Read An American Submissive in Britain Online

Authors: Laney Rogers

Tags: #BDSM Erotic Romance

An American Submissive in Britain (18 page)

BOOK: An American Submissive in Britain
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Guy’s eyes never left her body, and it felt good to her to know that this man really did appreciate the way she looked.

For years, she had felt self-conscious, knowing she was never going to be able to look like the skinny models she saw in magazines. However, the expression on her Dom’s face right then as she stripped for him, was all the confirmation she needed, to know she looked good.

Gina took off her bra and pulled her panties down and stepped out of them, then gathered all her things and put them neatly behind her on the sofa.

She turned back to Guy and stood, naked in front of him.

“Good girl, for being so tidy,” Guy commented, then walked to an old-fashioned carved chest and took out leather handcuffs. “Give me your wrists,” he ordered.

Gina held them out, liking the feel of the soft, brown leather around them. They clipped together like the other ones he’d used on her, and after he tested them for comfort, he told her to get in the inspection position.

Gina spread her legs and put her bound wrists behind her head, causing her breasts to be thrust forward toward Guy.

“Very nice, Gina,” he said, walking around her and feeling her body tremble each time he ran his fingers over different parts of her.

He then stood directly behind her and let his hand travel over her ass and down her crack. Gina forced herself to stand still, feeling embarrassed at his intimate inspection.

When she heard the tear of plastic, she tried to twist around, but Guy put an arm around her waist and held her in a vise-like grip.

“Bend over, sub,” he said in a firm voice. I have a new butt plug for you, and you will accept it without a fuss, just like last time.

“Please, not that, Sir. Anything but that thing…”

“Bend over now,” he interrupted, and hearing his tone, she knew that she had no choice.

She bent at the waist, and he released his hold on her. Mortified, she felt him spread her cheeks wide and apply the lube just as he’d done before. Only this time, when he inserted the plug, it felt so much bigger, and she struggled to stay still, her ass feeling overly full.

“I want to have you there, very soon, Gina. I need you to see that it can be pleasurable, with the right person. You have your safe word, and I expect you to use it if you need to. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied, barely more than a whisper.

“Good girl, now stand up for me.”

Gina stood, feeling the plug rub against that tender part of her. She also felt the nerves there reacting to the intrusion, sending little shockwaves through her body that felt really good.

When his hand slid over her mound and between her legs, Gina jumped.

“Be still, sub,” Guy instructed with a smile, obviously loving her reactions to his intimate attentions.

His fingers ran over her silky wetness and then slid up into her cunt, and she gasped at the intrusion. He moved in and out of her, each slow thrust making her pussy throb with an urgent need that left her breathless.

Guy removed his fingers and held them up in the firelight, showing Gina the shine of her juices on them.

“I love the way your body reacts to me,” he said. “Lick them clean for me, sub.”

He held them to her mouth, and she took in each finger, tasting herself on him as she licked him clean.

“When you want to come, Gina, you will ask for permission. Do you understand?”

She nodded to him, her breasts shaking as she did so. “Yes, Sir.”

It was all she could manage.

Gina was shocked at how quickly her body had reacted to him. In the past, it had taken her ages to come, but standing there, naked and vulnerable, her Dom fully dressed and so obviously in charge, she thought she might come just with the thought of what would happen next.

“Put your own hands on your pussy,” Guy said in a low voice as he walked around Gina and sat down on one of the large sofas.

She hesitated and then slowly turned to face him. “I…I don’t know if I can do that, Sir,” she said in a shaky voice. Her need to come fought with her embarrassment of masturbating in front of him.

“It was not a request, little one. Now bring your hands down over your head and let them drop in front of you.”

After she’d done so, Guy reached over and unclipped the cuffs. He leaned back and relaxed, placing them on the arm of the sofa, and then crossed his legs, putting some distance between them, which helped to calm her a little.

“I want you to come for me, sub. Close your eyes and let yourself surrender to your pleasure.”

“Yes, Sir,” Gina whispered. She only hesitated for a second before she closed her eyes and let her hand move between her legs.

At first, her actions were stilted, and she tensed as she slid her fingers through her wet folds, but in no time at all, her natural instincts took over and she let one finger run over her clit and then back up into her pussy. Soon, wetness ran down the inside of her thighs, and after a couple of minutes, she started to pant with her arousal, her finger rubbing back and forth over her red, swollen nub.

“Use your other hand to play with your nipples,” Guy ordered.

Gina’s other hand moved to one breast immediately, and she took the taut pink bud and rolled it between her fingers. A moan escaped as the orgasm built up within. It wouldn’t be long before the feeling would overwhelm her completely.

She rubbed her clit harder and harder, thrusting up inside her own pussy every few seconds, her other hand playing with each nipple in turn until she thought she’d burst.

Not able to open her eyes, Gina gasped out her request. “Please…please can I come now, Sir,” she managed.

“Yes, you may,” he answered softly.

She finally let go and came with a cry as wave upon wave hit her, her body jerking with each spasm until she numbly stood before him, her head bent and arms by her side.

Guy got up and put his fingers under her chin, lifting her head. “Open your eyes for me, baby,” he said.

She did so, blinking up at him in the firelight.

“Good girl,” he said with a tender smile and allowed her to lean into him for support as her body came down from the intensity of the past few minutes.

He led her over to the sofa, took a soft blanket from the back, and wrapped it around her. Then he took her wrists, placed the cuffs back on her, and guided Gina from the room, across the hallway to the kitchen. The butt plug made it awkward to walk, but when Guy opened a door by the pantry, switched on a light next to it and proceeded to lead Gina down a flight of stone steps into his dungeon, all thoughts of the plug left her mind.

Her trust had grown since the last time she had thought about being in Guy’s dungeon with him, but a certain amount of fear gripped her when she took in the scene spread out before her.

It was a good-sized room lit by lanterns placed around the walls. On the wall nearest to them hung several rows of spanking implements, including some Gina had never seen before.

On the far side was a St. Andrew’s cross, and in front of that were several spanking benches, each a different size or shape. It seemed that her Dom liked variety, and Gina shivered at the thought of what was to come.

An area was roped off in one corner, and when she spotted the chains hanging from the ceiling, she realized it was where her Dom liked to whip his subs.

Gina swallowed. What if she got hurt? Maybe he just didn’t understand how little experience she really had.

When he went to lead her farther into the room, she froze on the spot.

“Have you ever been in a dungeon before, Gina? I don’t mean played in one, I know you haven’t done that, I mean just walked around and seen for yourself.”

She shook her head.

Guy raised his eyebrows.

“I mean no, Sir,” she whispered.

“Let’s take a walk now then.”

He held her cuffed hands, and the two of them wandered around the room, Gina trying to walk normally despite the anal plug rubbing against her at every step, making her feel restless and overly stimulated. However, her eyes took in everything, and she listened as Guy explained what certain things were for to make sure she became familiar with the implements he owned.

“Now, I’m going to be away for a few days. Hopefully, I’ll be back by Wednesday evening, so that leaves two full days without your daily spanking.”

Gina eyed him suspiciously. Surely, he didn’t intend to…

“So I think we’ll get them out of the way now,” he finished.

Taking the blanket from her shoulders, he placed it on one of the two large leather couches that stood up against the walls.

“Go and pick something for me to spank you with from the display and then present it to me on your knees,” Guy said.

Gina mentally pulled herself together. She had come this far, now was not the time to behave like a prissy schoolgirl.

Lifting her head and straightening her shoulders, she walked over to Guy’s collection, and after studying all of the whips, canes, floggers and paddles, she picked something that resembled a riding crop, only this one had a larger than normal leather piece at the end.

She went back to Guy and knelt quite gracefully, considering her hands were still cuffed, and presented the crop to him.

“Very prettily done,” he commented. “Now, give me your wrists.”

Gina did so, and he undid the cuffs, her hands falling to her sides.

Guy tipped her face up to his and kissed her like she was the most beautiful sub in the world. “To show humility after talking back to me earlier at the inn, you will crawl on your hands and knees to the black spanking bench.”

Whether it was right or not, Gina could feel the excitement growing inside her at his words. Her heart began to beat faster and her pussy throbbed with anticipation as she crawled on her hands and knees to the large, black spanking bench that stood to one side of the St Andrew’s cross. Gina knelt up in the position that Becky had shown her with her legs spread wide and her hands open on her thighs, trying not to wince at the tightness the position caused in her rear end.

“You look beautiful, and you learn fast, sub. I’m proud of the way you are conquering your fears. Now climb up on the bench and place your hands and feet on the supports.”

The bench was covered in padded black leather with supports for arms and legs at each side. Gina did as he had directed, and as soon as she was settled, Guy lowered the front end so that her ass was tilted high in the air.

She had never felt so exposed, even more so than when he had made her spread her legs in front of Andy and Becky. Her ass and pussy were on full display for Guy, but strangely, after the initial shock of being so vulnerable, she recognized the desire her body was feeling—the thump of her heart against her chest and the ache of need that flowed through every vein inside her.

Guy secured her wrists and ankles, and she instinctively pulled against the restraints.

“You’re mine to do with as I please, Gina, but you
use your safe word if you need to.”

Guy walked around his sub and then crouched down, arranging her breasts so they were more comfortable for her. Then he walked back round to her ass and gently pulled on the butt plug, making Gina jump as he did so.

He chuckled. “I love the way you react to my attentions.” He walked over to a hook on the wall, taking down a white silk scarf. “Sometimes, when one of the senses is deprived, the others become a lot more sensitive. Do you trust me, Gina?”

Her heart skipped a beat at the thought of not being able to see what was going on around her, but this lifestyle was showing her that she had a need to experience everything she could.

“You won’t leave me on my own, or…or anything like that, will you?” she asked.

Guy knelt down right beside her head and stroked her hair before kissing her with warm, firm lips. “Not for a single second,” he replied.

She knew without a doubt that he meant what he said.

“I trust you, Sir.”

Guy placed the sash over Gina’s eyes. Slowly, he caressed her ass, warming it with his touch, and she shivered, not quite sure if it was the coolness of the air or the desire that was coursing through her.

Everything seemed more exaggerated: the touch of his hand, the feel of the leather on her bare skin. When he let the crop trail over her back and thighs, she felt like crying out for him to bring it down on her quivering cheeks. It was as if she needed him to be her master and use her body however he wanted.

When the crop struck her the first time, it was quite gentle, and she instantly craved more. Her back arched so her bottom could stick up farther toward him, and he gave a chuckle.

Two more strikes over the fullest part of her ass sent a moan from her lips as the sting of the crop mingled with the sensations of the butt plug, making her grip the leather supports with her hands.

Guy continued, sending more light stings of pleasure up and down the tender part of her inner thighs, and then brought the crop down harder and harder until she cried out with the mixture of pain and delight.

He slowed and softened the strikes until the crop ceased hitting her all together. He took the end of the butt plug and pulled it gently out of her ass.

Her body stiffened at his touch, tensing for what was next.

Just for a second, she didn’t know where he was, and panic set in immediately.

“Sir, where are—?”

“I’m right here, little sub. You know I won’t leave you alone.”

Large warm hands ran over her back and ass, and she relaxed at once.

“I want you to take my cock in your ass, sweetheart. I want you to trust not just me but yourself as well, and then you’ll have exorcised that bad experience once and for all. I’m going to go slowly—just relax, Gina and I’ll take care of you.”

Gina gripped the supports even harder than she had before, and after a couple of seconds, she heard Guy unzip his pants and then heard the rustle of what had to be a condom wrapper.

It would be too much. She knelt there, unable to see a thing, but she remembered how big and thick his manhood was, and she couldn’t imagine taking all of him inside her ass.

BOOK: An American Submissive in Britain
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