Alyssa's Desire (2 page)

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Authors: Krysten Raine

BOOK: Alyssa's Desire
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"Everyone, that was Jack Coleman. He is the son of our senior partner and cofounder, Edward Coleman. Jack is a rising star here at Coleman, Patters and Schleicher and not just because of his birthright. Jack has an amazing win record and is regarded as one of the best attorney's in the great state of New York. Most of you will be taking your orders from the associates, but a select few may find that Jack will ask you to work on special projects. Orders that come from partners supersede other assignments. So if Jack Coleman requests that you work on something for him, please just send an email to the human resources department with that information so that any other duties can be reassigned accordingly."

   Oh please, please
let him pick me to work for him! I would do anything he asked.
Alyssa thought to herself. She meant anything, too. The five seconds that she saw him for left her with a sense of passion and desire like she had never before experienced. She was instantly moist and her vagina pulsated and swelled at his very presence. Oh how she wanted him, how she would please him if given the chance. The thought was almost too much to take. How would she ever manage to concentrate for the rest of the day?

    Concentration did prove to be an arduous task for Alyssa that afternoon. She was given some menial assignments to complete. They were mostly secretarial duties that were beneath her skills and training, but it was her first day so she couldn't really complain. They probably gave this kind of work to all the newbies until they were confident in their ability to handle more important projects. They did give her a cubicle with a desk that would be her permanent work space. She was allowed to decorate and customize her personal area as long as it followed a list of guidelines that she was given, and that she worked on that during her break periods. Alyssa liked having her own space and she appreciated the freedom to make it her own. But what
she liked the most was the fact that she could see Jack Coleman's office from her cubicle.

     This part of the building was called the "back offices." The senior partners each had their own floor, with their own private employees that only worked on their
cases. This was the high profile and wealthy clientele that the firm was known for. Then there was the main floor where Jack and the junior partner's were located. Behind these offices was a large open floor plan that was filled with about fifty cubicles. These were for the paralegals and this is where Alyssa's desk was. She was positioned at an end cubicle that was two rows away from the back of Jack's door. His office was glass and he hung large curtains but she could see glimpses of him as he walked back and forth. She spent most of the day hoping he would move the curtain or come down the hall to where she was. Maybe he would get a drink from the water cooler that stood only three feet from her desk, or maybe he would enter one of the associate's offices that lined the hallway. Either way he would have to walk past her. Maybe he would notice her and smile at her or say "hi."

    Alyssa was entertaining these thoughts when someone came by to tell her that it was time for her lunch break. Alyssa nodded and she went into the employee lounge to eat. She was allowed to eat at her desk if she wanted to, but she figured this may be her chance to find out more about Jack. So she sat down among some of the other employees. She introduced herself and she made some small get to know you type chit chat with a few of the other paralegals who had been there for awhile.

     "So the lady who did the orientation said that Jack Coleman sometimes asks the paralegals to work on stuff for him. Does that happen a lot?" Alyssa asked while trying to hide her true interests in the matter.

"Yeah, Jack doesn't have his own paralegal team just yet. The senior partners do. Jack is preparing to take over for his father when he retires. So 'Coleman JR' likes to bring us in here and there and see how we work. Rumor has it that he will bring a few of us along when he becomes a big shot," a paralegal named Ellen replied.

    "He's nice though," a woman named June added. "I would much rather work for him than
for his father. Edward Coleman can be very cold and intimidating, but Jack is always warm and pleasant."

    "He's not bad to look at either," Alyssa admitted, as her cheeks reddened.

    "That's for sure," Ellen agreed. The three women giggled at the response.

"He's probably married though, right?" Alyssa inquired.

    "Recently divorced actually, it was a huge scandal. His wife was screwing around on him for a long time. He knew it too, but as an attorney he knew he needed enough proof of her infidelity to protect himself.  So he let it go on for a long time before inviting some of the associates over to his house during the day without talking to her first. They all walked in or her butt naked, fucking some guy
on their couch. Jack knew perfectly well that she would be doing that. He needed witnesses so when it came to hashing out the divorce, she couldn't try to swindle him out of everything. Rumor has it that she is a bit of a gold digger."

Ellen recounted the story in hushed tones and June chimed in that even though her affair violated the terms of their pre-nup, he offered her like two million dollars above what she asked for in child support for their son. She took the deal without question and that kept the divorce out of the courthouse and out of the papers.

    "It was a high price to pay to save face," June said.

    Then they all agreed that it would have been bad for Jack's reputation as a lawyer if he was taken to the cleaner's by his own wife in a very public divorce. The three women could have talked about this for hours, but lunch was over and they all returned to their desks. Alyssa was happy with this new information and pleased that she had met some women she could talk to at work. Despite the weird ride in on the subway and the very boring orientation, her first day was not too bad. She had made some new friends and she knew that at the very least she would have some nice eye candy every now and then when Jack Coleman walked by. Maybe she would even get lucky enough to work with him someday, and that thought made Alyssa very, very happy.


Chapter Two: Awakening Desire

     When Alyssa got home from work that night all she could think about was Jack Coleman. His smile, his eyes, and the incredible way he looked in that suit, even the way he walked were all huge turn-ons for her. She just couldn't get him out of her head. She was delighted to be working for him and by the time she had gotten home that night she was determined to become the best damned paralegal he had ever seen. Maybe if she worked hard enough she could even make it onto his personal team. Then at least she could bask in his manly perfection during the workday. If nothing else, it would certainly make her job more interesting.  Maybe just maybe he would notice her and then they could fall in love and spend their nights engulfed in the sweet heat
of passion and their days in the exciting world of litigation. Did she dare allow herself the pleasure of entertaining such ideas?

In truth, Alyssa needed to have these kinds of thoughts. She needed to allow herself the fantasies of love and good sex. She needed to at least be happy in her mind, because her real life experiences left much to be desired. Of course she was fairly young yet, only thirty-three, but still most of her friends had found love and married already. It left Alyssa sick to her stomach sometimes. She knew she was attractive, smart and desirable and yet she only managed to attract complete and total assholes. The perfect example was her last boyfriend. He had been a real piece of work. He was controlling and sometimes violent. He had never hit her, but he had a bad habit of throwing things and screaming profanity at her.

    He was a cheater too, and that was what usually prompted his outbursts. Alyssa would catch him time and again and then he would act like she had committed a major crime for calling him on his infidelity. She put up with him for two years until she finally realized that he was not worth her time. That was when she started working for that loser ambulance chaser. She had gone from an asshole boyfriend to a jackass boss. After that she decided that she didn't need any man causing her grief, whether it was personal or professional. Then today when she met Jack Coleman, she couldn't help her sudden feelings and overwhelming lust for the beautiful man. She knew she could never have him in real life. He was a partner at the firm and the son of one
of the name partners. He was handsome and wealthy and totally out of her league, despite her beauty. Ah but she could have him in fantasy at least.

    Alyssa dropped her keys in a glass bowl on the end table and placed her purse and briefcase on the floor next to the couch. She reached up and removed the pin from her bun, allowing her hair to cascade around her shoulders. Then she walked to her pantry and she pulled out a bottle of Pinot Noir and poured herself a glass. She drank it quickly and then she poured herself another. She deserved it, after the whirlwind day she had. Meeting Jack, the stress of the first day and the hot but
scary couple on the subway, all of it had taken its toll on Alyssa. She had a few more drinks just trying to make sense of it all, but her thoughts kept going back to Jack Coleman. He was so incredibly handsome, so delightfully debonair and so superbly powerful! The more she had to drink the more she thought about him and about how she wanted him. Finally the wine unleashed her inhibitions. She leaned back in her chair and finished the last few drops of her fifth glass of wine.

Her face was numb, her head was spinning and her pussy was so wet with thoughts of Jack. She couldn't resist the temptation any longer. She ran her fingers through her hair and then she traced her necklace with her index finger. She rubbed her neckline and her cleavage where the necklace rested. She bit her lip, closed her eyes and relived the moment that Jack passed by her. Then she allowed her fingers to gently caress her breasts. She made tender circles around her nipple and then she cupped her breast with her hand. Then she ran her hand down her waist and started to run her fingers along the top of her panties. Back and forth she toyed with the idea of touching herself more intimately.

    She imagined that instead of walking away, Jack had stopped in his tracks when he saw her and that his smile and his greeting had been just for her and not for the whole group.  That instead of going about his day, he asked Alyssa to accompany him into his office to help him with a big case. She pictured him taking her hand
and leading her inside that eloquent, glass office of his. He would close the curtain and lock the door, and then he would lift her up and set her down on his desk.

    At this thought, Alyssa spread her legs open and she brought her fingers down and began rubbing herself under her panties. Her body responded to her touch and
the nature of her thoughts. Quickly she became wet and slippery in the best of ways. She used it to her advantage, rubbing the moisture into her clit. Back and forth she teased it with one finger, raising her desire with the motion.

    She imagined that Jack held no hesitation as he kissed her as soon as she was placed on the desk. She pictured his tongue engaging hers, teasing her with the promise of licking the more delicate areas of her body with smooth precision. She imagined him grabbing her breasts and kissing her intently. As she fantasized she grouped her own breasts with her left hand and she fingered herself with the right. She allowed her fingers to fully explore her vagina. She rubbed her clit and grabbed and tugged on the lips. Then she used the slippery wetness to gently insert two fingers. She
curved her finger tips and pressed upward to ignite her G-spot and set her pleasure on fire.

    All the while she continued to fantasize about Jack.  She imagined him tearing her shirt open and suckling at her breasts, and then his strong hands would wrap around her back and support her as she leaned. He would then press his body tightly against hers and ravage her mouth, neck and breasts with his veracious
kisses. Then he would work his way down her chest, licking and kissing her. When he was ready he would release his embrace, leaving Alyssa to support herself upon the desk. Jack would guide her leg up to allow him access, and he would slowly pull off her underwear. Then she imagined him going down on her. In her mind his tongue was doing everything that her fingers were doing in real life. It did not take her long to cum and before she knew it, she was licking the wetness off of her own fingers in the same way that the man from the subway had done.

    Alyssa practically collapsed onto her chair. She was so weary after her day and worn out from her intense, yet much needed self play. Alyssa simply closed her eyes and fell asleep. That night she dreamt of Jack. In her dream, they fell madly in love and he whisked her away to a paradise resort where they spent endless hours making love on the beach and drinking tropical mixed drinks in their cabana. When she awoke the next morning, she fully remembered her dreams. She wondered what Jack's ex-wife had been thinking. Why would anyone cheat on a perfect man like him?

    With that thought, Alyssa got up and started getting ready for work. She was very anxious for the day to begin and the chance to get another glimpse of her new favorite boss. A smile spread across her lips and she decided to take an extra long shower today. She rationalized that if she pleasured herself before work, she might actually be able to concentrate. After all she wanted to do the best job she could in hopes of working directly for Jack in the future.

    Alyssa made her way to the shower. She washed her hair and her body. Then she turned her shower head to the pulsate setting and she rested in the tub, allowing the vibration of the water to stimulate her clitoris. This time she fantasized along the lines of her dreams. Jack had taken her to the Bahamas. They spread a blanket along the beach and they relaxed together, and shared a bottle of wine. He removed her clothing and poured the wine onto her bare skin, licking it off as he went. Then
he poured it down her pussy and drank it directly from her most delicate lips.  

    Following this, he put down the bottle and buried his face between her legs, licking her eagerly. As he provided her with oral pleasure, she reached her hand down to stroke his cock through his pants. It was so hard that it nearly burst free from the binds of the cloth. She offered him the chance to escape as she unzipped his pants and pulled him free. Once free he could not wait to enter her. With no warning he grabbed her and forced his way in, but she is so wet and ready that it hardly mattered. He fucked her hard and deep. Her body sank down into the sand and she took him in fully. Then just as she was ready to cum from the sweet pulsation of the water jets, she imagined him cumming
inside her. That was the last thought she needed and she was there.

She changed the water setting to a more gentle flow and she washed away the wetness of her morning shower adventure. Then she exited the shower and got dressed for work. Alyssa dressed a little bit more provocatively today. Her appearance was still appropriate for work, but she left her hair down and she wore a little more makeup and contacts rather than glasses. She chose a nice dress that had a bit of a v-line in hopes that she could show just enough cleavage to capture attention without making her look slutty.  When she had found the right balance, she headed out the door. She was anxious to get to work and so she left early. Thankfully there were no exhibitionist couples today. Alyssa didn't think she could handle the extra stimulation.

    She arrived at work about an hour before her scheduled start time. The woman who had conducted the orientation had noticed and she told Alyssa that she didn't need to be there until nine. Alyssa told her that she was anxious to get started because she wanted to learn the ropes and show the firm that she was an asset as a paralegal. The woman seemed to be impressed and she told Alyssa that they would see if she could handle some more challenging work. Alyssa told her that she would like that and that she was willing to take on any task. The woman brought over some files and asked Alyssa to start checking on some facts and information that needed to be verified. Alyssa gratefully took the files and then she immediately got to work.

    This must have paid off because about half an hour later Jack Coleman arrived. The woman from H.R. stopped him in the hallway just before he entered the office to tell him something. Alyssa watched their interaction, while pretending to read a file. She couldn't make out what they were saying, but the woman pointed toward Alyssa and then Jack started walking toward her. Alyssa held her breath for just a second and before she knew it Jack was standing at her cubicle.

    "Well hello there, early bird." Jack Coleman said with a smile. He was even more handsome up-close. Alyssa noticed that he had bright blue eyes and a dimple on his left check.

   "Hi," Alyssa managed in a weak voice.

"My name is Jack Coleman and I am one of the partners here. My father is one of the founding attorneys. What is your name?"

"I'm Alyssa Snyder, Sir."

"You're a paralegal? Where did you go to school?" Jack asked while still sporting that incredibly sexy smile that just made Alyssa weak in the knees.

"I went to Tripton Legal where I received my Associate of Applied Science in Paralegal Studies degree and my certifications," Alyssa said trying to sound as professional and confident as she could manage.

"Well my father is planning to retire next year and I will be taking his spot as the name partner. When that happens I will need my own team and I am always looking for some good paralegals. I have been told that this is just your second day here and you are already showing initiative, confidence, dedication and professionalism. These are the qualities that I am looking for. I'm going to keep my eye on you and see what you can handle."

"Mr. Coleman, I would love to be on your team," Alyssa said with a little too much emphasis on the word "love.'' Then she blushed a little bit.

   "Good," he said then he winked at her and
walked toward his office. He looked back at her and smiled before opening his door.

    Alyssa couldn't believe it; Jack had actually talked to her and was already consideri
ng her as one of his paralegals! She was so happy that she was floating on air. Quickly she made herself go back to work. The only way she was going to get that opportunity, was to shine in her work performance. She was determined to do just that, too. She would do anything to be near him, to get to see that smile and to lose herself in those amazing blue eyes. Once again Alyssa had to bring herself back down to reality and try to focus on her work.

    Alyssa did manage to focus and over the next few days she was given several new tasks, each one a bit more challenging than the last. She did not see Jack very
much during that time, but she figured that he must be testing her. Pushing her to see exactly what she could handle and what she couldn't. A couple of times throughout the week she saw him in passing. He would offer her a smile and sometimes a wink or a passing greeting but not much else. Alyssa began to worry that she wasn't doing as good of a job as she had thought.

    Then on Friday, Jack stopped by Alyssa's desk and he told her that he was really happy with her work performance and that when he was finished with the case he was currently working on, he would bring her in to help on the next one. Alyssa was thrilled. She thanked him for the opportunity. She wanted to talk to him more, but he was on his way to court. She dreamily watched him walk away. She couldn't wait for the day in which she could walk by his side, get his coffee, and maybe even have lunch with him.
Maybe someday
she thought to herself and then she gathered up her things and left for the day.

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