into his cock, causing pain.
It would bulge and suddenly give up, only to wait for the next one when it would try again. He was frustrated and exhausted – and very, very horny.
But somehow, despite everything, he felt a strange sense of contentment.

Liz stumbled out in her robe, her hair disheveled, that well-fucked look on her face. When she spotted Rick, she smiled. “Oh, the floor looks great,

Rickie? That was new.
“It’s still wet, so you shouldn’t walk on it.”

“I think you deserve a reward.” She leaned against the wall and opened her robe. She was naked underneath and her pussy was red and dripping juices. Rick didn’t hesitate – he was so horny, sucking on his wife’s pussy seemed a lot better than nothing. He was soon attached, licking and sucking her,
tasting Darrell while
hoping to bring her to another orgasm.

He was still working at her when Darrell walked in. He tried to stop, but Liz grabbed his head and said, “Not yet.” He was made to continue licking her until she shuddered with a small orgasm and pushed him away.

“That wasn’t bad. I’m just too fucked out to enjoy it,” she told him.

“Why don’t you make us some breakfast,” Darrell said
to him.

Rick knew better than to refuse. His bottom still hurt. “What do you guys want?”

Darrell turned to Liz. “Eggs? Bacon? Toast?”

She nodded.

“Go for it, faggot,” Darrell told him.

“I think I’ll jump i
n the shower while he’s cooking
, Bull.”

Rick hated to hear her use that name. But it was accurate.

“I think he needs a frilly apron. You got one of those?”

Liz’s eyes lit up. “Yeah! I hardly ever use it. His mother gave it to me as a wedding present. I thought it was a joke at first.”

“Sounds good.”

Rick watched as she went into the kitchen, checking first to make sure the floor was dry. She found the apron in a bottom drawer and brought it out. Rick made a face but didn’t object when she handed it to him. It was a white apron with frilly edges and pockets in the front. He put it on while Darrell watched.

“Perfect,” his tormentor said.

He went in to cook while Liz took a shower. Darrell watched him for a couple of minutes before telling him, “I think I’m going to join Liz in the shower. You keep working, ya hear?” He disappeared down the hall.

When they returned
minutes later, he had breakfast all laid out for them. They ate while he stood nearby, refilling their coffee cups. Darrell wouldn’t let him take off the apron and once reached around to pat his pantied bottom, making Rick feel like a fool
, and yet, his cock kept swelling against its cage

He didn’t want to let them know he was secretly enjoying this abuse.
It seemed unmanly. He still thought of himself as a man.
“Look, how long is this going to go on?” he asked.

Both Liz and Darrell stopped and seemed puzzled. “Why, until we’re done being with each other,” he said.

“No, I mean, how long are you gonna keep me locked up like this?”

“Oh, that. Hmm. I read something about that on the Internet,” Darrell said. “For best results, your cuckold should be kept locked up for three months. That sound about right, hon?”

was surprised
. Three months?
We’re they serious?
“Fuck that,” he said. “I’ll just cu
t the padlock!”

“If you do, you’d be whipped so hard you
sit down for a week. And then I’d just lock you back up for six months. No, you have to learn that your little dick
s worthless and it’s best to keep it hidden away. Besides, I know your wife would rather you sucked her than fucked her.”

Liz nodded and smiled. “
I like the idea of
me an orgasm every morning before he goes to work – I mean, on those days you aren’t here, Bull.”

“Of course. Train his tongue to replace his cock. They’re both about the same length, aren’t they?”

Rick felt humiliated all over again. Outwardly, he acted like it was the worst punishment in the world, but inside, he was a mixture of emotions. Part of him liked being treated this way. He couldn’t explain it, any more than he could explain why reading about cuckoldry had interested him all th
se years. He supposed that having a small cock forced him to live vicariously through other men, at first online and now, with Darrell. He could pretend it was his cock fucking his wife. It didn’t make a lot of sense, but he didn’t expect anyone to understand it.

There was more to it, he realized. He suspected he had always been a submissive man. He had covered it well growing up, yet it remained part of him. He suspected he married Liz not only because she was beautiful, but also because she could be bossy at times. Like now.

“I’m going to go get dressed,” he said.

Darrell turned to Liz. “Why don’t you help him pick out an outfit?”

She grinned. “You mean…”

“Yeah. Something frilly.”

“I want to wear my
clothes!” he said with sudden heat.

Darrell’s face darkened. “Look, boy, you’re lucky you get to live with Liz now. If I wanted, I could take her over to my house. My brother and I could use a live-in slut.”

Liz’s mouth dropped open and she stared at Darrell. Was he kidding? Rick decided not to find out.

“Why would you make me wear something like that? Isn’t this bad enough?” He waved his hand at his red panties.

. We won’t take you outside, so relax,” Darrell said. “I just think it will help reinforce your new position.”

Rick nodded, thinking about his poor cock. “If I do what you ask, can I get the key back in time for work Monday?”

Darrell thought about that for a moment. “No,” he said.

Rick’s heart fell.

“Go with hubby and find him something that makes him look like a sissy boy.”

Liz got up and took his hand and led him down the hall. She made him sit on the bed in his red panties while she rummaged through her closet. She found
white stockings,
a white skirt, about knee length on her, but considerably shorter on him and a pink blouse. He shook his head until she threatened to bring Darrell in, so he put on the
The stockings made his dick hard in the cage, which embarrassed him. The skirt fit fine, but the blouse was a bit tight
and the buttons strained in front.

She made him parade into the living room so Darrell could humiliate him. He delighted in pointing out what a sissy he was and how he d
idn’t deserve a woman like Liz.

“But those hairy legs have got to go,” he pointed out to Liz.

“You’re right! They don’t look sexy at all.”

“Rickie, I want you to shave your legs. Liz and I are going out for a while.”

Liz gave him a list of
chores to do while they were gone.

He tried to object, but Darrell laid down the law. “If everything on this list isn’t done, we will take turns spanking your bottom.”

“You be good now, Rickie,” Liz said. He understood now why she called him that – it further eroded his manhood. He felt like a little boy with a useless dick.

They soon left and Rick groused around for a while before he started to do the chores. It irked him that not only was he expected to go to work and bring home all the money, but now he was being forced to do Liz’s chores too! What was she bringing to the show? Other than fucking her bull in front of him.

Was that enough of a reason?

He finished around three and went
shower. He stared at his hairy legs and thought about what he was about to do. He could refuse. Let them spank him. He could take it. He found himself reaching for the shaving cream a moment later and he meekly shaved each leg, only nicking himself twice. When he was done and he had rinsed off, his legs look positively girly.

Rick dried off and went in to
lie down. He slept, only to be woken by their arrival home.
He hurried to pull on some panties and went out to greet them.

“Ohh, much better,” Liz said, running her hands over his smooth legs. It made his cock strain in the cage. “What do you think, honey?” She looked to Darrell for approval.

“I think
we need to see them in stockings.”

“Yes! Go put them on.”

Rick went into the bedroom and found the white stockings and rolled them up over his legs. When he looked down, he was amazed at how good his legs looked now that they had been shaved. This was even better than wearing Liz’s panties! He tried to hide his excitement when he returned to the living room.

“Ohh, baby, you look sexy!” Liz exclaimed.

Rick just nodded and allowed the humiliation to wash over him.

How about the rest of the chores?”

“All done.”

“Good, now go start dinner.”

Rick trudged to the kitchen
and put on his frilly apron without being asked. He could hear them out there, having drinks and talking
. They didn’t tell him where they had been and he didn’t ask. He was afraid of what he might find out.

After dinner, they watched TV like a normal family, except that the husband was dressed like a girl and the wife was sitting on the couch being fondled by her lover. When it was time for bed, they sent Rick to the guest room and went to bed. He
took off all his clothes except for his panties and
tried to sleep, listening to them fucking in the room that used to be his.

Chapter Seven




Darrell and Liz seemed to enjoy tormenting him.
had woken to silence in their master bedroom – already he had begun to think of it as theirs – and it has surprised him. He would have expected Darrell to be having a morning fuck. Maybe they were just worn out.

Then he heard over the baby monitor, “
! Get in here!”

Darrell’s voice was a command and Rick jumped up, found his robe and went into the other bedroom. He still had on his red panties from yesterday and his cock throbbed at the thought of being in the same room with them. They were still in bed, naked, covers pulled up. Liz seemed small compared to the big man.

“Take that robe off,” Darrell ordered and Rick dropped it.

“Keep those panties on for a bit longer. You can change after you shower.”


– I want you to call me by my nickname.”

“Okay, Bull.” Rick suppressed a shudder.

“I know you got into this whole cuckold lifestyle because you have a small dick,” he continued, making Rick feel like shit, “and because you like to live vicariously through me when it comes to putting the meat to your wife and making her come.”

Rick said nothing and Darrell added, “Right?”

He was forced to nod. “Uh, yeah.”

“So, I’ve decided I’m going to let you watch this morning.”

His face lit up. “Really?”

Darrell laughed. “Yeah. But I want your face in here close, okay? I want you to see how a real man’s dick works.”

The words elated Rick and he came right by the bed and knelt down. Darrell said, “First, fetch me my bag,” and Rick obeyed, eager to see what toys he was going to use on Liz next. He was disappointed to see the man pull out a cable tie and order him to turn around.

“Is this really necessary?” he asked even as he turned and presented his wrists to him.

“Yes. I want you to feel helpless. But also because I don’t want you touching your wife. I’m staking my claim to her entire body now. You’re too puny and weak to touch her.”

* * *

When Liz heard those words, it sent a new thrill through her. Rick stared at her with puppy-dog eyes and she just shook her head and rested one of her white hands against Bull’s wide black chest as if to say,
Tough shit, sissy boy

Rick got back into position by the bed and Bull pulled back the covers, exposing their naked bodies to her husband. She really didn’t want to fuck in front of him any more, but
if this is what Bull wanted, it was okay by her. She had had so much sex and so many orgasms in the last week, her mind had turned to jelly. She found it easy to do whatever Bull told her to do.

“Get up on your hands and knees,” he told her and she got into position, her bottom even with Rick’s eager face. It was pathetic, seeing him in his panties, with his little cock that could never get hard again.

She wasn’t sure what Bull had in mind this morning, but they had talked about “training Rick
” when they had woken up. Bull said they needed to reinforce Rick’s position now and that he had an idea in mind. That’s when he had called Rick to come over. Liz knew it would be good.

Bull wasted no time in entering her and she was so wet all the time for his big cock that foreplay wasn’t necessary. She was always ready for her Bull. She groaned and sank down to her elbows, enjoying the pressure that began to build up inside her. He began to stroke and she looked sideways to see Rick’s face, mouth half open, watching how Bull’s long cock disappeared into her. She smiled.

That’s as close as you’re ever gonna get to my pussy from now on!

Bull sped up and Liz wondered why he wasn’t taking his time, like he usually did. Not that she was complaining. She could feel her orgasm building as his speed increased and knew she would come soon. She closed her eyes, waiting for the explosion inside her and was suddenly startled to feel him pull out!

She looked to the side to see Bull grab Rick by the back of his head and shove his cock into his face! Rick was so startled, his mouth made an ‘O’, which made for a perfect target. As soon as the tip of Bull’s cock entered Rick’s mouth, he exploded, shooting jets of come into it. Rick couldn’t jerk away because of Bull’s firm grip on the back of his neck
and the fact that his hands were tied
. He was forced to gag on the seed and much of it ran down his chin.

Finally, Bull released him and the poor man
coughed and sputtered. His eyes were wild.

“That was practice,” Bull told him.

Rick wasn’t able to speak. He just shook his head.

“I know you ain’t gay. This has nothing to do with that. This is about power, which you do know about. I have the power now. You will do what I say, you pussy. I’m not taking any more pictures, okay? I don’t need to. But if I ask you to suck my dick before I fuck your wife, you will do it. If I ask you to swallow m
seed directly instead of licking it from your wife’s pussy, you will do that too. You gettin’ your position now?”

Rick recovered and stared at him, Bull’s seed dripping down his chin and onto his bare chest. Slowly, he nodded.

“Good, I’m glad we understand each other. Now clean me up.” He thrust his cock into Rick’s face and her husband began to meekly lick him.

To Liz, this was the most erotic thing she had ever seen. “Oh my god,” she whispered, suddenly so horny she couldn’t stand it. “Don’t waste it on him!”

Bull laughed and moved his cock around to her pussy and slipped it in. She was amazed he was still erect after that massive ejaculation. He pounded her a few times, then pulled his cock out and inserted it into Rick’s mouth again. He repeated the process several times until Rick was waiting and eager to suck his cock.

* * *

Rick felt humiliated – and
secretly excited. His cock strained in its cage as he sucked the big man’s dick and he knew it was just one more step down the road to total cuckoldry. At least Bull hadn’t taken pictures! If he had, there was nothing Rick could have done about it. He was only embarrassed to be seen sucking Bull’s cock in front of Liz. He knew she thought him a total wimp now. She had lost all respect for him.

After that, Bull laid down the law. It was weird, but he thought of Darrell as Bull now. Something about sucking on the man’s cock had changed his thinking.

“Liz is now your boss, little man. If you’re very, very good, she might let you out of your cage in a month. But I doubt it. I’m thinking more like three months.
Unless there are special circumstances.

Rick’s heart fell.
Three months! He couldn’t last three months!

“You will worship your wife, but you are only allowed to touch her under certain conditions. That means no hugs, no kisses. And you’d better not grab her – that will be punished severely. The only time you can touch her is when she needs a good pussy-licking, which you will administer whenever she wants. We’re already talking about one each morning before you go to work, but if she wants more, that’s up to her. And, of course, if she wants you to lick out
seed, you will do that eagerly. You got it so far, wimp?”

Rick nodded, feeling the heat in his face.

“Also, you will be doing her chores. Yes, that means after work
or on weekends
. You will clean the house in your frilly panties. If you do a good job, you might get to bring her to an orgasm
with your tongue
. If you don’t, expect to be punished.” Darrell pulled out the paddle from his bag. “I’m leaving this for her. You are not to touch it. I will hear about it if you do and you won’t like what happens next.” He turned to Liz. “I want you to spank his ass twenty times for every infraction.”

She took the paddle and smiled wickedly at her husband. “Okay, Bull.”

“Now, you don’t get off so easy, Liz.
You do what I say or else, you’ll get the belt.”

Rick wanted to protest, tell him he couldn’t do that to his wife, but he said nothing. It would have been ridiculous anyway, seeing how he was trussed up and covered with Bull’s sperm.

“With all this free time, Liz will have more time for me

“But what about your job?” Rick asked. “You’re supposed to start Monday.”

“I’ll start. But I expect you’ll cover for me now and then when I want to visit my girl.”

Rick’s mouth dropped open. “Cover for you!? But, I work in the office!”

“I was there before, remember? I know you occasionally went out in the field when needed.”

“Yeah, but that was for when guys were sick or had doctor’s appointments … not…”

Bull grinned. “Not to go fuck your wife? Well, things are different now – as you can probably tell.”

“But … but…”

“Shut up. Go make us coffee.”

“How can I if my hands are tied?”

“You’ll figure it out.”

Rick stumbled from the room in shame and yet, oddly aroused. Of course, his cage didn’t let that continue for very long.
Despite his handicap, he found he could make coffee by stretching his hands around his side.
Bringing them the hot coffee proved to be much more difficult. He wound up spilling some down his leg as he carried two mugs into the bedroom.
It scalded him and he wound up spilling more black coffee on the beige carpet.

Liz tsked and took the mugs from him. “Bend over against the bed,” she said sternly.

Rick was stunned. “It wasn’t my fault! I couldn’t carry them with my hands tied!”

“Then you should’ve
carried them one at a time
. But you tried to do it all
at once
and look at the mess you made. I’m not even sure if that will come out of the carpet! Now get into position!”

With Bull looking on, Rick dared not defy her. He bent over, his hands useless and watched her pick up the paddle.
She was still naked and it made his cock hard until the spikes cooled him down.


“OW! That hurts!” She hit him much harder than he expected.

“Hush. That’s just a taste of how things are going to be around here now.” She gave him another blow and he yelped. He looked up to see a proud Bull watching and nodding.

Rick had to endure twenty spanks to his bottom and he was broken and crying around number fifteen. He blubbered and promised to be “good,” whatever that meant. He was willing to just about anything to escape the pain.

Watching him had made Bull
again. He pulled Rick’s head up. The man’s face was tear-streaked and snotty. “There, there,

cooed, using the sheet to wipe away the mess. “I know you’ll do better from now on, won’t you?”

Rick nodded. “Uh huh.”

“Good. That’s real good to hear. Now, I’m gonna slide my cock into your purdy mouth and you’re gonna give me a good blow-job, ya hear?”

Rick’s breath caught in his throat and he nodded. He opened his mouth and allowed Bull to put his cock on his tongue. He began to make love to it. Shamefully, his cock began to stir in its cage, humiliating him even more. He glanced over at Liz and noted she was watching
his defilement
with great interest

Rick didn’t really have to do much. With his hands behind his back, there wasn’t much he could do anyway. Bull grabbed his head between his massive hands and began to face fuck him, driving his big cock down Rick’s throat, making him panic and gasp for breath.

“Hey, now, I can see you need some training,” Bull said, slowing down. “You gotta breathe only when I pull out. Don’t fight it. Hell, man, your wife does a much better job and she has a smaller mouth!”

Under his gentle tutelage, Rick learned the proper technique. Soon, he was taking most of Bull’s cock. A flash caught his eyes and he looked over to see Liz taking pictures. He tried to struggle, but Bull wouldn’t let him move so he gave up and let her take more pictures.

“These are just for my own benefit,” she told him. “
It gets me wet to see you sucking on Bull’s cock

Rick wanted to
, but he couldn’t speak, not with Bull’s cock driving into his mouth. He was made to endure a long session with that cock because Bull had come so many times already. Finally, Bull sped up and Rick knew it was close and he was grateful. When the man’s seed erupted into his throat, he swallowed eagerly, happy to have the ordeal end.

Bull released him and Rick slumped down on the rug, completely broken, the bitter taste of the man’s semen in his mouth.

“Now, you get a reward for that,” he said.

Rick’s ears perked up.

“Every time you suck my cock, you get a day removed from your time in chastity. So right now, I’m thinking you get three days off. Sound good, Liz?”

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