An American Submissive in Britain (8 page)

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Authors: Laney Rogers

Tags: #BDSM Erotic Romance

BOOK: An American Submissive in Britain
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“Better,” he stated and moved around her to sit on the chair.

She turned, and after just a small hesitation, she bent over his lap. He immediately pulled her farther over so her feet were off the ground and her bottom was pointing straight up.

At least her spanked cheeks had had a couple of moments to recover before the last of the punishment.

“Spread your legs, sub,” he ordered.

She felt so self-conscious, but she knew there was no choice in the matter. Reluctantly, she opened them, knowing that her pussy would be on full show to him. She had never felt so exposed in her life. Then a new sensation hit her. Was that arousal? For God’s sake, how could she possibly feel aroused at this point?

His hand ran over her ass and moved to her crack. She jumped as he let it run down and slide between her folds. “Your body belongs to me now, Gina. It is mine to do with as I see fit. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied, feeling her need grow as his fingers trailed over her labia, then pushed gently up inside her.

“Oh,” she moaned, feeling the slickness of her arousal turn to wetness at his invasive touch. His finger slid out and strummed over her clit. She gasped, as thrills of sensation pulsed through her.

He removed his hand from her pussy, and she let out a sigh of frustration.

“I enjoyed feeling your clit swell with my attention, but I don’t expect you to complain if I stop. You will take whatever I give you and always be grateful. Now, is it the thought of more spanking that turns you on and makes you wet, or do you want my hand on your pussy some more?”

Gina blushed. “I…I think it’s some of both, Sir,” she replied.

“Good girl, that’s an honest answer,” Guy said, repositioning her ass to stick back up once more since Gina had wriggled a little during his intimate exploration.

“Count for me again,” he stated, and Gina braced herself for the remainder of her punishment.

The harsh swats came down on her already sore bottom, and Gina counted them out, managing to cope better this time but still grimacing at the hardness of his wallops, knowing her cheeks must be a burning red color by now.

When the last spank had been administered, Guy helped her off his knees and into a kneeling position in front of him. Then he pulled her close. “What do you have to say to me, Gina?” he asked in a gentle voice.

She knew what was expected of her. “I’m so sorry I didn’t come and get you and that Becky had the tray knocked out of her hands. I’m sorry about the damage, and I promise I’ll come to you straight away if there’s a problem in the future.”

She hung her head, genuinely unhappy about letting him down at the very start of her training.

He lifted her face to his and kissed her thoroughly on her lips. “You are forgiven, sweetheart. Thank you for your apology.”

It was surprising to Gina how much better she felt. Just hearing Guy’s acceptance of her apology, and telling her that everything was all right now, felt like closure. In any other situation, she knew she would have felt a lot of guilt and worried about what would happen because she had screwed up so spectacularly. But it was over—as quickly as that. She was a quick learner, and she’d been completely genuine in her remorse and need for forgiveness.

Guy watched her processing all her thoughts and smiled. “I want you to stand up and spread your legs for me, sub,” he stated in a quiet but firm tone of voice.

Gina stood before her Dom and spread her legs shoulder-width apart, as far as her jeans would allow. Her body trembled, but not with fear, just anticipation of what was about to happen now.

“Raise your hands,” he instructed.

When she had done so, he lifted her sweater and pulled it slowly over her head. After letting it drop to the floor, he unclipped her bra in one fluid movement. Her breasts sprang free, and not bothering to remove the bra, he trailed the fingers of one hand over her warm nipples. Gina gasped at the sensation, the buds instantly bunching, sending small pulses of pleasure zinging straight to her pussy.

Guy lowered his head and ran his tongue over one taut nipple, then the other. His hot mouth closed over each in turn, pulling and sucking until she groaned with desire, feeling the urgent wetness between her legs, wanting nothing more than to feel his mouth on her body.

“Put your arms down, sweetheart, and strip completely for me.”

Gina stepped out of her jeans and panties, then took off her bra, leaving them in a pile on the floor. It took some self-control not to cover her nakedness with her hands, but she was surprised to feel arousal as well as exposure. Guy sat there fully clothed, and she stood before him, utterly naked and at his mercy.

He stood up and took out a pair of cuff restraints from his back pocket. “Give me your wrists,” he ordered.

She did as he asked, and he slid the black Velcro over her hands, securing them snugly on each wrist and clipping them together. Then he grasped her arm and led her to a closet door on the other side of the room. Taking her hands, he lifted them to the hook, high up on the door, and slipped the restraints over it.

Gina’s heart skipped a beat and her breathing rapidly increased as she realized there was no way she could lift her hands any higher to release them from the large hook.

His voice was soft, and she trembled at the warmth of his body, so close to hers.

“Gina, do you know what a safe word is?”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied.

“I want you to pick one now. It can be any word you like and can remember easily. If anything becomes too much, you will use it immediately. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” She thought for a moment and then glanced up at the silver ring, on her right hand, that her mother had given her on her last birthday. “Could I use the word silver, Sir?” she asked.

“Silver will be fine. Now, if you use that word, everything stops. We will discuss the problem, and you will be completely honest with me.”

It was a statement, not a question, and Gina knew how important this was, to both of them.

“Yes, Sir, I will,” she answered.

“Good girl,” Guy replied and ran his hands gently over her still sore bottom.

She was surprised at how those two words affected her. Even though he had punished her, she still needed, not just wanted, to please him.

Every nerve in her body felt like it was on high alert, standing there with her back to Guy, secured firmly to his closet door.

“Open your legs for me,” he said in a husky voice.

She did as he asked, her arms stretching and becoming taut as the gap between her legs widened. He moved right up behind her and the fabric of his clothes brushed against her skin. The feeling of being trapped, not only by the hook on the door but by her Dom, was strangely exciting.

She jumped when his hands encircled her waist. His body pushed against hers, and his fingers made their way down her body, over the slight roundness of her stomach, and then cupped her mound, the movement causing Gina to release a small gasp of pleasure.

One hand continued its journey down between her open thighs and into her aching folds. Slowly, he began to stroke her, two fingers running back and forth through her wetness, and when he found her clit, he chuckled, feeling it swell under his intimate touch.

Gina was shocked at how quickly her orgasm began to build; this never happened to her. But her thoughts were pushed to one side, and she let out a moan when the same two fingers suddenly pushed up inside her. Her pussy clenched around them, and her ass pressed against him when he withdrew and pushed back inside her.

He slid them in and out again. “Does being restrained and trapped like this turn you on, Gina?” he asked.

When she didn’t answer, he encircled her waist tightly with one hand and spanked her hard with the other.

Gina yelped, but the pain only added to her arousal, the sting of his hand making her pussy throb with need.

“Answer me, sub,” he growled.

Her voice was hoarse when she replied, “Yes, Sir.”

The hand that had spanked her slid back around, and his fingers ran through her folds and then found her clit once again. His other hand slid up from her waist and began to rub and pinch her taut, erect nipples.

Low moans escaped her as he started to finger-fuck her in time with the pinching, and she teetered on the edge of an orgasm that she knew would burst from her at any second.

His hand then moved from her nipples, ran down the side of her body, round to the back and over her red, stinging bottom. He spanked her on each cheek and then let his hand slide through her crack and up between her legs.

Two fingers of one hand pinched her hot, swollen nub, and two from the other hand rammed up into her pussy, right at the same time. Gina let out a small scream as she came, her legs wanting to give way as spasm after spasm caused her pussy to grip Guy’s fingers inside her.

When her body was finally spent, and she became still, he removed his fingers, leaving one hand around her waist as he released her from the hook and took off the restraints. He turned her around and pulled her to him, cradling her soft, compliant body against his own hard frame.

He lifted her chin, and their eyes met. “I’m proud of you for trusting me enough to restrain you and enjoy your body to my satisfaction. Now, come and sit on the bed with me and rest.”

He led her to the bed, and while she sat right next to him, he rubbed her shoulders and arms to make sure her circulation was good and then hugged her tightly to him again for a while. When he was satisfied that she had recovered fully, he stood, turned to his sub, and waited until she looked up at him, giving him her full attention.

“Now, I want you to go downstairs and ask Andy and Becky for their forgiveness as well.”

Gina nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

She went to pull her clothes back on, but Guy’s hand came down on hers firmly. “No, sub, your jeans and panties will stay off, but you may put your sweater back on, without the bra. Then you will carry on with my instructions.”

Gina looked up at him, horrified. “But, Andy will see…and Laura—” She broke off and stared at the floor in dismay. When would she learn to keep her big mouth shut? “I’m sorry, Sir.” It was all she could think of to say.

Guy studied her for a few seconds before adding, “You don’t need to be concerned about Laura. You may use the back stairs that lead straight to the private quarters.”

“Thank you, Sir.” Gina stood, picked up her panties and jeans, and put them on the end of the bed. Then she picked up her bra, placed it with the other clothes, and slipped the sweater back on.

Guy opened the door, and she went out into the hallway, glancing nervously at the other rooms in the corridor. Thankfully, her sweater was long enough to cover at least half of her bottom, but still, what would people think if they opened their doors and saw a half-naked woman with a burning red ass walking past?

“November is a quiet time of year, Gina. Andy has assured me that the other two rooms that were occupied are now vacant. The back stairs are at the end of the hallway on the right. They lead straight to Andy’s quarters. Let’s go, sub.”

Guy gestured for her to go first, and as they made their way to the back stairs, she could feel his eyes on her—no doubt admiring his handiwork on her poor bottom.

The stairs led down to a hallway with rooms on either side. After checking a couple of the rooms, Gina spied Andy, standing with his back to the door, in what looked like the dining room.

She let out a gasp and came to an abrupt halt in the doorway as she caught sight of Becky, completely naked, ass bright red, bent over the table.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she muttered and started to back out of the room, but Guy, who was right behind, moved to the side of her and, taking her arm, led her straight into the room and brought her to a stop right in front of Andy.

Both men stared down at Gina from their considerable height as silence filled the room.

She took a deep breath, and trying to keep her eyes on Andy only, not on Becky still bent over, she started with her apology.

“I’m very sorry, Sir, about the argument…”

“When you apologize to a Dominant, it should be on your knees, sub.” Guy’s voice was not angry, just informative.

Gina immediately sank to her knees, then started again. “Please, will you forgive me for what happened? I am so sorry about the shouting and the people that had to leave. I feel awful about the breakages, and I want to pay for all the damage. Would you please accept my apology, Sir?”

Gina lowered her head and acknowledged the fact that she did really feel bad about what had happened. Andy had been so welcoming, and she had repaid him by letting all of this happen. If only she had just walked away.

She felt a finger under her chin, and her face was raised to meet Andy’s. “I accept your apology, and you are completely forgiven, little one. Now, Becky will show you where we keep all the cleaning stuff, and the two of you will go and clear up the mess. Be sure to be back in here in no more than fifteen minutes.”

“Yes, Sir, thank you,” she replied and turned toward Guy.

He beckoned for her to come to him, and she stood, more aware of her semi-nakedness than ever as she felt the now familiar hotness in her cheeks. She must have blushed more times in the last twenty-four hours than in the last five years!

When she reached him, he was smiling. “Go ahead, sweetheart,” he instructed.

After Andy had taken Becky’s hand, stood her up, swatted her ass one more time, and kissed her gently on the mouth, the two women made their way to a large cupboard next to the kitchen where Becky handed Gina the utensils they would need.

After the door to the bar had snapped shut behind them, Gina turned to face Becky. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I can’t believe you were punished as well.”

Becky gave a rueful smile. “Hey, don’t worry. I knew the rules. You’re not the only one who should have fetched their Dom at the first sign of trouble.”

Gina spun round with a gasp and ducked behind the bar. “Shit, she’s not still here, is she?”

Laughing, Becky shook her head. “Andy and Guy may be strict, but they’re not assholes. We wouldn’t have been sent out here to clean up if she was. Come on, let’s get going on this mess and then report back to the bosses.”

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