Be Careful What You Wish For: A Cuckold's Story (15 page)

BOOK: Be Careful What You Wish For: A Cuckold's Story
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“Oh god! Oh my god!” She was lost now and didn’t notice when Bull picked up the beer and took it into the kitchen.
Her orgasm erupted inside her and she nearly fell down.
held her up with his hands, his cock continuing to spear into her. She came again and again and thought she might lose her mind.

Suddenly, he pressed hard against her and she could feel his cock spew his seed deep into her womb. She shuddered with a final orgasm and sank down onto the couch, his cock slipping from her depths. She felt his seed spill out and run down one thigh.

“Ohhh,” she groaned, feeling guilty.

Bull came back with a beer and handed it to
and took his place behind her. He pulled her roughly to her feet. She felt his cock enter her and it was familiar again. She sighed and
back into him as he fucked her. He brought her to an orgasm but didn’t come himself. She felt let down when he pulled out.

“Now that we’ve established the parameters of the
weekend, we can have some fun.”


Chapter Nine




Rick paced back and forth Friday night, worried about his wife. He texted her at one point, and got no response. He thought about going over there, but he knew he would not be welcome. They would just torment him and he wouldn’t be able to save Liz. She wanted to do this, he told himself.

He tried watching TV and found it distracting. What he really wanted to do was masturbate. He unzipped his pants and eyed his cage and thought about cutting off the lock and replacing it with an identical one later. If he could swap th
e key
out, Darrell would be none the wiser. If he failed, his bottom would be sore for a week. And he’d probably be caged for another month!

He decided not to do anything. No, that wasn’t right – there was something he could do. He went into the bedroom and stripped off his clothes and yanked Liz’s panties off and tossed them into a corner. He found a pair of his briefs and pulled them on. He felt a little more normal, at least. He went back out to watch more TV, his cock aching in its cage.

He texted Liz three times on Saturday and got no response. He tried calling too. Nothing. By Sunday, he was beside himself. He texted her again at noon and said he’d be coming over there if she didn’t respond. An hour later, he got a text.

It was a photo of Liz holding two
black cocks, her face smeared with come, with the caption:
Having fun, don’t

Two bulls now? He remembered that Darrell had a brother. That must be him, he thought. Why would Liz give herself up to Bull’s brother? Wouldn’t Bull be jealous? He doesn’t let Rick touch her, but he lets his brother fuck her? It didn’t make sense.

He wanted to go
her and found he was just too scared to confront Bull – especi
ally if he ha
another big
black man there
. He wouldn’t stand a chance and he’d be humiliated besides.

he said to himself,
Liz got herself into this mess, she can get herself out!

She came home at
on Sunday. She looked exhausted. Her hair was wild and her lipstick and eyeliner smeared. She looked like she’d been crying.

“Are you okay?”

She nodded and jerked her head toward the bedroom. He followed her at once. “Take off your clothes, except for your panties,” she said.

“Uh…” He was still wearing his briefs.

“Hurry! I don’t have all day here.”

He stripped and when she saw his briefs, she sighed. “That we’ll deal with later. Quick! Put on some of my panties!”

He wondered what the hurry was but he did as he
was told. He
picked up the old pair of
panties and replaced his briefs with them and returned to her side. “What’s this all about?”

“Hurry, get on your back on the bed.” She seemed agitated, so he climbed up and laid down. She stripped in front of him, revealing a body that looked like it had been worked over. There were red marks and bruises and her breasts appeared to have been mauled. But what really startled him were the words
in black marker
written on her bare, reddened pussy:

Black Cocks Only

“Oh my god! Are you all right?”

She nodded and reached out to pull the front of his panties down to expose the cage. She picked her cell phone out of her purse and climbed up over him. She scooted up until her swollen pussy was directly over Rick’s face. He could see the white fluid there and tried to push her away.

“No!” she shouted and he instantly stopped fighting. “I’ve got to do this or we’ll both be in trouble. Now suck!”

“But … isn’t that
’s sperm as well as Bull’s?” he whined.

She reached down and slapped him across the face. “I’ll explain later! Now suck!” She sat down on his face and he had no choice but to lick her pussy. Great gobs of seed dripped into his mouth. She spread her legs wide and he felt the camera flash. She took three pictures, including one over her shoulder at Rick’s soft body in the panties, his cage obvious.

“What are you– mmmpf!”

She stopped for a moment and it was clear she was texting. Rick just licked her and tried not to think about what she was up to. Finally, he heard the swoosh sound of an email being delivered and she sagged down onto his chest.


“What was that all about?”

“Bull said I had to sen
some pics
of you sucking my pussy while wearing your panties and your chastity belt within five minutes of arriving home or we’d both be spanked.” She rolled off of him and stood up. When she turned, he could see her ass had been well marked with a belt or something similar.

“What the hell did they do to you?”

She shook her head. “Everything.”
A shiver went through her. “On the plus side, I don’t have to wear the
butt plugs

“You mean…”

“Yeah. It took them a while. They were very patient – and insistent – but eventually, they got their cocks into my ass.”

“My god! We should call the police!”


“You’ve been raped, don’t you see that?”

“No! It wasn’t a rape. I wanted to do those things. I’m not sure I wanted to do them with anyone except Bull, but it
his brother…” She trailed off.

“Sounds like your making excuses!”

“I guess I am.”

“So what else happened? I hope they didn’t invite in the neighbors!”

Liz closed her eyes. “They said they were going to.
That was one of the ways
they got me to do everything. They said they’d pimp me out if I didn’t make them come in every way possible. It wasn’t really a threat – I doubted they’d really do it. But it worked on my mind. It made me want to please them.
That and being stimulated all the time.

* * *

She couldn’t tell him what she really meant by “worked on my mind.” Within
four hours after arriving, she had become insatiable. They had teased her and pinched her and slapped her
and fucked her
until she nearly lost her mind. Her pussy
and mouth had become
sore, but she had wanted to be
with those men. They brought her inner slut out of her. Every woman had one. She had kept hers locked away. Until now.

It was the best
sex she had ever had in her life
. It was as if Bull had become two people. Twins. They were very much alike, after all. They shared everything.

“This is way out of control now. What’s next? Making you walk the streets for them?”

Liz shook her head. But inside, she realized she probably would. If they asked her to. She could refuse them

“They’re coming over this weekend. Both of them.” She hated to think what they would do to Rick
. It wouldn’t be pretty.

“No way! It’s bad enough having Bull order us around, but two of them?
I can’t do that!”

We have to
I want to
, she thought. Even as sore as he was, the thought of having Bull around again… She shivered and her pussy fairly purred.

“We can’t just let them take over our lives! Why don’t we go away this weekend?”

“I can’t. We’d have to come home so you could go to work. And Bull would come over and…” she shuddered again.

“You sound shell-shocked. Like you have PTSD or something.”

“No, it’s nothing like that.
He’s just a very powerful and compelling man. And when there were two of them…” She didn’t finish.

* * *

She picked up the phone and hit a speed-dial number. Rick knew it had to be Bull.

“Hello? Did you get them? Are they okay?” She listened for a moment. “Okay, just a sec.” She leaned over the bed, putting her head right next to Rick’s confined cock. She stretched out her arm and took a picture of her face, smiling for the camera.

She sat up and sent that one off as well. “Okay, I sent it,” she said. “You should be getting it soon.” She listened for a moment and Rick saw a tear come to her eye. “No, he was very good. He was just worried, that’s all. Yes, I think he got all his chores done.” She looked down at him and he nodded. “Yes, he says he did. Okay. Really? Do I have to? No, no, I’m sorry! I’ll do it.”

She put the phone down on the bed and told Rick to get up. “What now?”

“Lean over the bed. Hurry!” He obeyed and watched as she got out the paddle.

“Hey! I don’t deserve this!”

She gave him a steady look. “You know you do. Now don’t fight it or it will be worse for both of us.”

He wasn’t sure what she meant but it didn’t seem like the time to argue. He bent over and she yanked down his panties and began to smack his ass.

“Ow! Dammit, that hurts!” She struck him again and again and he noticed the phone was still connected. So they were listening in. He had to endure ten swats before she stopped. She picked up the phone and took a picture of his red ass.

“There, I sent it. Okay? I need to take a shower and talk to my husband. Okay, ‘night.” She hung up. “They liked the photos.”

“I think you’d better tell me just what happened. I really think we should call the cops.”

“No!” she said again. “If the cops questioned me, I’d have to admit that I was a willing participant.”

“How can you say that? Look at you! You’re all bruised and torn up and you’ve got nasty things written on you. How can you say you weren’t raped?”

“Because I wasn’t, okay? You weren’t there. You don’t know. Now, excuse me, I have to go take a shower.” She got up and padded into the bathroom.
He heard the shower go on.
She was in there a long time. He waited until she came out, still naked and damp, drying her hair with a towel. She looked a lot better, although the words c
ould still be seen on her pussy and her anklet remained in place.

“Why didn’t that wash off?” he asked, pointing.

She looked down. “They used permanent marker,” she said. “They said it would last until they could have me tattooed.”

“Tattooed! No way!”

She sneered. “Like you’re going to stop them?”

“Do you want a nasty tattoo like that?”

“I don’t know. I think under the right circumstances, I would accept it gladly.”

“What would be the right circumstances?”

“Like if they
continue to do
what they did to me this weekend.
I’d agree to anything.”

Rick was speechless.


Monday, Liz didn’t ask him to give her oral sex, telling him she was still too sore.
“But there is something you can do for me.”


“You can lube up the biggest butt plug and put it in my ass.”

Rick reeled and felt dizzy. “You’re joking.”

“No, he doesn’t want me to shrink up after all the work they’ve done.”

“I don’t want to do it.”

“Think of it this way – you’ll be able to touch me without getting Bull mad.”

That was all it took. He led her down the hall to the bedroom and made her bend over. He took the largest plug and gave it a generous coating of lube and pushed it steadily into her ass. “Oh, god, it hurts!” she cried and he stopped with it half way in.

“I think we should use the smaller one.”

“No! He insisted I use this one!”

Rick shrugged and
pressed harder and soon it popped into place, leaving only the flange outside. “Quick, take a picture!”

Shaking his head, Rick nevertheless did as she asked and left her there, well plugged,
on the phone while she emailed Bull the photo.
He went to work, angry and found Darrell with his crew, ready to head out. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

Darrell grinned and nodded and they went into Rick’s office. He closed the door. “What the hell did you do to my wife?”

He smiled and said, “Anything we wanted to do. She told you, didn’t she? She was a real slut for us.”

You overdid it! She came home all bruised! I was ready to call the cops.

“That would be a mistake. It would all get out that your wife is a slut for black cocks. We have most of it on tape and it would prove our point.”

Rick stared. “You

taped it?”

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