An Act of Redemption (34 page)

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Authors: K. C. Lynn

Tags: #Fiction, #romance

BOOK: An Act of Redemption
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“Don’t worry, Mom, I’ll go on top and make sure Hope doesn’t fall off,” Parker reassures her.

She releases a deep sigh. “I know you will, baby.”

“Come on, Beckett, you can come and help me. I’ll need an extra set of eyes,” Logan says, making sure to include him. He kneels down so Beckett can hop on his back, which he does so, excitedly. They walk to the back of the obstacle course where we can no longer see them.

All the guys get down in a ready stance, hands on the ground with one leg stretched back and one knee up. All the kids hop on their backs and Grace helps the twins.

“Hold on tight, kid,” Cade tells Ruthie, craning his neck to look back at her.

“I am. Don’t worry, we got this, Big Guy,” she replies, giving him a kiss to his cheek.

“Jules, baby, count us in,” Jaxson says.

Rolling her eyes, she does as he says. “On your marks, get set…go!”

They all shoot off at the exact same time, the kids screaming and laughing as they hold on for dear life. Bandit follows alongside, barking like crazy at the chaos.

They’re neck and neck as they reach the obstacle course. Once they’re up and over the first hurdle, they’re no longer in sight. Only the kid’s laughter can be heard.

“I pray one of them wins so they can move on from this.” Julia sighs.

“I don’t think it will ever stop. It’s just their nature,” Faith comments with a smile.

I look back up at the patio as Sarge hollers, telling all the kids to let go of their dads. Janey shakes her head with a smile, sitting on the swing with a sleeping Mia in her arms.

Katelyn comes up beside me and slings an arm around my shoulders. “How’re things coming along with the clinic, Anna, you ready for our help?”

I smile and wrap my arm around her waist. I love Katelyn. She’s been my hairdresser since I moved here and we’ve gotten to know each other well. She’s always invited me out to any girls’ nights she’s hosted and has been just as supportive of me starting the clinic as everyone else. It’ll be a little while before it’s in full swing since I’m still doing my practicum, but thanks to all the financial support and help I’ve been able to get the ball rolling. “It’s coming along nicely. I’m just waiting for the papers to finalize then we can go in and paint.”

“Count me in. Just give me a few days’ notice and I’ll have Amanda take care of the shop.”

“You bet. We’ll be waiting, just say the word,” Kayla says with a nod.

“Thanks, guys. I could never have done this without any of you.”

“It’s a good cause,” Julia says, rubbing my back. “And you know we’re always here for you.”

Yes, I do. They’re like the sisters I’ve never had.

“No way! This is bullshit!” Sawyer’s shout breaks us out of our conversation. We look over to see all the guys walking back over, the kids now jumping and doing their own thing on the inflatable. “How is that possible?”

“Uh oh,” Grace murmurs.

“Who won?” Katelyn asks with a smirk, guessing the answer from Sawyer’s heated remark.

“It was a tie,” Logan tells us with a chuckle.

“Again?” I ask.

“Yeah,” Cade grumbles, clearly not happy with the end result either.

“There’s no way,” Jaxson cuts in. “One of us had to have touched that pole first, Knight.”

Logan shakes his head. “No, you didn’t. I’m telling you, it was the exact same time.”

“Fuck that!” Sawyer shoots back. “I had two kids on my back so I win.”

Cade grunts. “I don’t think so, Evans. Ruthie weighs as much as both your kids together.”

“So? It’s still harder with two.”

The guys grunt but the argument ceases when Cooper pulls up. “Oh good, I’m glad he’s back for lunch,” Kayla says, her eyes lighting up at the sight of her husband.

However, the easy moment vanishes when Cooper exits the car with another officer. Immediately, we can tell something is wrong.

“Dad!” Beckett runs to Cooper, excitedly. He scoops the little boy up in his arms and gives him a big hug before whispering something in his ear. Beckett nods at whatever he says then runs back over to play with the other kids.

“What’s going on?” Logan asks, quietly, as we watch Cooper and the deputy make their way to us, their strides purposeful.

“I don’t know, but something’s up,” Jaxson murmurs.

“Hey,” Kayla greets them as he reaches us.

“Hey, baby.” Cooper leans down to kiss her then drops one on a sleeping Ella’s head.

“What’s up, Coop?” Jaxson asks, eyeing the cop next to him.

Cooper’s gaze swings to Katelyn. “I’m actually here to talk to Katelyn.”

“Me?” she asks, surprised.

He nods. “Any chance you’ve spoken to your brother today or know where he is?”

She frowns. “No. The last time we spoke was a few days ago, why? What do you want with Kolan?”

“Why don’t we go over here and talk,” he suggests, pointing to the other side of the yard.

She backs up when he tries to lead her. “No, here is fine. Just tell me what’s going on, you’re scaring me, Cooper.”

He watches her, his expression regretful. “There’s a warrant out for Kolan’s arrest.”

“What?” Katelyn rears back in shock. “For what?”

Faith comes to stand next to her and puts a hand on her shoulder.

Cooper hesitates. “I think it’s best if we discuss this privately.”

She shakes her head. “Everyone here is like family, just spit it out.”

He nods. “For rape, assault and battery.”

“What!” she shrieks. “Are you fucking crazy?” She shakes her head. “No. No, there must be some mistake. He would never do that, Cooper. Never!”

“It’s true, he wouldn’t!” Faith speaks up, looking just as upset as Katelyn.

He exhales a winded sigh. This can’t be easy for him to discuss with her, considering how close we all are. “Listen, I don’t know all the facts, which is why we need to find Kolan. The alleged victim is pressing charges and saying he did it.”

“Well she’s lying!” Katelyn shouts. “He would never do something like that!” My heart breaks as the tears build in her eyes, her sweet face tense and distraught.

The deputy next to Cooper speaks up for the first time. “The evidence is pretty incriminating, Miss Slade, and—”

“I don’t care about the fucking evidence. My brother didn’t do it!”

“Katelyn, listen.” Cooper steps closer but she pulls away.

“No! Tell me you know he didn’t do this, Cooper.” His hesitation has her losing her composure. “You know what? Forget it. I’m not listening to any more of this shit!” She runs off, heading to her car.

“Katelyn, wait!” Faith goes after her but she’s not fast enough. Before she can reach her, Katelyn hops in her car and speeds off.

Faith walks back to us, tears falling down her face. Cade grabs her and pulls her against him. “Something’s wrong,” she chokes out. “I’m telling you, I know him, he wouldn’t do something like this.”

“Just how damning is the evidence?” Jaxson asks.

“Pretty incriminating,” he admits regretfully. “And it looks like he’s skipped town, which makes him look even more guilty.”

Sawyer looks over at Logan. “Maybe it was him you saw that night at the club.”

“Yeah, well, that’s just it. It seems there’s a possibility he had some ties with Mayor Allan after all. That ring may have been bigger than we expected.”

My heart seizes at the thought that Kolan had any involvement with what happened to Logan.

“Do you think he did it?” Jaxson asks.

Cooper shakes his head. “I don’t want to, but right now the evidence is saying he did.”

“No. He wouldn’t do it!” We all fall quiet at the sound of Faith’s sob. Cade holds her closer, trying to offer comfort.

My heart breaks not only for her but also Katelyn, as I remember the agony on her face as she ran away. The last thing this group needs is any more heartbreak but it looks like that’s exactly what’s coming our way.


Turn the page for a letter from the Author.

Dear Reader,

Well, here we are, the first book to the Acts of Honor series. I hope you love Logan and Anna’s story as much as I do. This book gave me all sorts of problems but it seems these ones always tend to hold a more prominent place in my heart. I loved writing it and even more so, connecting with all my Men of Honor again and their families.

I always try to use my books to convey messages I deem important, based on real events in our world. My message in this book was Sarge. He’s a character I’ve known for a long time, and I knew I would have him in this series for Anna to find. I watched a video on YouTube a long time ago about a homeless man and his heartbreaking story that led him to where he is today. That short video changed me. Even though his story was different than Sarge’s, it still had the same meaning—don’t judge. In the words of Sarge: “So many people look at me and have no idea what I used to be. They don’t know that I was a respected man who fought for his country. They only see a bum on the street, who they think is too lazy to work.”

Sometimes it’s hard not to judge but we mustn’t assume we know their story.

Sarge holds a very special place in my heart and so does the man in the video I watched. I love that I’m in a position now to shed light on these topics and bring awareness, but more importantly to be in a position to donate and help make a difference. Hope Mission is a wonderful aid care agency in my city who strive to help people in need. A portion of the first months proceeds from this book will be donated to them to help feed and clothe the homeless. By purchasing this book you have helped me to assist others in need. Thank you for your support.

My next book that will be released is Unlawful Justice. It’s a romantic suspense I am co-writing with one of my best friends, K. Langston. We are shooting to release November 2015. As for what’s to come after that, I wish I had an answer. Originally, my plan was to write the first book in my firefighter series, Men of Courage. Cece from Beautifully Insightful has been speaking to me for a very long time. However, as I write this to you, she has stopped. So the next one may very well be the second book to this series: An Act of Salvation, Nick and Katelyn’s book. I let my characters and my heart choose who I write about next, so until that time comes my focus will solely remain on Unlawful Justice. My best advice at this time is to follow me on Facebook:­pages/­Author-KC-LYNN/575868539173061?­ref=hl
for updates on what’s to come and also check out my website:

Lastly, I want to take a moment to thank all of my readers for your love and support. Y’all will never know how much it means to me. My heart smiles endlessly at how much you love my characters and their stories. I hope I continue to live up to this pedestal that you have so graciously put me on.

Much Love,

Author K.C. Lynn XO!


I always have so many people to thank for this journey I’m on, and I hope I don’t leave anyone out.

To my husband and four beautiful children, thank you for always being patient with me and for sharing me with my characters and readers, whether I’m writing or traveling to signings. I love you guys so much and you will always be my #1.

To my parents, thank you for your unwavering support and for giving birth to me. Ha ha! I love you guys. P.S. Mom, let’s stay on the ground and take a train to all the signings.

To my mother-in-law, thank you for not only supporting me but always being there for my family while I’m away. No matter what happens on your journeys together, you always leave them with their hearts smiling, which in return has mine smiling. You will never know how much that means to me. Love you.

To my beautiful and amazing editor, BOOK SIX and we are rockin’ it. It still astounds me every day how far we’ve come. Thank you for letting me be who I am, (whether it’s proper grammar or not). I could never do this journey without you. I love you.

To my sister-in-law Shelley, thank you for always believing in me, for uplifting me and for being another set of eyes. Your support means so much. I love ya.

To my girl Kimmie, thank you for always being there for me, for loving my stories as much as me and for always making me think I’m way cooler than I am. But most importantly, thank you for always being one of the best friends I will ever have. I love you more than words can say and I thank the indie world every day for bringing me you.

To my hooch, my Keshia, my sister from another mister, one of my best friends. I love you so damn much. I’ve learned so much from you as a writer. Neither I or this book would be the same without you. Thank you for always being there for me. I can’t wait for Unlawful Justice, we are going to rock this. We’re making a difference one word at a time and there is no one else in the world I would rather do it with. I know our friendship will last a lifetime.

To my Blondie, my Steph, one of my best friends. Thank you for always being there. I love you so much and this journey would never be the same without you. I look forward to all of our signings together, and continuing to uplift one another throughout this journey.

To Sierra, my bubblegum, what would I ever do without you? You are always there when I need to talk or to laugh. You give me fashion advice when I need it but most importantly, you believe in me. No matter how long we go in our crazy lives without seeing each other, I know you are always someone I can turn to. Thank you for being one of my best friends. You hold such a special place in my heart. I love you.

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