Alpha Battle

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Authors: Marquaylla Lorette

BOOK: Alpha Battle
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Isle of


Author: Marquaylla Lorette

Caroline Kirby




Artwork by: JK Publishing, Inc.

Published by: JK Publishing
, Inc.





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January 2013 JK Publishing, Inc.

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I would like to dedicate this book to my mother, Coretta, younger cousin, Elijah, and brother, Kevien.  Happy Birthday you guys!


A special thanks to my editor and the rest of JK Publishing. 




Table of Contents



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Books by Marquaylla Lorette

Read an excerpt from Bryce Evans new book

Excerpt from Reaching Rissa




Jadelyn sat on her bed staring at her great, great grandfather Mase’s journal.  Something she always did when she doubted her ability of becoming Alpha of their Isle.  There was something about reading the accounts of the hardships her grandfather fought through and accomplished to become Alpha, it gave her the courage she needed to win the battle.  Jadelyn needed the courage more than ever now since the battle was just four days away and causing her nerves to get the best of her.

Jadelyn blew out a deep breath as she reached for the journal directly in front of her.  She had read the journal so many times that it opened right at her grandfather’s account of what happened when the humans hunted the shifters.

Before there was the Isle of Paradise, shifters lived in secret among the human race, until one fateful day when humans discovered them.  Hundreds of shifters lost their lives before they were able to escape to the Isle of Paradise.

Jadelyn turned so she was
lying on her stomach and crossed her legs as she read the first lines.


The smell of fresh pines filtered through my senses as I opened the door to my cottage.  This was one of the reasons I loved living in the woods.  As I was taking deep breaths of the fresh air, I jumped a little as something bumped into the back of my leg.  For some reason, I had the urge to look outside even though I knew the layout of the land without having to look.  Over a hundred different cottages lay behind and at the sides of my cottage.  Trees surrounded us, making it hard to see anything in front of us or beside us. 

I looked down behind my back and noticed it was my pup bumping into the back of my legs as he tried to escape the house.  I waited until my mate was at his side before I stepped aside to let him pass.

I immediately shifted and took a huge sniff of the air as I stepped off the porch, when I heard the sound of leaves being crushed under a shifter’s paws as he or she ran rapidly through the woods right to us.  The scent of my Alpha hit my nose. He smelled of his usual pine and rain, but this time mixed with fear.  The Alpha burst out of the woods and blew right past me before I could discover what was going on with him.  He must have brushed up against me when he ran past, causing a vision to assault my mind.  One of my powers was the power to see what someone else saw just from their touch.

My Alpha, Wyatt, was arguing with the merchant who was providing the supplies to build or expand our cottages and
for the new shifter, who joined our pack and bought acres of land in the forest we owned.  The merchant was telling Wyatt the price of the supplies was going up for us no matter how much business we brought him.  Wyatt became angry and started demanding the merchant lower his prices since he was only increasing the price on the “people who lived in the woods.”  Wyatt’s milky white skin started to turn redder the angrier he got.  As he started to approach Wyatt, the merchant yelled loud enough for the other merchants and shoppers to walk out of the stores.  A few of the merchants approached Wyatt to come to the merchant's aide when Wyatt pushed him away from his face. 

I felt the panic Wyatt felt when he saw the merchants approach him while putting their hands on their guns as the guns rested in their holsters.

Wyatt shifted as they drew closer to him and roared, startling the merchants and shoppers.  The merchants and some of the shoppers pulled out their guns and shot at Wyatt as he turned and ran toward the forest.  The merchants, along with some of the shoppers, jumped into their cars with their weapons in an attempt to follow Wyatt. 

I snapped out of the vision and roared, alerting every kind of shifter in the woods to the danger we were about to face, since Wyatt didn’t, for some reason.  I could see him gathering his family and running out of the corner of my eye.

I am a wolf shifter, along with my Alpha and every shifter living in this part of the woods.  There are different kinds of shifters living in the front section of the woods, including bear, cat, lion, hyena, and many more.  My pack lived at the back of the woods with the other shifter packs spread out over the front of the woods.  For many centuries, every kind of shifter lived in the same woods to protect their identities from the humans.  The Alpha from each pack promised not only to alert the other packs of danger, but also to help when danger came near. 

I could hear heartbreaking roars after
the sound of gunshots rang out.  My heart ached as I heard some of the families roaring after their loss.  I howled one last time telling them to follow my path as I gathered the rest of the wolf shifters and my pup and mate.  I picked up my pup in my mouth, and with my mate by my side, I led the rest of the wolf shifters to safety.  I felt the ground vibrating under my paws and knew the rest of the shifters were finally listening to me and following us.  My mate left clues behind through her powers so only a shifter could find their way.

I could still hear shots echoing throughout the woods and more growls.  I hoped we could get to the deserted airstrip thirty miles away without losing any more lives.  I spotted Wyatt and his family not even fifteen minutes later just a few feet ahead of us.  I wanted to kill him for bringing danger our way and then not having the courage to alert us of that danger.  He was also responsible for the lives we lost just as much as the
humans were.

I ran past Wyatt with
out a second glance.  I knew we could outrun the humans and get to the airstrip without any more powers, especially since we were running through the woods.  My mate had already cast a spell on the airstrip where only shifters would be able to make their way there.  The ground began to shake as more and more shifters caught up to us.

After handing over my pup to my mate, I approached Wyatt to let him know how I felt about his actions.  I was a few seconds away from attacking him when my mate pulled me back and brought me back to reality.  We had to come up with a plan to get us out of the danger we were in now, instead of ripping apart the Alpha.  I paced the ground of the airstrip with the others, trying to come up with a plan to solve our problems.  I was just about to give up when a voice I didn’t recognize popped into my head.

‘Remember, you have the power to create a different land, Mase,’ a gruff voice said.  I am not really sure how it works exactly, but somehow my power creates a rip in the universe, which creates an isle.

“Everyone, listen up, I have a solution for our problems.  I have the power to create a different
land for us to live on.  My powers will create an isle for us to live on.  The isle will be known as the Isle of Paradise, since shifters and other magical beings will only be able to find their way there.  We will not have to hide from the humans any longer.  Each pack will have their own side of the Isle, and each family will have their own business. 

“I would like for one person from each family to approach me with the business they would like
. Remember, the business will be passed down from generation to generation, so choose wisely,” I said as the shifters cheered.

The Alpha of my pack tried to step in and take over my plan, but everyone ignored him.  Each family approached me with a business their families could run, except one.  I asked that family to run the
Isle of Paradise Police Department, since their whole family, except for the pups, worked as cops and detectives alongside the humans for many generations. 

I closed my eyes and concentrated on creating
the Isle of Paradise, with businesses and homes for each of the families with us.  Paradise Construction would be building the new homes for the families who would later arrive on the Isle.

When I opened my eyes, there were two large planes big enough for all of us to fit in one trip.  Everyone boarded the planes without looking back.  Before the plane took off, my mate used her tracking power to help every magical being or shifter, when they were ready, find their way to
the Isle of Paradise. 

Everyone rushed off the plane to see what the
Isle looked like as soon as the plane landed.  The smell of fresh pines from the thousands of pine trees and salty ocean water blended and the scent assaulted my nose. 

Someone from the crowd shouted out, “I vote for Mase to become the Alpha since he found a solution to the problems Wyatt caused.  Not to mention saving us from the humans’ guns beforehand, instead of deserting all of us in order to save his own life.”

I could hear the rest of the wolf pack cheering in agreement and the other shifters roaring their approval as well.

“No, you don’t get a say in the vote.  You lost that right when you put us in danger and then didn’t even have the guts to alert us of that danger.  Instead, you gathered your family and left.  More of us would be dead if Mase didn’t have the vision he had and alerted us,” Wyatt’s first Beta said when Wyatt tried to overturn all their votes.  The second Beta and Head Enforcer quickly backed the first Beta.

“But he had all of you running from the humans instead of staying and fighting,” Wyatt said.

I had had enough of Wyatt.  He was always selfish and short tempered.  The only reason he was the Alpha was
that the title passed down within his family from old generation to new generation.

“The only reason why I didn’t
stay to fight was because we had already lost so many shifters, and I wasn’t putting our mates or pups in anymore danger than they already were in.  Everyone has voted.  I am the Alpha now. You can either stand by the ruling, go back to the humans, or challenge me for it,” I said.

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