Read An American Submissive in Britain Online

Authors: Laney Rogers

Tags: #BDSM Erotic Romance

An American Submissive in Britain (12 page)

BOOK: An American Submissive in Britain
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Really? He was really going to ask her these questions right now?

“Yours, Sir,” she gasped, knowing full well that she should have kept silent, that he was testing her, teaching her to give up her control and bend to his will.

“That’s right, Gina, your body belongs to me now,” he said, spanking her twice more. Then without another word, he rammed into her, making her cry out. His hand closed over her mound, and two fingers found her clit, which seemed to burn with need.

He pounded into her, and she could feel herself losing all control, his body hot and wet on hers. He gave a massive thrust, his fingers pressed down on her clit, and she screamed, her orgasm completely enveloping her, wave upon wave of sensation pouring over her. Her hips tried to buck against his hard frame, but his body weight held her still, as he continued to thrust in and out of her.

She soon felt his body tense, and he let go of her hands, gripping her waist as he gave three more huge thrusts before letting out a deep groan of release.

Gina didn’t move. She actually didn’t know if she could, her legs were shaking so much. Nothing had ever felt like that before, and her body lay over the edge of the hot tub, limp and spent.

After a minute, Guy pulled out of her, and she felt the loss immediately. Even in the warm bubbles, she began to shake, wanting so much to feel
warmth against her, preferably for the rest of time.

“Come on, sweetheart, time to get you out,” he said from above her. Warm hands went under her arms, and she was scooped out of the water as if she weighed nothing.

He carried her to one of the benches set against the brick wall and sat down with her in his lap. Reaching over to a low table, a couple of feet from the bench, he grasped a huge fluffy towel and covered her with it. After tucking it around her, he grabbed another and began to dry the wet tendrils of hair that surrounded her face, then put the towel over his shoulders and began rubbing her dry with the first.

Gina had never felt so taken care of in her entire adult life. She snuggled into him, and he chuckled, tending to every part of her, laughing out loud as he dried under her arms and discovered she was ticklish.

With the warmth of the heaters and Guy’s ministrations, she was soon completely dry, and he exchanged the towel for a thick blanket. Gina was amazed at the organization he had gone to, making sure everything was at hand, and she watched him, a lazy smile on her face, as he dried himself off and got dressed.

“I think it’s time we rejoined the others,” he said, and picking her up, still covered by the blanket, he held her close to his body and returned to the house.

* * *

Andy was in the kitchen when Guy and Gina came in. He glanced up, smiling. “I made some hot chocolate. I thought Gina might need warming up.”

Gina squirmed in Guy’s arms, embarrassed at the fact that Andy seemed to know exactly where they’d been and obviously what they’d been doing.

“I’m okay, really, I can manage, Sir,” she said, trying to wriggle out of his arms.

“Good girl for remembering the ‘Sir’, but you are going to stay where you are ‘til I decide to put you down.”

Shit, these Doms were bossy. She must look ridiculous being held like a small child. However, not wanting to be bent back over the kitchen table and spanked for arguing again, this time in front of Andy, she decided to keep still.

“Sounds great,” Guy remarked to his friend. “I’m going to put my feisty sub where I want her, and I’ll be back to give you a hand.”

Gina gave a humph, and Guy laughed.

He marched down the hallway and into the sitting room. Becky was curled up on one of the sofas, her eyes closed, wrapped in a warm blanket like Gina’s. Her hair was tousled, and she looked as contented and spent as Gina felt.

Guy placed her on the other couch and made sure the blanket was tucked around her body. “You stay put, and I’ll bring you some chocolate, sweetheart.”

She loved the way he called her that in his British accent. “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, trying not to disturb Becky.

Guy closed the door behind him, and Becky’s eyes flickered open. “It’s okay, I’m not asleep,” she murmured. “Are you alright? I mean, how was it? Um, did he go easy on you…?” Becky stumbled over her words as if embarrassed.

Gina smiled at her reassuringly. “Oh God, everything was…I don’t know… Amazing? That’s the best word I can think of right now.” Gina stretched her legs, then curled up under the blanket, the warmth of the fire on her face as her smile turned to a huge grin.

“Wow, well, from your expression, I think congratulations are in order.”

“Why thank you,” Gina laughed. After a few seconds, her tone took on a more serious edge. “Can I ask you something, Becky?”

“Of course.”

“I’ve read about them, of course, but was the dungeon awful? I mean, was it a punishment or something? I was horrified when I found out Andy was taking you down there. I mean, why would Guy have a dungeon at his home, if there’s a club nearby?”

“Oh no, it’s nothing like that. I think he just wanted a place where people could play when they came to visit. I mean, certain parts of my anatomy are sore, don’t get me wrong. But I wasn’t in any trouble. I feel wonderful, let me assure you.”

“It still sounds scary to me. He said I wasn’t ready for that yet, so I hope he goes on thinking that for a long time.”

Becky’s face turned serious. “Well, just make sure, if he does bring up the subject again, that you explain that you haven’t had any experience playing in a dungeon, okay? Although, seeing as its Guy we’re talking about, I’m sure he’ll ask you a hundred questions about your body and give you a two hour lecture before you try it out. He’s a real stickler for safety.”

Both women jumped when the door opened and the two Doms walked in with steaming mugs of hot chocolate.

“Who’s a stickler for safety?” Guy asked, placing a bright red mug in Gina’s hands.

He looked at both subs in turn, waiting for an answer.

Catching sight of Becky’s worry at being caught making fun of Guy’s safety rules, Gina decided to answer for them both. “I just asked Becky about the dungeon. I’ve never been in one, and the thought of it kind of scared me. Becky was just explaining about it and saying I’d be fine because you were so careful about safety, Sir.”

“Hmm. I could have sworn I heard the word stickler, but seeing as my dungeon was the topic, I’ll let it go.” Gina saw the relief on Becky’s face and then turned back to her Dom as he spoke, “We’ll certainly have to try it out soon, as you’re showing so much interest, little sub.”

Gina’s heart sank as she drank a mouthful of the chocolate. “That sounds great, Sir,” she managed. Shit. That was the second time he had obviously overheard her conversation when he wasn’t meant to. Did he have ESP or something?

Guy broke into laughter and sat down on the sofa. “Your enthusiasm is overwhelming me. Have another sip, then put the mug down and come here.”

Gina took a large gulp from the mug, placed the cup on the side table, and delicately moved toward her Dom. He tutted and pulled her unceremoniously onto his lap, together with the blanket.

“Andy. I think the remote is over by you, if you would do the honors.”

“Certainly,” Andy replied with a grin. Looking at Becky, he frowned and tapped his lap. She frowned back, obviously not wanting to move from her warm, comfortable spot at the end of their sofa.

Without batting an eyelid, Andy grabbed his obstinate sub, pulled her over his knee instead of onto it, and pulled the blanket from her body.

“Subs do as their Doms wish every time, pet, not when they feel like it.” With that, Andy proceeded to spank Becky four times, extremely hard, two heavy swats on each cheek.

Gina tried not to stare, but she couldn’t seem to peel her eyes away from his enormous hands. Guys were large and muscular enough, her bottom could testify to that, but Andy’s were like boats! Becky’s ass must be on fire, even after just four spanks.

After Andy had finished, Becky knelt up on the sofa, her face full of remorse. “I’m sorry, Sir,” she said in a soft voice.

“Get up on here now, sub,” he growled, and she immediately climbed onto his lap and curled up against him like a kitten. “You’re forgiven,” he said and kissed her on the top of her blonde curls.

Gina caught the look that passed between the two of them and, again, felt a tinge of jealousy at the closeness and love they shared, and the obvious success of their BDSM relationship.

Maybe she and Guy would end up
—it was a ridiculous thought not worth finishing. In less than two weeks, she would return to the States and he would carry on with his life here in Britain. She would always be grateful to him for offering to help her grow accustomed to this lifestyle. She had learned a lot just in the last day, not to mention how incredible the sex had been. But that was all it could be, two weeks with Guy, and then back to her life in America.

Gina turned her attention to the huge flat-screen TV across the room as the movie started.

The Bourne Identity. Good choice,
she thought.

Guy’s hand moved under the blanket and came to rest on her breast, gently caressing the delicate skin around her rapidly tightening nipple. He had such an effect on her, her body reacting instantly to any kind of touch he chose to give her.

His other hand ran across her leg and down between her thighs. He cupped her mound, then let his fingers slide through her folds, from one end to the other. Gina couldn’t suppress the moan that followed, and when he pushed one finger up into her pussy, she turned her head into his chest, not wanting Andy and Becky to realize what he was doing, but not wanting him to stop.

Guy moved to her other nipple, licking his fingers and twisting the rosy bud between them. Sparks of desire traveled between the two areas, and when he added another finger to her aching pussy, she gasped, feeling the arousal growing yet again, aware that he had absolute control over her body, draped naked on his lap.

His enormous, rock-hard erection pressed against her leg, and she grew excited at the thought of him entering her here in front of her new friends. Had she become some sort of exhibitionist?

She lost her train of thought entirely when he removed his fingers from her pussy and found her clit, still swollen from earlier. He rubbed over it with her own juices, and she had to bite her lip to stop from crying out, knowing that if he continued, she would come right on to his fingers.

Suddenly, he pulled her astride him and whispered in her ear. “Undo my jeans, sub, right now.”

With trembling fingers, her breasts, pussy and clit swollen and aching, she did as she was told.

His cock stood proudly upright, the tip glistening with his pre-cum. He lifted Gina up effortlessly and brought her firmly down on his member, impaling her. She gasped, and her hands grasped his shoulders as her pussy adjusted to the sheer length and thickness of him.

Andy and Becky were forgotten, as was the movie; it was just the two of them, Guy in control, moving her body up and down as he desired.

Gina’s nails dug into the taut muscles of his shoulders, but he showed no reaction at all, letting her anchor herself on him as her need threatened to overwhelm her. Her breathing became more ragged, and she buried her face in his neck, as her breasts bounced up and down, his huge erection ramming into her again and again.

Guy’s hand smacked her hard on her bottom, and she yelped at the sting.

“Don’t hide from me, Gina. I want to see your face. Now!”

As he said the word
, he yanked her down on his cock, and she cried out, forcing herself to make eye contact with him, but wanting to hide from the sheer intensity of his closeness as she felt herself teeter on the edge of ecstasy.

Their eyes held, and a second later, his fingers pushed between her damp thighs and found her engorged clit. He rubbed over it just once, and her pussy clenched him as she came in great shuddering waves.

Guy held on to her as he repeatedly lifted her body, and then pulled her down on him, her fingernails still embedded in his flesh. When he came, it was with a groan of deep satisfaction, and their eyes were still locked on each other. It felt as if something had passed between them. To Gina, it felt like a kind of silent understanding of each other and the dominance and submission between them.

Gina heard the background noise of the movie but it didn’t interest her. All she wanted to do was stay here, with her Dom, reassured by the feel of him still inside her. Fatigue suddenly overwhelmed her as Guy gently rubbed her back and stroked her hair, obviously not wanting to move either. The last thing she remembered was thinking how steady and reassuring her Dom’s breathing was as she drifted off to sleep.

Guy realized, at that moment, that Gina had given her physical self to him completely. The reservations she’d obviously had, since it had become apparent that there could be something between them, had evaporated, and the trust had truly begun to build.

He smiled at his little sub and then lifted her body carefully off his cock and into his lap, pulling the blanket securely around her. No words needed to be spoken. Both of them were where they wanted and needed to be.

* * *

“Did she stay asleep?” Andy asked his friend.

“She’s out cold,” he replied with a smile. “It seems we’ve both worn our subs out tonight.”

Becky was spread out on the sofa with her head in Andy’s lap and the blanket tucked in around her. Andy reached for the beer that Guy had brought in for him after he had put Gina into his own bed.

Andy took a long swig from the bottle and studied Guy’s face. “She’s got under your skin, hasn’t she, mate?”

Guy sighed and stared into the fire, the flames beginning to die down now. “I didn’t think it would happen, at least not for a long time, but Jesus, Andy, I can’t get enough of her. Getting under my skin is an understatement. A couple of days ago, she was an inconvenience, someone I had to deal with for my dad, just tie up loose ends and get some papers signed. That was the deal.”

BOOK: An American Submissive in Britain
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