Angelic Union (9 page)

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Authors: Jana Downs

Tags: #Romance, #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Angelic Union
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Angelic Union


Erik drove the car while Marius took up the backseat, his wings unfurled as they turned onto the road that would lead them home. It was nice not to have to worry about them being bunched up like they were tied together. He wished he had a stronger charm to make them mold seamlessly into his back in a series of glyphs. It would make him more human for his lovers, more convenient.

“Are you nervous?” Erik asked as they drove into the entrance of the subdivision that they lived in.

“Why would I be nervous?”

Erik rolled his eyes. “Because of the redemption thing.” Marius shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m more wigged out by how, if it happens, we’re going to be adding four new people to our relationship.” He really didn’t want to think about it, but it looked like he wasn’t getting a choice.

“I never get over how pretty it is here,” Levi cut in, interrupting their repeated conversation of fears and changes.

The houses had yards that were very angel friendly when it came to landings. It was one of the things that had appealed to Marius when he’d researched the area months ago when they’d decided to get married and try to settle down together. All the houses were sturdy brick and private enough for Marius’s tastes. They also had multiple exits. Everyone in this neighborhood understood what it was to be on the run from the hunters. The angels who tried to wipe them out as abominations were greatly feared and numerous. This town, with its cobbled streets, quaint downtown, and sprawling residential areas, was the only place of rest for most people like them. Fallen, angels, nephilim, and the humans who knew their secrets walked freely through it. It truly was a sanctuary.

They pulled into their driveway at the end of the cul-de-sac just as the four Elites landed in the front yard of the two-story colonial that Marius had purchased and moved his lovers into just weeks beforehand. He wondered if Madigan and his lovers were still there in the guest rooms downstairs or if they’d moved into their own house

Jana Downs

closer to town already. To be honest, he’d been so distracted for the wedding preparation that he’d completely forgotten when they said that they would be moving out.

“It’s good to be home,” Levi murmured, smiling softly to himself as he often did when he was thinking something beyond Marius’s understanding. His smallest lover seemed to see and feel things that were beyond the physicality of Earth so often that Marius wondered how exactly his powers were manifesting. Levi had come into them early, and they’d been expanding ever since. Marius knew he hid a lot of his talents from them, but he couldn’t bring it up without evoking some painful memories. Levi considered his powers his secrets, and Marius wouldn’t try to push.

Erik put the car in park, and the Elites surrounded the car. Marius tensed for half a second before they started pulling bags out of the trunk as Erik hit the release button. Keer opened Erik’s door, and Brax opened Levi’s. He guessed that Marius was just supposed to fend for himself, which didn’t bother him. If he was really going to be redeemed and join the Elites, it only made sense that they would view him as an equal. He swallowed at the thought. Disbelief filled him.

Was he really considering this?

“Marius?” Levi asked, linking their hands, and pulled him from the car. “Are you all right? It’s okay to be scared, you know?”

“Yeah. I know.”

Marius’s body tightened as the front door of their house swung open.
Who the hell was—

Madigan stepped out into the sunshine, a black duffel bag in his hand. He smiled brightly and waved. Marius relaxed.

“Welcome home, newlyweds!” Madigan’s cheerfulness struck a nerve. Marius was not in the mood for cheer. He felt brittle.

Levi raced up the steps and flung himself into the other nephilim’s arms. “Thanks,” his little love chattered, “did you enjoy the wedding?”

Angelic Union


“It was great. Absolutely lovely.” Madigan’s eyes went to Marius before sliding to the Elites, who fanned out on either side of him. “So, how you doing?” That was a loaded question.

Levi paused, and Marius could almost see the wheels in his head turning. “I think we’ll be all right.”

“We’ll be here if you need us,” Madigan said, giving Levi a squeeze. Marius’s gaze went back to the bag clutched in Madigan’s hand.

“Are you leaving?” he asked.

Madigan half shrugged. “We’re starting to take the bags over to the new house. The contractor called this morning and said we could start moving in whenever. The work upstairs won’t be done for another three weeks, but the downstairs bedrooms are ready to go.” He smiled softly to himself. “Plus, if we move over, the boys think that they can get the upstairs finished in a week.”

“You have to love how stubborn our celestial counterparts are,” Levi said, beaming. “Well, congratulations on getting into your own space. Will you call me when your bakery opens?”

“Absolutely, but it’ll be a while. We want to get settled in, and I don’t want to rush getting things set up. Our families still need to meet and whatnot.” He hefted the bag higher up on his shoulder. “I’m just glad that the boys are relaxing a bit now that we’re in a city of sanctuary. I actually got out the door and no one yelled at me when you guys drove up.”

“Madigan! Madigan, where’d you run off to?” Dex’s booming voice sounded from inside the house. Madigan winced, and Marius felt a grin stretch his lips. If Marius knew nothing else, he knew how guardians functioned, and there was no way any of Madigan’s would leave him alone for more than a minute. He was the same way with Levi and Erik. He glanced over and saw a smile on Axis’s face as well. The Elite winked.


Jana Downs

Madigan turned his head and yelled over his shoulder. “I’m out here with Levi!” Almost instantly Dex and Michel appeared in the doorway.

Dex dropped an arm around Madigan’s shoulder and took his bag.

“I’ll help you put this in the car, baby.”

Madigan’s face reddened. “I can do it, you know.”

“I know. But I want to help.” He steered him down the steps.

“Welcome home, guys,” he said in greeting as he passed.

Levi and Erik climbed the stairs and disappeared into the interior of the house. Marius went to follow only to have Michel put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

“Can I talk to you?” the angel asked.

Marius glanced back at the Elites, who waited patiently on the steps for him to lead on into the house.
They are so beautiful, all
different, like the hues of uncut gems
. The thought scared him a bit.

Those sorts of thoughts were creeping in with frightening regularity.
want them
. He didn’t want to want them, but, God help him, he did.

What if they grew to hate him? What if they convinced Levi and Erik that Marius was hopeless? He swallowed.

“Sure,” he heard himself say. He motioned to Axis. “Help them put our stuff away?”

“Of course, Marius. We’ll do whatever you require of us.” He wished for the millionth time that Axis and the rest of the Elites were smug, stuck-up bastards like most other angels that he met. He could’ve said no to this, could’ve hated them like he wanted to, if they were. Marius was fallen. He was a bad egg. Didn’t they
that? He felt so defeated by their kindness it wasn’t even funny.

He and Michel circled back through the yard to the side of the house. Marius tried not to let his nerves get the best of him as he paced on the small walk that ran between the mulched flower bed and the lawn. Again Michel put a hand on his shoulder.

“What did you need, Michel?” Before coming to sanctuary, Marius and Michel had never gotten along. A recent near-death
Angelic Union


experience had left them a bit closer, and now Marius almost considered the guy a friend.

Blue eyes regarded him, seeming to look a lot deeper into his mind than he thought possible. “You are all nerves and tension, man.

You look like you’re strung out on drugs or something.”

“Fucking fabulous,” he snapped. “I’ve had a really stressful two days, bro. No wonder I look like shit!”

“I know they’re Elites and I know they’re here to be guardians to your boys, but you seem like there is more going on than that. I was worried about you. You looked like you were stepping to the gallows when you got out of the car.” Was he a fucking mind reader now?

“I…” He paused and shook his head. He sighed. “Everything is so fucked up. They say they’re our mates.
mates. Not just Levi and Erik’s, but mine as well. I’m attracted to them and resent them, and I don’t know what I’m thinking most of the time. They offered me redemption, Michel. A chance back to heaven. I just have to be an Elite and guard Levi and Erik as well, and I am so fucking scared that this is all some kind of joke and that it’s some shady plot to get my boys away from me.” He hadn’t realized how much he’d needed to say that aloud until that moment. A sob lodged itself in his throat. It was a weakness he wouldn’t let his nephilim lovers see, but it had been roiling in his gut like poison.

Michel looked at him for a long minute before he spoke. “It’s not bad being in the sort of relationship that Madigan and the rest of us share. It’s unconventional, and I’ll tell you it’s not easy making sure everyone is happy, but it’s so worth it. If everything is legitimate and it will grant you redemption, I encourage you to take the chance.”

“You know, you’ve been a really good friend lately.” He paused,

“I don’t think I’ve ever had a friend before. It’s nice.” Michel smiled. “I’ve been in a similar situation, so I understand not knowing how to feel about it. Madigan is going to leave our telephone numbers on the fridge. If it starts to stress you out and you need someone to talk to, I’ll be there.”


Jana Downs

“Thanks. Do you, I mean, does it get easier? The relationship thing?”

“Yeah, it does,” the angel said. “I’ve never loved anything like I love my men. Just remember, we had to get bound really quickly as well, so rushed isn’t always a bad thing. The Elites are supposed to be good men. You seem to trust them already anyway.” He did trust them, oddly enough. He trusted them enough to watch his most precious gifts, his lovers. Erik and Levi were everything to him, and he trusted them with the Elites.

“When are you getting redeemed?” Michel asked as Marius chewed on that bit of realization.

“Now. I mean, it was supposed to happen when we got back here.”

Michel nodded. “Then it’s probably a good thing that we’re clearing out of here, hmm?” He extended his hand, and Marius reached out to shake it. “You’re a good man, Marius. May you find happiness and redemption with your partners.”

“May you find happiness with yours.” Marius felt like something clicked then. Life had just gotten much more complicated than it was before, but it felt like it was going to be okay.

He said his good-byes to Michel and circled round the house to the back porch that led to the back door. They hadn’t even had a chance to try out the new patio furniture. They’d anticipated having guests over at some point, so they’d bought two long outdoor sofas as well as a long table and some chairs. He eyed the table. If the Elites stayed, they’d need a bigger table and at least one extra chair.

The back door had no key but instead had a keypad that engaged the four bolts inside the door. Security had been Marius’s number one priority when getting specs on the house, and luckily, due to the number of nephilim, fallen, and their human loved ones in the area, security was everyone’s main priority. There wasn’t a safer town in the whole state.

Angelic Union


He keyed in his passcode and entered the mudroom that was attached to the laundry room. The house still felt foreign to him in a lot of ways, like it wasn’t real. They hadn’t made any memories there yet.

I’m stalling
. He was nervous about what was to come.

“Marius!” Brax’s voice made him jump. He looked up and saw the whole lot of angels and his two nephilim, led by a very smug-looking Levi, in the kitchen gathered around the island. He toed off his shoes and exited the laundry room, tucking his wings as he passed through the smaller door. Most of the doors were equipped to accommodate angels’ wings, but that one seemed smaller. He scraped his left one against the frame and winced.

Brax had finally put away the device he was always staring at and had one arm draped over Levi’s shoulder as he approached. Marius raised an eyebrow at the casual way he was holding onto Levi but didn’t say anything. Those two had really seemed to hit it off. He met Axis’s green eyes. “Sorry about that. Is Levi giving you all the grand tour?”

“Yes,” Axis said, his voice as calm and measured as it ever was.

The angelic commander didn’t seem to ruffle about anything. “We’ve decided that either the main bedroom or the downstairs den would be sufficient for the ritual. Which do you prefer?”
No beating around the
bush with this guy.

“The den will be fine. I don’t want to mess up the bedroom if it’s messy.”
Is it messy? Holy shit

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