Baby Cage (8 page)

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Authors: Devon Shire

Tags: #Age Play, #BDSM, #Erotic Fiction, #Exhibitionism, #Short Fiction

BOOK: Baby Cage
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Turning around, I blinked away the last of sleep and felt myself awaken all the way again. As my thoughts crystallized, I made a decision. I had to get away, there and now. I peeked up and saw there were no bars across my baby cage. I could do it.

Before I made any decisions, a realization hit me.

I had to use the bathroom. It wasn’t an intense need. I could hold it for a long time. College classes often required me to ignore any potential need. So right then, I concentrated on simply getting away and out of this diaper.

I started to sit up and felt a wave of wooziness rush through my head. I gripped the bars and steadied myself. After two or three seconds, my equilibrium returned. I got back onto my knees and it was a bit easier this time, but I still felt weak.

The collar. I remembered it, how everything went back to Seth and Kayla’s experiment. Breathing out, I reached for the clasp at the back, only it wasn’t just some latch. Nope, they had a small lock. I felt its dimensions and remembered the key Kayla wore around her neck. I was stuck in this thing for the foreseeable future, not that I would let their collar keep me as their baby girl.

I was stronger than this, I told myself. I could get out and get away.

I grabbed the top of the bars and pulled myself up onto my feet. The top of the crib only came to my waist, so I lifted one leg and started to get out. Again, a rush of weakness shot through my limbs, and for a moment, I thought I might not be able to do it. Perhaps the crib would be enough to keep me trapped.

With a flurry of effort, I got one leg up and over the bars. I rested for a moment. This was so much harder than it should have been. An actual toddler would have had the same difficulties, I thought, more rueful than annoyed right then. I couldn’t allow myself to get flustered.

I worked my other leg over, let go, and stumbled down onto the floor of the nursery. I was free! A triumphant smirk washed over my face and I shook my head, thinking of how easy this was going to be.

I didn’t make a lot of sound, so I probably had some time before they came to check on me. Exhaling, I wanted to stand up, but when I tried, I felt my legs wobble beneath me. I guessed that the collar’s effects must have been cumulative. Walking with Kayla to the living room had been taxing. Now it would probably be impossible.

As I started to crawl across the room, I realized this was easier. If anything, I felt more energetic as I moved along on my hands and knees. I paused before the door though, wondering if I should take off the diaper. There were dressers here. At least one of them had to have some clothes.

Baby clothes.

My adult attire had been taken away, and I didn’t want to risk looking for it. No, I had to act now. If I could just get outside and get some help, then I would be free. I didn’t care if anyone saw me like this, not if wasting any more time would compromise my chance at freedom.

Bracing myself, I reached for the door. Before I could touch it though, the door swung outward and Seth smiled down at me. He didn’t seem shocked or even surprised that I had made my way out of the crib.

He snatched me up in his arms and carried me over to the changing table. The whole way there, I tried to break his hold and called out, “Let me go! Let me go!” Seth ignored me.

“Naughty girl. Did you think you were going to wander off and play by yourself?” he shook his head. “No, you’re going to stay here and be a good girl. Yes, you are.”

“You can’t do this to me,” I said again. I had repeated those words so often. They were starting to lose any meaning, even to me.

“I will get away,” I told him, my voice steeled and determined. I wanted to see him flinch or appear concerned, if only for a second. He didn’t. Instead, he shook his head again, patted me on the head, and reminded me how I looked so cute.

In a flash, he seemed to forget about my escape attempt. Instead, he asked, “Are you ready for your bath?”
“I don’t need a bath. I’m perfectly clean.”
“Are you now?” he asked, “So have you wet your diaper yet?”

“No,” I said. “And I’m not going to.” Again, I made my stare hard and cold. I wanted him to take me seriously. He had to realize what they were doing couldn’t work. They couldn’t regress me against my will.

As those thoughts played out, Seth pushed me down onto my back. I wanted to resist, but he was stronger. He grabbed one of my wrists and slipped it back into the restraint. A second more and the manacle tightened, binding my right side. A sense of dread started to work its way through me since I didn’t know what he had planned. I mean, they had to tie me down to diaper me in the first place, but I still had it on.

What else could he do?

He took another moment to secure my feet. I tried to kick away, but he latched onto my ankles, forced my legs down one at a time, and quickly had them tied to the changing table as well. I struggled against my bonds, but just like before, they held me fast. It didn’t matter how hard I pulled, they were sturdy. Clearly, Seth and Kayla had put a lot of time and effort into getting things ready for my captivity.

“So if I checked your diaper, you’d be nice and dry like a big girl?”

“I am a big girl!” I couldn’t believe I said those words. Backtracking, I spoke again, “I mean, I’m an adult.”

“But you’re diapered,” he told me. Without waiting for another answer, Seth slid his hand down into my diaper. I felt my pussy respond at once. A jolt of mixed hope and desire assaulted my sense of outrage. I remembered the way Kayla touched me. Now I wanted Seth to do the same. No, my body wanted it. I wanted to get away. That’s what I kept repeating to myself anyway, a mantra of defiance and denial. “Only little girls have to be diapered to keep them from making messes.” He nodded again and tightened his lower lip with mock seriousness.

My fingers clenched into fists as I imagined myself smacking him across the cheek. I wanted him to respect me. I had worked so hard to prove myself, but now he had me tied to a changing table.

I didn’t know it yet, but things were about to get so much worse.
“Now, it seems you really are dry.”
“I keep telling you, I shouldn’t be in diapers.”
“Why is that?” he seemed to regard me seriously for a moment.

A flicker of hope sprang to life. He was watching me with such sincerity. He regarded me almost as an adult, and I wanted to take this moment to prove that I shouldn’t have been there.

I licked my lower lip and tried to stifle my eagerness. I didn’t want him to sense my desperation. “I’m dry because I can control myself. I really can.” Yes, the desire to pee and empty my bladder was starting to burn as the pressure pushed out, but I remained strong. More importantly, my diaper remained unsoiled.

“I’m not sure I believe you.”

“I’m dry! You just checked!” My voice started to fray, turning frenzied with my desperation. Without even meaning too, I writhed on the table, my restraints taut as I struggled against the manacles which held me there and under his power.

“And you’ll stay dry?”

“Yes! As long as I can.” My voice dropped several decibels because I had to confess the truth, “But I won’t be able to hold it forever. No one can.”

“That was very honest of you, baby girl, so you know what? I’m going to give you a chance to prove you really are a big girl for me.”

It sounded too good to be true, yet I started to believe I might be able to convince him to let me go. What if it was all Kayla? What if Seth didn’t really want to keep me as a diapered pet? I had to hope. “What do I have to do?”

“You have to keep from wetting your diaper for five minutes. Do you think you can handle that?”

“Yes, obviously.” Derision colored my answer.

“So confident. So brave.” Seth grazed his fingertips along the flat of my stomach. The warmth of his touch tingled through my skin. He worked his way further and further up my torso until his nails touched the bottom curve of my breasts. I bit down on my lower lip again, wondering what he intended.

Seth placed his palm on my right breast. He didn’t do anything else. I remained motionless. I didn’t even struggle against the straps. But I couldn’t hold it back for long. Desire coiled through me like a loaded spring. I felt heat gather beneath the cover of my diaper. The warmth intensified as a storm of excitement danced throughout my body.

I swallowed; I started to writhe again. It wasn’t an intentional struggle anymore. I wasn’t moving in the hopes of breaking away or slipping free. Instead, I just had to move. I had to burn off some of the excess energy I found storming between my nerves.

My nipples hardened, and I felt myself get even wetter. The need to pee started to fade as a wholly different instinct took over.

“Twitchy girl,” said Seth with a baleful grin.

I wanted to tell him to screw off. Instead, I managed to straighten my features and hide my arousal. My breast ground against his palm, which he kept in the same spot. “Settle down, little girl. Then we can start your test.”

The heat spread up my pale skin. It seemed as though all of my flesh glowed with desire. I wanted to feel his touch. I wanted to know how it would feel to have his finger, tongue, or penis between my legs. The thought made me twitch again, but I buried my desires and settled down. Within another ten, maybe fifteen seconds, I relaxed and felt the craving for his attention begin to fade.

Seth pulled his hand back, plucked his phone from his pocket, and announced, “The game is simple, diaper girl. If you can keep from wetting for five minutes, I will let you go. I won’t even stop you if you waddle off.” He flicked my nose again, reminding me of how pathetic my first attempt had really been.

“Fine. Can we start?”

“Right now,” he punched a button, I heard a beep, and he flashed the screen. A timer ticked down from five minutes. At 4:55, Seth tucked his phone back in his pocket. I could only hope it would buzz or shout with an alarm once the time hit zero.

“I’m going to win,” I said to fill the silence.

Seth just watched me. He shook his head.

Narrowing my eyes, I tried to think of something better to say. Instead, I started to wonder if he had lied to me. Why not? They already had me against my will, so it wouldn’t take much to simply keep me, no matter what promises I made.

“You look pensive, little girl.”
My mouth hardened again, “I’m not sure if I can trust you to keep your word. How can I know you’ll really let me go?”
“I believe in telling the truth.”
“That’s not much of an answer.” The frustration prompted me to tug on my straps again. They tightened and kept me down anyway.
“Nope, it’s not,” he agreed and settled his hand on my thigh. “But there is something I’d like to know.”

Seth teased his fingers along my skin. He crawled his hand from my skin up to the ruffles around the sides of my diaper. I wiggled a bit more, hoping to get more comfortable. Stuck on my back, gravity pressed down on my torso and made it hard to think of anything but the pressure building between my legs. A different sensation popped into my head though. His fingers slipped along my waist.

My lips flared up with a grin. A little giggle escaped my mouth.

Seth nodded as though my reaction served as a very important confirmation. Then he asked, “Are you ticklish?”

All at once, it made sense. He made the bet because he had a plan. He was going to cheat. But at least I had one small consolation. “No, I’m not that ticklish.” I didn’t even have to lie. The first giggles came out because he caught me off guard.

Back in elementary school, a boy tried to tickle me once. He ran his fingers up and down my sides and he poked at my armpits. Those motions would have made any one else break out into a fit of giggles. With me though, I didn’t even crack a smile. Facing Seth, I glared at him and shook my head for a slow no. If he thought he could beat me, he was sadly mistaken.

Only it turned out that I was wrong.

He slid his fingertips up and down my sides. His digits poked and teased the sides of my chest. Seth even leaned forward and started to tickle the sides of my ribs. At first, I held my own. I kept my lips sealed and didn’t make a sound even as I tightened fingers back into fists and yanked on the straps.

But then a smile broke the thin line my mouth had been. In another moment, the tickling got worse. I couldn’t explain how or why. My brain lacked the capacity as the electrical impulses sputtered through my system and then a giggle made it out. I couldn’t help it. Seth hadn’t even done that much. He continued to tickle with long, slow strokes and pokes.

Once the first giggle made it past my lips, I started to laugh. I couldn’t help it! I tried to stop and clamp my mouth shut. It should have been easy. No one had made me laugh like this! Before long, I was panting and chortling, nearly screaming as Seth continued to taunt and tease me.

I wiggled beneath him. It got worse when he became creative, dancing his fingers from one spot to another. Before long, my lungs had emptied and I fought to catch my breath. My heart pounded and a thin sheen of sweat started to cover me like a fog. I bit down to focus myself, but it didn’t matter. He continued to tease me until my defenses cracked and I laughed more and more and more.

If I couldn’t control my mouth or lungs, I started to lose control of the rest of my body. I was nearly twitching. To an outside observer, it must have looked like I was a restrained girl thrashing against the manacles. My muscles worked without me trying to use them. They acted of their own accord because of what Seth did to me. I couldn’t make him stop and I tried to threaten him, not that he could understand me through my gasps for air.

Besides my mouth, besides my muscles, I lost control of something else. As I tried to free myself or convince him to stop, I forgot all about my diaper, our bet, and my bladder. I only remembered those parts of my situation when Seth lifted his hands away from me. Tickled streams of energy swiveled through me. I twitched once or twice more, giggling even though Seth had stopped tickling me.

I glared back at him, but it took me another two seconds to realize how he beat me.

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