Bailey, Debbie - Stephanie's Homecoming [Men of Kinsey 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (26 page)

BOOK: Bailey, Debbie - Stephanie's Homecoming [Men of Kinsey 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Turk set her on the counter and told her to stay while he got a few things together. Sitting and waiting for him was making her a little antsy, so she decided that she would see if she could get Turk to give their little sub a little relief before they went upstairs.

While Turk was bent looking through the fridge for some food to put on the tray, she slipped off the counter and quickly undressed and then climbed back on the counter again.

Leaning back on her hands, she waited until he stood back from the fridge, his hands filled with different fruits and vegetables, and then she said, “Master Turk, it seems that I’ve lost a few items, can you help me with them?”

The minute he turned to look at her, she couldn’t help but laugh when he dropped almost all the food he had in his hands onto the floor and practically dived over them to get to her.

“My, my, little sub, it would seem that you have lost quite a few things, and now all your pretty bits are out for me to play with.”

“I don’t think so, Turk,” Kane said from the doorway

Stephanie’s whole body went on alert at the sound of Kane’s Dom voice.

“It would seem that our girl has been naughty, Master Turk. I came back down because I figured our little sub might have some pretty good ideas on how to get you to get her off before we got her upstairs. Why don’t you pick up the mess on the floor while I take our girl upstairs and show her what happens to bad girls that try to play their Masters off against each other.”

“You are in trouble now, baby girl.” Turk laughed as Kane carried her, naked, upstairs to the bedroom.

Once in the room, he set her on the floor and told her to go and lie on her stomach on the bed.

“Yes, sir,” she said quietly.

When she had been playing downstairs with Turk, she hadn’t realized that they might perceive her playfulness as an act to play them off against each other. She was just having a little fun.

After removing his clothes and neatly folding them and placing them on one of the chairs, Kane moved to stand in front of her.

“I’m going to sit down on the bed beside you, and when I tell you, you are to lay yourself over my lap with your head down and your bare ass up in the air. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master Kane,” she said.

She felt the bed dip beside her and then saw the nod of his head for her to do as she had been instructed to do. Stephanie followed his orders to a tee.

Lying across his lap, she felt extremely vulnerable and open to whatever he wanted to do to her.

Smack, smack, smack,
three hits to the cheeks of her bare ass again, only this time it was just a little harder, and when he finished, his fingers swiped between her ass cheeks. “You’re going to take both of us tonight again, baby girl,” he said as he lifted her up to straddle his lap, her back against his chest.

“Turk is going to fuck your pretty pussy while I sink my cock into your tight, little ass,” he gently whispered in her ear.

Shivers ran along her spine at the thought of both men taking her body. She’d read about it many times in the novels that she’d purchased online, but the first time they’d done it, it was more that words could ever describe.

As if reading her mind, Kane wrapped his arms around her stomach and pulled her hard against his chest, telling her that there was nothing to be afraid of, and that anytime she wasn’t comfortable, all she had to do was say stop and everything would stop.

Turk finally came into the bedroom carrying two trays of food. He opened the small fridge that they kept in the bedroom and placed them inside.

“We want to keep these fresh until we can feed them to you later, baby girl.” Turk smiled at her.

“Before she gets any treats, she needs to apologize to you for her behavior down in the kitchen. I don’t think she meant to play you off against me, but she got a spanking for it so that the next time she’ll know better.

“I think that you need to go to Master Turk and beg his forgiveness, Stephanie. We won’t allow you to do that again. When one of us makes a decision or tells you to do something, you can’t run to the other, hoping to get another answer, and you certainly can’t expect one of us to pleasure you when the other says to wait until we’re all together.” Kane gently lifted her off his lap and stood her in between his legs in front of him, his hands resting gently on her hips.

“Your ass is a pretty shade of pink, baby.” Leaning to kiss each cheek, Kane held onto her hips for a few more minutes before releasing her to go to Turk.

Slowly, she walked across the room to where Turk sat on the love seat by the fireplace. Kneeling down on the floor before him, as she had seen other subs do, she dropped her head and laid her hands, palms up on her thighs.

“Now that is a beautiful sight, baby girl. But you need to tell me why you are kneeling for me. Are you waiting for something?” Turk tried not to smile, but she was so adorable and kneeling so perfectly.

“I wanted to apologize for my behavior in the kitchen earlier. I never should have taken my clothes off and tried to get you to pleasure me before we came upstairs. I really wasn’t trying to play you two against each other. I was just really horny and wanted some relief. I’m sorry that I acted so selfishly.” Stephanie felt just awful about the whole thing. She hadn’t been thinking about it when she stripped in the kitchen, but the spanking that Kane had given her certainly reminded her of the rules of the house and helped to make her feel, strangely enough, loved.

Finally allowing himself a smile, he said, “Come and sit on my lap, baby girl, I want to play with you for a little while before we really get started.”

As she raised her head, her eyes meeting his, Turk’s heart almost stopped at the look of desire in them, and on her face. Feeling she was taking too long, he bent forward and scooped her up sit on his lap.

“Did you enjoy the spanking that Master Kane gave you, baby?” he asked.

“The first few strikes really hurt, but then something changed, and my body started to…like it,” she said, her cheeks turning a lovely shade of pink.

Turk turned her to face Kane, her back against his chest. Slowly, he ran his hands up her sides to cup the undersides of her breasts and gently pull at her rapidly hardening nipples. With her legs on either side of his thighs, he opened her up to Kane’s gaze.

“Fucking beautiful.” Kane smiled and walked across to kneel in front of Stephanie.

“You are incredibly sexy, wife,” he said while leaning in to stroke her nipple with his tongue.

Turk felt Stephanie’s body quiver at the feel of Kane’s tongue on her body as he kissed and licked down her neck and across her shoulders.

Kane lifted his head from her breast and gazed deeply into her eyes. “Tonight, baby, your husbands want your total submission. We are going to give you such pleasure that you will never question our love for you. And we do love you, Stephanie Delray-Bryson. You are the center of our family, and without you our world would break apart.”

* * * *

Standing Kane lifted her off of Turk’s lap, into his arms, and gently laid her in the center of the huge bed then moved to look at her from the end of the bed.

Grabbing her ankles, he pulled her down to the end of the bed so quickly that she let out a little squeak of surprise. Her butt rested on the edge of the bed with her legs dangling over, not exactly a comfortable position he could tell, but it was only for a moment. And the pleasure he and Turk would give her tonight would more than make up for this small discomfort.

“Rest your feet on the edge of the bed, angel eyes. I have a bit of a surprise for you.”

Smiling up at him, Stephanie followed his direction, withholding no emotion from either of them.

Reaching up, he opened one of the hidden compartments that had been built into the four-poster bed. He’d only just had them made when he knew that Stephanie was back home. It was something that he’d always wanted to try, but not with any other submissive in the past.

He pulled out soft leather cuffs attached to a chain that had rested in the hollow of the bedpost. Attaching them to her ankles, he nodded to Turk, who repeated the procedure with her wrists.

Kane moved to the opposite side of the bed that Turk was on, and each man gently pulled her arms over her head and then pulled her up the bed so that she was spread wide for any pleasure they gave her.

“Holy fuck, Kane, when you told me about this bed idea, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine this vision. She’s a goddess,” Turk said, a look of utter amazement and what Kane could only describe as raw desire on his face

“Isn’t she, though,” Kane agreed and ran his warm hand over her outstretched arm down to cup her breast.

“When I got the idea for the bed, I knew our angel would look spectacular, I just wasn’t expecting this glorious offering.”

Kane noticed how Stephanie squirmed a little as they spoke about her beauty. He didn’t think she would ever realize just how gorgeous she was to them.

Kneeling on the bed beside her, he continued to stroke up and down her body and watch as she lifted into his touch.

Turk moved to the end of the bed and was crawling up between her spread legs, running his hands up along her thighs as he moved closer to her wet pussy.

Leaning in, Kane spoke softly to her as Turk’s tongue slid along her folds, drinking in her juices.

“You taste fucking incredible, baby girl. I could lay here for hours feeding from your pussy,” Turk said against her mound.

“Please, Turk,” she begged sweetly.

Kane quickly pinched one of her nipples in between his thumb and forefinger, twisting slightly.

“Ow…Kane,” she cried out from the slight twinge of pain.

“Who are we, angel eyes? When we are in the bedroom or at the club, you will address us correctly, or you will be punished.”

“Sorry, sir, I didn’t mean any disrespect, but Master Turk is doing such wonderful things to my…” Blushing, she nodded her head indicating what she was referring to.

Kane smiled at how innocent Stephanie still was in a lot of ways. He knew that she loved hearing them talk dirty to her. It made her even hornier, but she still blushed when she talked about her pussy. Well that needed to change, fast.

“What are you referring to, Steph?” Kane said quietly as he nibbled along her neck and shoulder, his hand gently tweaking her nipple harder the longer he waited for an answer.

“My, my…pussy, sir, Master Turk is licking my pussy, and it feels so good,” she whispered to him.

Kane smiled and gently eased off the pressure on her nipple before swiping his tongue across it and sucking it into his mouth.

Stephanie watched him with such love and trust that it made him feel ten feet tall.

Still looking into her eyes, Kane told Turk not to let her come yet, and he felt her try to pull her arms free as she lifted her pussy up, trying to get Turk to continue.

Brushing the hair back from her forehead, he gently touched his lips to her flushed cheek. As his lips slid down her neck and over the tops of her breasts, she arched so he could take one into his mouth

“Your breasts are so fucking soft and smooth. I love your hard nipples. They stand up so straight, as if they are begging for my mouth,” Kane rasped, his voice low and deep as he lightly pinched them.

* * * *

Stephanie moaned and pulled on her chains, trying touch him. When he started to move down her body, her breathing grew more rapid, and the anticipation of his mouth on her pussy was driving her insane with desire. Never had she felt anything like this before, the pure freedom to allow her men to pleasure her at will was incredible.

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