Angelic Union (13 page)

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Authors: Jana Downs

Tags: #Romance, #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Angelic Union
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Jana Downs

beautiful, so owned. They’d keep him safe. The thoughts probably didn’t make sense to a lot of other people, but Levi was more primal in his understanding of relationships than most.

Then Keer’s thrusts took on the desperate edge of a man about to blow, and Levi lost the thread of his thoughts completely. He held on for dear life and let his angel side sing.

* * * *

They washed one another slowly in the aftermath of their sexual romp. Erik’s legs were trembling as he raised his face to the spray, which by some miracle had not run out of hot water in the very lengthy time they’d been in the bath. Jade ran the soaped-up sponge down his back reverently as he finished washing his face. Every man in the room had been buried inside Levi, who Marius had already taken off to bed because the man couldn’t stand afterward, and then they’d teased and tormented him until he’d cried out in the circle of their arms. Emotionally he’d been so overwhelmed that he just couldn’t seem to form a complete thought about anything right this second. All he could do was feel.

“Thank you,” Jade whispered as he finished with Erik’s back.

“Turn around, hellcat. Let me get your front.”
Front. Right
. Erik turned, nearly stumbled. “Easy, Erik. You probably should’ve gone to bed with Levi. We were a bit too vigorous with you guys.”

“Y’all were perfect,” Erik said, closing his eyes and swaying.

He’d never felt so sated. Every ounce of tension was drained from his body. Worries seemed superfluous at best.

Jade smiled and started washing his front. “Hmmm, I like the mint julep in your voice.”

“Sorry, comes out sometimes.”

“Don’t apologize. It’s beautiful. Where exactly do you hail from?”

“Cleveland, Tennessee.” He’d grown up there, been happy there until his twenty-eighth birthday when everything had fallen to hell.

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“Worked at the Coca-Cola plant with my brothers. Well, half brothers, I guess. My mama remarried after she had me. The accent sticks.”

“Does your family still live there?”

“Aw, hell, don’t make me think about that. I stay away from ’em.

Safer that way.” After the hunters had come after him at his work and nearly killed his youngest brother, he’d gotten the hell out of dodge and never looked back. It had taken him nearly two years before he’d run across someone who could tell him what the fuck was going on.

After that he’d known he couldn’t go back. In his mind, if he stayed away, so would the hunters. They’d proved him right for the most part.

Jade’s soothing hands never faltered on his skin. “You guys have a lot you don’t talk about. Marius doesn’t talk about falling, you don’t talk about your family, Levi doesn’t talk about his scars. It seems like you’re doing a lot of hiding and not a lot of healing.”

“Haven’t had time to heal.” It was truth. They’d spent their entire time running away from the big bad ugly hunters, and they hadn’t had a lot of time to lick their wounds. “We’ve done our best.”

“And we will do our best to help,” Jade said in a firm tone.

“Okay.” Thinking was bad. He just didn’t want to, because then he’d have to think about what it meant to be in a relationship with an entire band of angels.

Axis finished washing off in the shower next to him just as the water started to get chilly. “I think our hellcat needs to be put into bed with our little one and our new Elite.”

“Yours?” Erik asked. “Yeah, sounds a lil different, but yeah.


Axis smiled, chuckling. “‘Y’all’s’ it is.”


Jana Downs

Chapter Seven

Jade couldn’t quite believe they’d finally come together with their mates. The months they’d been on the outside looking in had been torture. He sat at the island in the kitchen as the coffee chortled happily in its pot. It was only seven a.m. and everyone else was still in bed. The three new members to their family plus Axis were in the master bedroom and Keer and Brax were in the guest room. Jade hadn’t slept well on the sofa where he’d finally managed to doze off, but he’d missed the warmth of his lovers.

The Elites had refrained from sleeping together before, feeling that the pleasure to be had between them would be more appropriate once the rest of their mates joined them, but they’d gotten used to snuggling down in one big dog pile. They hadn’t known about one another being mates until they’d been assigned to Axis’s unit to watch over the two nephilim and their fallen. Having come from various other archangels, they were a unique collection of abilities and strengths that worked in harmony to protect one another. They had waited patiently for their other mates to join them and it had been more than worth it. The room that Marius had built would accommodate a larger bed. They’d just have to order it. He hoped that today when they discussed the particulars of their new arrangement that they could agree to let Jade take care of that. Axis would no doubt have a list of things that needed to be done, but Jade really hoped to take the responsibility of picking out something for them that they could use after their angel bonding.

He tensed as the back door opened, the beep of the alarm system letting him know that it had been unlocked. This was a sanctuary
Angelic Union


town, but it wasn’t without its own dangers, and he really wouldn’t put it past Azrael to launch a completely deniable sneak attack on someone.

That bastard really needed to go down. He prayed that a lucky nephilim would one day get the honor of taking the man out. Why the Creator didn’t interfere was anyone’s guess, but there was a legend in Elite lore that spoke of a time when injustice from the heavens necessitated a joining of Elites, guardians, fallen, nephilim, and humans in order to restore peace between the races. It would be interesting to see if it happened the way the legend said it would.

Footsteps echoed in the mudroom, and Jade drew a flaming dagger into existence in his fist. Whoever picked seven in the morning as a prime time for trouble or a visit deserved the scare he was about to deliver. He wished he had the ability to communicate with the commander and tell him what was going on, but he figured if it was something he couldn’t handle he’d just yell. Though he doubted it was anything more serious than some wannabe thieves.

This was a nice home after all.

He came around the corner just as the nephilim who’d greeted them when they’d first come home yesterday toed off his shoes. The nephilim yelped as he caught sight of Jade and backpedaled into what had to be one of his guardians, who was shirtless and sporting a bonding tattoo on his bicep. The guardian snarled, his black eyes flashing fire.

“What are you doing here?” Jade asked, leaning against the doorframe and playing with the knife in his hand in lazy, sure movements. “I’d thought you and your guardians had cleared out by now.”

“Hey, asshole, we were here first, and it’s none of your goddamn business why we’re here,” the dark-haired angel snapped. “And you sure as hell better stop threatening Madigan with that toothpick you are swirling around like a baton. I will fuck your life up.”

Jana Downs

“Bren!” the nephilim said, putting a hand on the angel’s arm.

“Don’t threaten him.”

“Why the fuck not? He’s threatening us.” Bren glared at Jade, who continued to twirl his knife.

“Answer my question. What are you doing here?”

“We were getting the last few bags that wouldn’t fit in the SUV.

We’d ordered a bunch of stuff online and had it delivered here. It’s been piling up in the room we used,” Madigan said, stepping closer to Jade and holding out his hand. “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Madigan Parker.” The little redhead resembled his father so much that Jade was momentarily taken aback. It was a younger smaller version of the archangel. Even his aura felt the same. Jade wasn’t an expert on auras but every angel could feel them and it was obvious just looking at Madigan that his and his father’s auras were the same.
Like our
Levi, he’s a healer

Jade stopped spinning his blade and willed it out of existence.

“Jade, second-in-command of Axis’s Elite team.” He took the nephilim’s hand and gave it a firm shake. Untapped power zinged up his arm, making it go instantly numb. He snatched his hand back and shook it.

Madigan frowned. “What?”

Jade looked at Bren. “You need to start training that boy before he shakes hands with a human and fries their brains.”

“Don’t tell me how to treat my lover. We begin training this week, so back the hell off.” Bren put a hand on Madigan’s shoulder and drew him back toward him. “Did he zap you?” The Elite smiled and nodded. “Little bit. Let me help you with your stuff.”

Madigan looked surprised. “Um, okay?” Bren looked torn for a split second before nodding his assent.


* * * *

Angelic Union


Marius knew the world had changed when he opened his eyes to the early dawn light. He was on his back, wings spread out, Erik tucked tight to his side. One of Axis’s green-tipped black wings was draped over his hips, his head resting gently on a pillow from his place on his stomach. He couldn’t even see Levi, who was hidden beneath a mound of covers and Axis’s other wing. Energy thrummed right under his skin, warming him exponentially. He stretched luxuriously. The only thing that would make this day better would be if the rest of the Elites were cuddled into bed beside them. They needed a bigger bed.

“Hmmm, good morning,” Erik murmured, nuzzling his white wings. The action sent shivers up his spine. Wings were intimate things.

“Morning, love.” He kissed Erik’s lips and rubbed their noses together. “How you feelin’?”

“I’m great. Peaceful yet energetic. How are you?” He asked the question pointedly. Erik had been at the center of the male attention even after he had taken Levi off to bed in an exhausted heap. He’d never known the depths of Levi’s hunger until last night, and now he was even more grateful for the existence of their new lovers.

The sentiment felt natural this morning. That strange new internal entity all but nuzzled his insides in agreement.

“Sore. Hungry. Good, though. We’re on the right path now.” Erik offered him a sheepish grin. Was his nephilim blushing? He looked so carefree, more carefree than he could ever remember seeing him.

“What time is it?” Levi’s sleep-roughened voice was muffled when it sounded. He was absolutely terrible without his morning coffee. The surly note in his words attested to the fact that this morning would be no different than any other. Erik rolled his eyes before turning on his side so Marius could pull his wing free.


Jana Downs

“Morning. Pretty early. I’ll get coffee,” Erik said, sitting up. He immediately groaned and laid back down, clutching his no doubt sore thighs. “Never mind. You go get coffee, Mar.” Marius laughed. “Done.” He paused. “Is Axis still asleep?”

“Yep,” Levi answered. He giggled. “We wore him out last night. I don’t think the guy had any loving in a while.”

“None of them had,” Marius said. “They’ll learn how to keep up.

I’ll get the coffee. You two cuddle in for a bit. You guys want breakfast while I’m down there? Nothing complicated.”

“Toast,” Levi demanded. The word was barely understandable. He really was useless without his coffee. “Two sugars.” Erik wrinkled his nose before worming his way back under the covers and sidling up to Axis’s other side where Marius had been.

“Coffee. Black. No food. Maybe later.”

Axis just snored lightly. Life had definitely just gotten interesting.

* * * *

Marius managed to put on a pair of boxers before tackling the stairs. About halfway down he spotted Madigan’s red head as it came out of the downstairs room where he and the rest of his guardians had been staying up until yesterday. Jade was with them, shirtless, carrying a big package that said USPS on it. Marius growled. Why was one of his mates shirtless with other men in the house?

Jade laughed in the same quiet manner with which he seemed to do everything. He got a slight upturn at the corners of his mouth and laughed without his teeth showing. Bren came out of the room behind them, carrying yet another box, and he gave Jade a slight friendly shoulder bump as they crossed into the foyer.

“Use the front door next time, you two,” Jade said, unlocking and opening the door for them. “Sneaking into the back like a couple of thieves is a guaranteed way to get Axis’s panties in a twist.”
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Madigan laughed. “Fine, fine, we’ll make a mental note. We just didn’t want to wake anyone. Will you tell Levi to give me a call whenever he gets up? We need to plan our photography session. It was our wedding present.”

“Absolutely. I’m sure he’ll give you a call whenever he gets awake.”

“Madigan!” Marius called out.

The redheaded son of Raphael turned around and smiled.

“Marius! Hiya!” He waved and motioned to the two angels beside him. “Hope you don’t mind. I put my guardian and your Elite to work.”

Marius finished descending the stairs. “I don’t mind. I mind that mine is shirtless, though. What’s up with you stripping my lover, Madigan? You need more man-candy to look at?” It came out more snarky than joking as he’d intended. He crossed the few feet to join them on the foyer.

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