Ava's Wishes (12 page)

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Authors: Karen Pokras

BOOK: Ava's Wishes
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Ava laughed. “She really did look miserable. Although, I suppose she liked you enough to give it a try.”

Max shrugged. “The feeling wasn’t mutual. She was a good tutor, but that’s all.”

“You were a good tutor, too, Max,” Ava said, looking away.

“I know, and I’m sorry. I just … I couldn’t … I—”

Ava’s phone buzzed before Max could finish. Max picked it up and handed it to Ava. “It’s a text from Cynthia,” he said, reading the caller ID on the front. “I forgot to tell you that she called while you were with the counselor this morning.”

Ava took the phone; it was obvious Max wanted to change the subject. She desperately wanted to know what he was going to say, but had been waiting to talk to Cynthia as well. She knew Cynthia would have news about Thomas. She made a mental note to come back to the conversation with Max as soon as she had a chance.

“She did? What did she say?” Ava asked.

“The police came to see her after they talked to you. Apparently, after they arrested Thomas, he gave Cynthia’s name as a character witness. She refused to speak on his behalf, and stuck up for you instead. Anyway, she wanted to let you know that she pulled Thomas’ exhibit. You don’t need to stay in town all week now.”

Ava nodded. “So they have him in custody,” she stated.

“Yes. Cynthia says the story has made national news since he’s so high profile … although your name has been left out. Anyway, several other women have already come forward. It seems he’s made a habit out giving unsuspecting women laced champagne. They all have similar stories. She says they’ll probably deport him.”

Ava sighed in relief. “That’s good news.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I wasn’t sure you were up for a chat about him.”

Ava looked down at the text from Cynthia:

“Never trust a man who is more impressed with himself than anyone else ... Now Max, there’s a man you can trust. Hope you are feeling better xoxo -Cynthia.”


“What does she say?” Max asked.

“She just hopes I feel better,” Ava replied.



Chapter 26


“Ava! Ava! Let me in!”

The pounding on the door was an unwelcome reminder to Ava that her headache was not quite gone.
Ava looked at Max and threw her head back down on the pillow.

“It’s all right. You can let her in,” Ava said reluctantly. “She’s not going to go away until you do.” Propping herself up, she prepared for the drama.

Carly shoved the door open the moment Max released the latch—not even waiting for him to open it for her—and rushed to Ava’s side. “Oh my God! Are you okay? What happened?” she shrieked.

“Carly, I’m fine,” Ava said, trying to bring the volume of the conversation down to a more manageable level. Carly looked like she was on the verge of hysterics, and Ava really didn’t have the patience for that at the moment … not that there was ever a good time for Carly’s hysterics. “Shouldn’t you be on a bus heading home for the holidays right now? What are you doing here?” she calmly asked.

“I couldn’t leave without making sure you were okay. I saw it as I was getting ready to leave. It’s all over the news, Ava. I just had to change my ticket. I didn’t want to leave you all alone until I knew you were good …” She looked up, noticing Max for the first time since she’d walked in to the apartment. “But I see you’re not. Alone that is. Ava, what’s going on?”

“Why don’t you tell
what’s going on, Carly. What exactly did you see on the news? Cynthia told me my name wasn’t mentioned.”

“It wasn’t,” Carly stated, still looking at Max with a confused look. She shook her head slightly and brought her eyes back down to Ava. “All the news said was that the photographer of the
Images in Flight
exhibit, Thomas Malloy, sexually assaulted Cynthia Simms’ assistant at the gallery’s opening last night. That’s you, right?”

“Yes,” Ava agreed, “except it was only an attempted sexual assault thanks to Max here. Other than Thomas drugging me, I’m relatively fine. Max rescued me before any real damage was done … well, to me at least. Thomas wasn’t so lucky.” Ava pointed to Max’s bruised and swollen hand.

“I hope you hit him where it counts,” Carly stated.

“I didn’t really have time to think about it,” Max answered. “I was mostly concerned about getting him off of Ava. But I did hear a pretty good crack when my fist made contact with his jaw.” Max smiled.

“Not exactly the body part I was thinking of, but that works, too,” Carly remarked. “So you sure you’re okay?” she asked, turning her attention back to Ava.

“Yeah,” Ava replied. “I’m a bit shaken up, but the doc at the hospital gave me some good drugs to help me relax. My happy pills.” Ava picked up the prescription bottle and pretended to gulp their entire contents, causing Max to scoop the canister out of her hands.

“I think I’ll be in charge of these for the time being,” Max said, putting them in his pocket.

“So, Max, you’re going to stay here for a while?” Carly asked, looking more at Ava than at Max.

“If Ava wants me to,” Max replied. “I had planned on staying this week anyway.”

“Is that what you want, Ava?” Carly asked. “Because I can change my schedule, it’s no big deal. Or I can call Holly for you. You have options. Whatever
comfortable with.”

Ava looked from Carly to Max and back to Carly. “It’s fine if Max stays, Carly. I know you’re anxious to get home, and I’ll probably head home soon myself. Cynthia closed down the exhibit, so I no longer have to stay the week. I can join my family at any time. I just need to rest for a bit before I start packing.”

“Okay, if you’re sure,” Carly repeated. “So … does this mean you two are—”

“Carly!” Ava snapped. “Don’t you have a bus to catch?”

“All right. All right. I’m just trying to keep up with you, Av, that’s all. I’ve lost track.”

“Carly, I’m warning you,” Ava declared.

“Got it. I’m done. Anyway, there’s a bus in an hour, so I need to run, but text me if you need anything … even if you just want to chat, okay? Or, you know, update me.” She motioned her head toward Max, and Ava rolled her eyes while shaking her head. “I mean it, Ava. You take care of yourself. Love you. I’ll see you in a month.” Carly gave Ava a big hug before walking up to Max. “Don’t do anything stupid,” she whispered to him before walking out the door.

“She’s a charming one,” Max noted, as Carly closed the door behind her.

Ava put her head back down on her pillow. “Do you think I can take one of those pills now?” she asked, laughing.



Chapter 27


“No! No!” Ava thrashed about restlessly, gasping for air as she woke up to find herself in Max’s arms.

“It’s okay, it was just a dream. You’re safe.” Max gently stroked Ava’s hair as she tried to calm her breathing. “You’re safe,” Max repeated. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” He lightly kissed the top of her head, and she relaxed her body into his, grateful to feel his arms wrapped around her.

“It wasn’t
a dream, was it?” she asked tearfully. “He really did attack me. He really did almost—”

“Shh …” Max murmured, slowly rocking Ava. “He can’t hurt you anymore. Not now, and not ever.

Ava slowly pulled away. “Max,” a single tear escaped her left eye, traveled carefully down her cheek, and landed perfectly still on her top lip, “I never really had a chance to thank you. I mean, you’ve done so much. I don’t know what—”

Max put his fingers up to Ava’s lip to wipe away the tear. “You don’t have to say anything.” He gazed at her, and Ava understood that everything she wanted to say he could read in her eyes. The apology he started earlier was just a distant memory. None of that mattered at the moment.

As if breaking a spell, Ava sat up and glanced around. The sun had long since gone down. “What time is it?” she asked.

“Around ten o’clock,” Max replied.

“I’ve been asleep that long? Carly left around two! I guess I’m not going home today.”

“No, I imagine your parents wouldn’t want you showing up after midnight,” Max added.

“It’s probably better anyway. I’m not feeling 100% yet, and I’m certainly not ready to answer all of their questions right now. I’m sure Holly’s seen the news and has probably figured out I’m the one who was attacked. Hell, if Carly could figure it out, anyone can.”

Max laughed.

“Speaking of Holly,” Ava said, looking around, “do you know where my phone is?”

“I moved it to the kitchen counter,” Max replied, grabbing it and handing it to Ava. “It was buzzing and beeping non-stop. I didn’t want it to wake you.”

Max was right. Ava had what seemed like an unending stream of messages and calls. The calls were all from Holly, which meant she either knew or suspected. The text messages were a hodgepodge from Tessa, Holly, and Carly.

Carly: OMG, girlfriend, what is going on between you and the hunk? He better be taking good care of you. Text me back.
Holly: How was your exam? Mine sucked, but it’s over. Hope the opening was a huge hit. Wish you were coming home this week xoxo.
Tessa: When r u coming home? Mom & Dad r driving me totes nuts. Have big news about cute boy in chem class. Mwah.
Holly: Are you okay? Just saw on news about an attack at a gallery. It wasn’t yours, was it? Text me back—love you. Xoxo
Carly: This bus ride is taking forever! Cute guy 4 rows up, I’m going for it. Wish me luck. Still waiting to hear about you and Max.
Tessa: Boys suck. My friend Juls saw cute boy from chem class at mall with slut from 11
grade. When *are* u coming home? Miss u!!
Holly: Ava, you’re scaring me. Why aren’t you answering your phone or any of your texts? Are you okay? I wish I could remember the name of the gallery you worked at! Damn. Please text or call! Love you.
Carly: So Mr. 4
row hottie claims to have a wife. Whatever. I’m going to try to take a nap for the rest of the ride. Hope you’re having fun *wink wink.


“Everything okay?” Max asked.

“Mostly,” Ava answered. “My sister, Holly, is worried about me. I really need to call her. Do you mind?”

“Oh, no,” Max said, looking around the small apartment. “I can go wait outside if you want.”

“No, it’s okay. You can stay.”

“Well, how about I fix you something to eat then?” Max offered. “You must be hungry. I’m not the best cook, but I know how to make spaghetti. I think I saw a box in your cabinet earlier when I was looking for a glass for water.”

“That would be great,” Ava said. “Thanks.”

She watched for a minute as Max fumbled around the kitchen and giggled to herself before picking up the phone. She supposed she had to get this call over with eventually. She slowly dialed Holly’s number and prepared herself. The phone only rang half a ring.

“Ava? What took you so long? I’ve been worried sick! Are you okay? Was that your gallery in the news? Were you the person attacked? Isn’t that the Thomas guy you told me about? What happened?
Why didn’t you call me back? Ava! Why aren’t you answering me?”

Ava took a deep breath and let it out slowly before answering. “Can I speak now?” she asked and continued before giving her sister a chance to respond. “Holly, I’m okay. Yes, that was my gallery, and yes, I was the one who was attacked—”

“Oh my God!” Holly shrieked.

“Holly! Let me finish!” Ava took another long breath. “It wasn’t exactly like they were reporting on the news. He didn’t rape me or anything.”

“Thank goodness,” Holly said, sighing in relief. “So what did happen then?”

Ava retold the story again. Between the doctor at the hospital, the counselor, the police, Carly, and now Holly, she had told the story five times already today. It didn’t get any easier as the day went on.

“That’s unbelievable, Ava. He seemed like such a decent guy. Especially after he took you home that night you got drunk.”

“I know,” Ava agreed. “The police think he might have drugged me that night also.”

“No!” Holly exclaimed. “But you told me he was a perfect gentleman that night.”

“He was. The officer I spoke with thinks he may have been testing my system. You know, to see how I reacted to the drug … sort of as a trial run. Max thinks he was either trying to gain my trust or trying to build up his own character, as if he knew he might get caught at some point.”

“Wow, that’s crazy. Wait a minute. Max?”

“Well, yes. He spoke to the police also. He was a witness to part of it, remember?” Ava stated. She wasn’t quite ready to mention that Max hadn’t left her side since the incident took place. That would just bring up an entirely new line of questions Ava didn’t want to answer with Max in earshot.

 “Right. So, the news report says others have come forward, and Thomas has been arrested,” Holly said.

“Yes. According to Cynthia, he’s getting kicked out of the country.”

“Good riddance!” Holly exclaimed. “Are you sure you’re all right? Do you want me to come stay with you? I was headed home tomorrow, but I can come stay with you instead.”

Ava looked into the kitchen. Max furiously moved back and forth between two pots on the stove. The water from the boiling pasta of the first pot bubbled over the sides, while a second pot on the stove spewed tomato sauce all over Max’s shirt and chin as he attempted to stir it. He looked up at Ava and waved.

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