Read An American Submissive in Britain Online

Authors: Laney Rogers

Tags: #BDSM Erotic Romance

An American Submissive in Britain (10 page)

BOOK: An American Submissive in Britain
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Guy and Andy were standing in front of the roaring fire when the women entered the room.

Becky walked to Andy and knelt in front of him. Gina hesitated for a second and then walked up to Guy. Before she could kneel as well, Guy put a finger under her chin and gave her a warm smile.

“You look gorgeous, sweetheart. I think serving me is going to suit you no end.”

“Serving! But I thought—” Gina snapped her mouth shut at the expression on Guy’s face.

“Good move, sub. Now, Andy has agreed to allow Becky to demonstrate three of the positions that I will expect you to learn and show me, whenever I ask. The first is kneeling, which you will do whenever we are alone or with others in the lifestyle. If I am seated, you will kneel at my feet.”

Guy looked up at Andy, who gave a nod to his sub. Andy sat down on one of the large sofas, and Becky immediately got up, walked to him and gracefully knelt at his feet. Gina took in her spread legs and the way she rested her hands, palms upward on her thighs, head up but eyes down in obvious submission.

Guy went to the other sofa and sat down. Gina followed him, knelt, opened her legs, blushing at the cool breeze she felt on her pussy, and then placed her hands palms upward on her thighs.

“Good girl, very nice,” Guy stated. “Make sure your eyes look down. Remember, when you are around other Doms, most of them do not like subs to stare at them but prefer to see eyes lowered.

Gina complied.

“Much better,” Guy stated. “However, you may look up now and watch Becky.”

Andy stroked Becky’s hair affectionately. “Show Gina the inspection position, sub.”

Becky immediately stood, turned to face her Dominant, placed her feet shoulder-width apart, and put her hands behind her head. Gina saw that she arched her back so her ample breasts were thrust forward, straining against the flimsy sheer fabric of her apron.

Guy nodded at Gina, who stood up and faced her Dom. She copied Becky as best she could, aware of her own breasts pushing against her uniform and how the skirt had risen considerably now her hands were behind her head.

Guy stood and walked slowly around Gina. She kept her eyes forward, her muscles tense as she sensed his body so close to hers. Guy ran his hands over her ass, and she jumped.

“Stand still, sub,” he said, not unkindly.

Gina gave a small gasp as she felt his fingers travel down her crack and run right over her pussy. Her instincts told her to unclasp her hands and push him away. Andy and Becky were right there, but she knew that would not be tolerated.

His finger found her clit and rubbed over the top, and she hitched a breath. He continued his exploration of her pussy, his fingers moving through her folds that were rapidly becoming wet with desire. Arousal spread through her body, sending sparks of sheer need straight to her nipples, which hardened into stiff peaks. Standing still was becoming a problem, and she tried hard not to wobble as his hands continued to dominate her.

When he drew his hand away, she couldn’t help the “No!” that escaped from her lips.

“Did you just say no to me, sub?” Guy frowned, coming to stand right in front of her face. “Subs do not instruct their masters in any way, ever. Becky, please show my sub the kneeling, outstretched position.”

Becky awaited the consenting nod from her Dom and then moved to a hands and knees position on the dark red, patterned rug. She let her lower arms rest on the floor and then stretched them out straight in front of her, fingers splayed. Her ass was high in the air, and she moved her knees apart, her pussy on full display as her head rested on the rug, between her arms.

“Gina, show me the position,” Guy ordered.

Gina slowly knelt and copied Becky. Humiliation swept through her entire body as she spread her legs, knowing everything was now on full display for the men to see.

“I’m pleased with you, sub,” Guy said, as he knelt down beside her. “However, you will receive two swats for telling me no.”

A silence filled the room.

“What do you say to me, sub?” His voice had taken on a hardness that made Gina shiver.

“Y…Yes, Sir.”

He lifted her skirt up over her back, and Gina braced herself for the spanks she knew were coming. His hand came down hard on one cheek, and before she could recover, the second cheek was spanked, even harder.

“You may stand up this time, Gina, and make your apology.”

Gina rose to her feet and stared at the floor. “I’m sorry I said no to you, Sir. I won’t do it again.”

He lifted her chin until their eyes met. “You are forgiven, sweetheart. You will practice those positions, even if we are not together. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. Now you two subs may go to the kitchen and fetch the snacks you will find in the fridge. Also, Gina, you will find a black bag on the floor next to the fireplace. Please bring it to me.”

Andy had allowed Becky to stand while Guy had been punishing Gina. Now he smacked her smartly on her ass and sent her on her way to the kitchen. Gina quickly followed, remembering that Becky had been here before and knew exactly where to go.

The two of them worked efficiently, and soon the snacks were arranged neatly on two plates.

“Are you okay?” Becky asked in a quiet voice.

“So far, so good, I think. I mean, I screwed up when I said no. It just slipped out. But after he punished me, I got this kind of closure. He forgave, and I knew there was no resentment or anger. It’s never happened that way for me.”

“Yeah, it makes a huge difference knowing the incident is over immediately. That’s one of the things I really love about living this lifestyle. The love is shown so openly, but so is the forgiveness. Come on, we’d better get back. Did you grab the bag?”

“Got it right here. Do I want to know what’s inside?” Gina asked, raising an eyebrow.

Becky grinned. “Nope, probably not,” she answered.

Back in the sitting room, Gina approached Guy with the plate, and he gestured for her to put it beside him on the sofa. After she did so, he spoke in a commanding tone, “Put my bag on the floor and then strip, Gina.”

She froze at the order but knew that she had to comply. Slowly, she undid the apron bow around her neck and the sheer material fell to her waist. The skirt had a zipper on the side, and a blush heated her cheeks as she undid it. She removed the uniform, placing it on the armchair behind her. Standing naked before her Dom, her instinct was to cover herself, but she forced her hands to stay at her sides.

“You have a beautiful body, Gina,” he said in a soft voice. “Kneel beside me now and let’s have something to eat and drink.”

She noticed that Guy had prepared drinks for everybody while they had been in the kitchen, two for the end table next to each of the sofas.

After she had knelt, making sure her hands were placed correctly on her spread thighs, Guy picked out a small piece of pastry and gently fed it to Gina. She was surprised. Did Doms do this kind of thing all the time? Imagining John treating her with such care and attention, almost made her laugh. God, this was light-years away from anything she had experienced with her ex.

When the four of them had finished eating and drinking, Gina and Becky, who was now naked as well, cleared the plates and returned to the men.

“Time to play, I think,” Andy said with a grin, reaching down and grabbing the bag he had brought with him.

“Good idea,” Guy replied with a devilish smile.

Gina’s heart skipped a beat as she watched him open the black bag and take out leather cuffs, rope, and to her horror, a large wooden paddle.

“Sub, come and stand here, in front of me,” Guy commanded.

She did so, working on keeping her nervousness under control as she stood directly in front of her Dom.

“Have you got any medical conditions that I need to know about, Gina?” he asked in his deep voice.

“No, Sir.”

“And are you on birth control?”

“Y…Yes, Sir,” she managed, her eyes widening at the possibility that she would be having sex tonight. Just as quickly, she told herself not to be so naïve. What had she expected, dinner and a movie?

He stood up and gestured for Gina to take his place on the couch. Nervously she sat, legs firmly together, hands in her lap.

“Have you ever been restrained or tied up before today?” he asked.

“Well…a few times, you know, in the bedroom,” she answered, her voice coming out higher pitched than usual.

“I get the impression that none of them were a great success,” he commented drily. “Let’s see if I can make it a much better experience for you. Give me your wrists, sub.”

Gina held them out, and he put the soft leather cuffs on her, clipping one to the other so her hands were restrained in front of her.

He walked behind the couch and stopped right behind her. “Lean back and raise your arms over your head,” he instructed.

When she complied, she realized he was attaching the rope to her cuffs. He secured it to something under the couch, and she took a deep breath, knowing he could do what he wanted with her now.

“Open your legs for me.”

Gina shot a quick look at Andy and Becky.

“Eyes on me only, sub.”

Guy’s words made her jump, and she turned to him, realizing that she was in no position to argue with his instructions.

Andy and Becky were obviously occupied, Becky kneeling up on the couch, her back arched, holding on to the back as Andy inserted something into her pussy. Gina heard her groan, and she blushed as she heard the telltale soft buzzing of a small motor. Becky’s legs were held open by a large metal bar, and her eyes were shut, unaware of anyone else in the room apart from her Dom.

Gina focused on Guy and opened her legs for him.

“Put your feet up on the seat,” he said, and after only a second’s hesitation, she complied, her pussy open and on full display to him.

Guy knelt in front of her and, taking both hands, began to play with her breasts, rubbing his finger over her nipples and watching them pucker and harden into tight buds, right in front of his face.

One hand continued to move between them, while the other moved slowly down her chest and stomach, making her squirm at his touch.

When he reached her mound, she froze.

He smiled lazily as his fingers resumed the exploration he had started before they ate.

She gave a moan as he ran two fingers from one end of her pussy to the other and then stopped on her clit, teasing the swelling nub. Gina drew in a sharp breath when his fingers moved from her clit and pushed up inside her. Her hands pulled at the restraints, but she was secured firmly. Her legs moved inward a little, and she yelped when he removed his hand from her nipple and slapped her inner thigh.

“Keep them spread, sweetheart, or you’ll be using a spreader bar as well.”

Gina immediately opened them fully again, not knowing how much longer she was going to be able to stay in control. The sparks of desire passing between her nipples, which he had resumed playing with, moving from one taut bud to the other, and her pussy, now hot and wet with arousal, made her entire body tense, the need to come growing stronger by the second.

He withdrew his fingers and moistened both her tight, hard buds with her own juices, bending forward and taking each one in his mouth in turn, sucking and licking, then blowing cool air onto them. His lips began to move down her body, following the same trail as his fingers.

When his tongue ran down each of the creases at the top of the inside of her thighs, she thought she would explode with her need. “Please… please,” was all she could manage.

His fingers moved from her nipples and pulled her swollen labia apart. He blew cool air onto her pussy and then flicked his tongue over her clit, again and again. Each flick caused her body to spasm, and she threw her head back onto the top of the couch, her breathing ragged and uneven.

Just as she thought she’d have to beg for release, his lips closed over her engorged nub, and he sucked firmly.

Her body stiffened, and her back arched, her climax coming hard and fast. Her cry filled the air, but Guy was relentless, completely controlling her, feeling when her body would start to calm, then letting his tongue send her over the edge again, and then again. He sucked and then flicked her clit, tasting her sweet juices each time her body gave in to his demands.

When he finally allowed her to come back down to earth, her body was limp and spent. Nobody had ever made her feel like that. He had taken charge of her body, inside and out, making her vulnerable, being cuffed and restrained, and controlling exactly when she would come.

Slowly, she lifted her head from the back of the sofa and watched her Dom place each of her feet in turn back on the soft rug. He undid the rope and removed it, but her cuffs stayed on, her wrists still clipped together.

Kneeling in front of her, he rubbed the tops of her arms and her shoulders, encouraging the circulation, the stiffness she felt soon melting away under his ministrations.

“Come with me, Gina,” he said softly, helping her off the sofa and putting an arm securely around her waist when he noticed that her first steps were a bit unsteady.

When they reached the kitchen, Guy sat her down in a chair at the huge scrubbed farmhouse table and fetched a bottle of water from the fridge, which he gave to her. Gina drank greedily, not realizing how thirsty she had been.

“Thank you, Sir,” she stated after drinking nearly half the bottle.

He laughed. “It’s hard work, coming that many times, huh?”

Gina blushed, and Guy stroked her cheek affectionately. “For someone who expressed their satisfaction so loudly just a few minutes ago, you blush very easily.”

She cast her eyes down in embarrassment.

“Hey,” he continued, “don’t ever be ashamed of showing your enjoyment. You come quite beautifully. However, I don’t think we are finished yet, sweetheart. Andy wishes to use my dungeon, so I think we will leave them in peace for a while. You aren’t quite ready for that.”

Gina stared at him in horror. “You have a
I mean here, in the house?”

BOOK: An American Submissive in Britain
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