Angelic Union (12 page)

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Authors: Jana Downs

Tags: #Romance, #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Angelic Union
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“Shh, baby, they don’t think anything bad about you. They think you’re beautiful. They are just outraged at whoever hurt you,” Marius said, calming some of his fears. Levi hated the scars with a passion and hated the one who’d given them to him even more.

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“Who, Marius?” Brax asked. He’d never heard Brax sound like that. He was always so gentle whenever he was showing Levi a game.

He glanced at their auras, sick green and dark black anger.

He whimpered. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin the mood.”

“You didn’t, little one,” Brax said, gentling his voice. “I just want to know who I have to kill.”

Levi pulled from Marius’s grip, sidestepped Erik, and threw himself into Brax’s arms. The Elite looked stunned. “No! No!

Promise me that you won’t ever, ever, ever try!” Levi screeched, the tears flowing freely now. “I don’t want to lose any of you. I just found you!”

“Shh, little one, I was half joking. Shhh, easy there.” Brax looked helpless as he held on to Levi’s shaking body.

“What is going on?” Axis asked from the bottom of the stairs.

“Azrael,” Marius said grimly. “He found our Levi before I did. He hurt him.”

“I’m sorry, Levi,” Brax said, rocking the smaller man gently. “I really am.”

Levi realized that he was hurting his lovers with his behavior

Grow up, Levi. They’re all strong warriors. You need to stop falling
to pieces every time someone says
. He shook off Brax’s hold, though he made sure to kiss the Elite’s cheek before he pulled back. “I’m fine. I just, it bothers me, the scars. Please, just don’t mention them again.” He paused, the words he hadn’t meant to say forcing themselves from his throat. “Don’t ever go after Azrael. He’s evil in the worst ways.”

“Azrael is a power-loving moron who has gotten too big for his breeches lately,” Keer sneered, his hands in tight white-knuckled fists.

“If we—”

“This is a sanctuary, Keer. You will not even contemplate starting trouble here. I do not want you to fall over something as insignificant as Azrael,” Axis interrupted, leveling a glare at the other Elite. “And you are hurting our Levi with your careless words. One day he will be

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able to spit in that asshole’s face, but until then, we will avoid the subject out of respect for our lover.”

Levi perked at the word. “Lover?”

“Soon,” Axis promised as Marius nodded his head in approval.

“Just as soon as we stop arguing on the stairs and start that shower.” Levi’s heart pounded. Yeah. He could get behind that idea.

* * * *

Erik adjusted the temperature for each of the showerheads until the whole room was a steamy paradise. The ferns they’d placed in the corners of the room added to a relaxed atmosphere. Marius had really designed the space for comfort. The lavender oil burners tucked away in cubbyholes around the sink testified to that as well. Levi sat on the space between the sinks and watched as the men stood waiting on what was to come. The original plan was for the shower to be huge so that Marius could stretch his wings out while they bathed. Levi giggled. Now the shower felt too small. It was funny how “big enough” suddenly became too small given a different perspective.

Brax sidled up to him and leaned against the sink beside him.

“You okay, little one?”

Levi tilted his head to the side, watching the Elite. He was contrite. The deep green in his aura said as much. “I’m fine, Brax. I’m not as fragile as Marius and Erik like to believe. It was traumatic, and yes, sometimes I freak out about it, but I survived. I just don’t want to think about it anymore.” He touched the back of his neck where the scars began. “It’s just so ugly that I get self-conscious when people mention it.”

“It’s not ugly,” Brax said immediately. Levi had heard that before from Marius and Erik as well. He just didn’t believe it. Instead of arguing though, he just went quiet. There was no point really in arguing. Everyone just got upset, and he felt bad.

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“It’s going to be a tight fit,” Erik announced as he stepped into the steam-filled shower space.

“I don’t think it’ll be a problem. We’re going to get really close anyway.” Jade’s husky rumble from the middle of the throng made Levi’s libido perk up.

“Is this really going to happen?” Levi whispered.

Brax leaned over and pressed a kiss to the curve of his throat.

“Yes, little one. This is really going to happen. We’re going to become angel bound. Is that okay? I mean, we sort of assumed yes, but…”

“I want it,” Levi said, turning his head so that their lips met in a chaste kiss. “Marius and Erik would be happier.”

“What about you? Would you be happier?”

Levi thought about it for a long minute, turning over the possibilities in his mind as they stepped one by one into the shower.

“I think so. I can’t be one hundred percent sure or anything, but it seems like I would be with you guys, you know?” Brax nodded and offered Levi a hand down as it became their turn to squeeze into the shower. Levi smiled and took the proffered hand.

Maybe their happily ever after involved more than just the three of them. He could dig that.

“Like a high school locker room,” Keer said, wrinkling his nose at the lack of space as Levi wormed his way into the middle of the pack.

He laughed. There were three showerheads, but it was still crowded.

“We’re going to have to remodel if communal shower time becomes an everyday thing.”

Levi reached out and traced the yummy six-pack Keer had as the Elite complained. The slight touch made Keer jump, and Levi smiled up at him under lowered lashes. “You sure do complain a lot, Keer.” The man swallowed. “I am, uh, just.” Levi’s hands traced lower.

“I just like things to be orderly.”


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Levi smiled and used a featherlight touch to trace the hard swell of Keer’s arousal. “I like mess,” the nephilim murmured, continuing those soft caresses.

“Messes have their places,” Keer agreed, his violet eyes darkening to an even more fantastic shade of amethyst.

Levi’s hand gave him a firm stroke. “Mess me up, angel?” The low, needy groan that sounded sent a bolt of need through Levi.
God, yes
. Between Erik and Marius, the need had been kept in check.

The overwhelming desire had been taken care of but never quite sated. He’d never been bone-deep exhausted before from lovemaking, and now, finally, he felt that maybe he would be.

“Whatever you want, little one,” Keer rumbled.

Brax’s hands settled on Levi’s hips from behind. “Both of us?” the angel asked.

Levi moaned, his eyes shutting as his mind short-circuited at the suggestion. “W–Where’s Erik and Marius?” He needed to know they were with him in this. Brax chuckled and pointed over to the first spray where Axis was holding onto the showerhead for dear life as Marius sucked furiously on his cock. The former fallen jerked his own dick in unison to the firm bobs of his head.

Erik was wrestling along the long tile wall opposite them with Jade, fighting like he’d always secretly wanted to do, though not so secret to Levi, with Marius. He’d always found submitting to another lover more satisfying if there was a test of wills at first. Thus why the sex after he and Marius had a big fight was always so killer. Their formerly fallen lover had treated them both like precious glass. It was good to see someone who would give Erik that edge that he craved though. It was gorgeous to watch.

Brax used his distraction to slip two fingers between his cheeks to circle the puckered entrance that was begging to be filled. Levi’s head kicked back as one long digit stretched him. He whimpered, his need growing in leaps and bounds with each passing second. Had he ever needed like this?

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Keer went to his knees in front of him and swallowed the entire length of his prick. Levi gasped. His hands immediately went to that beautiful head of hair, petting, praising with unidentifiable word babble. It felt good.
So damn good
. Another finger stretched his backside, demanding his smaller body accommodate the thick digits.

The burn was something that Levi always loved.

“More, more, more,” he chanted the word over and over like a prayer. He squirmed, trying to get a deeper penetration to hit his prostate.

Brax’s hand came down with a playful crack on his left ass cheek.

“Settle down, boy.” The unexpected hardness to the tone had him looking over his shoulder. Brax winked. “Settle down and you’ll get my cock. Let me get you ready. I don’t want to hurt you.” Levi shivered.
Oh, yes
. He loved being spanked, held down, owned. It was his fetish, and it was something that made him fly. He wasn’t ashamed of the need anymore either. Marius and Erik had taught him that it was okay to ask for what he needed.

“Do it again,” he panted.

“Do what, little one?”

He turned his head to look Brax in the eyes. “Spank me. Please.” The surprise that flickered across the angel’s expression made him worry that he wasn’t going to get what he wanted. He whimpered.


Keer gave the head of his cock a final lick. “You like a little pain with your pleasure?” He nipped the inside of his thigh hard enough to sting.

“Yes!” he cried out, his hands tangling in the angel’s hair.

“Hmmm,” Keer all but purred against his thigh. “Kinky baby.” He did it again, and Levi’s eyes crossed.

Brax pressed a kiss to his neck, biting in time with Keer’s nips on his thighs. His cock slid along the valley of Levi’s ass, teasing. “Need some lube.”


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Levi groaned in frustration. He wanted it
. “Water is enough.

’Sides, I like the burn.” He needed to be filled or else he was going to go crazy. Keer went back to sucking his cock at the same time Brax pushed his thick head into Levi’s hole. He screamed in sheer bliss at the stretch.

“God, you didn’t say he was a screamer, Marius. That’s so fucking hot,” Jade panted from somewhere across the shower. The sound of smacking flesh and Erik’s needy cries said that he hadn’t finished yet.

Marius chuckled, his voice hoarse. “Yeah, my baby is a screamer.”

“You okay?” Brax asked in a strangled voice. It was probably difficult for him to stay still. Levi was about to scream again if the man didn’t start moving.

“Fuck me already!” he snapped, pulling forward before shoving back to impale himself on Brax’s dick. The angel’s control seemed to break at the action, and then he was pounding inside Levi’s ass like he owned it.

“Impatient, pushy bottom!” Brax growled, his hand smacking Levi’s cheek with every hard lunge.

“Sorry, sorry, yes!” Levi had no idea up from down. At that point all that mattered was that the mouth on his cock and the one in his ass didn’t stop until he came again. “Fill me up. Please, fill me up. Brax!” Keer hummed around his arousal, and Levi let out another scream.

He was speared by pleasure.
So much pleasure
. “Want you after, Keer. Want you to fill me up, too. Make me yours? Please?” Brax sucked his neck hard enough to leave a hickey behind.

Levi’s eyes crossed. “All of us are going to make you ours, Levi.


The picture of them all taking turns fucking him was too much.

Levi keened his pleasure, letting it sweep him away as his dick jerked and poured his cum into Keer’s suckling mouth. A few thrusts later Brax stilled and heat flooded into his still-throbbing passage. Brax
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turned Levi’s head to press a kiss to his mouth. He was in heaven, sheer heaven, because he knew it wasn’t over.

“Want,” Levi whispered. His voice was going to be gone after this, he just knew it. Keer surged to his feet, leaving Levi’s still hard cock swinging in the air, and Brax pulled out with a groan. The sticky proof of his orgasm began to leak out from his hole and decorate his thighs.

“So messy,” Keer purred. It didn’t sound like a bad thing. His finger played with Levi’s pucker. “Gonna make you dirty before this shower is done.”

He picked Levi up and took him to the nearest showerhead. Erik was already pressed to the wall with the adjacent downpour soaking him and Marius, who were fucking vigorously in the spray. Levi wanted that position. Had Jade finished?

“Shh, baby, gonna make you feel good again,” Keer said, bringing his attention back to Keer’s body. He settled Levi’s legs on either side of his hips and tilted his groin so that his hole was exposed and ready.

Levi’s insides clenched. It was like they could read his mind, give him exactly what he wanted, craved.

Keer pushed inside without resistance, Levi already stretched from the strong fucking he’d been given just a moment ago. He paused once he was inside, and Levi undulated his hips, trying to get him to move. Keer’s hand popped his thigh. “Patience.” He so wasn’t good at patience. He squirmed. It was then he saw Jade stepping behind Keer.
What is he—

Realization dawned.
Oh, God, that’s hot
. Jade’s hands brushed his calves as they spread Keer’s buttocks. “Hmm, fuck him,” Levi murmured.

“I am, lovely boy,” Jade said. He’d never thought red was that pretty of a color until he saw Jade’s eyes. “Then I’m going to fuck you.” The words were perfect.
I’m going to be so sore after this..
. It was going to be good, though. They were all going to show how much they wanted him until he couldn’t move. It made him feel so

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