Read An American Submissive in Britain Online

Authors: Laney Rogers

Tags: #BDSM Erotic Romance

An American Submissive in Britain (15 page)

BOOK: An American Submissive in Britain
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A hard spank on the tender part of her upper thigh made her wince. “I think it’s time for your daily spanking, sub.”

Oh God, not here in front of the others,
she thought, although she doubted Becky was in a position to take much notice.

“You will count the swats, Gina. If you don’t count out loud, I’ll just keep going ‘til my hand gets tired. Do you understand?”

Gina ground her teeth. “Yes, Sir,” she growled.

He spanked her twice in quick succession on one cheek. “That growl just earned you the paddle, sub.”

Horrified, Gina gave a small cry of despair. Why couldn’t she just take her spanking without pissing him off even further?

She heard Andy’s hand connecting with Becky’s ass, then tensed her own bottom when Guy appeared next to her, this time standing with his back to the bar with a large, muscular arm over her lower back, holding her down so she couldn’t move at all.

The first whack of the paddle wasn’t too hard.

“One.” Her voice came out clear, and she lay on the top of the bar, determined to get through it with dignity this time.

“Two, Three, Four.”

When five came down on her rapidly reddening cheeks, her teeth were clenching, but still, she said the number, determined to get to the end.

Guy stopped at eight, placed the paddle on the bar top, and walked behind her. He rubbed her red, stinging bottom. “Good girl for counting each one out so clearly.”

He ran a hand down between her ass cheeks, and she jumped when she felt his fingers run from one end of her sensitive folds to the other.

“It seems my little sub enjoys a good paddling on her ass, even though she growled a little at the start,” he commented, removing his hand, which was now covered in her juices.

He removed her trousers and panties completely, pulled her legs apart and then continued to caress her pussy. She moaned when his fingers pushed up into her, sliding out and over her clit, then back up inside her aching, throbbing cunt.

Andy pulled Becky off the bar top after her spanking and retrieved a ball gag out of the bag.

“Oh please, not that,” Becky begged. “Please, Sir.” But her Dom had obviously decided she needed a lesson in keeping her opinions to herself, and she had no choice but to accept it.

After it was in place, Andy led Becky to one of the old wooden pillars in the dining area, put her before it, and cuffed her hands behind it.

Andy spoke, “You will ask for permission when you want to come by nodding three times at me, sub. If you ask properly the first two times, I’ll remove the gag. If not, it stays on ‘til I decide to remove it. Do you understand?”

Becky could only nod.

Andy knelt in front of his submissive and spread her legs wide. He then buried his head between them and made Becky groan as his tongue flicked hard over her swollen clit.

Guy lifted Gina down from the bar and placed her carefully on the wooden floor. “I think now would be a good time for us to retire to your room,” he said. “Hurry up and get your clothes; I have a burning need to feel my cock inside your pussy, and waiting is not my strong point.”

Gina quickly went to her discarded clothes and scooped them and her bag into her arms. She followed him through the double doors that led to the stairway, embarrassingly aware of her nakedness as she walked up the steep stairs behind him.

Guy turned around and pulled her to him, lifting her into his arms, and proceeded to march down the hallway to her room.

Flustered, Gina scrambled inside her bag and retrieved the key, then handed it to him. He balanced her in one arm with no trouble at all and, after kicking the door shut behind them, placed her on the large four-poster bed.

Taking a step back, his eyes traveled over her heated, aroused body. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are, Gina,” he asked in a soft voice.

Gina was tempted to make some flippant remark about her body, or her face. She didn’t think she was beautiful at all, maybe passably pretty on a good day, but she didn’t want to argue with him. “Thank you for thinking that, Sir,” she whispered, feeling exposed and vulnerable but hot with desire as he approached the bed.

Guy ran his hands from her feet to the tops of her thighs, his touch making her limbs shake with need. When he lowered his head and took each of her aching nipples in his mouth, in turn, she let out a sigh of contentment. Her fingers entwined themselves in his hair when he started to lick and blow on the taut buds, but to her dismay, he stopped, taking her arms and placing them over her head.

“What is your safe word, Gina?”

“Silver, Sir,” she replied, her pulse quickening immediately. Need burned within her. She didn’t want to talk about a safe word, she just wanted him to be inside her again.

Guy stood and pulled two black Velcro cuffs from his jeans pocket, each one attached to a long, thin piece of cord. “Turn over, Gina,” he ordered.

Her stomach lurched, but she did as she was told, keeping her hands stretched out above her head. He secured the cuffs to each of her wrists and tied each long strip to the wooden posts on either side of the bed. She heard him move down toward the other end and then some rustling when he retrieved something else from a pocket.

She started to panic when he pulled her legs apart and attached two more cuffs, this time to her ankles, and then attached each to the bedposts at the bottom of the bed. She twisted away from him, trying to free herself from his grasp.

“No, please, I can’t…I’m scared.”

“Are you in pain, Gina?”

She stopped writhing. “No, Sir…but I’ve always had either my hands or legs free.”

“I have left plenty of slack with all four of your restraints. Can you trust me enough to know that I will not leave you for a second and will take care of you before anything else at all times?”

“I… Yes, I think so,” she whispered.

“Good girl,” he answered, stroking her back and her ass with his large, gentle hands, calming his sub until her body was still.

“Now, kneel up for me, sweetheart, I want you on all fours.”

Gina knelt for her Dom, her legs spread wide, knowing everything was exposed to him, to do with as he pleased. Her anxiety fought with the need that burned inside her as she waited for whatever would happen next.

Guy placed a hand in the middle of her back and gently, but firmly pushed the top half of her body down, so her bottom was high in the air. She felt the bed give as he knelt behind her, spreading her labia with warm, strong fingers.

“Ohh,” she gasped when his tongue pushed inside her, probing and licking, as he flicked over her clit, her body bucking each time he did so.

Frustration overwhelmed her when he stopped. “No! More, please more,” she begged, gripping the covers in exasperation.

“My little sub must learn patience,” Guy said and slapped both her ass cheeks before standing up. “You will come when I let you, and not when you wish,” he added, taking a small packet from his pocket at the front of his jeans.

Gina wondered, briefly, how many more things he had stashed away in his clothing. He must have stocked up using Andy’s toy bag, and now here she was, bound, and at his mercy. He could overpower her, there was no doubt. She could make no decisions over what was to happen, but instead of anger or fear at that notion, she felt desire, wanting to submit to him and for him to have complete control over her.

Not knowing what to expect, Gina wasn’t prepared for hands sliding down her ass cheeks and then parting them. Realization dawned quickly, and real fear gripped her, replacing the desire instantly.

“Silver! Silver!” she cried out, knowing what he intended couldn’t be allowed to happen.

Immediately, Guy stopped and came to the side of the bed next to her head.

He knelt down and began to stroke her hair. “Someone hurt you in the past.”

It was a statement, not a question. Guy knew immediately by the way her body had frozen and her instant panic. But he knew that, as her Dom, it was his job to calm her fear and help her to overcome her past experiences.

Gina nodded, her eyes squeezed tightly shut, willing him to abandon the idea entirely. Her eyes opened, and she turned to look at her Dom when he spoke again.

“I need to undo whatever some idiot did to you in the past. All I want to use is a butt plug, sweetheart. It’s just a small one, and it’ll help stretch you for when we take things a little further. Can you trust me to do this, Gina? If you want to use your safe word, everything stops, no matter what.”

She gazed into serious brown eyes that she knew instinctively she could trust. He wouldn’t hurt her, she believed that completely. It was only the past that was getting in the way, and she so wanted to please him.

“Okay,” was her barely audible reply.

“Brave girl, I’m proud of you.”

He showed her the butt plug and the little tube of lubrication that came with it. She nodded and gave him a small smile, and he kissed her from the top of her head, right down her back and over her bottom, causing the tension to ease, and Gina giggled as his lips made her body tingle with ticklish pleasure.

Guy applied the lube and then pressed the plug gently but firmly against her tender hole. Instinctively, she pushed against it, but after only a couple of seconds, it plopped in and Gina gave a gasp as muscles and nerves sprang to life, sending jolts of arousal like electrical pulses straight to her pussy.

She blushed furiously when she realized that the plug actually felt good to her, but Guy gave her no time to wonder at her reaction. He stood beside her and stripped off his clothes, his mammoth erection standing tall and proud.

Gina knew that all she wanted was for him to be inside her, but with the plug as well, it might be too much.

He walked to the end of the bed and knelt behind her, finding her clit again with his fingers. He rubbed over the swollen nub, back and forth, until she cried out with need.

When his cock pressed against her vaginal entrance, she tensed. “There won’t be room; you’re too big,” she said, her voice shaking.

“You can take all of me, beautiful. I want to be inside you, and I usually get what I want.”

He pushed, just a little at a time, and she hitched a breath, feeling so full with him and the butt plug, but he carried on farther and farther until his huge manhood was buried deep inside her.

“Don’t move, sub. Let me do the work.”

Gina tried to keep as still as she could, but when Guy pulled out and then thrust back into her, she couldn’t help pushing back against him. It felt incredible. The nerves around the plug yielded little pulses of pleasure that mingled with her rapidly building orgasm, which she knew would send her careening over the edge very soon.

“I said don’t move.” He spanked her as he began to pound in and out of her swollen pussy, and she gripped the covers with both hands, making her body stay still at his command.

When he reached down and moved the butt plug in rhythm with his pumping erection, she moaned, almost overwhelmed with the need to come.

It was like he read her mind. “Do you want to come now, Gina? Does my sub want to spill her juices around my cock?”

“Yes…God yes…please,” she cried out.

“You may move against me, sweetheart; I want you to come for me, now.”

Gina didn’t need telling twice. Her body met his, thrust for thrust, and the third time their bodies collided, she came, her screams filling the room and echoing off the walls.

Her orgasm continued, wave after wave, while Guy held onto her hips and hammered into her, his fingers digging into her tender flesh until he came with a bellow of satisfaction.

After he pumped the last of his seed into her, he allowed his body to rest carefully over hers, his cock still impaling her, both of them breathing heavily.

Guy stroked her hair, watching her as she came down from her orgasm, and when he felt she was ready, he pulled slowly out of her pussy. She whimpered at the loss, and even though he wanted nothing more than to stay exactly where he was, he knew that aftercare was what was required now.

Gina barely reacted when he removed the plug and quickly disposed of it. It took only seconds to undo the cuffs from her wrists and ankles, and then he lifted her into his arms and settled himself on the bed where he placed her on his lap and wrapped the bed covers securely around her.

Her eyes had been closed the whole time, but when he kissed her mouth as she lay in his arms, she opened them, blinked a couple of times and gave him a lazy smile, snuggling up against him.

Guy brushed her hair away from her face and ran his hand over her cheek. “Hey, sweetheart, how are you doing?”

“I…I don’t know how to describe it. My body is still tingling, but all I want to do is stay here all wrapped up and not move for hours.”

Guy chuckled. “It sounds like a great plan, but we have to get back to your house in a while. I have a plan of my own to carry out.”

Gina frowned. “What plan?”

He sat her in a more upright position. “What plan…?”

Recognizing the tone of voice he had used, she instantly realized her slip. “What plan, Sir,” she corrected.

“That’s more like it,” he replied with a grin. “After that disastrous meeting with your sister, I took it upon myself to get in contact with your brother. I wanted to know if you should expect the same reaction from him because, believe me, I was not about to let that happen again. But as it turns out, I was pleasantly surprised.”

Gina sat bolt upright and looked at Guy with an expression of surprise and worry. The covers had fallen away, and he took in her full, rounded breasts, the nipples still a dark red from his attentions. Her lips were swollen and her hair tousled, and at that moment, Guy understood that whatever this was that was growing between them, for him, it was more than a couple of weeks of Dom/sub fun.

“What did he say?” Gina asked nervously.

“You’ll be able to talk to him about anything you want in just a little while, because he’ll be at the cottage to meet you and see you sign the papers.”

She pushed the covers back and wriggled out of his lap, jumping off the bed and standing in front of him with her hands on her hips. “You called him without even mentioning it to me, and now I’m supposed to meet him today? Shit, I don’t believe it. Did it ever occur to you that I might not be ready to meet another member of my family yet? Oh God, this is just great.”

BOOK: An American Submissive in Britain
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