Baby Cage (10 page)

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Authors: Devon Shire

Tags: #Age Play, #BDSM, #Erotic Fiction, #Exhibitionism, #Short Fiction

BOOK: Baby Cage
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“I still want to see her in a frilly little dress,” Kayla said as she pushed her laptop’s screen down. Setting aside her computer, Kayla patted the spot beside her. “Come here, girl. I want to feel you curled up on me again.”

I glared at her for another moment. I frowned, but she didn’t mind. Instead, Kayla hopped up and down and slapped the cushion beside her again. A second more and Seth gave my diapered butt a little swat. It didn’t hurt, but it gave me every reason to crawl up to the couch and pull myself up.

Kayla put an arm around me and tugged my chest and head onto her lap. Then she forced me back down while Seth went over to the TV and got a movie set up. Part of me couldn’t believe they were really going to make me watch cartoons. But after the FBI warning flashed on the screen, the Disney movie started.


For the next two hours, I watched a princess movie. It wasn’t even one of the major theatrical releases. As an actual child, I hated these movies. They always seemed so lame and so trite. I didn’t like the idea of relying on some guy to take care of me. This time though, Kayla started to pet the back of my neck and I felt myself relax. The storyline was silly, but it took my thoughts away, and for a little while, I got to think of anything but the sleeper and the diaper.

Toward the end of the movie though, I started to get worried about what would happen after. The screen credits started to roll and I wondered what they had planned for me. Seth got up and went back to the kitchen. I heard the microwave come on again.

My stomach sank with another suspicion. Seth came back around and asked, “Would you like me to feed her?”
“Only if I get to tickle her when we’re done.”
“No! Please no, not again!”

Seth sat on my opposite side, and Kayla pushed me back. I let her guide me as I continued to whimper and blubber about how I didn’t want to be tickled. I didn’t want to wet my diaper again, only that was exactly what would happen.

“Let’s get you some dinner,” Seth told me as he cradled my head and shoulders.

“Please, just don’t tickle me? Okay, look, I’ll drink the bottle. I won’t complain or fight, but please don’t make me wet again.”

Seth ended my pleas by sliding the bottle’s tip between my lips. I clamped my mouth around the nipple and started to suckle. Kayla continued to pet me, rubbing my back. Between Seth and Kayla, I felt completely secure. Yes, I hated the idea of being there between them like this. I hated the feel of the sleeper and diaper. I hated knowing they had me bottle trained even as I continued to pull the liquid into my mouth followed by quick swallows.

I pumped the nipple, sucking and swallowing, sucking and swallowing. Over and over it went while my captors and babysitters watched me. I had to close my eyes, and I was grateful when they didn’t mind. They could have made me watch them and revel in my added humiliation. Instead, they allowed me to relax.

A sense of warm and soft contentment wrapped me up like a fuzzy blanket. I stopped feeling the degradation and humiliation. I stopped feeling the fuzz of my sleeper or the thick bulk between my legs.

Before I knew it, the bottle emptied. I blinked. Although I hadn’t slept, my thoughts had drifted into something close to oblivion. Now that the bottle was empty and my tummy was full, I became aware again.

“Are you ready for your tickling?” Kayla asked as she wiggled her fingers on the air. I felt my body tense up at the thought of her poking and prodding me.

“No!” All at once, the fear of wetting rampaged through my head. “Please, I’ll do anything else!” Desperation prompted that offer. I didn’t realize how easily Kayla could use it against me.

“Anything?” asked my former professor.

“Yes,” I whimpered, my nerves spiking again.

“Okay. Give me a second,” Kayla told me as she pushed me back over the couch. Seth held out his hands and took me onto his lap instead. I was curled up against his waist and snuggled and hid my face against one of the cushions.

Kayla disappeared. I heard her steps as she hustled from the room. I didn’t know what she was doing, although I remained very certain I wouldn’t like it, whatever she had planned for me.

Within seconds, Kayla skipped back into the room. “Oh, is our baby girl a shy baby girl?” she giggled like this was perfect.

Reminding myself of how I had to be defiant, I started to sit up. Seth allowed me to get into a sitting position. My diaper crinkled beneath me as I took in the vision of what Kayla had retrieved. It was a cheerleader uniform. She held it up by a hanger. Pale pink with white lining, its colors were beyond anything a real college would have picked. In spite of being sized for an adult, it had a baby’s pattern. The skirt was short, ruffled and pleated, and instead of a school’s name across the chest, there were the words
Baby Girl

All together, it wasn’t a cheerleader’s uniform so much as a baby’s costume.

Pouting, I swallowed and remembered what I said. Kayla said as much when she reminded me. At the same time, Seth unlocked the back of my sleeper and unzipped me. From there, he peeled away my sleeper. As I pulled my legs free from the pants, I exhaled with relief until Kayla held the uniform out for me.

Kayla took it off the hanger and clicked her tongue, nodding for me to lift my hands into the air. As much as I didn’t want to do it, my bladder was full, and I didn’t want to wet again. Maybe I would have to do it eventually, but this way I had at least a modicum of control over my body.

I hefted my hands into the air and grimaced as the cheerleader’s uniform came down over me. At least this outfit allowed me to move. I wouldn’t have to crawl anymore. Kayla straightened out the skirt and padded down the stray wrinkles. She also reached between my legs and gave my diaper a tug, pulling it up another quarter inch.

“What now?” asked Seth.

“I want to see her dance,” said Kayla. She turned to me, “Get to the middle of the room and do a little cheer for us.”

I swallowed my hesitation and moved back to the middle of the room. “Just remember,” Seth told me, “if you do anything less than a great job, you’ll face the fingers.” He wiggled his fingers with imaginary tickling.

My heart started to pound a frenetic rhythm. I closed my eyes and tried to plan this out. Almost immediately though, I realized it wouldn’t work. I couldn’t plan this, so I started to move. I held up my hands.

Before I could do anything else, Kayla jumped up and told me to stop. “She’s missing something,” she told Seth and hopped over to me. She stuffed something in my mouth. I started to suck on it before I realized she had put a pacifier between my lips.

I sucked on the pacifier like a good girl. Kayla plopped back down in her spot, so I ran out of excuses. I had to move. I had to dance.

I held out my arms and started to spin. I hopped up and down and spun around, shaking my diapered butt. I picked up the hem of my skirt and showed off the diaper because I couldn’t think of anything else. I bobbed my head and shook my hands. If I had had pompoms, I might have shaken them.

As I danced, Kayla clapped her hands. I followed the rhythm as best I could. I was never a dance, only half way through I figured out how it didn’t matter. They didn’t want skill. No, they wanted to witness another one of my humiliations.

I moved until the heat poured off my skin. They let me dance on and on as the two professors laughed and giggled at me.

Eventually, they decided they were satisfied. “Okay, okay, baby girl, that’s enough.”

I stopped at once as Kayla motioned for me to sit between them. I did so and wondered if there would be another movie. Kayla put one hand on my leg. Seth placed a hand on my wrist. I wanted to shrug them off, but I didn’t want to risk displeasing them, especially when their fingers started to rub along the surface of my cheerleading uniform.

I giggled.

The instant that sound broke my silence, I realized what they were going to do.

I tried to leap up from the couch. I wanted to run off, if only to keep them from teasing me into a dirty diaper, only Seth was faster. He snatched me by the wrist right as Kayla grabbed my other arm. They forced me back down onto the couch, so then it was all over. They pinned me and started tickling me!

I struggled and tried to thrash, only they held me down with expert precision. They kept me trapped with just their arms and legs. Whenever I thought I spotted an escape route, they cut it off. If I hopped right, Seth looped his arm around me and brought me back. If I tried to dart to the left, Kayla kept me in place.

And within seconds, they gave up the pretense of simply holding or cuddling me. The tickling started in earnest. Their hands jumped around me, poking, prodding, and teasing. It shouldn’t have been so intense, yet my giggles quickly gave way to loud laughter. I couldn’t stop myself. The ticklish electricity lit through my skin and illuminated all of my nerves.

“Please!” I cried between bursts of laughter, “Please! Please! Stop!”
“Are you sure?” Seth asked.
“But you look so happy,” Kayla said. “You don’t like this?”
“No! Stop! Don’t! Stop!”

Kayla chuckled even as her fingers continued to tickle my side. I couldn’t take four hands and barely had the consciousness to hear what she said next, “Don’t stop? Oh, okay, we’ll keep tickling you!”

They kept their word and tormented me as I was forced to laugh like a happy baby. On and on it went. Yet I managed to keep hold of my bladder this time. The one shred of my consciousness which remained was concentrated on maintaining control of myself. I wasn’t going to humiliate myself again. A little bit of tickling was not going to make me soil my diaper again. Over and over, I held onto my one determined action.

Seth and Kayla must have exchanged a glance or knowing look because their hands darted down between my legs. It wasn’t to tease me or pleasure me into liking my new position as their baby toy. No, they wanted to tickle me even more.

I had been so confident moments before. The sureness I once felt about my ability to hold them off and stay dry dissipated almost all at once. Seconds before, they tickled me through my uniform. And even though I thrashed and struggled uselessly, I could pretend that I had a chance. Now their fingers played along the bare skin of my legs.

The sensations heightened a hundredfold. It started to feel as though my brain couldn’t do anything but interpret the tickled signals exploding through my nervous system. I lost my breath and gulped for air; my heart thundered in my chest, but it didn’t matter. They kept tickling me. I begged and begged and those pleas fell on deaf ears.

Kayla and Seth did talk to each other.

“Do you think she likes it?”

“No!” I gasped, my voice getting weaker as more and more of my concentration went to simply breathing. They didn’t stop. The tempo of their teasing fingers never let up.

Seth ignored my declaration and went right back to his girlfriend’s question, “Oh yeah, of course she likes it. Why would she be smiling if she didn’t like it?”

I rocked my head from side to side and wished they would just listen to me. If I had been more rational, I would have remembered how they were simply teasing me. They wanted me to feel small and powerless because they were beating me. No matter how much I wanted to deny the truth, they had beaten me at every stage.

They won again because I let go for a second and I started to fill my diaper. I felt the hot stream shoot down between my legs only to get sucked up into my diaper’s absorbent lining. I tried to tell them through the laughter. I kept telling them to wait, but neither Kayla nor Seth had any interest in hearing what I had to say. They kept on with their tickle torture, which meant I never got the chance to stop the flow quickly filling my diaper.

Finally, Seth paused, “Oh, look at that. It seems she wet herself.”

“Silly girl. I think she had too much fun,” Kayla said with a shake of her head as though she couldn’t have expected anything better from a baby girl. “Oh well. Let’s get her changed and put to bed.”

“Let’s give her a minute to rest,” Seth said as he took my wrists and held them over my pelvis. I could feel the heat radiating off of my skin just as I imagined it simmering from my diaper. I felt so hot and wet.

“Good idea.”

Only it lasted more than a minute. Kayla actually picked up her laptop again and they started to chat. At first, I couldn’t believe it. I heard her type and email or something, but then my heart settled down into its normal beat and I remained there on my back, stuck in a wet diaper.

It dawned on me what they wanted next. They were going to leave me there until I brought it up. For a little while, I refused. But more and more, the hot dampness bothered me. I didn’t want to have to lay there in a wet diaper. I tried to wiggle to get comfortable. The annoying squelches only made me freeze up. Seth noticed though, and it made him chuckle at me again.

Eventually, I had to give in. “Professor Rowland?” I asked.
“What is it, baby girl?”
“My diaper is wet,” I said uncertainly.
“Oh, is it now?”
“So then you need to ask for a favor? Does the baby girl need a favor?”
Kayla shook her head, her eyes still on the screen, “I think she does.”

I bit down as my skin colored again. I hated blushing. More importantly, I hated how often they could make me do it. After hours as their toy, it seemed like I should have gotten used to it. No, every comment about my helplessness touched back at my perception of myself. I wanted to be an adult, but they made me into a baby.

“Yes. Can you clean me up?”
“Oh, you look plenty clean,” he told me.
“I mean, can you change me?”

“You want me to change you?” he asked with the same obviously knowing smirk. He wanted me to say it. He wanted me to say all of it.

Before he could give me the actual order, I swallowed another piece of my pride, “Please, Professor Rowland, can you change my diaper?”

“Did you wet yourself?”

“Yes,” I said, shutting my eyes for a second. “I wet my diaper.”

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