An Act of Redemption (31 page)

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Authors: K. C. Lynn

Tags: #Fiction, #romance

BOOK: An Act of Redemption
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sit in the waiting room of the hospital, numb and frozen, staring at the stained white walls in front of me. Jaxson sits next to me with an arm around my shoulders, holding me close. His warm strength has always brought me comfort but not this time. Only one person can bring me solace right now, and I shudder to think I may never feel his soothing touch again.

An image of the paramedics trying to resuscitate Logan plays through my head. How they shocked his lifeless body over and over again is something I will never forget. A fresh wave of agony rips through me at the thought, but I’m too dead inside to feel it.

Cade walks in from around the corner and sits next to a grim Sawyer. I try not to look directly at him, knowing he’s covered in Logan’s blood just like the others.

So much blood.

“I just talked to Faith,” he says, breaking the heavy silence. “She said they finally got all the kids to sleep. Christopher and Sarge are both staying with them at the main house until we get back.”

I feel Jaxson nod before he hugs me closer. “Can I get you anything?” he asks, his voice gruff. “Something to drink? Eat?” I shake my head. He blows out a frustrated breath at my silence. “Say something, kid. You’re scaring me. You haven’t said a word.”

I shake my head again, not able to give him what he wants. I’m not capable of it. I’ve lost all feeling. That’s until two men round the corner in a rush, men that have my blood temperature rising to a dangerous level.

“What the hell happened?” Agent Davis asks, glancing at all the guys in shock. Probably from the amount of blood covering them.

Logan’s blood.

Fury surges through my numb body like a jolt of electricity, shocking me with the dose of reality I need. It only takes me a few strides before I’m in his face. “How dare you show up here!” I grind out through my painfully raw throat. “You have no right to be here!” Before I can control myself I lunge for him, fists swinging. Both agents jump back, their eyes wide with shock. Cade intercepts me just before I reach him, but I don’t give up. “I hate you! This is all your fault!” I scream, sobs erupting from deep within my chest again.

“Save your strength, Anna. They’re not worth it,” Cade murmurs close to my ear.

“We just want to know what happened,” Agent Davis says, his voice quiet.

“Why don’t you tell us!” Jaxson comes to stand in front of me, a quiet rage pouring off of him.

“What do you mean? How the hell would I know?”

He reaches for the agent, grabbing him by the shirt. “Because it’s your fucking case, you son of a bitch!” he seethes, pinning him against the wall. “My house was shot up with our goddamn families inside. So you tell me what the fuck happened. You tell me how this turned into the clusterfuck that I knew it would be!”

“I don’t know!” Davis shouts, pushing Jaxson away from him. “We kept everything under wraps. The only person who knew about Knight’s cover is Charity Allan and she’s still in custody. We have no idea how it got leaked.”

“Well it doesn’t matter any more, does it?” I bite out bitterly, my words dripping with disdain. “Because the damage is done, but why would you care. He’s just an ex-convict, right?”

The agent grinds his teeth. “That’s not true.”

“Get the fuck out of here, Davis. Go do your job and find out what the fuck happened before I lose my control and bury you like I promised I’d do if anything like this happened.” Davis glares back at Jaxson for the threat, but thankfully takes his warning seriously. Both he and Agent Brooks turn and storm off.

I stare at the empty space they just left, my heart thundering furiously. I hate it because I can feel again, and the pain is so powerful it has my knees weakening. Jaxson grabs me from Cade and pulls me against him. “This can’t be happening.” I sob against his chest. “I can’t lose him, not again. I won’t survive it.”

“It’s going to be okay, Anna, he’s tough. If anyone can survive this, it’s him.”

I shake my head, having a hard time finding hope, especially when all I can think about is how his heart wasn’t beating.

“Excuse me, I was told my son is here—Logan Knight.” I tense, recognizing the familiar voice that trembles with emotion. I spin around to see Logan’s mom, Miranda, and his sister, Janey, at the nurses station. “Please, can you tell us if he’s okay?”

The nurse puts a hand on her shoulder and leans in close. Whatever she tells her has Miranda clutching her chest as grief overcomes her. Janey buries her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking in agony. The nurse points at the waiting room and their gazes snap to mine.

“Oh my god, Anna.” Janey runs to me and wraps her arms around my neck. I hug her close as she cries, but my gaze remains glued to Miranda as she stares back at me. She shifts uncomfortably and stays where she is. It’s clear she’s unsure of her welcome with me.

Jaxson is about to go to her but I stop him with a hand to his chest. I give Janey one final squeeze before stepping back and walking to Logan’s mother. I stop in front of her, and for a moment all we do is stare at one another. The same midnight blue eyes as her son’s are filled with a comparable devastation to mine.

“Anna.” Her breath hitches as she greets me by name, trying to hold in the pain threatening to take her. Her heartbreaking expression has me leaning over and hugging her. She clings to me tightly, weeping in my arms. “I don’t understand. I just saw him earlier today. He finally forgave me, how could this happen?” She asks the same question that I’ve been asking myself over and over again. Since I don’t have the answers for her I do the only thing I can. I hold her and offer my comfort. Janey joins in, wrapping her arms around both of us.

A minute later Jaxson comes over and puts a hand on my shoulder. “Why don’t you guys have a seat? Sawyer just went to get coffee and food.”

With a sniffle we step back from each other. Miranda looks up at Jaxson through her tears and gives him a nod. “Jaxson.”

“Hey, Miranda. Sorry I’m not seeing you again under better circumstances.”

“Me, too,” she whispers.

He puts a hand on her back and guides her to a chair. Janey and I sit on either side of her and Jaxson takes the seat next to me. He wraps an arm around my shoulders and kisses the top of my head. I keep hold of Miranda’s hand but lean into him, feeling emotionally spent.

Sawyer ends up coming back with food and drinks. I have no appetite whatsoever, but Jaxson forces me to eat a little. Cooper shows up not long after we finish eating, looking as upset as everyone else in the room. He and the guys go to a corner to discuss things quietly. Something I’m grateful for because I don’t want to hear about tonight’s events, not right now. Nothing matters at the moment but Logan.

Three excruciating hours later a doctor steps into the waiting room, dressed in sky blue scrubs and a cap, scanning the waiting room. “Knight family.”

We all stand. My stomach twists painfully as I try to gauge his expression. His eyes are sharp and focused but sweat dots his forehead beneath his cap, showing signs of stress.

Miranda grabs Janey’s hand and mine. “We’re Logan’s family.”

“I’m Doctor Vale. Logan is out of surgery.”

“How is my son, Doctor?” she asks, her question barely above a whisper.

My heart thunders in my ears as I wait for his response. “He’s in stable condition right now, but he lost a significant amount of blood from his injuries. He received multiple blood transfusions, and I was able to remove the bullets—all six of them.” A sob of relief escapes me and I sink against Jaxson. Doctor Vale’s eyes lock on mine. “He’s lucky. He was shot very close to his heart, an inch to the left and it would have been fatal. Due to the close proximity of the bullet, it took quite a bit longer than expected to remove it without causing further damage to the surrounding tissue. Fortunately, there is no damage to his heart or lungs.”

“Oh thank God.” Janey cries, hugging Miranda.

I cling to Jaxson, his arms squeezing me tight. “I told you he’d pull through,” he says, close to my ear, but there’s no denying the relief in his voice. He was as worried as the rest of us.

“Can we see him?” I ask the doctor, praying he says yes.

He hesitates before nodding. “Yes, however, only one at a time. He’s stable, but he needs rest. He’s in recovery right now and then we’ll transfer him to a private room in the intensive care unit, where he can be more comfortable and we can keep a closer eye on him as he heals.”

I look to Miranda and Janey, knowing I should offer for them to go first, but the words don’t come out of my mouth. Miranda smiles. “You go first.”

“Are you sure?” I ask, feeling guilty, but not enough to give up the chance at being able to see him right now.

“Yes, I know he’d want you to be the first person he sees when he opens his eyes. So you should be the first to go in.”

“Thank you.” I hug her then turn to Jaxson.

“Go on, kid. I’ll wait here for you.”

Giving him a small smile, I follow the doctor down the corridor, my feet not moving fast enough. He leads me into the post-op room where a nurse is hanging a bag full of clear fluid on the IV pole next to the bed. I falter as I take in the amount of monitors and machines hooked up to him, my heart twisting at the sight. To see him looking anything less than powerful guts me.

He’s alive, Anna, that’s all that matters.

The doctor puts a hand on my shoulder. “We’ll give you some privacy.”

“Thank you, Doctor Vale, for everything.”

“You’re welcome.” After a gentle squeeze to my shoulder, he and the nurse walk out and leave me alone with Logan.

I pull a chair next to the bed and take his hand, hating how lifeless it feels as he sleeps off the anesthesia. “You stupid, courageous, honorable man,” I choke out. As angry as I am at what he did, I know it was an act of honor. He sacrificed himself to save the rest of us, and it’s his courage that makes me love him as much as I do.

Releasing a sad breath, I lean down and place my lips to his knuckles while hot tears slip down my face. “Your Anna. Forever,” I whisper.



Three Weeks Later

’m sitting up in the hospital bed watching my girl bustle around, enjoying the beautiful view of her ass as she bends over to finish packing up my suitcase. I’m glad to be getting the hell out of here today and going home. I’ve been going crazy these past few weeks. The bed sucks, the food sucks even more and most importantly there’s no privacy. I need to go home and sleep in the same bed as my girl. I need to feel her naked body against mine, something I didn’t think I would ever feel again.

“Logan, did you hear me?” My eyes snap to Anna’s face to see her looking over her shoulder, watching me ogle her ass. She stands with her hands on her hips, her lush mouth lifting with an amused smile.

“What?” I ask.

“Don’t you

“You can’t expect me not to stare at your ass when you’re wearing those shorts, Anna. It’s impossible.”

“You would look at my ass with or without the shorts.”

“That’s very true,” I agree, not ashamed to admit it.

With a giggle she moves toward me, her long, sexy legs closing the distance between us. I turn and drop my feet on the floor. She stops about a foot in front of me—not close enough. Reaching out, I hook my finger in the front of her shorts and pull her between my legs. Her hands grip my shoulders to steady herself and mine move to the part of her body I couldn’t stop staring at—her ass.

Leaning in, I kiss the swell of her breasts, outlining her fitted, red tank top, her sweet scent penetrating my senses and making my dick hard.

Jesus, I need her in the worst way.

“Mmm.” She moans, her fingers clutching my hair. “Stop that. It’s hard to resist and you heard what the doctor said, nothing strenuous for at least two more weeks.”

“Fuck that. I heard no such thing.”

“Yes, you did and we’re going to be good when we go home and follow orders.”

“Actually, I don’t plan on being good at all when I get you home. Not one bit,” I mumble against her soft skin.

“Yes, you are, because I don’t want you to end up back here. Not ever again.” The soft note to her voice has me looking up at her. Her sad, brown eyes peer down at me, striking me like a physical blow to my healing body.

“No being sad, baby.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be. I just want you to be better.”

“I am better, and I’m going to keep getting better. If I wasn’t okay to go home the doctors wouldn’t release me.”

She shakes her head. “I know, you’re right. I’m sorry for being such a downer. I guess I’m just nervous.”

I pull her in closer to me, hating the fear in her eyes, something that I know will take a while to erase after the clusterfuck we just got out of. “I know these past few weeks have been hard, but you don’t need to worry any more, Anna. The feds have what they need; everyone who had a part in what happened to me is either dead or being locked up. No one will ever hurt us again, I promise. Okay?”

She nods. “Yeah, okay.”

“Give me your mouth, baby. Let me taste what’s mine.” She leans down and gives me what I want, her sweet flavor flooding my senses and soothing my broken body. “This.” I groan against her lips. “This right here, Anna—it’s all that fucking matters, it’s all that we need. Just each other.”


Reaching up, I cup her soft cheek, brushing my thumb across her lip. “We’re okay,” I tell her again, staring back into her warm eyes. “Say it.”

“We’re okay.”


“Forever,” she whispers.

A knock on the door breaks us out of our moment. Anna steps back and turns just as it opens to reveal Cooper. “Hey.” He glances back and forth between us. “Am I interrupting?”

“No, no, not at all.” Anna lies. “Come in. I’m just packing up the rest of his stuff. He’s getting discharged today,” she tells him, her smile genuine.

“So I heard. That’s good news, especially for Doctor Sissy. I don’t think he enjoyed putting up with those three burly bastards over the last few weeks.” Cooper chuckles, referring to Jaxson, Sawyer and Cade who dislike Doctor Carson, or rather Doctor Sissy, as they like to call him. In the past he has hit on their women and it’s something they refuse to let go.

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