Be Careful What You Wish For: A Cuckold's Story (8 page)

BOOK: Be Careful What You Wish For: A Cuckold's Story
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“It’s going to be all right. You don’t have to see him again ever.
I mean, unless you want to.

She nodded but did not speak.

“I’m pretty pissed off about the photos,” he said. In fact, he was really worried. What would Darrell do with them? Put them on the Internet? He shuddered just to think about it.

Chapter Four




Liz was beside herself. She was afraid Darrell might show up again and she was afraid he might not. She knew the right thing to do
would be
to end this
and move on. But her pussy kept growing wet at the very thought of the man’s cock inside her. She had never had sex like that in her life before. Certainly not with Rick. It had opened a door in her mind, one that she thought she’d never peek behind.
She had heard from her girlfriends what a big dick could do, but she always thought they were exaggerating just to show off. Now she knew better. She kept reminding herself she was married!
It was wrong, it was bad, but most of all, it was dangerous. Liz feared she might lose herself if she didn’t stop it now.

Monday passed without a visit and she breathed a sigh of relief.
And disappointment. She had to admit to herself, she had conflicting emotions.
When Rick came home, her fears began to rise again. He was in a bad mood.

“What happened?”

“I talked to

“You did? What did he say?”

Rick grimaced. “I told him it would be best if he didn’t work there after all, in light of everything. He just laughed and said it was too late.
He’d already called Mr. Thomas and accepted
the job
. That was Friday, before he came over!
He said if I tried to ruin it with Mr. Thomas, he’d send him a photo or two. He sent
to me on my cell p
hone. I’m sure you know the one

“Oh my god! Of me?”

“No,” he said. “Of me.”

“Ohhh,” she said. She remembered and it gave her a small thrill. “Can I see?”

Reluctantly, Rick took out
his phone and found the picture Darrell had sent. The one
where the man’s wet cock was thrust into his mouth. He showed
to Liz. Her mouth dropped open.

“Oh my god!

He kinda took me by surprise.”


“Yeah. With my hands behind my back, I couldn’t do anything! Now he’s threatening me!”

“What about the rest of the photos?”

Rick made a face. “He said he’d bring those over on a flash drive the next time he came over.”

Liz felt a strange sensation in the pit of her stomach. It was part fear and part anticipation.
Darrell would show up again. And Rick
stop him.

“What can we do?”

“We can appeal to Darrell’s better judgment,” Rick said. “Or we can move.”

“Great.” Her pussy throbbed and she had to blink to clear her head. “So what are we going to do, realistically?”

“I don’t know yet. I’m going to talk to him again tomorrow.”

Liz just nodded.
She had a feeling she knew what was coming next.


The following afternoon
about three-thirty, the doorbell rang. Liz froze, knowing who it was at once. She debated answering the door. Would he go away? Her pussy gushed and she knew she had to open it. She felt like a slave to that man’s cock. Her hand shook as she turned the knob. Darrell smiled at her from behind the screen door.

“Hello, baby. Oh, I love to see you in a dress. C’mon,
open up.”

Her hand betrayed her and opened the screen. He stepped in and closed the door behind him.

“This isn’t a good idea,” she said.

“Why not? I know you want me and you know you want me. Even Rick wants you to have me.”

“Um… It’s just not right.”

He smiled. “I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking if you get too much of this,” he said, his hand brushing against his pants where she could already see his bulge, “your husband’s little dick won’t compare.”

Her lips came apart and she couldn’t respond because it was all true. A hot flush rose from her chest into her face and she blushed anew when he saw it. She tried to change the subject.

“Did my husband talk to you? Does he know you’re here?”

“We talked. Just a little while ago, in fact. He tried to
call it off
. I told him no, that I wanted to go on fucking my girl,” he said, his hand brushing her breast. She hunched over and
his free hand caressed her neck. It wasn’t a
firm grip
, like last time, but it had the same effect. She knew with just a little bit of pressure, he could squeeze her neck and she would be helpless again. Deliciously helpless. She liked it when the decision was taken out of her hands. She could say she tried to resist, but he was too powerful.

Only the warmth and wetness of her pussy told her otherwise.

“We can’t be doing this, not without my husband,” she said, her voice wavering.

“Of course we can. I can fuck you anytime I want. You belong to me now. If I’m nice, I’ll let your tiny-dicked husband fuck you now and then. Or maybe not.” As he spoke, his hands were touching her all over, making her hot.

He reached around behind and unzipped her dress. She tried to stop him, a weak gesture, and as soon as his free hand tightened around her neck, she stopped at once and let him have his way. He moved his hand away and kissed her neck and she was lost. The scent of her arousal was strong in the room.
He kissed her breasts and she had trouble standing.

His hand went under her dress and she knew what would happen when he found her wearing panties. He grunted his displeasure and ripped them off of her. She gasped from the suddenness of it.

“I like you in dresses and skirts,” he said, “but not in panties. Don’t wear them anymore.”

Before she could muster an argument, h
reached up and grabbed her ass and
she could feel the power of him
. His hand moved to her pussy and she knew
it was obvious how aroused she was. He grinned,
took her hand and led her down the hallway. She couldn’t resist and stumbled behind him. He stopped her next to the bed and quickly stripped her
, revealing her aroused body and it shamed her.

“I’m so bad,” she whispered.

“No, you’re not,” he said as he yanked the covers off the bed.
“You’re just addicted to a real cock for the first time in your life.”

She watched as he took off his clothes. His hard cock made her pussy begin leaking down her thighs and she knew what he said was right. She was
addicted. There was nothing she could do.
She wondered what Rick might say.

He pushed her
down on the bed and her legs flew up. He was between them in an instant, like some kind of wild animal. She felt a feral connection to him and hissed, “Damn you, you bastard.”

He laughed and
began kissing her on her neck and upper chest. He even took the swell of her breast above her nipple between his teeth and gave her a mock bite, leaving a red mark. Liz swooned. It was like making love to an animal. And becoming one.

was inside her a second later, taking her breath away. This wasn’t love-making, this was an ownership of her body and she knew it. He was staking his claim to her. Her husband couldn’t
give her
orgasms like Darrell could. Liz wrapped her legs around his waist and hung on while he pounded her, reaching deeper into her than anyone ever had before.

“Oh god,” she cried. “Fuck! I’m coming! I’m coming!” Her body spasmed with the power of it and she shrieked out her climax. Darrell didn’t stop. Another orgasm crashed over her, and another. She was helpless in his powerful grip, forced to have one orgasm after another. She was no longer the good wife, she was Darrell’s slut.
She felt lost.

He sped up and she knew he was about to come inside her – again. She no longer cared. She wanted to feel his seed splash into her. It inexorably linked the two of them together. He stiffened and came and she felt an overwhelming climax that involved her entire body. She cried out and hugged him close, feeling a second and a third release of his potent seed. It
prolonged her
last orgasm and she felt tears flow down into her hair.

He held her close and whispered into her ear, telling her how good it was and how much he cared about her. He did not use the word “love,” and she was grateful. This wasn’t love. This was raw sex.

When he pulled out, her pussy gushed with his juices, running down the crack of her ass and onto the sheets. She immediately thought she should change the sheets before Rick arrived home and Darrell
caught her looking. He
said, “Don’t wash the sheets. I want Rick to see what we’ve done in his bed.”

“But… That will just make him mad!”

He laughed. “No, Rick won’t get mad. He and I
are coming to an

She wondered what that meant and decided to ask Rick.

“Now, clean me up.” His soft cock was thrust into her face. She licked
him quickly, her heart pounding, hoping and dreading that he might fuck her again.

One more thing before I go,” he said as he rose and got dressed. He didn’t let her put on clothes. She watched as he slipped his belt from his pants and her heart froze.

“What-what are you doing?”

“I’m going to spank that cute butt of yours.”


“Because I want to. It will reinforce your feelings that I own you. That ass belongs to me, just as your pussy does. If I want to spank it, I will.”

She felt tears come to her eyes and she begged him not to. He ignored her and roughly flipped her over onto her stomach. She tried to crawl away and she felt the belt slap down on her ass, freezing her in place. “Ow!”

“Don’t move or it will go worse for you.”

Liz had to keep still while he slapped her bottom with his belt. Thankfully, he didn’t hit her as hard as she had been expecting, but it still stung. She knew he was marking her for Rick – it wasn’t all about obedience.
It was to show Rick he could do anything.

She looked over her shoulder to see her red ass jerk under the onslaught. “Stick your ass up, beg me to spank it,” he said.

Liz was made to degrade herself and beg to be whipped. When he finished, she was sobbing on the bed, her ass on fire. He surprised her by climbing onto the bed and hugging her, telling her it would be all right. “As time goes on and you learn what I want, these spankings will come fewer and further between.
Oh, and one more thing – because that ass is mine now, you can’t let Rick spank you. If he tries, tell him I said no.

couldn’t imagine Rick ever wanting to do that!

He threaded the belt back into his pants and leaned down and kissed her. “Oh, I have a
couple of
small gift
for you.”

She perked up. “

He took a flash drive out of his pocket and handed it over. She knew at once it was the photos he had taken – the ones that he could easily blackmail Rick with, if he wanted to.

“Uh, thanks.”

“I’m sure Rick will want to see those. And one more thing.” He handed her a small box
. She worried for a moment it might be an engagement ring and her hand shook when she took it. What would Rick say if he decided to take her away with him? Nervously she opened the box to find a small
bracelet inside.

“Oh!” She said, relieved, “a bracelet!”

“It’s an anklet,” he said.

“Oh. It’s very nice.” She wondered why he gave it to her. She took it out and noticed
it had a small charm, about one-half inch in size. It was the black ace of spades. No, that wasn’t quite right, she decided, looking more closely at it. Inside the spade symbol was a silver Q.

Her mouth dropped open. She knew, all at once, what it symbolized. She looked up at him. “The queen of spades.”

He smiled. “That’s right, baby. And if I ever come by and you’re not wearing it, I’ll whip your ass until you can’t sit down.”

“But…. what will Rick say?”

“He’ll be fine with it, trust me. Now, put it on. The right ankle.” It wasn’t a request.

Her mind still reeling from her spanking, Liz wasn’t about to disobey. Her fingers shook as she took the fine chain out of the box and fastened it around her ankle. It was a nice piece of jewelry, to be sure, but
what it represented went deeper:
a public display of Darrell’s ownership of her.


she began.

He put a finger to her lips. “From now on, I’d prefer that you call me by my nickname. Bull.”

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