Bailey, Debbie - Stephanie's Homecoming [Men of Kinsey 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (22 page)

BOOK: Bailey, Debbie - Stephanie's Homecoming [Men of Kinsey 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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He pulled her back against his body. “No, angel eyes. No more talk like that. I love you. Turk loves you, and if you even think of running again, your ass will be so sore you won’t be able to sit down for a month.”

“I promise I won’t run anymore, Kane.”

* * * *

Well, this certainly turned into a giant clusterfuck!
She needed time to think and time to revise her plans.

Turk wasn’t supposed to be the one to get shot, that fucking bitch Stephanie was.

Pacing back and forth by her car, Jenny knew that they would all be looking for her, and she couldn’t go back to her parents’ house until they got home and could get her a good lawyer. She’d have to lay low for a few days. But where the hell was she going to go.

Then she remembered the old cabin that her dad used when he went hunting. No one would think to look for her there. She’d head into the next town, buy a few groceries, and then hole up in the cabin for a few days. The cell reception was pretty good, now that the new tower had been built, so she’d be able to contact her parents.

Smiling, Jenny got back into her car and turned it around and headed toward Ashcroft. She was so glad that the speed limit along the highways was good because she needed to get out of sight as quickly as possible. They wouldn’t be looking for her in Ashcroft, at least not yet, so she could slip into some local store, buy what she needed, and then take the back road to the cabin. Once she was safely hidden, she could contact her daddy and have his lawyers start working on getting her out of this mess.

She shouldn’t have been so impetuous today. Dammit! She’d waited patiently all these years for Kane Bryson to come to his senses, but no, he just couldn’t go along with the program. Fucking asshole! They would have been so spectacular together. She would have had him talked out of that crazy sex club in no time. Sure, it was great fun once in a while, but once they were married he’d have to sell his part of the club and concentrate on his security business. He could have his little friend, Turk, do all the grunt work while her father took Kane under his wing and showed him how to really grow his business and introduced him to all the right people, the type of people they were meant to socialize with.

Then after the first year, she’d pop out a kid and hand him or her over to their nanny and continue on being the perfect wife and mother. That was how it should be. That was what Stephanie Morrison had ruined. Kane would never want to be with her now, not after shooting his best friend. She’d have to come up with a good story if she wanted to get out of this mess.

Pulling up in front of the Quik Mart in Ashcroft, Jenny took a fast look around and then headed inside. She wanted to get supplies for at least a week so that if it took her daddy that long to get his lawyers moving, she wouldn’t have to go without the essentials. Grabbing a cart as she came in the front of the store, she quickly headed for the toiletries section. Maybe it would be a good idea if she dyed her hair. No, that would make her look guiltier. It would make her look like she was trying to hide.

What the hell was she doing? She was Jennifer Black, for God’s sake, and she was being made to run and hide like some criminal
. Just wait until her parents heard what Kane and Stephanie had done to her.
Then there would be hell to pay. Her parents would do anything she asked of them. She was their only child, after all, and they loved her dearly. They’d made sure she had the best of everything growing up. Good nannies and great teachers, and her dad even flew in a special chef to help her learn to cook. But the idiot chef just wasn’t up to the task, so that was one talent that she let fall by the wayside. Besides, she always had a cook and housekeeper anyway, so her not knowing how to make a pot roast or clean a toilet wasn’t such a big deal. Except now she would be cooking and cleaning for herself, and she had no idea what to do.

Think, Jenny!
It came to her when she noticed a stand that was filled with cookbooks. Grabbing one on dinners, one on lunches, and one on snacks, she opened them up one by one and started mentally noting what ingredients she would need to make simple meals. She could do this. She could survive for a few days by herself.

After getting all the necessary groceries, she checked out and had the nice young man help her load it into her car.

She got back in behind the wheel, started the car, and headed to the cabin, confident that she’d be able to at least feed herself for a while.

* * * *

Kane stood leaning against the bedroom doorway and couldn’t help but laugh at Turk’s antics. He’d only been home a day, and he was already trying to get Stephanie into bed with him.

“C’mon, baby girl, I’m lonely in here,” he whined.

“Turk, you were shot in the shoulder, you have a lot of sutures, and I am not getting into bed to have sex with you. You’ll pull out all the stitches, and then you’ll end up back in the hospital,” Stephanie admonished him.

“Sugar, I need you. You’re flitting around me, and you look so good, I can’t help but want to bury myself inside you. Look at the hard-on I’ve been sporting all morning.”

Pointing to the where the sheet tented, Stephanie couldn’t help but smile.

“Dammit, Turk, I’d bet you’d be able to get it up even on your deathbed.”

“Well sure I would, honey, they gotta have a handle to carry my body out with, don’t they?” he asked with a little-boy grin on his face.

* * * *

She couldn’t help but giggle.

“I will come and lie down on the bed with you for a little while, but no funny business, mister. You need a lot of rest, so your hard-on is just going to have to wait for a few days.”

It can’t wait, baby. How am I supposed to not want to make love to you when you’re so beautiful and sexy and delicious…” Turk licked his lips at her and wiggled his eyebrows.

Crawling up on the bed beside him, Stephanie plumped his pillows and helped him to gently lie back again as she tried to fend off his free hand that was intent on getting under her shirt.

“I promise, I know just how to fix that nasty ol’ hard-on for you, baby,” she whispered to him.

“Mmm…now you’re seeing things my way, Steph,” Turk replied with a smile as he closed his eyes, waiting for her to make good on her promise.

Stephanie had to bite her lip so as not to laugh at the picture of anticipation Turk made, but she knew that this would be for his own good. His shoulder needed a day or so to start to heal before anything physical, and the only way was to get his mind off of sex.

“While you’re lying here resting…” She smiled over at Kane, who was still in the doorway. “You can start catching up on your reading. Kane tells me that he’s been trying to get you to look into some new security devices and that you’ve been avoiding reading the information. Now you have the time to do it.” Stephanie quickly moved off the bed and grabbed the pile of pamphlets, magazines, and books that Kane had brought in earlier.

“Seriously…! I’m wounded, and you want me to look at information about security!” Turk looked over to his partner, Kane, and glared at him.

“This isn’t over, buddy. You can have her to yourself for a little while, but once my shoulder feels better, I’m lockin’ her and me in this room and not leaving until I’ve fucked her two ways from Sunday.” Turk scowled and pouted like a five-year-old who’d been denied a chocolate bar.

Stephanie leaned over and placed all the information Kane had gathered on the bed beside Turk. Kissing his cheek, she couldn’t help but smile when she looked down and noticed that the sheet was no longer tented.

“I’ll have to remember how much you don’t like doing this so that the next time I have to keep your mind on something other than sex, I’ll know one way to do it.” Stephanie couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for him. He looked so adorable leaning back against the big fluffy pillows, his muscular chest bare and available for her to run her fingers across…damn, she needed to get out of here before she jumped into bed and gave him exactly what he wanted, and to hell with his sutures.

Quickly lowering her eyes, she could hear Kane laughing as she almost ran past him as she headed into the kitchen.

Juveniles…all men are juveniles!
He knew exactly what she was thinking, and she didn’t like that one bit. For ten years she built a successful career and became a respected journalist, and in less than a month she felt everything was out of her control. Her body went into overdrive at just the sight of her men, and her brain seemed to turn to crushed grapes every time one of them kissed her. Hell, she needed her brain to focus. It had gotten her out of many a scrape in the city, and she needed it now more than ever. Her men were in danger, and she damn well would figure out a way to fix all this.

“You’re thinking too hard, angel eyes,” Kane said quietly, putting his arms around her waist and pulling her back against him.

“Yes, Kane, I’m thinking. I do have a brain, you know. At least I did until I got back into Kinsey. I’m not some dumb bimbo who can’t think for herself,” she said, trying to pull out of Kane’s arms.

“When I was in the city I dealt with gangbangers and drug dealers, and they weren’t the worst of the lot. Have you ever tried to get information from a sleazy lawyer? Ew…they all seem to want to get into my pants. But I talked my way out of it, and I got the information I wanted from them. With you and Turk around, my brain doesn’t work right. I can’t focus on the problem at hand, that problem being Jenny Black.”


* * * *

Kane pulled Stephanie in closer, trying to get her to stop squirming. “Stephanie, calm down.” His voice was deep and firm. “You will listen to me, angel eyes.”

Turning her in his arms so that she faced him, he placed two fingers under her chin to lift her eyes up to his.

“You, sweet one, will do as you are told when it comes to Jenny. And before you go off on another tangent, I want you to really listen to me.”

Grabbing a chair out from the table, Kane sat down, pulling Stephanie onto his lap so she was straddling his legs and facing him.

Placing his hands on either side of her face forced her to look at him. Nodding his head toward the bedroom, he said, “That man lying in there loves you more than life itself, just as I do. None of what Jenny has done is your fault, baby. For ten years you made me wait for you, and for ten years I didn’t see how far Jenny had gone off the deep end. If anyone is to blame, it’s me, Stephanie. There were a lot of times that Jenny would make comments to me or to other members of the club about our ‘wedding day,’ and I just laughed it off like everyone else. None of us saw just how real it was for her, and now you and Turk are paying the price for my stupidity.”

Kane wrapped his arms around her and just held her. How was he going to keep her safe if he didn’t know where Jenny was? He needed to make sure that Stephanie was always with either him or one of the other men from the club. They were the only people he would trust with her safety now that Turk was out of commission for a while. Dammit, Turk took a bullet that should have been his.

He could feel Stephanie’s hands stroke through his hair, sending shivers down his back. She was the only woman to ever make him almost bend to
will in the bedroom. If she hadn’t liked his lifestyle, he probably would have given it up for her. He was just glad that wasn’t going to be an option. She was a submissive, through and through.

“I want you to lean back a little, baby, so that I can get this shirt off you. I need to see what is mine and Turk’s, and I need to see it now.”

Stephanie did exactly as she was told. She leaned back so that he could unbutton and remove her shirt, revealing the bright-red lace bra she was wearing.

“Oh…what do we have here? Maybe my angel eyes isn’t so angelic after all.” He smiled as he traced a finger along the edge of her bra before undoing the front closure to let her breasts free.

And what glorious breasts they were. Soft and round, topped with the most delicious-looking pink nipples he’d ever seen. Leaning forward, he licked the tip of one, reveling in the gasp from Stephanie.

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