Ava's Wishes (8 page)

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Authors: Karen Pokras

BOOK: Ava's Wishes
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“Thanks, Holly, and good luck.”

Ava hung up the phone, reapplied her lipstick, checked her hair, and returned to the table where Max was patiently waiting.

“Ready?” he asked.

Ava nodded.

Ava and Max walked closely side by side, without holding hands. The night was chilly, but not as cold as the previous night. A rarity for December, a month generally filled with below freezing temperatures. As such, Ava could comfortably keep her hands out of her pockets … just in case he reached for her. The sounds of cars driving by, or college students chatting as they passed, were barely noticeable to Ava. She was thinking only about the kiss to come.

Would it come?
After all, they
kissed before, even if it was unexpected. True, Max had said point blank the kiss shouldn’t have happened. He promised to keep their relationship on a strictly professional level—he was the tutor, she was the student—but things were different now, weren’t they? Was this a date, or was Ava reading too much into it? And what about Thomas? Did she owe him some sort of exclusivity? They only had one date, and they never discussed the status of their relationship, to the extent that they even had a relationship. Besides, if Thomas was so important to her, why couldn’t she stop thinking about Max? She knew the answer. Her feelings for Max had changed over dinner,
really changed

“Are you okay?” Max asked.

“Huh?” They were standing outside of her apartment door. “I’m fine, why?”

“You seem so quiet all of a sudden. Did I lose you for a second?”

Ava stared at the sky. Moonlight shone down on the two of them like a spotlight, cancelling out everything else around them as stars flickered about in the sky.

“No, it’s just such a nice night, that’s all. Thanks for dinner and for tutoring me. I really appreciate it. Of course, I still owe you for that, you know. Oh, and good luck with your studies tomorrow. I guess I’ll see you in the afternoon? I appreciate you walking me home. I suppose I’ll be going inside now.” Ava hated this part. She always felt so self-conscious and talked way too much. She really wished Max would kiss her already. She pretended to be searching for her keys in her purse, even though she knew they were in her coat pocket.

“So,” Max began, “I know we kind of got off to a weird start with you seeing me naked, and me shoving you up against a wall to kiss you, and all.”

“Yeah, that was a bit out of the ordinary and admittedly awkward,” Ava agreed.

 “Do you think we could start over, maybe?”

 Ava smiled and nodded. “Sure.” She was already feeling more relaxed.

“Hi, I’m Max Wallis, I’m a senior at Wolfenson College where I tutor statistics. It’s nice to meet you.” Max stuck out his hand in arm-shake fashion.

Ava giggled, replying, “It’s very nice to meet you, Max Wallis, I’m Ava Haines. I’m also a senior at Wolfenson College, and I happen to need a statistics tutor. I heard you’re very good.” She took his hand and gently shook it.

Max pulled Ava’s arm slightly toward him and leaned in for a kiss ... a soft, lingering kiss. While so different than their first kiss, there was no mistaking that Ava felt the same level of weakness in her knees.

“I’d be happy to tutor you. Would tomorrow afternoon work? Two o’clock, usual spot?” Max asked, pulling away slowly.

“Definitely,” Ava whispered, barely able to recover.



Chapter 17


“No, Carly, we’ve been through this before. You can’t come with me,” Ava said. “It’s a tutoring session.”

Carly pulled a low cut blouse out of Ava’s closet and handed it to her friend to wear. “No,” Ava said, hanging it back in her closet, before finding and putting on a casual sweater. “I repeat, it’s a tutoring session.”

“Do you always do your hair like that for a tutoring session?” Carly joked.

“You don’t want me to look like a complete slob, do you?” Ava responded.

“Well, can I at least tell you
I told you so
?” Carly asked.

“What did you
tell me
?” Ava wanted to know.

“I told you that you two would wind up together,” she stated.

“I have no recollection of you ever saying that. I only recall you stating he was hot … so yes, I agree, he’s hot.” Ava smiled. “Totally hot.”

“And I told you he was into you, remember?”

“Maybe.” Ava grinned.

“So, um, what are you going to do about Thomas?” Carly asked.

“I don’t know,” Ava said. To be honest, she hadn’t given Thomas much thought since last night. She guessed she’d just be honest with him. It was probably a good idea to get their relationship back on a business track anyway with his exhibit coming up soon. “I’ll figure something out. Right now, I need to concentrate on studying.”

Carly laughed. “Studying … right. Last I heard, the library’s a public place. If I want to sit and watch from across the room, you can’t stop me,” she added.


“Oh, please. It’s not like you two are going to be able to do anything good there anyway. Besides, I don’t want to break my perfect record.”

Ava was afraid to ask, but she knew Carly would keep talking until she did. “Record for what?”

“I’m determined to be the first person to graduate Wolfenson without ever stepping foot in the library.” Carly smiled. “Anyway, I have to run, I’ve got studio time booked. You’ll text me all the under the table details later, right, Ava?”

Ava looked up at Carly and rolled her eyes.

“So the library … that’s the big building in the center of campus with the dome?” Carly asked as she skirted out the door of Ava’s apartment.

She waited for the door to close before she fixed her hair one more time and applied some makeup.




Ava looked at the clock. Two fifteen. Max did say two o’clock, didn’t he? She supposed she was a tad bit distracted. Maybe he said three, or perhaps he meant the study room and not the table where they had worked before. Usual spot could mean either now that she thought about it. She got up to look inside of the private room that was off to the side. There was already another study group in there working.

“Ava?” When she returned, a guy she didn’t recognize was standing next to the table where she had been sitting.

“Yes? I’m sorry, do I know you?” Ava studied him. He was sort of non-descript looking: skinny, brown hair, glasses, wearing a Wolfenson College sweatshirt. He seemed like your average college student. She probably did know him, and she felt bad that she couldn’t remember.

He put a stack of books down on the table and stuck out his hand. “I’m Barry Templin. Max sent me. He apologizes, but he’s not going to be able to make it. He thought I could help you study today instead … as your tutor.”

Ava rubbed her forehead. Surely she misunderstood. “Not going to make it? Are you sure? Last night he said he’d meet me here.”

Barry nodded. “Yes, he called me this morning and asked if I could take over as your tutor. We met earlier so he could show me where you and he left off. He asked me to give you this.” He handed Ava a sealed envelope with her name on it. “He also told me he’d be paying for your sessions.”

Ava took the envelope out of Barry’s hand. “Forgive me, Barry. I just … I’m afraid I don’t understand. Are you telling me that Max won’t be tutoring me at all … ever?”

“I don’t know about ever,” Barry responded, “but at least not through these final exams. At least that’s what it sounded like to me. Don’t worry, I’m a math major. I’ve been tutoring statistics students for quite a while now. I’ll get you through this exam without any problems.”

“Thanks, Barry. Would it be okay if we skipped today? I think I’m coming down with something actually.” Ava sank back into her seat.
Not tutoring me anymore?

“Sure, no problem.” Scribbling his name and number on a sheet of paper, Barry then handed it to her. “Just give me a call when you’re ready to schedule something. It was nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, too, Barry … and thanks.” She watched as Barry collected his books and walked off before opening the letter from Max.


Dear Ava,


I know you probably hate me right now, and I don’t blame you. I’m pretty upset with myself actually. I made a promise to you when I agreed to tutor you that we would keep everything professional, and I totally crossed that line last night—the same way I crossed the line with you the day Suzanne walked in on us. As your mentor and tutor, I had a responsibility to you, and I failed you. I know how important passing this class is to you, and I promise I won’t distract you from that again. Good luck. Barry is a great tutor. I know you’ll have no trouble passing the exam.


All the best,



Ava read the letter twice.
He had no problem flirting with and kissing her last night. Why the sudden change? Barry said he contacted him this morning. Didn’t Max say he had an early tutoring session with Megan? Did
have something to do with his sudden change of heart?

Ava looked at the text message from this morning she had yet to answer.


Ava, so sorry about last night. Please say you’ll let me make it up to you tonight. Dinner at La Trattoria? Thomas


Ava read the letter one more time. She looked back down at her phone and began typing:

Sounds perfect, Thomas. See you then.



Chapter 18


“Holly! Why are you telling Tessa that I’m dating two guys at once?” Ava yelled into the phone “She’s sixteen for God’s sake. She looks up to us … me in particular. Dad would kill me if he caught her running around like that. Hell, he’d kill me, too.” As the oldest sister, Ava felt a responsibility—particularly to Tessa, who was still in high school. Leave it to Holly to open her big mouth. Of course, Tessa thought it was the coolest thing ever, judging by the text Ava received on her phone on her way back from the library:

Way to work it, sis! Two guys in one weekend? Me and Hol want to know your secret.

“Well, it’s true. You did go out with two different guys this weekend. So who’s the lucky guy tonight? Or are you giving yourself the night off?” Holly teased.

“Thomas,” Ava mumbled. “But, I’m not dating two guys anymore. It’s just Thomas.”

“Why, what happened?” Holly asked.

Ava really didn’t want to relive the entire experience, but she knew her sister wouldn’t let up until she explained.

“Wow, that’s rough,” Holly offered after hearing the entire sordid story. “Well, at least you have a fall back guy. I always say you need a fall back guy. That’s what I was trying to explain to Tessa with your example. See? You just proved my point.”

“Do me a favor, and leave my love life out of your discussions with Tessa, please, okay? In fact, let’s leave my love life out of discussions all together. Let’s talk about you. Wasn’t there some guy you were chasing? What happened with him?”

“Jared? He’s so cute, Av, but I don’t even think he knows I exist. At least not yet. I’m still working on it, though,” Holly replied. Ava could see Holly’s smile through the phone. She knew her sister so well.

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll figure out a way, Holly. Anyway, I’ve got to go get ready for my date. Be good, you hear me?” Ava ordered.

“Always,” Holly replied.



“I think I’ll pass on the alcohol tonight,” Ava said when Thomas offered her a look at the wine menu.

He laughed. “So how’s the studying coming along?”

“It’s good … I guess. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about statistics, would you?”

“Wretched subject,” Thomas replied. “Why would you torture yourself with that rubbish?”

“It’s not by choice, trust me. It’s required. I’m embarrassed to even tell you how many times I’ve already attempted to pass it. Luckily, I think I’ve finally got it this time. Max was able to—” Ava stopped herself short. Just saying his name out loud was unsettling to her.

“Max was able to? What?” Thomas asked.

“Oh, nothing. He was my tutor. I was just going to say I think I understand most of the concepts this time. At least I think I understand enough to pass. That’s all that matters, really. I’m past the point of trying to get a good grade. All I want is to be done with it already.”

The waitress brought over Thomas’ glass of wine and Ava’s water.

“Well, here’s to passing then,” Thomas stated, raising his glass.

“Yes, to passing. And to
talking about statistics anymore tonight,” Ava added, lightly tapping Thomas’ glass.

“So I spent the day at the gallery with Cynthia today,” Thomas said.

Ava smiled. She loved that he got the hint and promptly changed the subject.

“How did it go? I missed being there yesterday.”

“We seem to have mostly everything in order to open on Friday. There are so many little details. Well, look who I’m telling. Of course you know all about that. I don’t think artists really appreciate how much behind the scenes work goes into each one of these openings. Cynthia spent hours showing me everything from menu items to the colors you and she chose for the bloody tablecloths. It was exhausting.

Ava shrugged. “All the planning is part of the fun for me, I guess.”

“Well, I’m just glad I’m the one behind the camera most of the time. I could never do the spectacular job that you do. I guess we make a good team then. Speaking of, I’d love to take some photos of you one day. Your face has beautiful lines.”

“Oh,” Ava replied, putting her hand to her cheeks. She could feel the heat radiating off of them. “Yes, I would like that. I’ve never been photographed by a professional photographer. Maybe after the opening.”

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