An Act of Redemption (14 page)

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Authors: K. C. Lynn

Tags: #Fiction, #romance

BOOK: An Act of Redemption
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He kisses my shoulder and holds me close. “Don’t cry, Anna. Everything is going to be okay.”

I nod, even though I’m not too sure about that. There is still so much I don’t know, so much to work out, but I don’t want to think about those things right now. I want to enjoy tonight for what it is and that’s feeling Logan next to me while I sleep. It isn’t long before his arms bring me the solace that I crave and I fall into a deep slumber.


The next morning I wake up feeling a lot colder than when I went to sleep. Reaching out next to me, I feel the bed is empty and realize Logan is gone.

“He left about an hour ago.” I jump with a yelp and turn to see Charity sitting by my bed watching me.

“Jesus, Charity, you scared the shit out of me.” I lay a hand over my pounding heart and pull the sheet a little tighter around me when I remember I’m naked as a jaybird.

“Look at you glowing like a fucking lantern.” She observes with a smile. “He left when I came in and thankfully he did, because I heard old lady Franny walking the halls not too long ago.” Old lady Franny, aka Frances Cartier, is the president of our dorm’s security; she’s a miserable old woman who is always trying to catch someone doing something wrong. You would think we are in a boarding school and not college. “Spill it, girl. I want all the juicy details.”

“There’s nothing to tell Miss Nosey.” I lie.

“Bullshit. You look like you got good and fucked.”

Lord if she only knew. I smile as I think about how many times Logan woke me up in the middle of the night. The tender ache between my legs a constant reminder. Charity waits patiently for a response. Usually I tell her everything, including about my past with Logan. I had to after what happened at the fight, but last night is something I want to keep to myself, at least for a little while longer. Especially since I’m still trying to wrap my head around what happened, or rather my heart.

“Fine, keep that bad boy all to yourself. I’m glad I at least got a peek at the goods before he left. His body—those tattoos… Shit, Anna, I about came on the spot.”

A small tinge of jealousy flutters through me at her admiration. I hate that she saw what he got to look like in the morning and I didn’t. I wish I had been able to say goodbye before he left. I don’t even have his phone number.

At the thought, my phone dings with a text. Leaning over, I reach for my cell phone on the nightstand, that I don’t remember putting there, and my tummy does a flip at the name on the screen.

Sorry I left without saying goodbye. I have an early start at the gym this morning and I didn’t want to wake you. You looked peaceful, which is exactly how you should always be. Just know I’m thinking about you and last night.

I’ll be seeing you soon, Anna.

P.S. Your roommate is a little odd.

I laugh at the last part and Charity quirks a brow at me like I’ve gone crazy, but I ignore her. The heavy feeling that I had a few moments ago lifts from my chest now knowing that I have his number. I read the text over again, my eyes focusing on one thing in particular.
I’ll be seeing you soon, Anna.

With a sigh I hold the phone close to my heart, and my cheeks start to ache from how big my smile is. It’s a true genuine smile that I haven’t felt in a long time. It’s terrifying and beautiful all at once.



axson, Cade, Sawyer and Sarge are all waiting as I make my way to the ring. I feel Jaxson’s assessing gaze on me as I climb through the ropes. “What’s with you?” he asks, suspicion lacing his words.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know, something is different, you look… I don’t know—different.”

Because after four long fucking years I finally had the one girl who I haven’t been able to stop thinking about. The one I thought I would never get to have the pleasure of touching again. Just thinking about being buried in Anna last night has my dick going hard.

I pull myself together and shrug off his assessment. I make sure not to make eye contact while putting on my gear because he’s an observant bastard and doesn’t miss anything. Unfortunately, neither does Sarge. “He looks like he just got laid.” He quips with a mouthful of breakfast burrito. “Tell us, kid, who is she? That chick from yesterday?” I tense without meaning to and the entire place goes dead quiet.

“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” I look up to see Jaxson headed right for me, looking like he’s about to take my head off, but Cade ends up holding him back. “What the hell are you thinking?”

This confrontation was bound to happen sooner or later. With my stance relaxed, I lean against the ropes and cross my arms over my chest. “What I do outside this gym and in my personal life is none of your business.”

He points a finger at me. “It is when it comes to Anna and you goddamn know it!”

“Anna?” Sarge sputters in shock. “What about her?” It doesn’t take him long to put the pieces together. “Oy…” He ends on a low whistle.

I don’t acknowledge him and only focus on Jaxson. “You want to be the big brother in her life—fine, I get that, but when it comes to us it’s not your business. It never has been.”

“She doesn’t need to get fucking hurt again.”

My cool façade shreds. “I’m not trying to hurt her. I’m taking back what’s mine, and no one—not even you—is going to fucking stop me from doing it!” I mean every word. After last night there is no way I can stay away from her. I know she’s better off without me, I’ve always known that, but I’m a selfish bastard and if she’s willing to have me again then I won’t deny myself. I’ve already been kept from her for too long. Four years ago I did what I had to do for Anna’s sake, but I won’t take the choice away from her again, not when it makes us both miserable.

Silence sounds throughout while we stare each other down. Sawyer looks over at Cade and breaks the heavy moment. “I swear the kid’s balls have gotten bigger.”

It’s not the first time he’s said that. They’ve always thought I was crazy to challenge Jaxson, but when it comes to Anna, she is one thing I will fight for.

They don’t realize that there’s nothing that intimidates me—not any more.

“You’re in a dangerous situation right now, are you really willing to risk her?” Jaxson asks, his question taking my annoyance up another notch.

“I don’t want her involved and you know it, but it’s not like she’s gone unnoticed.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Everyone saw her that night with me at the club, and then yesterday…” I trail off, knowing he will be as angry as I am.

“Yesterday what?”

“Ricketts was outside watching the place.”

“And you’re just fucking telling me this now?”

“I didn’t know it was him until I saw his picture.”


Sawyer jumps back in. “All right, just calm down. He was probably scoping out the competition, wanting to see where you were training and with who.”

“That’s what Lewis thinks, too. He said it’s not uncommon, but I still don’t like that he saw me with her.”

“Have you seen him since?” Cade asks.

“No, and I’ve been watching for him.”

He nods. “Then that’s probably all it is. I don’t think we should worry unless it happens again. Get us a picture of him so we can keep our eyes open around here.”

“I will.” I bring my attention back to Jaxson and see him still glaring at me. “Are we done? Because I’m telling you now, that when it comes to Anna I won’t back down. If you can’t accept that then I’ll go train somewhere else because I won’t give her up. Not again.”

I don’t want to train anywhere else. I want their help but not at the cost of Anna. I know I’m being presumptuous about any kind of future with her, but I know she still feels this as much as me, and I’m going to fight for it—fight for us—even if I don’t deserve her.

Sawyer claps him on the back. “Come on, Jaxson, we’ve been through this. Anna is capable of making her own decisions. You know how hurt she’s been, if he is going to make her smile again then let him.” He points over at me. “But if you make her cry then we’ll kick your ass.”

“Yeah!” Sarge pipes in. “We’ll kick your motherfuckin’ ass all over South Carolina because no one hurts our Anna.”

I grunt. “Don’t worry, I’ll kick my own ass if that happens.”

Everyone is silent as we wait for Jaxson’s agreement. I start thinking that I’m going to have to walk my ass out of here but he ends up relenting with a frustrated breath. “It’s not just about her, it’s you, too. You need to keep your head in this so it doesn’t get taken off.”

I falter, a little shocked at his concern for me. We’ve always somewhat gotten along but that was for Anna’s sake more than anything, or at least that’s what I thought. But now, thinking about all he did for my family and even helping to train me, maybe it’s more than that. Not that I need it, but it’s nice to know someone has my back.

“I know it’s important but so is Anna. I can handle both. I’ve got this.”

He nods, accepting it even if he doesn’t like it. “All right, then let’s get started. Slade should be here any minute.”

As soon as the words leave his mouth the door opens and in walks who I’m assuming is Kolan Slade. He’s about my height, maybe a little taller and the same lean build, but cut like a motherfucker. He wears a backward hat and sunglasses. Once he removes his aviators familiarity tugs at me, I don’t know why, but I swear I’ve seen him somewhere before. He slightly falters and something registers in his eyes but he recovers from it quickly, making me wonder if I just imagined it.

“Jesus, he’s a big son of a bitch too, ain’t he?” Sarge mumbles under his breath.

Jaxson hops down from the ring to greet him. “Thanks for coming.” Kolan acknowledges him with a nod and shakes his hand before they both make it into the ring. “This is Logan, the one I’m hoping you can give some pointers to.”

Kolan sizes me up in a way that has alarm bells going off, but I stick out my hand for the sake of pleasantries. “Hey, have we met before?”

It takes him a moment before he accepts my outstretched hand. “No, I don’t think we have.”

“You look familiar.”

“You’ve probably seen him on TV, he’s been blowing up every sports channel over the last few months,” Jaxson says.

It can’t be that because I don’t watch TV. Maybe he just looks like someone I know? There’s no reason for him to lie about knowing me.

“And that guy over there is Sarge.” Jaxson points behind me. “He’s a former Marine and one of our ringside trainers now. And of course you already know Cade and Sawyer.”

Kolan acknowledges them all with the same nod he gave Jaxson.

“A real talkative guy it seems,” Sarge grumbles for my ears only.

“So what is it you’re doing that you need help with?” Kolan asks.

Before I can answer Jaxson does, telling him the cover story that we came up with. “Logan wants to enter the EFC. Sarge here is convinced he’s got a good chance at going far, and I have to agree, he’s a good fighter. We have shown him a lot, but I know you can show him more of the MMA than we can.”

EFC stands for Extreme Fighting Challenge, which is what Kolan does and by the sound of it he does it well.

Silence surrounds the place as Kolan watches me, his gaze calculating, and it has those damn alarm bells going off again. I’m just about to ask him what the fuck his deal is but he speaks up before I can. “Okay, I’ll show you some stuff. How much you weigh? 190?”

“203,” I answer.

He nods. “Your height helps. You’ll be classified as light heavyweight. I’m in heavyweight mainly due to my height. A lot of the light heavyweights are guys who have been training for a while so you need to be on your game and know the rules fast. And there are a lot of rules, it’s not like street fighting.”

I inwardly tense, wondering if that was a dig, telling me that he knows. Jaxson thinks the same thing if his sharp gaze is anything to go by.

“What makes you think he knows anything about street fighting?” Cade asks, voicing what we’re all thinking.

Kolan shrugs. “Nothing. You said he was already a good fighter, so I figure he had to learn it somewhere. I’m just saying if he’s used to brawling, the rules are different.”

Some of the tension in my muscles ease. “I’ve always been able to take care of myself,” I answer easily.

He nods. “Fair enough. Let’s get started then.”

For the next three hours I’m pushed to my limits once again, all of them never letting up. My muscles burn, my body is soaked with sweat and my stomach wants to rebel but I push on. In the process I learn a lot more than I thought I could. There is no doubt that Kolan is a force to reckon with. His instruction and moves, added to what the other guys have shown me, makes me feel confident.


Cade and Sawyer moved on about an hour ago, needing to work with some of the other fighters. The gym is packed with its regulars but I’m oblivious to everything and everyone, my mind in sharp focus. That’s until the one girl who is weaved deep inside of me walks through the door and now nothing exists but her.

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