Bailey, Debbie - Stephanie's Homecoming [Men of Kinsey 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (25 page)

BOOK: Bailey, Debbie - Stephanie's Homecoming [Men of Kinsey 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Downright jaw-dropping,” Turk said, lifting her hand to his mouth for a gentle kiss.

“Well, everything I said was the truth, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to justify my relationship for complete strangers.” She beamed.

Kane opened his truck door and climbed in to reach into the glove compartment. Stepping out of the truck again, he and Turk kneeled down in front of her on the sidewalk.

“Stephanie Morrison, I have waited a long time for you to come home to me, and Turk here has had to listen to all my stories about you and your beautiful angel eyes. I have loved you since the moment I saw you and will love you until the day my eyes close for the last time.” Kane turned his head to Turk and gestured for him to say something.

“Oh yeah, after listening to all the wonderful stories about you and seeing you through Kane’s eyes, when you walked into the diner that day, I was already in love with you. You are the bright spot of my day, and I will always love and protect you, baby girl. Will you please do us the honor and marry us?”

Kane opened the little ring box that he had retrieved from his truck and placed the ring on her left hand. It was exquisite. A large two-carat diamond sat surrounded by small emeralds, all of which rested on a wider-than-normal band.

With tears running down her cheeks, she started to laugh.

“What in the sam hell is so funny, little girl?” Turk asked.

Smiling down at the two men whom she loved more that life itself, she said, “I just told a bunch of reporters that it’s illegal to marry two men, so how can I go back on that.”

“Well, you’ll be legally married to me,” Kane said as he stood in front of her.

“But the three of us will have a bonding ceremony at the club at a later time. I will be as married to you in my heart as Kane is to you legally, baby,” Turk whispered into her ear from behind.

“And we want to have the ceremony as soon as possible. We can either have a small wedding this weekend, or we can go right now and get married. We already have the paperwork done, so all you’ll have to do is sign everything, and we’re good to go.” Kane and Turk stood there like two little boys waiting expectantly for something exciting to happen.

“I would love to go to city hall right now, but I think you need to think a few things through first, Kane. Like a prenup, for example. All my money is wrapped up in the paper and some other investments, and will be for years to come, but both you and Turk have a well-established business. And you, Kane, also have part ownership in Club Kinsey to protect. I don’t know what Turk has, but I think we should have a document drawn up so that you are confident that I’m not after your money.”

Turk laughed and picked her up to swing her around. “Damn, I love you, woman,” he said.

“No prenup, Stephanie, because there will be no divorce, ever. You marry us for life or not at all. Even if a divorce were to happen, you could take whatever you wanted, because none of it would mean jack shit without you, angel eyes.” Turk handed her over to Kane.

“So let’s go get Shayne to be one of our witnesses and do this now, okay, baby?” Kane said, smiling at her.

Turk went inside the
to get Shayne. After what seemed like forever, both men came out.

With his face lit up in a smile from ear to ear, Shayne stood tall beside Turk.

“Okay, boss lady, let’s go get you married,” he said.

“Hey, why do you want me to get married so fast, Shayne?” she asked.

“Because it’s a known fact that a married woman is more docile after she gets married,” he said innocently.

Before he had even realized what was happening, both Kane and Turk had lifted him off the ground and were running down the sidewalk with him. All three of them being chased by a very pissed-off, not yet married, so not yet docile, woman.

“Why are you running away with me, Kane?” Shayne asked.

“Because I need you for a witness, and if your boss gets a hold of you before the ceremony, I can almost guarantee she’s going to geld you.”

Gulping, Shayne egged the two men on to move faster because she was almost on them.

At the courthouse, Kane and Turk stopped and set Shayne down on the ground again.

Well, at least they’d given it a good try, because Stephanie was not far behind them, and she was madder than hell.

“Of all the chauvinistic and barbaric things to say, Shayne, that one takes the cake. If you expect me to be all
just because I’m marrying the men of my dreams, then think again, sweetheart, because after this wedding…your life is going to be a living nightmare for quite some time, kiddo.” With an evil smile on her face, she turned and headed into the courthouse.

“Oh shit. I am in so much trouble. You two have to help me out of this one. I’m standing up as a witness to your marriage. I expect some backup from you two,” Shayne snarled at them and followed behind Stephanie.

Turk and Kane looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and started laughing as they followed the two crazy people.

After finding an available judge, Stephanie sat in the hall waiting for their turn to go in. Her nerves were frayed because she wanted to be married to these two men so badly.

Since Joe and Helen were away on their trip, there was no one for her to worry about calling. Except maybe Aunt Sophie, but with such short notice, she probably wouldn’t be up to it. Kane and Turk were her family now and always.

It seemed like they had waited forever, and what bothered her was that they didn’t seem to be too busy. There were no other couples waiting, and there hadn’t been anyone, other than court staff, either coming or going from the room. So why were they still waiting?

The red light that indicated for them to go in finally came on, and with Kane on one side and Turk on the other, they opened the door to the most beautiful sight she’d ever seen.

The room had been done up with wedding streamers and flowers, and all the staff from the paper was standing and waiting for them to walk down the short aisle to where the judge waited for them with a smile on his face.

“How in the hell did you do all this?” she whispered

“You can thank Shayne for all this, baby girl. He wanted to make up for his comment. He feels real bad that he upset you so much.” Kane leaned down farther and whispered in her ear, “I think the boy has a little crush on you, angel eyes, so be easy on him.”

Before they had barely take two steps forward, the young man that they’d all just been discussing stepped forward, along with his sister.

“Kane, Turk, I would like the honor of walking Miss Stephanie down the aisle, so if you please follow my sister, she’ll show you where to stand.” Shayne took Stephanie’s hands and pulled her out of the room again.

“Hey, aren’t we supposed to be going in the other direction, Shayne?” She laughed.

“I know, we will, but I wanted to have a moment alone with you to thank you for everything that you have done for me and my family. Because of you, I now have a place of my own, and Shayla and Jason can live without worrying about me all the time. Jason’s firm has received some really fantastic jobs lately thanks to you and those two Neanderthals in there. I know you and your men have been singing Jason’s praises to a lot of influential people, and I really appreciate it. Shayla has been able to quit work so that she can be the stay-at-home mom that’s she always wanted to be. And all of this is because of you and your generosity. There is only one more favor that I’d like to ask of you.”

“You can ask me whatever you want, Shayne, you’re family, and family sticks together, always.” Stephanie couldn’t help but let a tear fall down her cheek.

“Now don’t be getting all weepy on me, boss lady. I just want to be able to mentor under you at the paper. Don’t get me wrong, I love being your assistant, but being a reporter or editor is what I’d really like to do.” Shayne blushed when she reached her hand up to cup his cheek.

“Why do you think Joe made sure your office was next to mine and that you worked so closely with me? It was because he knew your potential and wanted me to make sure that I gave you every opportunity to shine, just like he did for me, and trust me, Shayne, you are way better than I ever was, and if you want, when I come back to work, after my honeymoon, you and I will sit down and talk about what kind of stories you want to cover.”

Shayne wrapped his arms around her and swung her around, yelling out his thanks.

“What in the hell are you doing out here with our woman in your arms when you’re supposed to be walking her down the aisle to us?” Kane yelled at him.

“Oh, don’t be such a big goof, Kane.” Shayne laughed. “You know that Stephanie has eyes for no other men but you and Turk. I was just thanking her for all her help. Now get your big ass down at the front so I can bring your bride to you.”

Kane stood there looking down at the young man. Very few people ever joked with him like this. They all seemed to be too afraid that he’d break them apart. But this young man had balls of steel, and Kane knew right then that he and his family would always have the protection of him and Turk.

“Okay, then,” he growled and walked back to the front.

Stephanie looped her arm through Shayne’s, and as the music started, they walked down the aisle to the men that awaited her.

One she would marry legally, but both would always be in her heart.

Chapter 14

After the ceremony, Stephanie quickly held a staff meeting in the middle of the courtroom.

“I’m going on my honeymoon now. I know I haven’t been around as much as I should have since I bought the paper, but now that all this shit is settled, I will be back full-time when I get home. In the meantime, Shayne and Frank are in charge.”

Everyone turned to look at Frank, who looked just as surprised as they did.

“Frank, your story on the history of the paper is fantastic and will run for two copies because of how in-depth and thought-out it is. You’ve got a good writer in you now. I need you to step up for a couple of weeks and help Shayne with whatever he needs. Shayne is the boss until I get back. Shayne, listen to Frank and heed his advice, he sometimes knows what he’s talking about. Tabitha, you are now the head of your department until further notice, and my fashion department, if I have one beef about sharing trips and swag, I’ll assign Frank to do all the shows from now on.”

Everyone laughed and wished them all well as they headed back to the paper.

Without a word, Kane stepped forward and hefted her over his shoulder and headed for the truck.

“And you wonder why Shayne calls you two Neanderthals?” she laughed.


“You are now on our time, angel eyes. No more back talk and no more smart mouth. It’s time for our little sub to show her Masters just how much she loves them.”

Lifting her head, she smiled sweetly at Turk and, in an almost-whispered voice, said, “Yes, Master.”

“Ah hell, Kane, you better make it home in record time, or I swear I’m going to take her in the truck,” Turk said as he helped Stephanie climb up onto the seat.

He groaned when she purposely swayed her ass with just a little bit extra while climbing in.

Oh hell, they were in so much trouble

* * * *

The moment the truck came to a stop in the garage of the house, Turk had Stephanie out and over his shoulder before she could say anything.

“I’ll head up to the room and get it ready. You and the girl put together some food on a tray and bring it up. She’s gonna need to keep up her strength over the next few days.” Kane leaned forward, grabbed her by the back of the neck, and kissed her hard before heading off up to the bedroom.

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