Baby Cage (11 page)

Read Baby Cage Online

Authors: Devon Shire

Tags: #Age Play, #BDSM, #Erotic Fiction, #Exhibitionism, #Short Fiction

BOOK: Baby Cage
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“Okay. Let’s get you changed. Then I’ll put you down for bed.” Seth sounded so sure and so condescending. I absolutely hated the way he could pick out what I’d do, as though he had perfect control over me. At the same time, I got even more frustrated since I couldn’t think of any evidence to prove him wrong. He and Kayla really did control me. A glance at the clock told me it was only seven, and they were already talking about putting me to bed.

Since I was out of the sleeper, he let me walk this time. Within two steps though, it didn’t feel much like an adult’s gait. Instead, I started to waddle, desperate to keep my legs as far apart as possible. Seth glanced back at every corner to make sure I followed like a good girl. I did until he took me back to the changing table.

“Do I need to put your straps on you?”
“And if I don’t, you promise you won’t roll off the table? You know, sweetie, the straps are there to keep you safe.”
“I promise.”

“Okay,” He told me and made me lift my legs. A week ago, the idea of Professor Rowland seeing my naked bottom would have made me sputter and blush like mad. The idea of him changing my diaper would have seemed completely insane.

Seth wiped me down and put me in an extra thick diaper. I had hoped he’d simply help me back to the baby cage. Nope, he put me in another sleeper. Once he zipped it up and locked me into this fabric prison, I wondered what other instruments of bondage and humiliation they might have in those dressers.


In spite of myself, I fell asleep. I don’t know if it was the exertion from the tickling or the aftereffects of the last bottle, but I dozed off. At first, I had stared at the door and listened. I knew I had to get away, and tonight I had every intention of succeeding. This morning, I went to fast. This time, I intended to be more careful.

Seth and Kayla had to go to bed, after all. Once they were asleep, I could sneak outside. I doubted they even locked the doors. But as I stared at the door to the nursery and listened for any telltale sounds, I felt my eyelids get heavy. They drooped and I drifted into sleep.

I snapped awake again later on. I couldn’t tell how long I had been out, but it felt like a long time. I figured it was the middle of the night. Exhaling a puff of nervousness, I sat up. The sleeper was tight much like the first one Seth dressed me in, but I managed to get onto my knees.

When I reached for the top bar of my baby cage, I had to scoot closer to the side of the crib. Otherwise, my sealed sleeves didn’t allow me to stretch my arms far enough. With a determined hiss, I gripped the bar as best I could. It took a lot of effort, but I managed to pull myself up. I tried to throw one leg over the top. I got within an inch only to hear my knee bump against the sturdy wood and fall back to the covered mattress.

As frustration and a sense of defeat started to swirl through me, I glared between the bars as the door to my nursery. Seriously, they didn’t even put a top on this thing! I should have been able to get out without any trouble.

For a minute or two, I wondered about what would happen if I couldn’t get away. What if they kept me here? What if I really had to wear diapers and get fed from bottles? What if I became nothing but Seth and Kayla’s baby doll? If I couldn’t get away, they could keep me as long as they wanted. Seth mentioned years.

As those images danced through my head, I expected a sense of disgust. A bit of shame gurgled to the surface, but there was something else too, a different memory. I remembered how it felt to be curled up on Kayla’s lap as she fed me. As much as I hated the tickling and the humiliation, I liked drinking the warm milk as she stroked me.

I felt so safe and so warm.
Then there were the orgasms. I so loved how it felt when they had their fingers in my diaper…
No! I couldn’t let them make me think I enjoyed this.

Hardening my expression, I stared straight at the door and tried again. I got my arms onto the top bar and pulled myself up. This time, I swung my leg and managed to get it over the top. Pushing down to shove myself back up, I got the bulk of my weight over the crib’s grate. A second later, I fell down again and plopped down on my diapered butt. It hurt a tiny bit, but I drove, refusing to breathe or even think.

I listened for some sound of Seth or Kayla. I listened for footsteps or some sign they had heard my escape. Nothing. There was complete and total silence. It settled around me like a blanket until I started to move again.

Like before, the sleeper forced me to crawl. I thought this might be useful. If I remained on my hands and knees, then the chances of them spotting me went down quite a bit.

Breathing out, I reached for the knob. Turning it proved to be a challenge without use of my fingers, but by gripping the handle between both hands, I managed to turn it and pull the door inward.

After a second, I poked my head out and saw the hall was clear. I started to crawl. Part of me wanted to rush, but the faster I went, the more noise I would have made. Trying to find the right balance between stealth and speed, I worked my way back to the front door.

Then I saw it. The exit. In just a few short minutes, I could be outside. Then I could find a neighbor and get help. My heart started to beat faster as hope and excitement mixed through me. This could really happen. I might finally defeat them.

I crawled for the front door. I scampered along like a toddler who got too excited and didn’t want to bother with wobbly steps.

I made it within three feet when a jolt of pain shot out from my collar. I had forgotten about it. The pain lanced through me and I cried out. My eyes watered, though the pain hurt more for its surprise. Still, I fell down onto my stomach. It took me a heartbeat to reorient myself.

They must have heard me. I had to move.

I scampered forward again and another electrical charge shot from the collar. The jolt of pain couldn’t make me cry, but it made me stop again. I let out another little yelp, and I heard footsteps. I tried to make it across the invisible line a third time. Again, the collar zapped me.

“Silly girl. Did you think we wouldn’t put up a few barriers to make sure you didn’t wander off?” asked Kayla.

I turned around and saw her there with her hands on her hips. My leash was balled up in one of her hands. My lower lip quivered and part of me wanted to cry then. It wasn’t from the pain though. No, I wanted to let go and bawl because they had me. I couldn’t get out. As long as I had this collar on, I couldn’t make it past whatever invisible fence they had to keep me penned and under their control.

“C’mon silly girl. I’ll give you a little treat to help you sleep.”

Kayla came over and leashed me again. Then she walked me back through the house. I had hoped she would take me to the living room. Instead, she led me back to the nursery and helped me back into the crib. After a pleading look, she did let me out of the sleeper.

I laid down on my back and felt my legs part automatically because I still hated the crunched bulk of my diaper. Kayla didn’t simply let me pout there. She slipped another pacifier into my mouth, and as much as I hated to admit it, the repetition of sucking did help me calm down. I started to let go of my problems and the stress from being so desperate to get away.

“We’re going to take care of you,” she cooed back at me. She spoke as if she didn’t expect a response. “We’re going to take such good care of you.”

Kayla kneeled by the crib and stuck her arms through the bars. With one hand, she petted my forehead. The motions were soft and gentle and made me want to relax even more. Despite the disappointment, she had a way of making me settle down. A moment later, I let out a moan of pleasure through the pacifier because Kayla slipped her other hand into my diaper.

“You’re going to be such a good girl. You’re going to learn how to obey and be so very sweet for us,” as those words slid onto the air, her fingers found my slit. She started to stroke me and I wanted to struggle, but I couldn’t. Instead, I savored every impulse and sensation. I loved it.

No matter how much I lied to myself, I absolutely enjoyed every touch. She worked her finger deeper and I became a different kind of wet. She worked her finger against my clit and massaged me with expert precision. I started to move my hips, hoping to come a little faster. Whenever I tried though, Kayla slowed down. She made it clear by touch alone who was in charge.

If I wanted any chance of another climax, I had to be a good girl. Nostrils flared, I settled back down. Kayla smiled back at me as though I just learned an important lesson. Her fingertips sped up and I started to let out those little moans again. I felt myself getting so hot and so wet. Despite the diaper, the baby cage, and the myriad of demeaning moments, this made it worth it.

My eyes shot open at the thought. I didn’t get the chance to consider it.

The orgasm ran through my blood, the pleasure shooting through me like a tsunami. It came in waves, each one washing against me with more intensity. I clenched up as Kayla slipped her hand from my diaper.

As I basked in the orgasm’s afterglow, Kayla remained with me. She petted me and cooed back at me about how I was going to be such a good baby girl. I smiled and closed my eyes as I assumed a fetal position. It just felt right and I didn’t even notice the crinkle of my diaper. Again, I felt myself drifting. I didn’t quite fall asleep, but I got close.

When the petting stopped, I became a bit more aware. I didn’t open my eyes, but I asked through the pacifier, “How long am I going to be your baby?”

Between the nipple and my own drowsiness, those words probably sounded muffled but Kayla had no trouble understanding. “Forever,” she told me. “You’re going to be a happy little baby. And even if you get defiant from time to time, we’re going to tease you and play with you and love you. You’re going to have such a wonderful life as our baby girl. And even when we can’t be here, we’ll get you wonderful babysitters who’d love to play with a happy little baby like you. Angela would be a good one, don’t you think? Yes, you’re going to love being a baby girl.”

Angela. She was the RA, the girl I didn’t like, and I realized they planned on showing me off. I wanted to snap up and rebel again. Simply saying no would have been act of defiance, but I couldn’t do it. My eyes remained closed as she told me about how things would be from now on, and I couldn’t defy her.

“Forever.” Her answer hovered above me as I fell into a deep and contented sleep.


The End


(Want more? Check out
Tiffany’s Confession
by Emma Valentine, now available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble)





Tiffany’s Confession

Devon Shire

Tiffany had a confession. She had to tell him, and time had pretty much run out. As her last moments fluttered by, she searched for the courage needed to do this. She had to do it; she had to tell him. For weeks now, she had imagined this moment and how she could approach this subject. What would he say? Would he hate her? Dump her? It seemed as though a hundred terrible things could happen if she told him the truth.

She kept going over the words in her head. They came out clunky and awkward. They had a great sex life, but the kinds of things she wanted to bring into their relationship were so aberrant and abnormal, she couldn’t guess how Cale would react.
she practiced silently,
I’m into something called age play. This means that I fantasize about being treated like a baby girl. I want you to diaper me and feed me and tease me as though I were your little girl.
Those words seemed so easy online or when she touched herself, but right there, with a guy she really, really liked—probably loved—Tiffany couldn’t make the words sound anything but stilted.

But if he loved her, then he wouldn’t leave her over something like this.

He had his arms around her as Tiffany leaned her head against his chest. He felt so soft and firm at the same time. He made her feel safe and secure. This is what having a boyfriend was all about. She loved him, and she didn’t want to lose him, which only intensified the fears bubbling through her chest.

As the movie finished up, Tiffany reminded herself of the promise she made. She was going to tell him before the movie ended. Exciting music came on and the two main characters sprinted across the screen to do something important. Tiffany couldn’t really bring herself to care, not as she snuggled closer to Cale. He felt so good, and she didn’t want to lose this.

Part of her wanted to chick out. She didn’t really need the age play games to be happy, she thought to herself. They could go on like a regular couple. But then those regression fantasies were such a big part of her. Even as a little girl, she had been fascinated by diapers and baby clothes and everything that went with infantilism. Giving it up now or pretending it wasn’t part of her psyche just seemed silly somehow.

Tiffany had to tell him. She knew this, but getting the words to fit just didn’t come easily. Finally, the screen went dark and the ending credits started to roll. Cale tried to nudge her up, probably so he could grab the remote, but she refused to budge.

“Wait, there’s something we need to talk about.”
“What is it?” he said, his tone full of concern. “Is something wrong?”
“No, not wrong, but there is something we need to talk.”

“Tiffany, those aren’t words a guy really likes to hear.” He started to rub her back. Although it would have felt a lot better without her shirt on, she took what comfort she could from the gesture. He was always such a good boyfriend. He cared about her and he put her first. She didn’t want to lose this. Again, hesitation and fear mingled together and threatened to keep her from telling him the truth.

“No! It’s nothing like that!”

“Nothing like what?” he sounded so confused, yet Tiffany could tell he was trying really hard. He cared about her; he wanted to understand.

Reminding herself of how much she trusted Cale and how he had never let her down, Tiffany opened her mouth and threw the words out there, “There’s something I like, something I want to tell you about. Now it’s okay if you’re not into this, and it won’t change anything, so no pressure. Okay?” Her heart pounded and all of a sudden, her lungs felt a lot smaller.

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