Baby Cage (12 page)

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Authors: Devon Shire

Tags: #Age Play, #BDSM, #Erotic Fiction, #Exhibitionism, #Short Fiction

BOOK: Baby Cage
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“I’m into age play.” Tiffany had to stop there. Her throat had gone dry, and she couldn’t make her tongue work right.

Cale squeezed her a little tighter and leaned down so he could speak softly in her ear, “Tiffany, don’t freak out, okay? I care about you, and I want to be with you. I can’t promise I’ll understand or be able to do everything you want. Like anyone else, I have limits, but just trust that I want to make you happy, okay?”


“Do you want to try again?” he sounded so gentle and so soothing. Tiffany really was lucky, and again, some part of her wanted to backtrack even though she didn’t think he would let it go now. Whatever she wanted to say obviously meant a lot to her, so she didn’t have a choice. She had to continue.

“I’m into age play. It’s been a fantasy of mine for a really long time, probably as long as I can remember.”

“Tiffany, what is age play?”

She was glad she didn’t have to face him right then. At the same time, she was equally grateful that she could lean on him. With her cheek braced against Cale’s chest, he felt so solid and strong. He really did make her feel secure in a way no one else could.

“I guess you could call it a kind of role playing. In age play, you have a parent or babysitter or uncle or some other caregiver, and then you have the child. Sometimes that person is called a little.”

“Okay,” he said, clearly trying to follow along.
“In my fantasies, I like the idea of being forcibly regressed.”
“Forcibly?” he asked. “Like you want someone to make you act like a child against your will?”

“Yes,” she said, hoping the gears weren’t turning in his head against her. Yes, he wanted to be supportive, but what if he never looked at her the same way after this conversation? Thinking of how it was too late for regrets, Tiffany made herself continue, “I like the idea of being forced to act like a toddler.”

“Can you tell me about it?”

Tiffany smiled, thinking of how he wanted to be understanding. Alright, she realized, then she had to tell him. It wouldn’t be fair of her to use a few terms and hope he could figure it out. More than anything, she wanted to be with him. But just below that, Tiffany longed to play out her fantasies. She felt her body twinge at the thought, dampening between her legs. Nothing else got her as excited.

Now that excitement threaded into the pit of her stomach because this would be a moment that determined whether or not she could have those fantasies as a reality. “I think about being bad or misbehaving and a strong man ties me down and forces me back into diapers. He dresses me like a little girl and takes away every bit of my adulthood.”

“I see,” he said slowly.
“It’s okay if you’re not into this, Cale. Look, I know it’s really strange.”
“Do you want to use the diapers?”

Tiffany could lie then. She could have said no and tried to seem more normal, not that the desire to act like a toddler could ever be called mundane. But she wasn’t going to try to deceive him now, “Yes. I imagine the full experience.”

“What would you want to call me?”
“You could be a big brother or a babysitter.”
“I’ve never done anything like this before. I’m not sure if I can.”

Sometime sank in her stomach. Tiffany nodded quickly and quickly assured him, “It’s okay. Really, no pressure, okay? I’m really happy with what we have and if nothing changes, I’m okay with it. I just wanted you to know.”

“Would you want to crawl?”

Tiffany licked her lips, torn between the dread of losing this incredible guy and the flush of arousal that dusted her skin with each word. She never used words like diapers or crawling aloud. She simply didn’t have occasion to talk about these things even if she thought about them every day.

“Yes, I like that idea.”

“Have you thought about why? Like what caused this?”

In spite of herself, Tiffany smiled a bit sardonically. “I’ve wondered about that a lot. Like in high school and middle school, I learned to touch myself, and I wanted to know why I was different. Before long, I started to go online and found stories about girls who were forced into diapers and who got teased and humiliated, and each one really got me excited.”

“Did anything to happen to you?”

“Nothing unusual,” Tiffany said at once. “But really for as long as I can remember, I was fascinated by diapers. Other girls liked the idea of taking care of babies, but I thought of how it would feel to be the baby.” She swallowed, “Please tell me I haven’t really freaked you out.”

“I’ve heard about this, a bit, like on some TV shows and stuff, but I haven’t thought about it much.” He seemed to be at a loss for the right words too. “It’s just a lot to wrap my head around.”

“It is,” Tiffany said, hoping the conversation wouldn’t end there.

“Would you really want to be a baby?”

Tiffany opened her mouth, “It’s a fantasy. It’s like any other fantasy, I guess. I think about it a lot, and I’d like to role-play it, but it’s just a game.”

“This is a lot to think about.”
“It is.”
Cale seemed to pause for a minute, “Can I ask for some time?”

Tiffany nodded and said of course. He could have all the time he needed. Tiffany snuggled closer to him and wished he might understand. Yet some part of her kept nagging at her, making her think this was too much. She had found a good guy, someone who might love her one day, so she really couldn’t complain.

In the coming weeks, he didn’t bring it up again. Tiffany didn’t want to talk about it anymore. If she did, she feared Cale would say he considered her desires but couldn’t do anything for her. They would be a couple and he would care about her, but he would never tie her down, diaper her, or control her. If she wanted to be happy with him, she had to let go of those dreams.


Cale didn’t know what to do at first. Immediately after Tiffany told him the truth about her fantasies, he started to consider it. He wanted to understand her, so he went to the internet and started researching age play. At first, it seemed as though he would never understand this whole new world, one he never could have imagined. There were men and women crawling around, getting fed or bathed or changed. He found stories and pictures and videos.

Yes, like most guys he had seen gross stuff online, but this didn’t feel like that. Cale didn’t want to get this wrong, not if it really mattered to Tiffany, so he took his time. First he tried to find books about age play. There were a few titles as ebooks. They gave him some insight, but he still hadn’t mastered it.

Cale read stories about office managers who were turned into toddlers. He studied other books about beautiful girlfriends and cheerleaders who had to wear diapers to work or school. Other tales had these girls restrained or put on baby leashes and made to crawl at their caretakers’ feet. Sure, they were adults and completely humiliated, but that seemed to be a big part of the fun.

It took a lot of work, yet little by little, Cale made progress. He learned the terms and imagined the images. More importantly though, he thought he could understand the appeal of having a girl helpless and diapered and begging. He started to imagine how it would feel to tease and humiliate his girlfriend.

This all seemed very new when he started, but little by little, he became comfortable with this idea. Alright, he thought, if Tiffany wanted to be regressed, he thought he could plan something she would enjoy.

Slowly, he started to figure out what he would do for his beautiful girlfriend.


Tiffany checked their plan and ticket information again. Although checking again would make the time seem to crawl more slowly, she glanced at the corner of her screen. Twenty minutes left before she would head back outside and find Cale waiting for her.

Their first vacation together. The thought filled her with butterflies and tightened her chest with excitement. Part of her wanted her to stand and start hopping up and down. Another part of her wanted her to start clapping like an idiot. She had never been with a guy for so long. Back in college, her relationships usually blew up whenever the guy realized they were getting serious.

Cale really had been perfect. He was sweet and tender and considerate. He put her first as much as his life allowed, and no they were going to have an entire week together.

Only she had to survive the last twenty minutes. No, she checked again and saw the numbers had mercifully ticked up one: nineteen minutes left. Sure, she had work, but it was Friday and working seemed so monotonously unimportant. Nibbling her lip, Tiffany stood up and saw the tip of her manager’s head across the room. Yeah, she couldn’t sneak out early. Tiffany might have imagined herself walking off, but she wouldn’t lose that kind of credit with her boss.

Breathing out, she tried to steady herself and relax. If she just got back to work, then maybe time would go by a bit quicker. She could hope anyway.

With one hand on her mouse, she clicked through one page and another, double checking the information before it would be sent back to the accounting department. Tiffany checked with some other order forms and cross referenced with their sales database. After rushing through more work, she checked the screen again.

Seventeen minutes.

She wanted to slam her fist against the keyboard. Seriously? It was only 4:43? Tiffany couldn’t think of anything lamer. She leaned deeper into her seat, pushed her head against the chair’s edge, and exhaled. The long sigh ate up another four seconds. If the IT department had been nicer, she could have turned off the clock, so maybe that would speed things up.

The minutes ticked by and Tiffany tapped her fingers and tried to think of something good like how much fun she would have with her boyfriend and then the clock finally ticked to five. Tiffany leaped up from her seat and nearly sprinted for the elevator. A week. She had a week off, a week where she didn’t need to stare into a computer screen or deal with paper. She would leave a hundred little annoyances here.

Back outside, Tiffany’s face bloomed with a giant smile when she spotted his car. Tiffany cut across the street, looped around his bumper, and hopped inside. Cale leaned over and kissed her cheek. He squeezed her knee and promised they were going to have a good time.

“Totally!” she said, practically hopping up and down in her seat.

“Calm down, little girl.”

His tone made Tiffany pause and peek back at him, not sure if she heard him correctly. He called her a little girl. It made her lips tighten and her sex moisten. Tiffany couldn’t tell if he wanted to do it on purpose. Ever since her confession, Cale hadn’t said a word about her fantasies, so she assumed he couldn’t do it.

“Sorry,” she said and bowed her head.

“No worries.” He squeezed her knee, put the car in gear, and started them on their trip.

“So where are we going?” The sun had started to set, the buildings’ shadows lengthened, and the air grew chilled. Headlights came alive and glowed yellow and white against the drab dusk.

Grinning, Cale beat a rhythm against his steering wheel, “Are you sure you want to know? I think it would be fun being in my car, not sure where we’re headed.”

Tiffany licked her lips and ran her teeth over her lower lip. Giggling like a schoolgirl, she wobbled from side to side and still couldn’t believe it. Cale had planned this whole trip. He told her when to get the time off, but other than the dates, she had no idea where they were headed.

“Yes, please tell me.”

“I’m not sure I want to,” he told her. “I mean, I kind of like having you so totally in my power. I could be kidnapping you right now and there’s nothing you could do about it.”

Tiffany’s face blushed red, “C’mon! Please! What if I promised to be good?” She couldn’t tell if he meant to tease her or push her horny buttons, yet she didn’t want this to stop. She had been excited to get off work and see him. Now she was a different sort of excited. “Please,” she said again.

He nodded his head from side to side, “What if I do?”
“Well, you want a favor. I think you should have to earn it, little girl.”

There, he did it again, she thought, wishing she could know what he meant. If she had been truly honest with herself, Tiffany had to admit that he probably forgot all about their conversation. He probably buried her confession. And why not? She wanted something so totally out of normal.

“What if I promise to be good?”

“How good?” he asked. They pulled onto the freeway, so he didn’t glance back at her as he worked their way between the cars and over to the left lane. Tiffany realized they were headed north.

“I’ll do whatever you tell me,” she offered, nervous.

“Really? So if I tell you to touch me right now, you’d do it?”

Tiffany licked her lips again, not sure if he really meant it. She hoped this wasn’t some sort of bluff or trick. They had been together for months, but sometimes she worried she didn’t really know him, not as well as she wanted.

Against the grain of those fears, Tiffany reached over and touched his crotch. She stroked his inner thigh and started to wiggle her fingers against his fly. Then she slipped her hand into his pants, found his penis, and started to stroke him. A glance up told her that the freeway was mostly empty.

“Don’t stop now,” he told her, his voice steeled with authority.

Tiffany blushed a bit brighter and nodded in spite of the fact that his eyes remained on the road. She stroked his shaft, working him as his cock filled the slack in his trousers. He started to shift his hips down and up, working his body against hers. Tiffany loved teasing him, and when she had done it in the past, it made her feel in charge.

Somehow this was different.

It seemed different because she didn’t offer. He gave her an order, and she obeyed.

Before he hit an orgasm, he touched his hand to her wrist and pushed her away. “Not quite yet, Tiffany, but that was a good start. You know, I think we’re going to have a lot of fun in the next week.”

“So will you tell me?” Tiffany asked, her voice low and timid.

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