Angelic Union (5 page)

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Authors: Jana Downs

Tags: #Romance, #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Angelic Union
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The bathroom door opened, and Levi was relieved to see Marius’s aura had gone from being dark and ugly to being a more vibrant shade. It was a deep purple of confusion, but it was better than the

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black rage of before. When their eyes met, Levi saw a burst of pink amidst the purple and smiled. Marius loved them so much.

“Enjoy your shower?” Erik asked, drumming his fingers on his tanned, rippling abdomen.

“I don’t know if enjoy is the right word, but I am calmer,” Marius replied, dropping his towel like he usually did as he got just outside the bathroom door. It hit the carpeted floor, and Erik’s eyes immediately sparked fire. It was a pet peeve of his, one that Marius just enjoyed aggravating. Levi suppressed a giggle. It was good that Marius was feeling a little more playful.

“I felt someone else,” Erik said. Levi turned to him in surprise. He hadn’t felt anything. He frowned. Apparently he wasn’t the only one keeping secrets. “Who else was in the bathroom with you?” Marius climbed into bed and immediately went to lie in the center of the bed. Levi crawled over him so that he was on one side while Erik was on the other. Unlike Erik, he wasn’t afraid of being perceived as the bottom in a relationship, so he rested his head on Marius’s strong chest. He reached out and toyed with the dusky pink nipple near his mouth with his fingertips. It pebbled immediately.

Levi just loved to toy with Marius’s body. The pale creamy skin was as soft as rose petals.

“Enough, Levi. We need to talk first.”

Levi heard the command and made a little huffing noise. He’d been in need all day, and neither of his lovers had seen fit to take care of him. Besides that, he was feeling more than a little lonely with all the emotional walls that his lovers had had up since the ceremony.

“I love you, angel, but we do need to talk first,” Marius said, more gently this time. Levi smiled. Yeah, he had his men wrapped around his little finger, and he knew it. He flipped to his stomach and put his head in his hands, looking at his two lovers.

He still didn’t know what he’d done right in his life to deserve them. Handsome didn’t even begin to apply to his lovers. Marius was the tallest out of the three of them, well over six feet with long white-Angelic Union


blond hair that had just a hint of green in it. Like the petals of a white rose, Marius managed to make it look natural and beautiful despite the odd nature of the coloration. He may have had a chip on his shoulder, but it was only to hide the kind heart underneath the tough visage he presented to the world. Levi knew he was a big softy.

Erik was taller than Levi by a good half a foot but not the colossal tallness of their fallen lover. He was just under six feet with tanned skin, chocolate-colored hair, and eyes that were the exact shade of coffee beans. When he smiled, it was wide and revealed dimples, which Levi loved to kiss whenever possible. He was a nephilim like Levi but had an inner strength that Levi didn’t. He was fiercely independent, and it was a trait that was frequently a point of frustration for Marius but a point of admiration for Levi.

“I’m so happy with you two.” Levi sighed, not realizing he’d spoken aloud until both of his lover’s expressions softened. He blushed.

“We’re happy with you, too, angel,” Erik said with a smile. He turned his eyes toward Marius. “So what are we going to do with the lot of them?”

They all knew exactly who “the lot of them” were. Levi figured that the angels in the other room weren’t bad per se, but they were causing both Erik and Marius stress. Though Levi felt an odd draw toward them, the same draw he’d felt toward Erik and Marius, he knew he couldn’t even begin to go there. It was frustrating feeling things like that and knowing that they were wrong to feel them.

Marius sighed as if he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. “I spoke with Uriel in the shower.” Erik immediately gave a low growl, the same kind he gave when he saw guys hitting on Marius when they went out. Levi smiled. His jealousy was adorable. It struck Levi what Marius had said.

“Wait, the angel you used to work for? What did he want?” Levi asked. In the entire time that he’d been with Marius, they’d only twice come across angels who didn’t try to immediately kill Marius.


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Marius took a deep breath before looking off at the opposite wall, away from his lovers. “To offer me a chance at redemption.” Levi gasped. He knew how rare of an opportunity it was for one of the fallen to be offered the opportunity to prove themselves as worthy to become angels once again. It was almost unheard of, or so Marius had said time and time again when Levi had asked him about his fallen status.

“What’s the catch?” Erik asked suspiciously. Levi turned surprised eyes on his lover. He hadn’t even thought there would be conditions on such a thing. Marius had been great at both protecting them and living the best life he could in the time Levi had known him.

He figured Marius trying so hard was enough. “It can’t be a coincidence that we get four Elite Guardians and then you get an offer of redemption. What is going on?”

Marius sighed and traced the curve of the stitching of the comforter, the gesture nervous and uncharacteristic of the proud fallen angel that he had grown to know and love. “Uriel has put the condition of my redemption on two things. First, that I join the ranks of the Elites as a Guardian.”

“Oh, my God! That’s fantastic!” Levi interrupted excitedly.

Erik held up a hand to settle him down. “Let him finish, Levi.”

“The second part is the part that is going to cause problems.” Marius hesitated, obviously not wanting to finish. He took another deep breath. “We’d have to become their mates, angel bound to them.”

Levi anticipated an explosion from Erik. Instead, he got a sigh of relief. “Christ,” he whispered, closing his eyes. “That explains…

Marius, mates? Why does that word sound different from being angel bound?”

“They’re shape-shifters. Pegasus shape-shifters. The ability to turn into the legendary carriers of heroes and know who their mates are is a gift from the Creator,” Marius said. “They say that we were destined to be theirs and that is why the angel binding didn’t work.”
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Levi sucked in a sharp breath. The attraction made sense if that were the case.
I’m not a super slut after all
. “Marius, what are we going to do?” Levi asked, unsure of their entire relationship suddenly.

“What does this mean for us?”

“Nothing, baby. It doesn’t mean anything if you don’t want it to,” Marius reassured automatically. “I don’t even know how I feel about it yet. But, if you’re not comfortable, it won’t happen. We’re happy together.”

“But…if you deny this shot at redemption, you don’t get another chance, do you?” Erik asked, trembling. As strong as the other nephilim was, he turned into a real marshmallow when he was confronted with something that affected either of his lovers.

Marius hesitated, and Levi knew the truth before he said it. If they turned down this opportunity, Marius would never be granted redemption.

“No,” Marius whispered, so soft that Levi barely heard him.

“Then we have to become angel bound to them,” Erik said firmly, his voice taking on the determined cadence it often did when he was faced with adversity and had to make a touch decision.

Marius let out his breath in a hiss. “Let’s not be too hasty. I haven’t even discussed it with them yet. And…I don’t know if I’m keen on sharing you two.”

“I dreamed about us with them,” Erik said, driving the point home. Levi saw the words strike Marius like a blow. Marius probably understood Erik’s gifts better than Levi, and the importance of his dreams was an ever-present factor in their shared lives.

Levi reached out and took Marius’s hand, giving it a squeeze. “It will work out, Mar. It will. Maybe the whole point of all of this is finding even more people to love.” Levi believed it with everything that he was. Love was one of those things that changed worlds around. It had when he’d found Erik and then again when he’d found Marius. There was an infinite space inside him for more.


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“Oh, sweet baby, you’re so innocent,” Marius said, smiling a sad smile.

Erik took Marius’s other hand. “We can take it as slow as we need to, Mar. We don’t have to rush into this.”

“I don’t know how long we have,” Marius protested, squeezing his eyes shut.

“It doesn’t matter. Time is just a number. If it’s meant to be, it will happen as it’s supposed to. Things might change once you’ve become an Elite,” Levi said, pressing a kiss to Marius’s neck, cheek, and lips.

“You have such faith, baby.” Marius nuzzled his cheek. “Such faith in things.”

“You’ll take care of us, Marius. You always do. No matter what.” Levi was great at seeing life in those terms. He could rely on his lovers absolutely, and he always would. He reached for Marius, knowing his lover needed the comfort. “Make love to me?” The question was answered by a low needy growl. He never had to ask twice with his lovers.

Marius claimed his lips in a kiss, and Erik’s lips traced the curve of his spine. The colors in both their auras glowed a bright gold that had Levi shutting his eyes. Basking in their light was wonderful but so beautiful that it hurt sometimes. Nephilim hunger boiled through him, necessitating wicked wanton behavior in the worse way. Before he’d found them, he’d been so hungry for touch all the time. He hardly believed that they were okay now. Really okay.

We’re married, and we have Elite guardian mates, and everything is
going to work out
. Levi was sure of it.

Erik’s hand found his cock and started stroking him slowly, building the heat to a fever pitch in much less time than Levi had thought possible. He
so bad…Marius broke the kiss and rolled, pinning Levi’s smaller body beneath his own. Erik’s hand came off his dick, but that was all right because then Marius was humping against him, grinding their arousals together as Levi gasped
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and squirmed against him.
So good. It’s always so good
. Erik straddled his head as Marius pushed two fingers into Levi’s needy hole. This was one of their favorite positions and one guaranteed to have Levi mindless in two seconds flat.

Erik traced his already-slick cockhead against Levi’s lips, asking for entrance into his mouth. Levi lapped at the sensitive tip with his tongue as Marius stretched his body with his fingers. He was so turned on by what was to come he thought his head might pop off.

“Suck it, Levi, baby. Suck it real good.” Erik’s growling words were perfect, and Levi opened his mouth eagerly to accept the thick length of his lover’s prick into his throat. He whimpered around it as he heard the sound of the lube cap come off.
Yes. Yes. Fill me. Make
me yours all over. Marius! Erik! Yours, yours, yours!
He loved belonging to them. Loved being protected by them.

He writhed as the head of Marius’s cock breached his tight ring and began the slow glide forward into his body.

“Erik, lean forward. I want to taste you,” Marius commanded as he sank to the hilt inside Levi. Levi went nuts. He loved that Erik would be fucking his mouth while Marius was fucking Erik’s ass with his tongue.
Oh. Oh. Oh. Please. Please. Do it. Do it. Do it.
He tended to take up internal mantras when they had sex, and this time was no different. If anything, this felt even more desperate. Tomorrow things would change, but right now it was just them as they’d always been, making love like tomorrow would never come.

Erik groaned above him as Marius started to move his hips, pounding into Levi and scoring his pleasure spot with each desperate lunge. Levi sucked and swallowed around Erik’s prick, using the action as a point of focus while his body was catapulted into a land of pleasure.

“Not gonna last,” Erik grunted, gripping the head of the bed as it thunked against the wall. “It’s too good.” He was careful not to fuck Levi’s mouth too deeply, but the smaller nephilim could tell how

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close he was by how hard and how much he was leaking pre-cum in a steady stream.

In my mouth. Come on, Erik. Let me swallow you down, lover

“Come down our Levi’s throat, Erik,” Marius demanded against the swell of Erik’s behind. Levi’s body jerked at the command. Oh how he loved when Marius talked like that.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck! That’s so–fuck–coming! Levi! Mar!” Erik’s pleasure splashed against the back of his throat and filled his mouth with Erik’s warm cream. Levi swallowed eagerly, loving how good it was between them. He lapped at Erik’s spent shaft, cleaning it while Marius growled and drove himself against Levi’s prostate with every feral lunge. One of Mar’s large hands gripped Levi’s hip while the other reached between them and kneaded the tight sac between his legs. Levi whimpered and moved restlessly against the stimulation.

He used to be ashamed of his wants, of his desires to mix a little pain in with his pleasure. Marius and Erik had changed that.

Erik rolled to the side so that Levi had an uninterrupted view of Marius fucking him.

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